Brand (1985) - Predicting The Performance of Residual Soil Slopes
Brand (1985) - Predicting The Performance of Residual Soil Slopes
Brand (1985) - Predicting The Performance of Residual Soil Slopes
E. W. Brand
Geotechnical Control Office, Engineering Development Department, Hong Kong
Brand, E.W., Predicting the performance of residual soil slopes, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Synopsis: Residual soil slopes are common in many parts of the world, but little attention has been paid to
appropriate methods of analysis and design. The basic approaches available for dealing with these heterogeneous
materials are reviewed in this Paper and details are given of some recent developments in design methods, with
particular reference to the design and performance of residual soil cut slopes in Hong Kong. Examination of
the relationship between rainfall and landslides for Hong Kong shows that short-term intensity is almost solely
responsible for the many slope failures, antecedent rainfall being of little account. The state-of-the-art with
respect to the application of soil mechanics methods to the analysis of residual soil slopes is reviewed, and the
main difficulties are examined with reference to a number of Hong Kong case histories. It is concluded that our
soil mechanics predictive tools are far from adequate for analysing residual soil slopes, largely because of the
difficulties of predicting pore pressures and of modelling geological detail which often controls the mode of
slope failure.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
slopes in Hong Kong, which is prone to landslides that (Brand & Phillipson, 1985). No universally accepted
occur in the steep granitic and volcanic residual soil definition of ‘residual soil’ emerged, but the following
slopes during times of heavy rainfall. These failures general statements can be made :
are of major social and economic significance. Some (a) residual soils can result from the weathering of any
severe rainfall events have in the past resulted in many parent rock type,
failures which have caused large numbers of casualties (b) under the category of ‘residual soil’ are included
and widespread damage. In recent years, therefore, a materials which are not completely weathered and
great deal of effort has been devoted to the prediction which retain the original structure of the parent
and prevention of landslides. rock (saprolite), and
In part, this Paper draws heavily on two previous (c) colluvium is often categorised as ‘residual soil’ for
publications by the Author (Brand, 1982, 1985a) engineering purposes.
which reviewed the various approaches to analysis and For the purpose of this Paper, therefore, ‘residual
design in residual soils with particular emphasis on soil’ will be defined as that broad group of materials,
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
Especially worthwhile contributions to the Society of London (1977) produced a Working Party
literature on the engineering properties of residual Report on the subject of the description of weathered
soils have been made by Vargas (1953), Lumb (1962a, rock masses for engineering purposes, the main
1965), Sowers (1963), Little (1967, 1969), De Graft- elements of which have now been incorporated into
Johnson & Bhatia (1969) and Dearman et al (1976). the British Code of Practice for Site Investigation
Only Vaughan & Kwan (1984) and Vaughan (1985a), (British Standards Institution, 1981). Other important
however, appear to have attempted to provide a papers on this general topic are those by Little (1967,
theoretical framework for residual soil behaviour. 1969), Dearman (1974), IAEG (1979, 1981), Hencher
Noteworthy publications specifically on the slope & Martin (1982) and Martin & Hencher (1984).
stability aspects of residual soils have been written by Any weathering description and classification
Vargas (1967), Patton & Hendron (1974), Morgenstern system must be suitable for the particular geological
& de Matos (1975) and Blight (1977). Good reviews conditions and engineering purpose to which it is
of the landslide problems in these materials have applied. In Hong Kong, where site formation and
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
been made by Vargas & Pichler (1957), Da Costa slope stability are the main geotechnical engineering
Nunes (1969) and Jones (1973) for Brazil, Page & problems (see Section 3 below), the Geotechnical
James (1981) for Colombia, Sowers (1971) for Puerto Control Office (1984) has adopted a system for the
Rico, Lumb (1975) and Brand (1985b) for Hong granites and volcanic rocks which is based on the
Kong, Oyagi (1984) for Japan, and Brand (1984) for original work by Moye (1955) and Ruxton & Berry
Southeast Asia. (1957), but which has several important additions
Colluvium features hardly at all in the technical suggested by Hencher & Martin (1982). A profile is
literature, even though it is a fairly common logged according to the six material grades given in
engineering soil type. Good geomorphological Table 1 and the four profile zones described in Table 2.
