Physics Lab Requisition 1

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Office of the Principal

Amin Kamil Govt.HSS Kaprin Shopian

Requisition For Physics Lab Equipments Name of the equipment quantity remarks
1 Ac ameter 5
2 Ac volt meter 5
3 Battery 1.5 V 2
4 Battery 2V 2
5 Battery 5v 2
6 Battery elminator 2
7 Beam blance 2
8 Boyle's law apparatus 2
9 Clamp with stand 2
10 Compass Needles 5
11 Concave lense (short Focal length) 10
12 Concave Mirrors 10
13 Convex mirrors 10
14 Conecting wires 2 coils
15 Convex lense (short Focal length) 10
16 Copper calorimetre 2
17 Daniel Cell 2
18 Dc ameter (0-10A) 5
19 Dc ameter( 0-5A) 5
20 Dc ameter( 0-3 A) 5
21 Dc volt metere (0-3v) 5
22 Dc volt metere (0-5v) 5
23 Digitals multimeter 2
24 Fine pointer 5
25 Galvanometer 10
26 Gravesand's apparauts 2

Half metre high ,5cm broad glass cylinders

27 with millimetre graduations along its height 10
29 Half metre rod 5
30 Hanger (20g,50g)
31 Hangers 5
32 Hangers with slatted weight 5
33 Heater 2
34 Hook 10
35 Hydrometre 2
36 Inclined plane 5
37 Leclanche cell 2
38 Lycopodium power 1
39 Logic gates 5
40 Magnetic Compass 2
41 Compass stand 2
42 Magnifying glasses 2
43 Metre rod 10
44 Mirror holders 5
45 Newton's law of cooling apparatus 2
46 One way Key 5
47 Optical benchWith up rights 2
48 Pan 5
49 Plumb line 5
50 PN Junction Charectersistic apperatus 2
51 Potentiometer 2
52 Rehosate High Resistance 2
53 Rehostat low resistance 2
54 Reistance coil 2
55 Resistance Box ( High Resistance) 2
56 Resistance box (low resistance) 2
57 Roller 2
58 Rubber tube 5
59 Searle's appartus 1
60 set square 4
Slotted weight with hangers(20g,50g,1kg,
61 2kg) 2 each
62 Spectrometer 2
63 Sonometere 2
64 Spherometer 5
65 Spherical bobs 5
66 Spherometre 5
67 Split cork 5
68 Spririt level 5
69 Steel ball 5
70 Steel wire 1 coil
71 Step down transformer 1
72 Stop watch 5
73 Thermometre (digital) 5
74 Thin strong thread 2 coils
75 Trolley 5
76 Tunning froks 512hz,480hz 2 each
77 Two way key 10
78 Vernier calliper (digital) 5
79 Volt meter (0-500mV) 5
80 Volt meter (0-5V) 5
82 Volt meter (0-10V) 5
83 Volt meter (0-3V) 5
84 Vertical wooden scale 10
85 Wedges 10
86 Weight box 2
wooden block hook on one side table
(horizontzl plane fitted with a frictionless
87 pully) 5
88 Zener diod 2

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