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Yanbu Industrial College ASSIGNMENT-2 . ENGT/EGT 201 - Industrial Safety ute Name: Abda|a2i2 Sscsel Noh maw ___1: 308717 Seton p (Module 4, 5 & 6) ‘wn hand written answers of all questions only will be accepted for marking. For preparing the assignment you can make more line space for writing the answers land increase number of pages if necessary. Use blue ink for answering. tFany assignment is found as photocopied or duplicated shall not be marked. Every student must write their exact SECTIONS, ID# & NAME always. wsad Fer eegrsy Sinpar sate. fel Arte e/elt the arffey 2c tewts hepncr—heed are ae eae tee meaning of ‘symbols and hand signals? aAiat alal epbemerzoncy step 9) hig foe chat pa ch tei al na ee Tu 554% 8. 9) frseel om mre 8) cond deve ha sie Raf sn al tay Ue (03. What is work List FOUR basic points that MUST be included in it. eS fob yop _vtehin ity ech elie Suef Sed ip Coins b_pted o. 8 _poox ep Hay patses bapa e fay Sas tift nS $$ (4. what do you mean by term “LOTO"? State two applications af lack out procedures. pee 7 loci kets? 5 Lock cut/ Thy ote b). on Write crs of pipsleiners im tront each wed fr dierent Mula Compressed jaf Atle apis ity Lif ctaage Oissenrgsripanl Lihh bron onsen black! (Q6. What i fire? List ts THREE elements Che ty yea —prareblah ) Cuef ___»)_ Hews, _9)_o (Q7- List THREE methods of extinguishing a fire on clothing.

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