textbooks, such as that by Young (1972), provide a It should be noted that weathering zones A and B
general description of the formation of colluvium, but comprise those materials referred to in some countries
few attempts appear to have been made to devise an as ‘laterite’ and ‘saprolite’ respectively.
engineering classification system, nor to investigate its For the purposes of geotechnical analysis and
wide range of material properties. Although colluvium design, the following should be noted :
features fairly prominently in some published (a) grades I to III material are usually treated as ‘rock’,
descriptions of mass movements, there are only a few and grades IV to VI material as , ‘soil’, and
papers which describe engineering designs in this (b) the engineering behaviour of weathering zones A
material, the most useful of which is probably that by and B is broadly considered to be governed by the
D’Appolonia et al (1966). principles of soil mechanics.
There exists no engineering description and
2.3 Weathering Profiles classification system for colluvium, although one is
The accurate logging of weathering profiles is badly needed. An attempt has been made in Hong
fundamental to successful design and construction in Kong to provide a framework for such a system
residual profiles. These often contain a whole range (Huntley & Randall, 1981), but this is entirely
of materials from an engineering point of view from descriptive in character and requires a great deal of
‘soil’ to ‘rock’. The weathering profile is therefore of further development.
great importance for the stability of slopes, because it
2.4 Investigation
usually controls :
(a) the potential failure surface, and therefore the For projects in residual soils, site investigation must
‘mode’ of failure for analysis and design, and generally be more extensive and more expansive than
(b) the groundwater hydrology, and therefore the for more homogeneous earth materials. The emphasis
critical pore pressure distribution in the slope. must be on the engineering geological approach, for
There is no universally accepted system for which the following are the main elements :
describing and classifying the component parts of (a) execution of adequate surface and subsurface
a weathering profile. The classification systems exploration to establish the site engineering
commonly used in soil mechanics have very limited geology, to define the ‘engineering’ materials
the major portion of the Territory and are by far the accumulation of debris from old landslips and mass
most important from an engineering point of view. The movements very often carpets the lower slopes of most
small amounts of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of the hills. It varies in composition from a boulder
are of much less importance, although some specific field to a fine slope-wash, but it most commonly
landslide problems have been associated with these. consists of boulders, cobbles and gravel in a matrix of
Granite predominates in those areas of the Territory sand, silt and clay. The colluvium is up to 30 m thick
where building development is densest. in places. It is sometimes in a loose state, with a high
permeability, and it frequently gives rise to perched
water-table conditions. It is also prone to the formation
Brand, E.W., Predicting the performance of residual soil slopes, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
composition, but the fresh rock is fairly uniform in tends to be dominated by the slope stability problems
its engineering properties. Of major significance for brought about by the combination of the high intensity
slope stability are the joint patterns and the extent of rainfall and the steep terrain. Several hundred failures
weathering. Joint spacings are typically 0.5 to 1 m, may occur in a year, most of which are not of great
but they can be as wide as 3 m. In a few locations, consequence, but severe effects are felt from some
sheeting joints occur almost parallel to the natural of these in terms of casualties and damage. In fact, a
ground surface. The granite is extensively weathered significant landslide event, in which a large number
almost everywhere, with depths of up to 60 m of silty- of failures occur in one day causing considerable
sandy residual soil, often with large corestones in the disruption and damage, can statistically be expected to
matrix or exposed on the surface. Below the residual take place in Hong Kong about once every two years
soil mantle, a considerable depth of differentially (Lumb, 1975; Brand et al, 1984).
decomposed material extends to great depth in a The whole range of slope ‘features’ is prone to
weathered granite profile. The weathering process in landslides in Hong Kong, including natural slopes,
Hong Kong granite has been described by Ruxton & soil cut slopes, rock cut slopes, earth fill slopes,
Berry (1957). retaining walls and boulders. The majority of failures,
The volcanic rocks consist mainly of coarse and usually those with the most severe consequences,
tuffs, fine tuffs and rhyolite, but some ignimbrites take place in man-made features or are triggered by
and breccias also exist. These rocks are usually fine man-made features, particularly cut slopes in soil
grained and have a blocky structure, with close joint (weathering grades IV to VI).
