Tac80 05
Tac80 05
Tac80 05
Hazard Awareness
Fright safety is but one facet of our total processes. Whether driving a car, flying a light
mishap prevention efforts. Aircraft accidents aircraft, camping, or simply relaxing with your
generate a great deal of publicity because of the family on the beach-you must protect yourself
high dollar loss, reduction of combat capability, and others with a "sixth sense" of hazard aware-
and the dramatic sequence of events revealed by ness. I urge you to take that one extra step which
the subsequent investigation. With our continu- can mean the difference between a thoroughly
ing emphasis on aircraft losses, it is easy to over- enjoyable summer-and tragedy.
look another area which takes a terrible toll each Let's not forget that behind each mishap this
year-ground accidents. summer, or whenever, is someone in TAC-
Except for aircraft losses, ground accidents someone we need-someone we don't want to
don't result in the high dollar cost that flight mis- lose . -->
haps bring, and normally the events surrounding
these accidents aren't as dramatic. But, many
TAC people are incapacitated or killed in these
mishaps each year. Already this year, we've
experienced nine fatalities in TAC, and the most
hazardous time of the year is yet to come . His-
torically, during May, June, and July we suffer
our greatest losses. Not coincidentally, this is the
Chief of Safety
4 MAY 1980
r curve curve
By Maj Pete Abler
by the change in angle of attack. So what then The variation of power or thrust required with
does power do for us? velocity defines the power settings necessary to
If the same given airplane is in lift-equal-to- maintain steady level flight at various airspeeds .
weight fl ight at some specific airspeed and This general variation of required power versus
altitude . there is a specific power required to velocity is illustrated by the graph . This
maintain these conditions . If the power available curve illustrates the fact that at low speeds near
from the engine(s) is adjusted to equal the the stall . the power setting required for steady
power required. the rate of climb / descent will level flight is quite high . An increase in speed
be zero . If the power setting is adjusted above reduces the required power setting until some
the power required . a climb will result and vice minimum value is reached at the co nditions for
versa . Power then is the primary control of maximum endurance . Increased speed beyond
altitude in steady flight. maximum endurance will then increase the
Now I know. realistically speaking. we can 't power setting required for steady level flight .
separate the two in our daily flying . We just This variation of required power setting with
don't fly an airplane solely by angle of attack or speed allows a terminology to be assigned to
power setting . These theoretical pr incip les are specific regimes of veloc ity. Sin ce the normal
nevertheless accurate and provide us with the command of flight assumes a higher power set-
basis for "attitude" flying technique ; i.e .. "at- ting will achieve a greater speed. the regime of
titude plus power equals performance ... and flight speeds greater than th e speed for
provide a background for good instrument flying minimum required power setting is termed the
techniques. Now that I've got all that out of the "region of normal command ." The regime of
way. let's slide over and talk about the regions flight speeds between the speed for minimum
of normal and reversed command . required power setting and the stall speed (or
For this discussion . I'll be making a lot of minimum control speed) is termed the "region of
references to the following figure : reverse command." In this regime of flight. a
decrease in airspeed must be accompanied by
an increased power setting to maintain steady
flight .
Flight in the " reversed " region of com mand
does not imply that a decreased power setting
will bring about a higher airspeed or an
increased power setting will produce a lower
REGION OF -POWER airspeed. Flight in this region only implies that a
REQUIRED higher airspeed will require a lower power set-
AND ting and a lower airspeed w ill require a higher
setting to hold altitude .
r-AVAilABlE I'll bet you 're wishing the good Major would
SETTING get to the point of all this verbage . For your sake
and mine. I will!
How you handle flight in the region of
- SPEED FOR MINIMUM REQUIRED reversed command may very well affect your
personal longevity! You operate in this regime
every time you prepare for landing . There you
FIGURE 1 are on final approach. gear and flaps down .
holding speed at a specified angle of attack. power to to get back to the glidepath. You must
Let's say you're about to the GCA glidepath and lower the nose (decrease AOA) to increase air-
you start down. Your particular situation may be speed and add power to slow your descent. If
at point A on the second graph. you add power only-which your brain will tell
What happens if you get low on the glidepath? you to do-your recovery may be delayed
You're just going to ease the nose up?...up? That excessively. If you're heavyweight, high AOA
may work if you have an excess of speed and (that also equates to extra induced drag), and
thus a lower-than-normal angle of attack. But, single engine-you could be very close to
what if you're "on speed- or at your computed disaster.
final approach AOA/airspeed? If you increase As stated in the beginning, the way you fly-
angle of attack, you will lose airspeed-more the habits you develop in your years of flying
power will be required. If you're slow or single experience-may well let you down in situations
engine (real, simulated, or you only had one to such as this. A realization of the effects of AOA
begin with), you could quickly reach point B on and power on airspeed and rate of climb/
the graph. If you keep increasing AOA, you'll descent is necessary when flying in the region
reach point C-a nonsustainable flight regime. of reversed command. Remember, anytime
Now, how do you recover from that one? At this you're flying below maximum endurance air-
point, you are really behind the power curve- speed, you're there.
