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Initial Flank Wear in The First Seconds of Coated Carbide Tools in Turning Operations

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Initial Flank Wear in the First Seconds of Coated

Carbide Tools in Turning Operations
Yahya IŞIK
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Bursa Uludag University, Bursa, 16059, TURKEY

Abstract:- Metal cutting processes have an important depends on the wear on the rake surface and free surface, and
place among traditional manufacturing methods. The tool life criteria are mostly determined according to tool wear.
most important parameters in this type of manufacturing
are the cutting tools used in manufacturing. Tool wear, Tool wear has a great impact on the efficiency of the
which is the most important parameter affecting the machining process. Information about wear mechanisms and
performance of cutting tools, is of vital importance in determining tool life in the light of this information are
terms of tool life. The present study sought to find the extremely necessary for machining. Tool wear, which is the
parameters that affect the position of the initial wear. The most important parameter affecting the performance of cutting
evaluation was conducted during the first spreading effect tools, is of vital importance in terms of tool life [2, 3].
of tool wear (0-10 s). The experimental results showed Mathematical models and theoretical calculations are not
that significant flank wear was the predominant failure sufficient in determining tool life. Information on tool life is
mode affecting the tool life. The workpiece material was entirely based on analysis of information obtained from
AISI 1050 steel, and three different types of DNMG experimental data [4].
150608 carbide inserts, having the same geometry and
substrate but different coating layers, were employed. Among the different wear types on cutting tools, the
Flank wear measurements were taken after the first few wear types that are most effective on tool life are; flank wear
revolutions and the experimental results clearly showed and crater wear. However, cutting tools mostly end their life
that wear occurring at the beginning of the cutting due to flank wear. Flank wear, which is most effective on tool
process was very slight (0.04 mm). However, in industry, life, starts from the beginning of the cutting process. In the
tool life criteria have been established as 0.3 mm flank research conducted on this subject, it is seen that flank wear of
wear for the coated tools used in the study. Thus, about 0.04-0.06 mm occurs when the cutting tool starts the cutting
16% of the total flank wear had occurred in the first 1-10 process, in a very short period of time, for example, in lathe
seconds. This is vitally important information which can operations, when the cutting tool makes a few revolutions
facilitate the assessment of tool life. around the workpiece. Considering that 0.3 mm flank wear is
used in the tool life criteria, 16% of the total tool life occurs in
Keywords:- Initial, Ttool Life, Coating, Machining, Flank less than a second at the beginning of the cutting process [5].
Wear. Although the reason for this is not known exactly, the
majority of opinions suggest that it may be due to the fact that
I. INTRODUCTION the area involved in the cutting in the cutting tool is too small
at the beginning of the cutting process.
Metal cutting processes have an important place among
traditional manufacturing methods. The most important The flank wear curve occurs over three separate periods
parameters in this type of manufacturing are the cutting tools throughout tool life. The first part usually ends in a few
used in manufacturing. In metal cutting processes, cutting seconds and the following wear behavior creates an
tools constitute 30% of the production cost. For this reason, exponential curve. After a rapid initial increase, flank wear
cutting tool selection and the life of the tools used are of great continues to rise at a constant rate. The period of the second
importance in metal cutting processes. It is undesirable for the part is linearly related to the tool life. In this segment, the
cutting tool edge to become completely unusable due to wear curve usually contains the most important information related
and breakage during machining operations. As a result, to tool performance. The third and last section of the wear
tooling costs increase significantly. Finding the best tool life curve depends on many factors such as the workpiece and tool
for machining is very important for economical machining material and the type of cutting. Set against the cutting
[1]. Tool life is important in terms of surface quality, shape parameters, the wear curve increases again, and the tool is
position and size tolerance as well as machining performance. rapidly broken [6].
New material types used in cutting tool manufacturing and
developments in coating methods have played an important The life and cost of cutting tools used in machining are
role in increasing tool life and tool performance. Tool life is of great importance both in terms of the quality of the parts
always limited. Factors affecting tool wear are parameters produced and the total production cost. One of the most
related to the cutting process. Breakage of the cutting tool important issues in the field of machining is determining the
most appropriate cutting parameters for the most economical