spacings of generally less than about 0.25 m. They Cut slope failures in soil, or in mixed soil and
are more resistant to weathering than the granite, the rock, now constitute by far the most common form
residual soil mantles being only up to 20 m thick. A of landslide. The volcanic rock profiles are more
volcanic profile usually exhibits a steadily decreasing susceptible to failure than the granite profiles, and
degree of decomposition with depth, the unweathered colluvium is frequently involved. The failures nearly
rock being reached at a much shallower depth than in a always occur suddenly during intense rain without
granite profile. prior warning (Brand, 1984, 1985b), and most slip
Steeply dipping dolerite dykes have been intruded surfaces are shallow, the thickness of the failed zone
in many places into the granite and volcanic rocks. usually being less than 3 m. A typical example is
These dykes, which vary in thickness between about shown in Figure 5.
150 mm and 1.5 m, greatly complicate the engineering
geology of many sites and are often a significant
feature in landslides (Hencher et al, 1984; Hudson & 4. METHODS OF SLOPE FAILURE
Hencher, 1984). Granodiorite intrusions also exist in PREDICTION
some places.
Of particular engineering geological significance The stability analysis of a slope is ipso facto related
in Hong Kong are the extensive bodies of colluvium directly to the prediction of the conditions under
which cover about 20% of the total land area. This which the slope could fail. Soil mechanics methods
5.1 Background
The vast majority of failures in residual soil slopes
are caused by rainfall. In several countries of the
world, studies have been carried out to correlate slope
failures with the pattern of rainfall. At their best,
such correlations provide a broad basis for predicting
widespread slope failures, which can lead to the
establishment of a warning system for those whose
lives might be endangered. Rainfall-failure correlations
Figure 5. Typical Hong Kong soil cut slope failure might therefore be regarded as ‘bulk’ predictions.
caused by heavy rainfall Simple direct rainfall-failure correlations have
been made for Brazil (Barata, 1969; Guidicini &
of analysis have long been used for this purpose, but Iwasa, 1977), Italy (Rossetti & Ottone, 1979), Japan
it must be realised that the majority of the world’s (Onodera et al, 1974; Fukuoka, 1980) and the United
man-made slopes were in fact formed on the basis of States (Campbell, 1975; Nilsen et al, 1976), whereas
experience and precedent. The vast majority of residual more sophisticated correlation attempts have been
soil slopes certainly fall into the latter category. undertaken in New Zealand (Crozier, 1969; Eyles et al,
Apart from the application of sound judgement 1978; Eyles, 1979; Crozier & Eyles, 1980) and Hong
and experience alone, there are four basic methods Kong (Lumb, 1975, 1979; Brand et al, 1984).
available for the prediction of rain-induced failures in It is very rare for detailed information to be
residual soil slopes. These are: available anywhere in the world on the geographical
(a) correlations between slope failures and pattern of distribution and short-term intensities of rainfall,
rainfall, measurements of rainfall commonly being made on a
(b) terrain evaluation, mainly on the basis of daily basis at stations which are far apart. It is also rare
geomorphological mapping, for the precise times to be known for the occurrence
(c) semi-empirical (or modified precedent) approach, of landslides. All previously published analyses of
which is based on an examination of the landslide data have therefore been based upon regional
geomorphology and geology of stable and unstable correlations of landslides with one-day or longer
slopes, and duration rainfalls, the more sophisticated correlations
(d) soil mechanics analytical methods, usually in the taking account of the antecedent rainfalls for periods
form of limit equilibrium analysis. of up to several weeks.