you must reduce AOA. A number of mishaps in
the past year have proven just this point. For a more thorough discussion of this subject, see
Suppose you're on GCA final and you end up AERODYNAMICS FOR NAVAL AVIATORS, H. H. Hurt, Jr.,
10 knots slow and below the glidepath. You University of Southern California, U.S. Navy 1960 pp
have two problems to solve-you need to get 353-357.
back to computed speed and to get back on the This article was inspired by a similar paper I received
from Dr. Dallas Blevins, former USAF fighter pilot, now
glidepath. Pushing the power up may ultimately Asst Prof of Finance at the University of North Florida,
get your airspeed back, but you'll need excess Jacksonville, FL.
6 MAY 1980
habits versus headwork
1_ve sus~_
nea worK
Habits are an aid to us all as we go about our
By Maj lee Cantrell everyday business . We aviators need to establish
HQ TAC/ XPFI good habits early-such as referring to the
checklist. visual lookout. and checkmg instru -
ments . W e will then be less likely to overlook or
Y our average fighter jock is a walking IBM forget an important step. I remember a T-37 IP
4300 computer. with the ability to analyze a di- who. to strengthen his habit patterns. always
lemma. arrive at a solution. and react in less tried to do everything exactly the same way. to
time than it takes to transmit "break right. " the point he always put his chute on right arm
However. flying airplanes . is not all done while first.
sitting on the edge of the seat. tingling with an- Habits. however. should be employed as an
ticipation of the next major challenge to be aid. not a crutch . Our basic 4300 has to keep
faced . The fact is a lot of flying involves a series thinking . People can drive home each day. day-
of repetitive tasks . Our IBM 4300 establishes dreaming most of the way. They generally make
habit patterns to help accomplish these in our it. It is the less-than- successful attempts that
daily operations . keep the body shops in business .
8 MAY 1980
Relying on the memory bank of experience ac-
quired by frequent repetition works fairly well _
chock talk ..incidents and incidentals with a maintenance slant.
10 MAY 1980
Maintenance investigation quickly revealed a
disconnected oil scavenge line to the CS D hous-
ing assembly. The threads 1n the CSD were A maintenance crew in another command was
stripped. allowing the line to become discon- preparing to tow a helicopter outs1de a hangar .
nected-the oil scavenge line had been over- Two crewmen took two ground handling wheel
torqued during installation. assemblies off one helicopter to be placed on
This was one of those cases where a little the helicopter which was to be towed . One
more muscle was also a bit too much. airman noticed one of the wheels on the
assembly was not rotating freely . He thought the
cause of the binding was the retaming nut bemg
too tight . He wanted to slightly loosen the nut
and see if this wou ld correct the b1nding.
The airman tried to loosen the nut but could
not do so. The second crewman offered his
assistance and they finally loosened the nut. The
second crewman then suggested they remove
the nut and check the wheel bearing . He
removed the retaining nut and lifted the wheel
part way off the spindle . The split wheel partially
separated and the tube burst. causing pieces of
rubber to fly into the airman 's eye.
Both airmen were aware of the te ch data
available for the wheel. but neither one felt it
was necessary. They also stated during tech
school . they were never instructed to deflate
tires before disassembling wheels . In this case.
two of three bolts which held the wheel halves
together failed allowing the tube to burst. But.
the airman also would not have been injured if
they had deflated the tire.
Eat em up Whenever you are handling an inflated tire .
you 're holding a small bomb . The air in the tire
is usually unde r pretty high pressure It's not
worth it to find out just how high by making it
The F-4 was being prepared for a return flight explode. Treat tires with the respect they de-
to its home station . When the crew arrived they serve .
discovered the airplane had only been partially
serviced with fuel and was 500 gallons short. A
fuel truck was called but was unable to pump
any more fuel into the aircraft .
The crew strapped in and started both engines
in an attempt to transfer fuel from the external
tanks to the internal tanks by depressing the
squat switch . The engines were run up to 80-85
percent rpm . A member of the transient alert
team became concerned about jet blast damage
to another aircraft . He came from under the air-
craft in the vicinity of the right intake to call for
a power reduction. As he came out from under
the aircraft. his wool cap and ear protectors
were sucked into the intake.
When an engine is being run at higher power
settings. the danger area around the intake
increases dramatically. Watch out for it.
By Capt John K. Sanders
Det II, 24 WS
Reese AFB , TX
Have you ever seen an actual tornado or
visited the aftermath of such a storm? It isn 't
funny . In fact. if you get hit by one of these
humme rs. you'll probably not consider it to be
one of your bette r days! Winds potentially in
excess of 400 knots and the rapid. extreme
pressure changes which are associated with
tornadoes can scatter people . equipment. air-
planes . and even railroad cars across the
countryside. At the very least. tornadoes can
really screw up your beautiful landscape and
rearrange the shape of your homes. buildings.
and so forth . Needless to say. any flying ma-
Tornadoes and flying machines don't mix chine competing for the same airspace with
such a concentration of Mother Nature's energy
is going to face tough going.
