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Autovisionquickstartguide en
Z434-E-01 (84-9100005-02)
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AutoVISION Quick Start Guide
1. Install and Start AutoVISION
1. Download the latest version of AutoVISION software from the website at:
2. Double click (run) the downloaded program, SetupAutoVISION
3. Double click (run) the AutoVISION icon on your desktop
Minimum PC Requirements
Safety Precautions
5. The F430-F camera, by default, has an IP address of, subnet mask of
Set your computer to a compatible address, or if the network parameters need to be changed,
a. Click the Details button to see the IP Address
b. Click Modify to make changes. This will reset your camera. Reconnect when done.
6. Select Create a New Job.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
3. Capture an Image
Adjust the camera and lighting settings to produce the best image.
7. Select the Image view to adjust your image for best performance.
8. A new picture can be captured by clicking the blue camera icon.
a. NOTE: If using the Emulator, step 11 describes how to load the saved images into
9. The camera and lighting settings are available on the left side. These settings include Exposure,
Gain, Focus and Lighting Modes.
a. TIP: Click the Auto Calibration icon to have the optimal camera parameters set
automatically. This feature works best if there are high contrast features in the center
of the image. After Auto Calibration has completed, click the blue camera icon to
capture a new image with these settings.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
10. Select the Edit view to add or adjust the Tools used in your job.
11. To the left of the image is the tool list with the Camera at the top. Select the Camera in the tool
list. The selected tool will be light blue.
a. TIP: To use saved images, click the camera icon on the left side of the Camera tool. This
will change the icon to a folder and a dialog box will be displayed to select the folder
that contains the saved images.
b. NOTE: If using the Emulator, click the folder icon on the left side of the Camera in the
tool list. The AutoVISION quick start images are located at:
C:\Omron\AutoVision\TestImages\AV Quick Start
12. To the right of the image are the settings associated with the selected tool. Set the desired
trigger settings. Leave this setting at <none> or <Virtual> 1 for this job.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
13. The available tools are shown in a toolbar just above the image. Click on the Locator to add this
tool to the job.
14. This tool has two regions of interest (ROIs). The inner ROI (Template) is the locate pattern to
learn. The outer ROI (Locate Shape) is the search area for this pattern. Adjust the regions as
shown below.
15. Click the Red Train icon in the upper left of the Template ROI. After training the ROIs will
become green and a yellow outline should be seen around the learned pattern.
a. TIP: To reduce the inspection times, lower the Allowed Rotation value the required
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
16. Select the Decode (barcode) icon to add this tool to the job.
17. Resize the Decode tool ROI around the Data Matrix Symbol. This tool typically works well with
default settings. No parameter changes are required here.
a. TIP: Make the Decode tool ROI 20 % larger than the barcode to allow for the barcode
quiet zone / clean area.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
18. Enable the rotate option in the OCR parameters. When enabled the icon will be light blue. This
will allow the tool to rotate based on the angle of the Locator.
a. The tool rotation can be adjusted by clicking on the blue round rotation handle seen on
the right side of the ROI and dragging to the desired rotation.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
19. Select the OCR icon to add this tool to the job.
20. Resize the OCR tool ROI around the text, “LOT 123456”.
21. Enable rotation for this tool.
a. TIP: On the right side of the screen, click on character selection. Set the character size
to help the OCR tool find the characters when the characters are touching.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
22. Select the Count Objects icon to add this tool to the job.
23. Resize the Count Blobs tool ROI around the left gasket. Enable rotation for this tool.
24. Change the Blob settings to find the desired objects. Each blob will have a yellow perimeter with
a crosshair ( + ) in the center. In the parameter settings on right side of screen:
a. Set Polarity to Light on Dark
b. Adjust Min and Max blob size to count the two smaller white circles on each gasket.
c. Change the max and min range of the Tolerance to 2 <–> 2 to make sure the tool only
passes if it finds the correct number of holes, which is this case is 2.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
25. Select the Presence Tool icon to add this tool to the job. Enable rotation for this tool.
26. Use the Zoom button to make it easier to position the tool
a. Move the mouse over the Zoom icon to see the Zoom options
b. Click Zoom in (+)
c. Right click and drag to reposition image
d. Resize and position the Presence tool over the left gasket tab
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
26b 27c
27. Change the Presence tool settings to pass when the gasket tab is present in the tool. The orange
pixels inside the tool are the pixels that are counted.
a. Adjust the Upper/Lower Threshold, using the sliders, to make the gasket tab appear
b. Set the Tolerance so that the Presence tool will pass when a gasket tab is in the tool but
fails when the tool contains all light or dark pixels. Note the pixel count in the Presence1
tool on the left side of the screen. The lower and upper tolerance settings should
bracket this value to determine if the tab is present.
c. Enable the Rotate option.
28. Click Zoom to Fit to see the entire image
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
29. Select the Measure Tool icon to add this tool to the job. Width measure is default.
30. Resize and position the Measure tool over the right gasket tab. Zoom in if desired. Enable
rotation in this tool.
31. Change the Measure tool settings to pass when the gasket tab is the correct width
a. Adjust the Edge Strength to find the desired edge
b. Adjust the Tolerance so that the tab only passes when it is the correct width. The
current width is shown in Measure1 in the tool list on left side of screen.
32. The Measure tool also has a quick calibration option. To use this feature
a. Click Calibrate
b. The current measurement in pixels is displayed in the Measured Value field
c. In the Real World Value field enter the current measurement
d. Enter the measurement units
e. Click Calibrate
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
33. Tryout Once button (double blue down arrows) will capture a new image and run all tools, once
on the PC.
a. Look at status indicators. A green check means the tool has passed. A red X means the
tool has failed, for reason such as wrong count, or out of tolerance.
34. Tryout Loop button (Blue Triangle) will capture a new image and run all tools. Once completed it
will repeat this process continuously until the Stop Loop button (Red Square) is pressed.
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AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
Digital Outputs
Digital Outputs are a fast, easy method of indicating the inspection results to another device, like a PLC
or stack light.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
42. Click on the <Not Connected> field, under Decode1, select Decoded Text.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
44. The results can be seen in a telnet client window when an inspection is completed in Edit mode
using the Try Once or Try Loop buttons and in Run mode.
45. Click the Windows Start button, type cmd.exe and hit the Enter key.
46. In the cmd.exe window type the following command listed. Replace the with your
camera IP address. Note: Your camera IP address can be found if you click on the word Connect
in AutoVISION. If using the Emulator use IP address:
a. telnet 49211
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
47. Click the Try Once button in AutoVISION. Each time the Inspection is run the decoded text is
shown in the Telnet window on a new line.
AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
56. A pop-up window may appear which will allow you to select the desired job to save to the
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AutoVISION Quick Start Guide May 2020
Bad Sample
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