The first of these two approaches can be considered Relationships between rainfall and landslides were
to be directly related, since they apply to the stability first established for Hong Kong by Lumb (1975, 1979),
of a land area in one particular location. The last who classified landslide events into four categories,
three methods can be regarded as methods of analysis defined as follows :
and design; all three have been used extensively (a) ‘Disastrous event’ - Territory-wide damage, with
in residual soils. The terrain evaluation and semi- more than 50 individual failures recorded in one day,
rural areas are sometimes not inspected for several obtained by the Geotechnical Control Office for the
days. Information on times of failure is therefore often May and August 1982 rainstorms, which caused
not reliable from this source. over 1 500 slope failures (observed from aerial
In collecting data for its landslide correlation photographs), and the June 1983 rainstorm, which
study, the Geotechnical Control Office found the Fire caused more than 150 failures. While the numbers of
Services Department to be an extremely reliable source landslides reported in newspapers are well below the
of information on the occurrence of landslides in Hong actual figures, they give some relative measure of the
Kong over the past twenty years. Although the FSD number of failures that occurred during each storm.
is involved with only a small proportion of the total It should be noted from Table 3 that the number
number of landslides that occur, these comprise all of people killed and injured was not necessarily
the more serious incidents, and their excellent records proportional to the severity of a particular rainfall
can be considered to be representative of the landslide event, since a few major individual landslides
events in Hong Kong as a whole. Their data which were responsible for large numbers of casualties.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
relates to times of call-out is particularly good, and the In particular, the June 1972 storm resulted in 224
fact that they are usually called to a serious incident casualties from the two failures that occurred at Po
immediately after its occurrence enables the time of Shan Road on Hong Kong Island and Sau Mau Ping in
failure to be fixed fairly accurately. The correlation Kowloon (Government of Hong Kong, 1972a, 1972b;
studies were therefore undertaken largely on the basis Vail, 1984). Also, the vast majority of the people
of Fire Services data. who were permanently evacuated from their homes
The Geotechnical Control Office’s rainfall-landslide in the 20-year period as a result of rainstorms were
correlation study was based on data available for the people who occupied temporary squatter dwellings on
20-year period 1963 to 1983, for which the 13 severest unformed hillside sites.
rainstorm events are listed in Table 3, together with
Table 3. The thirteen major rainstorm events in Hong Kong and their consequences during the period 1963-1983
Maximum Rainfall, mm Landslide Consequences
Date Type Observatory Other Location No. Failures No. Fire No. People No. People
of of Reported in Services Killed or Permanently
Rainstorm Storm 24-hour 1-hour 24-hour 1-hour Newspapers* Reports Injured Evacuated
24-25 August 1976 STS Ellen 416 52 500 82 314 23 57 2400
12 June 1966 trough 401 108 525 157 100 30 35 8500
29 May 1982 trough 394 44 430 111 498 15 48 8000
16-17 October 1978 STS Nina 380 37 380 38 15 1 1 no record
16 August 1982 STS Dot 362 68 370 95 62 6 9 1500
17 June 1983 trough 347 69 460 101 114 5 2 600
27 September 1965 TS Agnes 333 47 333 47 9 4 4 200
17 August 1971 Typhoon Rose 328 63 328 63 10 5 7 no record
12-13 October 1964 Typhoon Dot 304 60 375 94 8 10 39 8000
12-13 June 1968 trough 287 100 343 143 10 7 27 200
16-17 June 1972 trough 280 36 560 71 >15 15 21
17-18 June 1972 trough 275 99 300 98 “dozens” 14 229 } 7800
17 May 1972 trough 271 79 377 92 “dozens” 2 0 6000
TS - Tropical Storm *The numbers of landslides reported in newspapers are for comparison only - they
STS - Severe Tropical Storm represent the lower limits of the numbers of landslides that actually occurred.
From the rainfall-landslide correlation study in Hong units, largely on the basis of surface features. For this
Kong, the following main conclusions can be drawn : purpose, suitable geomorphological ‘attributes’ must
(a) The large majority of landslides are induced by be chosen. Attributes for stability purposes commonly
localised short duration rainfalls of high intensity, include slope angle, land form, vegetation, surface
and these landslides take place at about the same hydrology and erosion, each of which is divided into
time as the peak hourly rainfall. a number of ‘classes’. Once classified in this way, the
(b) Antecedent rainfall is not a major factor in terrain evaluation is carried out by sorting the land
landslide occurrence, except in cases of minor units into categories on the basis of predetermined
landslide events which take place under relatively combinations of the attribute classes.
low intensity rainfalls of short duration. In these An excellent example of the development of
circumstances, only a few days antecedent rainfall a comprehensive system of terrain evaluation for
appears to be significant. engineering purposes is the Australian PUCE system
(c) A rainfall intensity of about 70 mm/hour appears described by Grant (1975a, 1975b). This has been
to be the threshold value above which landslides developed continuously over 20 years into a highly
occur. The number of landslides and the severity of complex system which requires the use of a large
the consequences increase dramatically as hourly storage capacity computer (Grant & Finlayson, 1978;
intensity increases above this level. Finlayson, 1984).