Tornadoes are fairly small and relatively rare
- --- ~---. __
throughout most of the world . However . the
central and eastern United States just happen to
have the right combination of geography and
climate necessary to produce a lot of severe
thunderstorms-which spawn tornadoes.
Throughout most of the CONUS . twisters are
least likely to occur during December and
January. The months of greatest frequency are near your base. We say at or near your base for
April. May. and June. In very early spring. the two reasons. First. tornadoes are rare enough
ce nter of maximum frequency is located in the that the same spot. such as an airfield. doesn't
central Gulf States . As spring progresses into get hit very often. The statistics on direct hits at
summer. this center of maximum frequency Able AFB would be small. even if Able AFB were
tends to migrate northward and westward in Oklahoma. Second. a tornado occurring
through the Plains States. reaching the Great anywhere within your approach and departure
Lakes area during June. An additional center of patterns would no doubt create havoc in local
high tornado frequency occurs in the southeast flying operations. Thus . the surrounding area
Atlantic States during March. Oklahoma (after should be considered. The following statistics
adjustment for differences in area) leads all for CONUS TAC. ATC. and other bases contain
contenders in the race for the title "state with tornado reports within 25 miles of the airfield .
the most tornadoes ." Note these are tornado reports; in sparsely
With these generalities in mind. you may be populated areas. the actual frequencies are
interested in the frequency of tornadoes at or probably greater than those shown .
Bergstrom AFB, TX 1 1 8 5 11 1 2 3 10 4 3 0 49
Buckley ANGB, CO 0 0 0 3 10 18 11 4 6 0 0 0 60
Cannon AFB, NM 0 0 2 2 22 16 8 1 0 1 0 0 49
Columbus AFB, MS 2 2 7 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 21
Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 7
England AFB, LA 4 2 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 16
George AFB, CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 7
Hill AFB, UT 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 8
Holloman AFB, NM 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 4
*Homestead AFB, FL 0 3 2 6 11 38 15 15 18 14 3 2 127
*Hurlburt FLO, FL 6 4 5 5 8 11 10 13 6 3 8 9 88
*Keesler AFB, MS 6 8 4 9 19 18 17 17 7 8 6 2 118
*Langley AFB, VA 0 1 1 13 2 4 10 10 2 8 1 0 52
Laughlin AFB. TX 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Luke AFB, AZ 0 1 1 0 0 2 8 2 2 1 0 0 15
*MacDill AFB, FL 7 8 11 11 24 45 48 50 22 6 9 6 244
Mather AFB, CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Maxwell AFB. AL 2 1 4 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 14
Moody AFB. GA 3 4 3 4 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 3 26
Mt Home AFB. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Myrtle Beach AFB. SC 0 0 3 2 3 4 7 6 6 0 1 1 33
Nellis AFB. NV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Randolph AFB. TX 1 0 0 5 18 1 4 2 9 3 1 1 43
Reese AFB. TX 0 0 2 9 27 24 7 6 3 3 0 1 81
Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC 0 0 6 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 19
ShawAFB, SC 0 1 0 2 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 1 15
Sheppard AFB. TX 0 0 1 17 19 2 2 6 4 0 2 0 63
Tinker AFB. OK 1 4 2 16 34 21 6 8 3 1 2 0 98
Vance AFB. OK 0 0 3 14 9 15 5 1 1 2 2 0 52
Williams AFB. AZ 1 1 1 0 3 7 4 1 5 1 0 1 25
*Includes Waterspouts
When a tornado threatens, your immediate
action can save your life!
In homes and small buildings, go to base-
ment or to an interior part of the lowest
level-closets. bathrooms, or interior halls.
Get under something sturdy.
In schools, nursing homes, hospitals, fac-
tories, and shopping centers, go to
predesignated shelter areas. Interior hall-
ways on the lowest floor are usually best.
In high-rise buildings, go to interior small
rooms or hallways.
In mobile homes or vehicles, leave them and
go to a substantial structure. If there is no
shelter nearby. lie flat in the nearest ditch,
ravine, or culvert with your hands shielding
your head.
14 MAY 1980
safety award
Technical Sergeant Billy R. Witcher, 388th
Tactical Fighter Wing, Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
is the recipient of the Tactical Air Command Indi-
vidual Safety Award for May 1980. Sergeant
Witcher performed his duties as F-16 Technical
Order Verification Team Manager for hydrazine/
fuel systems in a superb manner. His experience
and technical knowledge were instrumental in
establishing safe maintenance practices for han-
dling hydrazine. In addition. his initiative and
TSgt Billy R. Witcher development of new safety procedures in the fuel
system shop have contributed significantly to the
Tacticar Air Command Mishap Prevention
crew chief
safety award
Staff Sergeant Milton Lawrence. 27th Tactical
Fighter Wing, Cannon Air Force Base, New
Mexico, is the recipient of the Tactical Air Com-
mand Crew Chief Safety Award for May 1980.
