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2nd SEMESTER, 2019-20 Yanbu Industrial College ASSIGNMENT-3 ENGT/EGT 201 — Industrial Safety swden Name: AbJt/azi2 Soe ad Alabmad. w: 34027)? Section (Module 7 & 8) ‘Own hand written answers of all questions only will be accepted for marking. For preparing the assignment you can make more line space for writing the answers and increase number of pages if necessary. Use blue ink for answering. If any assignment is found as photocopied or duplicated shall not be marked. Every student must write their exact SECTION#, ID# & NAME always. Q.1 What is the function of machine guard & its color code? Write its THREE types. Linctingoller the arhiar_te\cor lH Latady SS. f os assigned tasks Clo cade:Valldb. a Sachi stack — pinta belngy pied s— gee aur 3 State FIVE safety rules when using mechanical power tools. /{ in ‘i< pockeb aellaw the srpdy speetes AB ect ——$§ “hone Be Sled chew atria) Be ts.achic aoe s ececef— pple pate a at ey Q.4 State FIVE safety rules when working with pressurized containers/cylinders. aap Valve. pclite fhe Walon } 7 Not od -sdepote ts op Hye uel 9 Pe ce st Pig ee pees Q.5 Write FOUR causes for using glassware in a chemical laboratory. alperch wp Latbly ape te aeay ePuelollvelyiuacrp.ch

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