(d) The 24-hour rainfall usually reflects short duration In addition to general engineering geological
rainfalls of high intensity, and this can therefore be assessment maps, ‘risk’ or ‘hazard’ maps can be
used as an indicator of the likelihood of landslides. constructed from terrain evaluation data. This has been
A 24-hour rainfall of less than 100 mm is very done in some landslide-prone areas of a few countries,
unlikely to result in a major landslide event. notably France (Porcher & Guillope, 1979), Italy
The results of the rainfall-landslide correlation (Carrara et al, 1978; Carrara, 1983) and the United
study are summarised broadly in Figure 20, which States (Nilsen & Brabb, 1977; Nilsen et al, 1979).
shows the approximate frequency of landslide events Good reviews of the various systems used have been
(as defined by Lumb, 1975) in terms of one-hour and made recently by Brabb (1984), Varnes & Keaton
24-hour rainfalls. This forms the basis of a landslide (1984) and Varnes (1985).
warning system currently used in Hong Kong for The most advanced form of the landslide hazard
hillside squatters. map is the digitized form. The methodology used
is no different in principle from that for manually-
compiled maps, but the terrain classification is
6. TERRAIN EVALUATION digitized to facilitate ease of storage, retrieval and
sorting. The computerstored data also acts as a data
6.1 Background bank of information that can be called upon at will.
Hazard maps have been prepared in this way in a few
Terrain evaluation is a powerful technique for
countries, the most advanced system probably being
categorising terrain for stability purposes. It has
that developed by Carrara et al (1978) and Carrara
hitherto been somewhat neglected by geotechnical
(1983) in Italy.
Intensity of Site
Normal Normal Intensive Very intensive
Investigation Required
Typical Terrain Insitu terrain with Insitu terrain with Insitu terrain with Very steep insitu
Characteristics gentle slopes slopes between slopes between slopes (>60° and
(Some, but not (0- 15° without 15° & 30° without 30° & 60° without cliffs.
necessarily all, of the severe erosion or instability. severe erosion or Steep to very steep
stated characteristics instability. Insitu terrain of instability. insitu and colluvial
will occur in the Cut platforms in gentle slopes Insitu terrain slopes with history
respective GLUM insitu terrain. associated with less than 15° of instability.
class) drainage but no with history of Colluvial terrain with
instability. landslips. gentle slopes, but
Colluvial terrain Colluvial terrain associated with
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
The determination of the F-value for a particular to believe that the available methods of analysis are
slope therefore requires : anything but very good, as long as these are restricted
(a) prediction of the correct mode of failure (i.e. to appropriate methods for the particular mode of
selection of the critical slip surface), failure. Our ability to select a correct mode of failure
(b) prediction of the distribution of shear stress over varies fairly widely depending on the geology and
the critical slip surface, and weathering profile for the slope. Because of the small
(c) prediction of the distribution of shear resistance amount of work that has been done to investigate
over the critical slip surface. the shear strength properties of residual soils, our
The distribution of shear stress along the critical knowledge of this component is only fair. However,
slip surface is dependent on the loading and the by far the major difficulty with stability predictions
method of analysis employed. The shear resistance in residual soil slopes is the poor state-of-the-art with
along the slip surface is governed by the effective respect to the prediction of pore pressure distribution
shear strengths of the materials of the slope and at failure.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
should be made to the recent publications by Fredlund unsaturated and are of relatively high permeability.
et al (1981), Fredlund (1984) and Ching & Fredlund Stability computations must therefore always be made
(1984). in terms of effective stresses; analysis on the basis of
For residual soil slopes, methods of stability undrained strengths has no relevance.