Sergeant Lawrence has an outstanding record as
a dedicated crew chief, demonstrating a high
degree of safety awareness in all his duties. His
dedication and technical knowledge were evi-
denced when he unhesitatingly removed the bat-
tery and liquid oxygen bottle from a smoldering
aircraft, only minutes after an engme fire had
been extinguished. His prompt action during this
critical situation saved a valuable errcraft from
further damage.
- - P-51 Mustang - - - - - - -
S ome of the veterans in your organization may
remember the old days of milage lim itations-
back when military people were forb idden to
HOW FAR IS drive any farther than ·x· number of miles from
the base unless they were on leave . This was a
safety rule . and the people who came up w ith it
had good intentions. The Air Force didn 't want
their people trying to make it from Rantoul .
Illinois. to Las Vegas over the long weekend .
subsequently falling asleep at the wheel.
The days of mileage limitations are behind us
By SSgt Steve Hull now. and while the Air Force has c hosen to
TUSLOG Det 192 allow its people more freedom on their off-duty
APO New York 09289 time. some people abuse the privilege. In this
article I hope to give you an idea of how far is
too far . and what factors might affe ct how long
SSgt Hull was assigned to the 58 CRS, Luke you may safely drive.
AFB, AZ, when he wrote this article. First of all . let's define what we mean by "how
far" you may drive . Sure-you can probably
drive from here (Phoenix) to Los Angeles on
your average two-day weekend . But if you get all
Extended Driving
the sleep you'll need to make the trip safely.
you'll have about enough time when you get
there to shake hands with the first gas station
attendant on Wilshire Boulevard before turning
around and heading back.
We both know that's not what people do when
they head out on a trip like that. They go to see
family and friends . They go planning to spend
some time .
Given a fixed time frame-like a weekend-
there are only two ways to increase the amount
of time spent at your destination : You either
decrease the amount of time it takes to get there
(excessive speed) or decrease the amount of
time you sleep . A lot of people do both . and get
away with it. but they're playing with fire.
In figuring how far is too far . we must take
into consideration the nature of the trip . If the
trip is for recreation or visiting . put aside a
realistic amount of time for it . If the trip is
strictly a business or legal matter. less "stay
time" will be necessary . Now. let's take a look at
some of the factors you'll want to consider
before you ride off into the sunset. ..
18 MAY 1980
S L E E P ! ! Doggone it. I know that's obv1ous.
but we recently lost an airman because he dirt-
biked around all day. worked on swmg shift. and
then tried to make it all the way to Riverside
when he got off work. His body was found in a
pile of rocks at the side of the road at 6 :00a .m .
What's the Air Force got to say about a good
"crew rest" before making a cross-country trip in
your car? Not too much. But it has a lot to say
about the kind of R&R its pilots must get before
slamming the canopy shut and takmg off .
AFR 60-1. the regulation that covers flight
management. doesn't allow for a lot of in-
terpretation . It dictates a specified crew rest pe-
riod that any pilot must have before he does any
sort of flying at all. even simple touch-and-go's.
SSgt Steve Hull
EXTENDED DRIVING · is this month's
how far is too far ? Fleagle T-shirt winner
20 MAY 1980
...interest items,
TAC tips
mishaps with
morals, for the
TAC aircrewman
IS wise man will make more opportunities
than he finds.
By CMSgt Charles McCarn
0906:15-"Blunt 21, traffic, one o'clock, 3
miles, westbound, altitude unknown."
0906:21-"Blunt 21 is looking, no joy."
0906:23-"Blunt 21, Roger, traffic now two
o'clock, 2 miles, westbound."
0906:27-"Roger, approach, we're still looking."
0906:38-"Approach, Blunt 21, we just had
a...uh...a near miss with a light blue and
white Cessna."
(Example of tape transcript from a typical near
miss report.)
"When requested by the pilot, issue radar vec-
tors to assist in avoiding the traffic, provided the
aircraft to be vectored is within your area of ju-
risdiction or coordination has been affected with
the sector/facility in whose area the aircraft is
operating.- FAA Handbook 7110.658, para
46a(6). with approach control, altitude unknown. The
"If the pilot requests, vector his aircraft to controller's responsibility was to issue traffic in-
avoid merging with the target of previously formation, workload permitting. If the controller
issued traffic." FAA Handbook 7110.65B, para had some reason to believe the civil aircraft was
47c. at an altitude that would have placed him in an
Hold it there, troop! Are you saying that Blunt unsafe proximity to Blunt 21, an aircraft conflict
21 had to request vectors to avoid that puddle advisory would have been issued. This advisory
jumper? Wouldn't the controller vector Blunt 21 essentially alerts the pilot of conflicting traffic
to insure separation? and recommends a course of action to avoid the
Yes and no. Yes, Blunt 21 must specifically traffic. Once the advisory is issued, it is solely
request vectors to avoid the traffic. No, the con- the pilot's prerogative to determine what course
troller would not routinely vector Blunt 21 to of action, if any, will be taken. The controller will
insure separation. In this example, the civil air- not issue positive control instructions in such
craft was an unknown VFR target, not in contact situations because the actions of the unknown
traffic cannot be determined .