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
manufacturing and the most ideal tool life. Many classical lathe. Optimum cutting parameters were selected for
experimental studies have been conducted by researchers on the experimental design. Low, medium and high cutting
the optimization of cutting parameters and modeling of tool parameters were used for the experiments. For the tests, the
wear mechanisms in metal cutting processes. Tool wear values were applied as L27 (3x3x3) in the Taguchi
depends on the tension and temperature between the experimental design. Experimental parameters are shown in
workpiece and the tool. However, understanding the tool wear Table 1. and in Figure 2 Flank wear vs. cutting time curves
mechanism is a difficult and complex problem. Mathematical and the three characteristic stages
models and visuals developed to understand the tool wear
mechanism are sufficient [7, 8].

In recent years, TiN-based coatings have been used

extensively in industry for cutting tool protection. Of these,
the most commonly discussed by many researchers are TiAIN
and TiAICrN. Some relevant recent works which report
research results in this field can be found in [9-12].

The present study sought to find the parameters that

affect the position of the initial wear. The evaluation was
conducted during the first spreading effect of tool wear (0-10
s). The experimental results showed that significant flank
Fig. 2 Flank wear vs. cutting time curves and the three
wear was the predominant failure mode affecting the tool life.
characteristic stages
Furthermore, the rate of flank wear and the relation between
the tool life and flank wear were also examined.
Table 1. Machining parameters and their levels
Parameters Levels
1 2 3
 Flank Wear Cutting speed V, (m/min) 160 250 330
In measuring flank wear according to ANSI/ASME Feed rate f, (mm/rev) 0.08 0.12 0.18
B94.55M-1985 Standard [13, 14], wear height was measured Depth of cut a, (mm) 0.5 1.0 1.5
vertically with a microscope. Measurements were made from
three different points to increase measurement sensitivity and The experiments were carried out in accordance with the
the average of the measurements was taken. In Figure 1 shows rules specified in ISO 3685. Test for single-point turning
the characteristic structure of flank wear. tools. The tests were carried out in a dry environment with
coated carbide cutting tools. In Figure 3 shows the position of
the tool and workpiece on the lathe visually. The flank wear
used as the tool life criterion was applied as VB = 0.3 mm.
flank wear measured with a Nikon 104 microscope at x10
magnification. The development values of flank wear at the
beginning of cutting were measured four times for the first 10
seconds. Then, throughout the tool life, wear values were
measured with a microscope by disassembling the tool every
60 mm. These measurements were continued up to the end of
the tool life.

Fig. 1 Characteristic structure of flank wear ANSI/ASME

B94.55M-1985 standard [13]

 Experimental Procedure
Tests were carried out to analyze the development of
tool wear in the first period in turning operations. The tests Fig. 3 The position of the tool and workpiece on the lathe
carried out to experimentally examine the development of visually
flank wear on the lathe in metal cutting operations were
carried out on the TOSS lathe. machine power 5.5 KW, speed
Three different coated carbide tools were used in the
range 90-2500 rpm. and the feed rate range is 0.03-0.25 experiments. these teams; CVD coated TiC+TiCN+Tin and
mm/rev. No coolant was used in the tests performed on the Tic+Al2O3+TiN and PVD coated TiAIN. The low heat