analysis which employ circular slip surfaces are Because of their high permeabilities (usually 10-4
usually inappropriate, and methods which apply to to 10 -6 m/sec.), rainwater infiltrates with ease into
any shape of surface must be used. In this category, most residual soils and colluvium, and it is thought
are the well-known methods by Janbu (1954, 1973), likely that saturation conditions will be approached at
Morgenstern & Price (1965) and Sarma (1973, 1979). shallow depths in the field during the life of a slope. It
The first two of these are in very common usage. is therefore generally felt to be appropriate to measure
Although Morgenstern & Price made more satisfactory strength parameters on the basis of shear tests carried
assumptions than Janbu, the latter’s method is much out on saturated soil specimens. Although this may
easier to programme and requires much smaller often be a more severe condition than that experienced
computer capacity. For these reasons, it is more widely by the soil insitu, it remains the only certain means
used for routine stability calculations. Sarma’s method by which a ‘base’ shear strength envelope can be
is as rigorous as that of Morgenstern & Price, but it established.
requires less iterations with consequent less computer The triaxial test is the most widely used method for
time. shear strength measurement on residual soils (Brand
All the above methods of slope stability analysis & Phillipson, 1985). Test specimens should be as large
are based on a two-dimensional failure mode. In as possible, full-diameter lengths of drillhole sample
practice, however, slope failures are nearly always being ideal for routine work, and they are usually
three-dimensional, but it is rare for account to be taken saturated by the application of a sufficiently high
of this in design or stability assessment, or even during back pressure prior to shear. Either drained tests (CD)
the back analyses of failures that have occurred. Three- or consolidated undrained tests with pore pressure
dimensional effects on slope stability analysis have measurement (CU) can be used, but the latter are
been examined by Baligh & Azzouz (1975), Azzouz et much to be preferred, because they are quicker and
al (1981), Lovell (1984) and Leshchinsky et al (1985), provide much more information about the stress-strain
but more work on this needs to be done. behaviour of the soil.
A great deal of effort has been put into refining Cell pressures used for triaxial testing must relate
the details of methods of stability analysis over the to the correct insitu stress range if the measured
years, without sufficient attention being paid to the strengths are to be meaningful. Critical slip surfaces
way in which these methods are used. A small study in residual soil slopes are most commonly shallow,
carried out in Hong Kong (Lumsdaine & Tang, 1981, and the effective stresses on these are therefore low
1982) is revealing in this respect. A large number of (typically 30 to 200 kPa). At such low effective cell
organisations intimately involved with slope stability pressures, however, triaxial tests are difficult to control
assessment in Hong Kong on a regular basis were satisfactorily, and this stress range is not recommended
asked to compute the factors of safety for a number for routine use. There is some evidence to suggest
of problem situations by means of the well-known that the strength envelopes for some residual soils
σ'1 + σ'3 σ1 - σ3
p' = ;q= (2)
2 2
of saturation, and pore pressures cannot be measured in the parent rock during the course of weathering.
during shear. Despite its lack of theoretical ‘purity’, the The results of laboratory direct shear and triaxial tests
direct shear test is seen by some as providing a means showed that the effective strength parameters on the
of obtaining shear strength data under conditions joints were much lower than those measured on the
which model those in the field more closely than intact material.
the triaxial test. It is also readily adaptable for insitu
measurements of shear strength on relatively large 8.5 Pore Pressure Prediction
masses of material. The equipment shown in Figure 32
For a residual soil slope, the prediction of the pore
has been used successfully for testing 300 x 300 mm
pressure distribution is by far the most critical factor
soil and soft rock specimens in Hong Kong (Brand et
for stability analysis. This is particularly so since most
al, 1983b). A typical test specimen of grade V granitic
failures in residual soil slopes are caused by rainfall.
soil is shown in Figure 33.
