Arterial Catheterization

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American Thoracic Society


Arterial Catheterization
An arterial catheter is a thin, hollow tube that is placed into an artery (blood
vessel) in the wrist, groin, or other location to measure blood pressure more
accurately than is possible with a blood pressure cuff. This is often called an
“art line” in the intensive care unit (ICU).
The catheter can also be used to get blood samples when it is necessary to
frequently measure the levels of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) in the
bloodstream. Blood for other lab tests may also be drawn at times.
Measuring blood gases can be very important when a person has a critical
illness. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the important gases exchanged in
the lungs and carried by the blood. Oxygen is brought into the body when
we breathe in. All of our cells require oxygen to survive. Delivery of oxygen
can be affected by problems in the lungs, circulation (movement of blood
through the arteries and veins) or blood.
Carbon dioxide is a gas produced by our cells as they function. It carries
excess acid from the body as a person breathes it out. A build-up of carbon

dioxide can be harmful. This build-up of carbon dioxide can occur with lung or
circulation problems.

Why Do I Need Arterial Catheterization? ■■ Severe lung problems—When a person has a

Common reasons an arterial catheterization is done lung problem that is so severe that it requires
include: checking the levels of oxygen or carbon dioxide
in the blood more frequently than 3 to 4 times
■■ Low blood pressure (hypotension or shock)—Low
a day, the arterial catheter can be used to draw
blood pressure can be treated by giving IV fluids
blood without having to repeatedly stick a needle
(fluid given intravenously or “by vein”) and, in some into the person. An arterial line can provide
instances, giving medications to help increase blood valuable information to adjust oxygen therapy
pressure (vasopressors, sometimes referred to as or mechanical ventilator (respirator; breathing
“pressors” in the ICU). By knowing precisely what the machine) settings. The blood oxygen pressure
blood pressure is, doctors can use the least amount measures from an arterial line give more detailed
of fluid and/or medicine needed to get the blood information than that from a pulse oximeter (a
pressure to a safe level. The need to measure pressures sensor that is clipped on to a finger, toe or earlobe)
directly in the artery is greatest when the person is in a very ill person.
receiving medicines to keep the blood pressure up. The Risks of Arterial Catheterization
arterial catheter allows accurate, second-to-second Some of the risks of arterial catheterization include:
measurement of the blood pressure. ■■ Pain during placement—Discomfort can result from
■■ High blood pressure (hypertension)—In some the needle stick and placement of the catheter at
situations, the blood pressure can go so high that it the time it is inserted. A local numbing medicine
is life-threatening. Such high blood pressure must be (an anesthetic) can be used to lessen the pain. The
lowered gradually in steps, and measurements with discomfort is usually mild and lessens once the
an arterial catheter help guide treatment. catheter is in place.

Online version updated August 2018

Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 170. P1-P2, 2004
ATS Patient Education Series © 2004 American Thoracic Society
American Thoracic Society


■■ Infections—As in the case with all catheters inserted Can the arterial catheter be used to give medicine like an
into the body, bacteria can travel up the catheter intravenous (IV) line?
from the skin and into bloodstream. The longer the All arterial lines are maintained with some fluid, like
catheter remains in the artery, the more likely it is normal saline. Sometimes a blood thinner is also given
to get infected. Special care in bandaging the skin at to prevent clotting of the line. Other medications are
the catheter site and changing the tubing can help not generally given in an arterial line because they can
to decrease the risk of infection. be too irritating.
■■ Blood clots—If blood clots form on the tips of
Will there be any pain or possible complications when
arterial catheters, the clots can block blood flow. the catheter is removed?
If another blood vessel does not carry blood to There can be bleeding, and the site can be a little
the area beyond the clot, this can cause the loss tender. Usually the blood circulation returns to normal
of a hand or leg. Such a loss is very rare, and most after the catheter is removed.
people have other blood vessels that also supply
the arm or leg that will make up for some limited Source: Manthous, C., Tobin, MJ, A Primer on Critical Care for
blood flow when a catheter is in place. To decrease Patients and Their Families
Reviewers: Marianna Sockrider MD DrPH, Ann C Long, MD MS
the likelihood of these problems, the intensive care
unit (ICU) staff checks regularly for blood flow in the
hand or leg when a catheter is in the artery. R Action Plan
■■ Bleeding—Bleeding can occur at the time the
4 Talk with your healthcare provider about the use of
catheter is inserted. The bleeding may stop without
numbing medicine that will reduce discomfort during
doing anything. Sometimes, the catheter may need placement of the catheter.
to be removed and pressure applied to the site. 4 Have the ICU staff show you how the line is bandaged
Preparation for Arterial Catheterization and how it is watched to reduce the risk of infection or
The person’s skin will be cleaned and a small amount circulation problem s.
of an anesthetic will be injected into or applied to the 4 A little bleeding at the site is not unusual and typically
skin to numb it before the procedure. does not cause any problems.

Common Questions Healthcare Provider’s Contact Number:

How long will the catheter stay in?
In general, the tube will stay in only so long as it is
needed (to measure low blood pressure, high blood
pressure, or to take frequent blood samples). The Resources:
medical team will review the need for the catheter on a American Thoracic Society:
daily basis and will remove it as soon as it is safe to do so.
Can a person move around while the catheter is in?
This information is a public service of the American Thoracic Society.
Having an arterial catheter does not limit moving a The content is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a
person. Care and assistance with moving is needed to substitute for the medical advice of one’s healthcare provider.
avoid dislodging (accidentally removing) the catheter.

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