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
conduction coefficient of Al2O3 used as the coating material mm for the coated tools used in this study. Thus, 15% of the
in the TiAIN tool, which is a PVD coated tool, and its high total flank wear had occurred in the first 1-10 s. When
wear resistance ensured that the tool life was longer than other investigating tool life, this is vitally important information.
tools. The properties of the CVD coatings are shown in Table
2. The 27 experiments were carried out to evaluate the
effects of different cutting speeds, feed rates and depths of the
Table 2. Properties of the CVD coatings cut. The machining processes were analyzed, and in
Coating material TiN TiC TiCN particular, the effects on initial flank wear during the period of
characteristics the first ten seconds. It was clearly shown that the cutting
Coating design 5 layer 3 layer 1 layer speed was the most effective parameter. The other cutting
o 10 parameters were shown to be of secondary importance. The
Hardness 25 C (HV ) 2200 2110 2300
effects of cutting parameters on initial flank wear are shown
Thermal cond. 727 oC 25 28 31 in Figures 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Thermal exp. (10-6/K) 9.35 8.85 8.65 The machining was paused at 60 mm intervals of cutting
Melting point ( C)o
2950 3000 3070 length and the width of the flank wear was measured. This
process was continued until the end of the tool life was
Density (g/cm3) 3.44 3.65 4.18 reached. In Figure 7: Initial wear characteristics during the
first 10 seconds. The experiments were repeated three times
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION to ensure the reliability of the values obtained.

In metal cutting processes, the wear process begins as

soon as the cutting tool and the workpiece come into contact.
It is not possible to prevent tool wear from the very beginning,
but this process can be slowed down by determining optimum
parameters. Effect of cutting parameters on initial flank wear.
Three groups of experiments were scheduled for the
investigation of the impact of the coated tool materials on
machinability. The performance data of the different coating
materials were analyzed in terms of tool life, initial flank
wear, rate of flank wear, and the relation between the tool life
and flank wear.

From the first cut, immediately upon contact with the

workpiece, the cutting tool showed the beginnings of flank
wear. After the first few revolutions, flank wear
measurements were between 0.04 to 0.06 mm. The amount of
flank wear depends on the cutting tool geometry, type of
Fig. 4 Initial wear characteristics during the first 10 seconds in
coating and cutting parameters, which vary according to
depth of cut
factors such as dry or refrigerated cutting conditions.
However, in all cutting processes, at least 0.04 mm flank f: 0,12 mm/rev, a: 1,0 mm
wear appeared within the first 1-10 s. Most likely, the surface
Initial flank wear Vb mm

friction and cutting tool wear occurred immediately upon the

first contact of the cutting tool with the workpiece. The
roughness of the contact was focused on the small contact 0.08
area of the tool-workpiece interface. The stress and heat
concentrated the roughness and the roughness caused by the 0.06
partial removal of burrs could be observed in breakage or
melting. At the first contact of the cutting tool with the 0.04
workpiece surface, the resulting surface roughness caused
stress, and small cracks were formed from the effect of heat TiC+TiCN+TiN
0.02 TiC+Al2O3+TiN
from the workpiece surface. As a result, the surface contact
area was enlarged and abrasive wear occurred in this region. TiAIN
The wear started from the moment of the first cutting and very 0
rapid wear continued until it reached a critical value. The tool 160 250 330
wear continued at a certain fixed rate and then accelerated Cutting speed m /min
again before the end of the tool life and continued until the Fig. 5 Initial wear characteristics during the first 10 seconds
tool life was completed. The wear occurring at the beginning in cutting speed
of the cutting process (0.04 mm) can be considered as slight;
however, in industry, the flank wear tool life criteria is 0.3

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 In metal cutting operations, no matter how high quality the
V: 250 m/min, a: 1,0 mmı cutting tools are, it is not possible to prevent flank wear of
Initial flank wear Vb mm

0.04-0.06 mm at the first cutting moment.


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follows: [12]. Lim, C.Y.H., Lau, P. T., Lim, S. C. (2001). The effects
 The wear process begins as soon as the cutting tool and of work material on tool wear, Wear. 250, 344-348.
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 The experimental results clearly showed that at the (2006) Tool wear machining performance of CBN-TiN
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industry, the tool life criteria for these tools is 0.3 mm for Technology, 180, 253–262.
flank wear. Thus, 16% of the total flank wear had occurred
in the first 1-10 s. This information is vitally important for
tool life evaluation.
 It was clearly shown that cutting speed was the most
effective parameter and the other cutting parameters were
of secondary importance.
 When the flank wear of coated tools is examined in the
cutting process, first a rapid wear is observed, then a slow
and in the last stage, a rapid flank wear again.

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