The hydrological effects of rainfall on a permeable
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
Table 11. Suggested advances which can be made in the state-of-knowledge of slope stability predictions for
Hong Kong conditions (Updated from Hencher et al, 1984)
Methods Field Testing Theoretical Back
Key Areas Observations Field Laboratory Studies Analysis
Shear Advances can be Limited advances Considerable Advances can be This is the only
Strength made by observa- can be made in advances can made in establish- means of checking
tion of factors relating sample be made in our ing models for the validity of
which influence strengths to mass understanding of mass behaviour of relationships
the mass strengths strengths through the shear strength materials between
of materials field testing behaviour of un- properties
saturated residual
Groundwater These are useful Case studies Not applicable Advances are This is the only
and Pore for checking relating subsurface possible, e.g. means for
Pressure theories and profiles to development of checking
methods of hydrogeology more sophisticated that the methods
prediction and infiltration infiltration and of incorporating
characteristics can hydrogeological groundwater into
lead to improved models design are
predictions satisfactory
predictions are thought to be the only true predictions, significantly lower than 1.0. In May 1982, August
and these are certainly the most valuable kind for 1982 and June 1983, severe rainstorms occurred
assessing the reliability of our predictive methods. (Table 3) which between them caused well over 2 000
Type C predictions are regrettably the most common slope failures, but the three slopes in question did not
type reported in the published literature, and alone they fail, and they remain stable to this day.
provide unconvincing confirmation of the accuracy Case 1 slope is shown in the simplified cross-
of our predictive tools. However, these ‘post-mortem’ section in Figure 40. It has a height of about 36 m
predictions can be extremely valuable where they are from the flat open space below. Deep excavations
accompanied by full details of the engineering design into the original ground surface left a relatively
carried out before construction. thin layer of granitic soil (grades IV, V & VI) over
Mention has been made in Section 8.7 of the the granite bedrock. The slope surface is covered
detailed back analyses carried out on some slope partly by vegetation and partly by lime-stabilised
failures in Hong Kong (Hencher et al, 1984). These soil (‘chunam’). The water table, as determined
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
were part of a continuing programme to evaluate the by piezometer installations, is low even during the
engineering design and analysis methods currently wet season, no positive pore pressures having been
in use and specified in the Geotechnical Manual for measured in the soil.
Slopes (Geotechnical Control Office, 1984). This
continuing evaluation process is vitally important in
Hong Kong, where the design factors of safety are
necessarily very low (Table 6).
In order to illustrate the state-of-the-art with respect
to predicting the performance of residual soil slopes,
details will be given here of the performance of six
selected Hong Kong cut slopes. These fall into the two
(a) slopes which have remained stable even though the
present theoretical factors of safety are less than 1.0
(Cases 1, 2 & 3), and
(b) slopes which have failed, even though the ‘design’
factors of safety were above 1.0 (Cases 4, 5 & 6).
The slopes represented by Cases 1 to 3 were
formed some years ago on the basis of precedent, no Figure 40. Case 1 : Stable cut slope with F <1.0
engineering design methods having been used. Cases 4
to 6, on the other hand, involved the latest analysis and
design procedures. All six cases depict common types
of cut slope in Hong Kong, and they together represent
a small proportion of the examples that could be used
to illustrate the same points.
detailed cross-section of the ‘unstable’ part of the slope 1.0, the critical surface, which is very shallow, having
(Figure 41) clearly illustrates the importance of the a factor of safety of only 0.80.
weathering profile on stability predictions for slopes of
this kind. 9.3 Unstable Slopes with F >1.0
Case 2 involves a cut slope in granitic Soil which
Examples will be given of three cut slopes which
was formed as part of a combined site formation for
were designed to be adequately stable and which
a housing block and a road (Figure 42). The steep
subsequently failed during the severe rainstorms of
cut slope, which is about 18 m high and coated with
1982 and 1983 (Table 3). These will be referred to as
chunam, is retained at its toe by a 3 m concrete
Cases 4, 5 & 6.
