4.1 History of Drama
4.1 History of Drama
4.1 History of Drama
1. Plot
2. Characters
3. Theme
4. Stage directions
Comedy Tragedy
3. Comedy reveals truth in humourous way. 3. Tragedy reveals truth in realistic way.
Drama Poetry
3. Drama is factual and realistic in its theme 3. Poetry is imaginative and visualizes the
and message. experience or scenario.
Define drama.
Drama is a Greek word meaning ‘act’ or ‘deed’. The Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle
used this term in a very influential treatise called the Poetics. In this text, Aristotle classified
different forms of poetry according to basic features he thought could be commonly
recognized in their composition.
On the other hand, characterization is an art and the techniques a dramatist or a writer used
to create and develop characters. The dramatists take every effort to bring the characters to
life by establishing their relation with the characters. In short, characterization is the process
through which the dramatists try to reveal the characters and their personal qualities.
1. Live drama involves real people on real stage giving real experience to the audience.
2. It boosts our literary knowledge and develops our understanding of drama.
3. It has greater impact on our perspective towards life and helps to form objective
4. It helps us to present our views and respect others views. It guides us to take proper
decisions in life.
5. It gives direct purgation of our emotions and builds our confidence.