runway heading at 10 knots. An extended final
turn and final approach were accomplished. As
The following suggested actions may just the F-16 approached the thresho ld. it en-
possibly keep you from ending up 1n a situation countered wake turbulence from the ' 135 whi ch
similar to Blunt 21's. had performed a touch and go Spacing
1. Adhere to the "see and avoid" concept. between the aircraft was about 9.000' (45 sec)
2. If you cannot visually acquire the traffic . The pilot was barely able to keep from bust ing
request vectors to avoid issued traffic . his and the aircraft's tail-but he did make it out
3 . Remain on air traffic control frequen cies as Postflight revealed a scraped left horizontal tail .
long as possible for traffic advisories. FLIP Planning categorizes both the KC-135
4 . Become familiar with common VFR flyways and F-16 as " large" aircraft . Thus the tower
within your local flying area. didn 't impose any other restriction and only
5 . Visit your local air traffic con trol agency issued a caution for wake turbulence to the '16
and find out what services are available to you driver . Common sense tells us the F- 16 is not
and what the limitations of those services are . quite as large as a tanker and will get tossed
6. Don't assume ATC will vector you to avoid around pretty well by the jet wash cr,eated by the
issued traffic. big guy.
7 . Don 't assume ATC will advise you of all All those oversize aircraft move a lot of air
traffic in your vicinity. Traffic advisories are pred - around as they plow through the skies. You'd be
icated on controller workload (see 5 above). advised to give yourself plenty of room so you
8. Don 't hesitate to request avoidance vectors don 't end up like a ping pong ball in a jacuzzi.
if you cannot acquire the traffic visually. The
sooner ATC gets your request. the sooner they
can initiate vectors .
9. Don 't assume ATC radar will "pai nt" all air -
craft targets . All radars have inherent equipment AUTO AUTOPILOT
limitations . The flight control system of any modern air-
craft is usually fairly complicated. Caution and
THE BIG GUYS AND warning lights are installed to alert the aircrew
when things aren't going according to design .
THE LITTLE GUYS When those lights are ignored . further problems
The F-16 was returning from a normal training can definitely result. An F-4 incident is a case in
mission . On closed downwind. the pilot was point
advised he was number two in traffic following a During the flight control check before takeoff.
KC-135 low approach . He extended his down - the autopilot pitch trim and master caut ion
wind and checked the winds 40 degrees off lights illuminated . The pilot engaged the paddle
switch and both lights went off . The flight con-
trols then appeared to respond normally .
Dur ing the formation takeoff. at rotation . the
stick felt stiff. As the stick was moved aft. it
began to drive further aft. The pilot engaged the
paddle switch. but that didn 't help. At a safe
altitude . the backseat pilot tried to fly the air-
craft. but there was no response to stick inputs.
The crew stated the aircraft flew as if the
autopilot was engaged . The pilot took control of
the aircraft and cycled the AFCS on and then
off. The aircraft then began to fly normally. RTB
and landing were normal.
Invest igation eventually revealed an electri cal
short circuit in the autopilot control amplifier.
This short caused the autopilot to actually turn
itself on and assume command of the flight con-
22 MAY 1980
trois even though the autopilot switch was in the
During the before takeoff checks. when the By Capt Gary Porter
pilot engaged the paddle switch. he observed HQ TAC/SEF
both the master caution light and the autopilot In Sep 79 an F- 1 5 experienced a brake
pitch trim light extinguish . Analysis shows that failure / fire after landing. The pilot. when in-
when the FCP paddle switch was depressed. the formed of the fire . shutdown the engines and
corresponding hand pressure (1 .5 to 3.75 lbs of ground egressed. Draining fuel from the shut-
force) between the control stick grip and the down sequence ignited and produced a larger
stick force transducer was sufficient to close a fire . Fortunate! the Fire De artmen w I
force switch . When this stick movement was
sensed by the force switch . the autopilot pitch
trim system was disengaged. So when the pilot
observed the master caution lights and autopilot
pitch trim light go out. it was not a result of the
paddle switch action but from merely moving
the stick grip enough to disengage the auto trim
system . When the mishap aircraft was rotated to
match lead 's takeoff attitude . the stick felt stiff.
