The Beginnings of Industrialization
The Beginnings of Industrialization
The Beginnings of Industrialization
Name _____________________________ 3
Class _______________________ 11-15-21
Date ____________
As You Read
Answer questions in a chart to note important events in Britain’s
Lesson 1, continued
New farm methods made farmers factories to house and run these
more productive. For example, Jethro machines. Entrepreneurs, or people who
Tull invented a seed drill that made start and manage businesses, built the
planting more efficient. Farmers also factories near rivers because these
practiced crop rotation. Crop rotation is machines ran on water power.
the practice of planting a different crop 2. How was the textile industry
in the same field each year. This changed by the new inventions?
improves the quality of the soil. It made the textile industry run faster
Industrialization is the process of such as using the cotton gin.
developing machine production
of goods. For several reasons, Britain
was the first country to industrialize.
Great Britain had all the resources IMPROVEMENTS IN
needed for industrialization. These TRANSPORTATION; THE RAILWAY
resources included coal, water, iron ore, AGE BEGINS
rivers, harbors, and banks. Britain also The invention of the steam engine in
had all the factors of production that the 1705 brought in a new source of power.
Industrial Revolution required. These The steam engine used fire to heat water
factors of production included land, and produce steam. The power of the
labor (workers), and capital (wealth). steam drove the engine. Eventually
1. Why was Britain the first country to steam-driven engines were used to run
industrialize? factories and shipping boats.
Britain had all the resources Starting in the 1820s, steam brought a
such as coal,water,iron ore, new burst of industrial growth. George
rivers,harbors,and banks. Britain also
Stephenson, a British engineer, set up
had the factors of production.
the world’s first railroad line. It used a
steam-driven locomotive. Henry
INVENTIONS SPUR Bessemer, a British engineer, devised a
INDUSTRIALIZATION way to make steel in large quantities.
What inventions helped change Railroad rails were made using the
business? inexpensive steel. Soon, railroads were
The Industrial Revolution began in being built all over Britain.
the textile industry. Several new The railroad boom helped business
inventions helped businesses make cloth owners move their goods to market
and clothing more quickly. Richard more quickly. These changes created
Arkwright invented the water frame in thousands of new jobs in several
1769. It used water power to run different industries. Millions of British
spinning machines that made yarn. In people, including the middle class, also
1779, Samuel Compton invented the enjoyed the trains. Even Queen Victoria
spinning mule, which made better regularly traveled by train.
thread. In 1787, Edmund Cartwright 3. What effects did the invention of the
developed the power loom. The power steam engine have?
loom was a machine that sped up the The steam engine led to transporting
cloth-making process. goods easier.The steam engine was
These new inventions were large and also one of the best inventions of
expensive machines. They needed large
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 1, continued
As you read this lesson, make notes in the chart to explain how each
factor listed contributed to an Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.
1. Agricultural revolution This led to growing more crops and food which would feed
people. The agricultural revolution also led to inventions such
as the steam engine and it also led to the textile industry.
2. Abundant natural There was coal which helped to build roads instead of
having dirt roads.There were rivers that also helped
transport goods faster. Britain also had water to help grow
crops which led to food and more people.
4. Factors of production England went from manual labor to operating machines and
making their jobs easier. The steam engine and Boats were
some of the inventions that made transporting things easier.
5. Technological advances The cotton Gin was one of the technological advances that
helped with making the textile industry a smoother
in the textile industry
process.The steam engine also helped a little with the textile
7. Building of factories Iron ore was a big factor in Britain they made steel which
helped build new factories to expand the textile industry and
allow people more jobs so they could get money. Factories also
used more technological inventions to make things easier.
8. Railroad boom More railroads equaled faster transportation and also way
more easier. Railroads were also helpful to take anyone to
another place faster than them having to walk.