retaining wall. The very thick deposit of granitic
Case 4 cut slope, shown in Figure 44, was
soil is predominantly of grade V, with shear strength
designed and constructed in 1980-81 as part of a new
parameters of c' = 5 kPa and ø' = 35°. The water table
road scheme. What was thought to be adequate site
remains low throughout the wet season. The calculated
investigation was carried out at the time in the form of
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
9.4 Discussion
The six Hong Kong examples described above
illustrate our apparent inability to accurately predict
the failure of residual soil slopes. On the one hand, the (a) Rotation and displacement of joints
classical soil mechanics methods of stability analysis
would seem to be conservative, as evidenced by the
Cases 1 to 3 slopes which have remained stable with
factors of safety of less than 1.0. On the other hand,
Cases 4 to 6 suggest that the same methods over-
estimate the F-values for some slopes which are in fact
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
There are two possible contributory factors to
the incorrect predictions that the Cases 1 to 3 slopes
should have failed, namely :
(a) the insitu mass shear strengths are higher than
those measured in the laboratory, for the reasons
discussed earlier in Section 8.4, and
(b) soil suctions are sustained in the slopes throughout
the heaviest rainstorms which are sufficient to
render them stable. (b) Ingress of water through open joints
The usually dominant part played in slope stability Figure 47. Possible failure mechanism of Case 5 and
calculations by positive pore pressures cannot in Case 6 slopes
any way be the cause of error in these three cases,
since the pore pressures were zero everywhere on the
determined critical slip surfaces.
For soil suction alone to be the reason why the
three slopes have remained stable (i.e. F >1.0),
suction values greater than about 2 kPa, 16 kPa and
8 kPa would need to be sustained in the three slopes
respectively throughout severe rainstorms. In order
for the slopes to possess factors of safety of 1.4, as
specified in Hong Kong for high risk situations, the
soil suctions required are about 8 kPa, 45 kPa and
28 kPa respectively. As mentioned earlier, it is unlikely
that suctions of these large magnitudes could exist
at such shallow depths in these slopes during severe
rainstorms. However, it is probable that the soil never
becomes fully saturated insitu, in contrast to the full Figure 48. Case 6: Unstable cut slope previously
saturation state usually imposed for laboratory shear predicted as being stable (F = 1.3?)
Where slopes fail with ‘design’ factors of safety successfully with hindsight. An example of such
which exceed 1.0 (Cases 4 to 6), the role of geological a situation is shown in Figure 50, for which back
detail appears to be paramount, and this cannot be analyses have been carried out by Hencher & Martin
readily accounted for in our routine methods of slope (1984).
analysis and design. It is not uncommon in weathered It is noteworthy that none of the three slopes
profiles for the geological complexity to be such that represented by Cases 4, 5 & 6 failed dramatically, but
our soil mechanics approach can only be applied all involved slow and relatively small displacements
Figure 50. Diagram showing the complex geological conditions at the failure site studied by Hencher & Martin
capabilities improve, the prediction becomes steeper stability, they have all been in existence for the same
and approaches the ideal prediction situation depicted length of time and they have all experienced the same
in Figure 51(a). rainfall history.
The Territory-wide slope survey carried out in
10.2 A Hong Kong Example 1977-78 recorded 78 cut slopes higher than 5 m along
In order to evaluate, in a general way, our ability to the Tuen Mun Highway. Fourteen of these were selected
predict slope failures in residual soils, the probability for detailed geotechnical studies, which included full
of slope failure will be examined for the Tuen Mun stability analyses. The distribution of the calculated
Highway in Hong Kong. This major highway, which factors of safety for these is shown in Figure 52. Half
was constructed over a number of years commencing of the slopes had factors of safety greater than 1.4,
in 1974, runs for about 15 km along the southwest while the others had F-values which varied from 1.1 to
coast of the mainland portion of the Territory. A large 1.4. No stability analyses were carried out on the other
number of cut slopes were required to be formed in 64 slopes along the Highway, but the crude assumption
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vol. 5, pp 2541-2578 © CRC Press.
steep natural hillsides, and this was done on the basis will be made here that the distribution of F-values for
of the standard ‘design’ geometry of 5 vertical to these slopes would be similar to the distribution for the
3 horizontal (about 60°), with 1.5 m wide berms at fourteen shown in Figure 52.
7.5 m vertical intervals. Provision was made for any The Tuen Mun Highway slopes have endured six
slope to be flattened if it proved to be unstable during major rainstorm events since they were constructed
(Table 3). The rainstorms of 1982 and 1983 were
particularly severe tests of their stability. Four
slopes failed in the storm of May 1982 and another
(Case 6, Section 9.3) in September 1983, which all
caused disruption to traffic for many days. During
the highway’s first seven years of life, therefore, five
major failures occurred in the 78 slopes, which gives
a rough annual probability of failure of about 1 in 100
for each slope.
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