This was because sometime during ground
operations the autopilot control amp shorted
and turned itself on. When the stick was felt to
be driving aft. the autopilot was actually trying
to help the pilot stabilize at the selected pitch
attitude . At this time. the stick was being moved
around trying to maintain formation position and
fight the inputs of the autopilot. The autopilot
pitch trim light did not illuminate then because
during control stick maneuvering . the auto trim
system is inoperative. The pilot then engaged
the paddle switch which had no effect. The IP
tried to fly the aircraft but there was no
response to flight control inputs because the
AFCS and roll stab aug will oppose RCP stick to extinguish the fire without further damage.
inputs . The paddle switch should have perma- The pilot's decision to shutdown in this
nently disengaged the autopilot. however. the instance was proper. the incident verifies the
short in the amplifier most probably disabled need for caution in handling hot brake /wheel
this function. When the pilot cycled the problems . Recently a pilot taxiing into a parking
autopilot switch on. then off. a relay in the area after a mission had both tires blow in quick
autopilot control amplifier was then triggered succession . A nearby crew chief noticed the in -
and shut the autopilot off . The aircrew was not cident and. running to the aircraft. directed the
immediately aware that the autopilot pitch trim pilot to stop taxiing. Using visual signals. he
light illuminates only when the autopilot is en- next directed the pilot to shutdown. The pilot
gaged and then only after 10-second stabilized obliged. The problem here was there wasn't any
delay in an out-of-trim condition. Infrequent use fire equipment in position to respond to a fire. if
of the autopilot results in a corresponding lack one had erupted. There was no compelling
of thorough knowledge by most aircrews. reason for a shutdown in this situation . and the
For all F-4 drivers. if the autopilot pitch trim pilot was unable to assess the true nature of the
light illuminates when the autopilot engage situation . We must be cautious in directing or
switch is off. then the autopilot must. in fact. be making an emergency engine shutdown on the
engaged. If this happens on the ground, abort. ground when hot brakes. tires. etc are involved.
No sense trying to fly an airplane with a mind of Otherwise keep'em running until proper fire pro-
its own. tection is available .
picket fence. That should get rid of them for the
summer and eliminate my having to trim along
The shrill. high-pitched nng of the phone
reaches Eddie in the shower. Already it has
punctured his elated spirit. and he knows what
is coming. Susan's voice calls out from down
stairs. "Honey. telephone. It's flight scheduling .
They insist on holding ."
" Okay. I'll answer it up here. Hello . Yes ... hmm .
I see . I understand . I'll be there in 45 minutes."
Eddie slams the receiver down and as he pulls
on his flight suit. " Susan . I've got to take
Chuck's flight. He's sick with th e watcha -ma-
call-its . Be down in a sec for breakfast. "
While eating breakfast...
"Honey. I know how much you were cou nting
on this weekend to get caught up . Can I do
something to make it better?"
Eddie quickly replied . "You can make it better
by spraying the fruit trees for me. How about it T'
" Sure . I wanted to take advantage of this warm
• I
sunny day and catch some rays . Sprayin g that
stuff shouldn't take long ."
"Thanks. Toots. That way when I get home this
evening I can get started on prepar ing th e lawn
furniture for painting ." W ith those words . a
quick kiss . and a slap on Susan 's fanny. Edd ie
THE BIRDS strides out to his car and is off to another long
day of flying ."
AND " I just love that man! " thin ks Susan as she
enters the garage to look over the paraphernalia
THE BEES that Eddie set out. " I know what I'll do! I'll put on
Down to Earth
By Beatrice Waggener
Editorial Assistant
my shorts and halter top-that way I'll get some
sun while I'm getting these chores done .
"I hope I put this spray rig together properly.
Hmm. the spray nozzle seems loose . I don't feel
like messing around with it any more . I want to
hurry up and get this done."
As Susan continues to spray the trees. insec-
ticide drips down the handle of the sprayer and
down her arms; the constant change in wind
drifts cover her with the spray mist.
"This isn't a piece of cake like I thought it was
going to be . Oh . well. I'm almost through. I
never realized how lovely apple blossoms are up
close . These bees are a bit of a nuisance
though .
"All done! Now to get to those weeds . This
sprayer is too bulky. and I'm getting tired of
man-handling it. Think I'll use my metal watering
can-that will make it much easier ."
So . Susan finished up. feeling really proud of
herself for getting the job done. She even
noticed the bird bath was empty and used tbe
watering can to fill it up .
That evening ...
"Hey Hon . I'm home ." announced Eddie as he
steps in the front door . "What in the world hap-
pended to you?"
"Just a reaction to the insecticide. The doctor
said the rash should be gone by next weekend.
Luckily. I took a shower before I blistered. That
stuff is pretty powerful. I just want to get to bed
and think about something besides itching ... "
As the glow of the next day begins . there isn't
any buzzing or chirping ... just the sound of
silence .
• • •
Pesticides and herbicides can be harmful to • Ill-considered applications (the wrong tim -
more than just the insects and weeds you 're try- ing) can be deadly to beneficial crea tures . After
ing to control. Think about it before you do petal drop is the time to spray with certain in-
yourself in-or the birds and the bees. secticides . This avoids killing the bees that are
• Wear the proper clothing when using doing the pollinating.
pesticides to avoid contact with the skin . Rubber • Set aside a specific container for the use of
gloves and goggles really are necessary! Always 2.4-D weed killing mixtures or other herbicides .
change clothes and wash with soap and water As a rule. herbicides cannot be satisfactorily
immediately after you are finished. Launder your removed from the spray tank and will
clothes before they are worn again. contaminate whatever other liquids you use in it.
• Use the proper equipment. Study the • Finally. if you are not sure what the disease
owner's manual and follow instructions care- or insect problem is. consult a reputable nursery
fully . Never wash a sprayer where the water will or one of the free Government agencies set up
puddle or stand where children or pets will play for this service. They are always happy to help
in it. Always store the container out of the reach you out and can show you how to handle your
of children. Pesticide toxicant left on the sprayer problem without harming other insects. animals .
can cause serious illness or even be fatal to or yourself.
children playing with it.
you hear
the one
The following stories are true--as far as I can "The flight would have been successful," he
tell. No credit is given to the individual who put told his associates, "had not needed so many
them all together. I found them while rummag- feathers. Because I needed so many I was forced
ing through our archives and decided the ob- to use some from barnyard fowls. They had a
vious lessons made them worth reprinting. If any natural affinity for the chicken yard, and thus
of you have any yarns, old or new, send them in. were attracted downward. Had I been able to
Perhaps we can print them in a future issue. obtain feathers from eagles my flight would have
Ed been successful, for they would have carried me
to the upper air from whence they came."
When you step on a banana peel or an icy
spot on the sidewalk then crash ingloriously to a Some nine centuries later, in 1920, a strip of
one-point landing, chances are good that your green grass was blamed when a pilot made a
first reaction is to locik around for an audience,
hoping there is none. After that, you check for
possible injuries.
No one likes to make a bad landing. Airmen in
particular dislike them intensely. But the history
of man's successful and unsuccessful attempts
to fly like the birds is filled with crash landings
and jackrabbit touchdowns...and reasons and
excuses for them.
One of the earliest recorded crash landings
was made in the 11th Century by a Benedictine
monk named Elmirus. Elmirus made a set of
feathered wings, climbed to the top of
Malmesbury Abbey, and made a spectacular
takeoff, then crashed ingloriously into a chicken
yard below, breaking an arm.
26 MAY 1980
nose-first landing in a Curtiss Jenny training
plane at an airfield operated by the U.S. Army
Air Service .
The pilot. a Captain . confident that his
descending plane would clear a hangar roof
with several feet of altitude to spare. suddenly
lost altitude and got the Jenny's landing gear
tangled in some radio wires on the roof . The
Jenny fell to the ground in a nose-first position.
Two explanations were given for the incident.
Fliers who saw the aeronautical pratt-fall from
the ground said the Captain had apparently tried
to stretch his glide . lost flying speed. and
"mushed" into the radio wires . The pilot argued
that a downdraft. caused by a strip of green
grass near the hangar . had pulled the airplane Now was the time. The instructor removed his
into the wires. In order to prevent future occur- control stick from its socket. twirled it over his
rences of this nature the pilot was given a paint head a few times. and threw it overboard. He
brush and a supply of paint and told to "Get out looked back and was horrified to see the cadet
there and paint that grass white before we lose also tossing a control stick over the side.
another plane! " Suddenly the airplane went into a series of
violent maneuvers. It did wing-overs . rolls. and
Ill loops. It climbed straight up . stalled out. and
Sometimes a great deal of embarrassment can began to spin sickeningly. It recovered from the
result from a perfect three-point landing . In mid- spin and went into a shallow climb. At this point
1927 at Chanute Field. Illinois. a flying instruc- the instructor and the cadet climbed out of their
tor suffered that kind of embarrassment. cockpits. The instructor. seeing the cadet was
The instructor was considered one of the best getting out without difficulty. jumped. As soon
at the Illinois air base. A nameless cadet. an ex- as the instructor was clear of the plane. the
cellent student in all phases of his training save student climbed back inside the cockpit. took
one. couldn't be talked into landing an airplane . control of the airplane. and watched his instruc-
One morning the instructor told a mechanic to tor's parachute come down in a muddy
loosen all the screws holding the control stick in cornfield. Then he returned to the field and
the front cockpit of the training plane . He made a perfect three-point landing.
explained that he would take the stick out of its
socket and throw it overboard when he got the IV
cadet into the air. and the student would have Another flying instructor. this one assigned to
no choice but to land the plane. Word of the im- the advanced flying school at Kelly Field . Texas .
pending event spread throughout the hangar became unhappy with seven students who failed
and eventually reached the cadet. to follow his maneuvers properly during forma-
He had already talked himself out of his fears tion flights. He ended a 10-minute lecture with
and had made up his mind to go through with a these words.
landing on his next flight. scheduled that morn- "If you guys expect to become pursuit pilots.
ing . Information that his instructor was going to you'd better start following me properly. I want it
throw his own control stick overboard didn 't understood that on the next flight you will have
shake the cadet's new-found self confidence. to stay with me. no matter what happens . Is that
Just before takeoff our cadet slipped a spare clearly understood?"
control stick inside his flying suit and climbed Apparently it was. for on the next formation
into the rear cockpit. His instructor got into the flight the engine on the instructor's plane failed
front cockpit and soon the pair were flying high and he was forced to glide to a hazardous land-
above the cornfields near Rantoul and Chanute ing in a rough field ... accompanied by seven
Field. After a few perfectly executed aerial ma- student pilots who. despite his attempts to wave
neuvers the instructor motioned for his student them off. stayed with him wing-to-wing all the
to land . The cadet feigned terror . way down. ~
First Aid
28 MAY 1980
Elbow broken and straight: Use a long splint Knee broken and bent: Use a firm splint
from armpit past wrist. between upper and lower leg.
3. CHECK SPLINTED PART FOR : Increased The jagged edges cut muscles. veins . and cause
pain. decreased feeling on skin. lack of bleeding in the area of the break. The edge can
pulse. pale or blue skin color. These could be so met imes cut nerves and major blood vessels-
an indication of t ies t hat are too t ight or an especia lly w ith breaks near joints like the elbow
unbroken joint t hat is bent too mu c h. Correct and knee . This is th e reason for your actions to
the problem if you can . im mobilize t he li mb to prevent further damage .
Remember. broken bones themselves do not And that's w hat first aid is all about. Next month
cause death . But they can do a lot of damage. we'll cove r artificial resuscitation . ___::::.
can do in an emergency. I also don 't want to put out
any bad info.
Thanks for setting us straight. I have tabled plans
for a future article on "appendectomies under field
conditions using only items found in your mess kit."
I can't afford any more "unscorables."
• • •
Dear Editor,
Letters to the Editor
In your February 1980 issue of TAC ATTACK,
we noticed that the picture of the pilot punching out
of the A-7D in the article, "Needle, Ball , and .. :," car-
ries the serial number of an A-7 D assigned to our
Aircraft 70-1022 is assigned to the 140 TFW,
Dear Editor Colorado Air National Guard , Buckley ANG Base,
Your April 1980 issue cleared onto the medical Aurora, Colorado.
range for the first time in several months and, un- We feel that the pictured aircraft should not have
fortunately, got an "unscoreable" for its first pass. In had any tail number at all. We feel that this could
your article, "First Aid- Would You Know What To cause the aircraft to carry the reputation of a "jinx."
Do," paragraph 6b, the instructions for applying a It has also caused the crew chief and the assigned
tourniquet don't tell the reader which side of the pilot harrassment and much mental discomfort.
wound to put it on. Result: A 50-50 chance of doing We in the Colorado Air National Guard take our
it wrong, for it only works if put between the wound jobs very seriously and are very proud of our aircraft
and the heart. Additionally , a tourniquet can be a and unit.
terribly damaging device to use in an injury. There is We would appreciate your recognition of this fact
no bleeding which can't be stopped by pressure on and would be more than happy to accept 100
the bleeding area. The only valid reason to use a "Fleagle" T-shirts in sizes M, L, and XL , as a token
tourniquet would be if one were alone, bleeding of your goodwill and good heartedness.
badly, and about to faint so that one could no Thank you very much for your kind attention. We
longer maintain pressure on the bleeding area . are looking forward to the arrival of our T-shirts.
Despite my criticism, I was pleased to see the Respectfully,
medical subject appear in T AC ATTACK. It's a The Members of the 140 CAMS and 120 TFS
super magazine and widely read, so don't give up;
even a fighter pilot can't get a shack every time.
Richard D. Hansen Dear Members of the 140 CAMS and 120 TFS
Brigadier General , USAF, MC I'm sorry you feel we "jinxed" your aircrafi. The
T AC Command Surgeon tail number we put on the airplane was simply a
random choice by the artist. The tail numher is as
much a part of the aircraft as the USAF and com-
Dear General Hansen mand insignia.
You're absolutely correct about where to place the As for the T-shirts, we only have 12 per year to
tourniquet. I omitted a valuable piece of infonna- give away, so we'd be 8+ years behind ill sent you
tion. Both sources which I used while researching the 100. However, if you were to suhmit 100 top-notch
article mentioned the use of a tourniquet- as a last articles, and those 100 articles were selected as the
resort. winners for the next 100 months. \ 'OU could
As I stated in the introduction to that article, I eventually receive the shirts you desire. Hoping to
have no intentions of making anyone an expert. I hear from you.
simply want to get folks thinking about what they Ed
30 MAY 1980
TA ,.:._,,,_,
TAC tally
MAR MAR 1980 1979
1980 1979 1980 1979
CLASS A MISHAPS 4 8 8 1 4 4 0 0 2
TOTAL EJECTIONS 6 10 7 2 5 4 0 0 2
class A mishap free months class A mishap free months class A mishap free months
133 152 TRG (ANG) 92 191 FIG (ANG) 128 182 TASG (ANG)
95 188 TFG ( A NG) 73 102 FIW ( A NG) 121 193 TEWG (ANG)
87 138 TFG ( A NG) 69 177 FIG ( A N G) 113 110 TASG (ANG)
86 917 TFG (AFR) 35 125 FIG (ANG) 108 USAFTAWC (TAC)
83 116 TFW (128 TFS)(ANG) 18 119 FIG (ANG) 104 919 SOG (AFR)