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Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in Location Aware Services of Mobile Cloud Computing

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Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User

in Location‑Aware Services of Mobile Cloud Computing

Zahrah A. Almusaylim1 · NZ Jhanjhi2

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

One of the recent trends of networking and mobile technology is mobile cloud comput-
ing (MCC) that provides rich computational, storage resources and services in clouds to
mobile users. MCC applications provide a variety of services to users and one of them is
the location-based services (LBS) applications that are widely spread. By using mobile
applications and LBS, mobile devices act as a thin client where the abundant data loca-
tions are collected and stored at the mobile cloud to provide corresponding services. Pri-
vacy of the user’s location has been a renewed research interest and extensively studied in
recent years. However, privacy is one of the most important challenges in MCC because
the user’s location on mobile devices is offloaded from mobile devices to cloud providers
which can be utilized by third parties. Since protecting the privacy of the user is the key to
maintain the trust on the mobile environment. LBS faces issues in protecting privacy such
as, the privacy of user’s current location, which may contain private information. In case, if
the user’s current location is compromised through unauthorized access, it possibly results
in severe consequences. Therefore, protecting location privacy of the user while achiev-
ing precise location is still a challenge in MCC. This comprehensive research review will
provide the challenge of protecting the privacy of user’s location in MCC; analyze several
related works regarding the issue. In addition, it suggests possible solutions related to the
issue, in lighted few shortcomings which still needs attention with few related case studies.

Keywords Mobile computing · Cloud computing · Mobile cloud computing · LBS ·

Location-aware · Privacy · Encryptions

* Zahrah A. Almusaylim
[email protected]
NZ Jhanjhi
[email protected]
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology,
King Faisal University, Al‑Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
School of Computing and IT (SoCIT), Taylor’s University, Lakeside Campus, Subang Jaya,

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

1 Introduction

The mobile computing (MC) in terms of mobile devices is considered as the current tech-
nological revolution in the world. Nowadays, people use mobile devices as the necessity of
daily life. The users of mobile devices have much experience of how to use mobile appli-
cations that offer different services to help them to get their desires at their fingertips [1,
2]. One of the services provided by mobile computing is location-based services (LBS)
which takes advantage of global positioning systems (GPS) sensor to provide the capabil-
ity of searching for certain locations. Nevertheless, this service suffers from privacy con-
cerns as the data location can be breached or disclosed if unauthorized users can track or
misuse the collected or stored information in the service. Featured Research by GSMA
Intelligence [3] showed that the milestone of the mobile industry was in year 2017. Where
the number of users that are connected to the mobile services globally exceeded 5 Billion
where the developing marketing took around 3.7 Billion. As such, by 2017, there were two
out of three users had a subscription for mobile in the world. In 2025, the mobile devices
industry will be in new leading milestone where there will be new internet users, unique
subscribers, and 4th Generation/5th Generation (4G/5G) connections. Moreover, statistics
were done by Statista [4] showed the worldwide total number of mobile users from 2013
to 2019. By 2014, the users of smartphone devices were about 38% of the total number
of mobile users. Figure 1 is shown that the total number of users of mobile phone devices
is forecast to increase from 4.43 Billion in 2015 to reach more than 5 Billion in 2019. In
2017, the worldwide number of users who used smartphone devices were expected to reach
4.77 Billion. And it was expected to reach about 50% in 2018 (4.93 Billion), where it is
expected to exceed 5.07 Billion in 2019. In a time span of 5 years, this number is expected
to grow by one billion worldwide. Due to the continuous improvement of software and
hardware devices of the mobile devices, this leads to increase the number of mobile users.
However, due to the challenges of mobile computing such as battery life, storage, band-
width and etc., it is failing to meet the massive requirements of users and their full satisfac-
tion [5–7]. Hence, organizations emerged the computing resources from room servers into

Number of Mobilephone Users in Billions


5.1 5.07

5 4.93


4.5 4.43


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Number of Mobilephone Users in Billions

Fig. 1  Number of smartphone users [4]

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

mobile service providers. Then, they encouraged users to shift from using personal com-
puters to data centers of mobile service providers [8].
Cloud computing (CC) is the current revolution technology with its growth in the IT
field and it has become popular and accepted over the world. It takes the advantages of a
collection of different concepts such as storage, connectivity, distributed computing, grid
computing, virtualization, sharing, and processing power. Nowadays, cloud services have
become the top priorities for customers as they offer unlimited storage and on-demand
services which allow the customer to pay per use only [9–11]. The objective towards CC
is to get the benefit of using distributed resources and solving the problem of the large-
scale computation. These resources are shared among users and they can access them at
any time from anywhere [12]. For example, users by utilizing CC can store and access
their data remotely into the cloud. The cloud can offer on-demand high-quality services
and applications from shareable pools of resources. Thus, users can relieve the burden on
mobile devices into the cloud [10]. Report by Gartner in [13] said that estimation of the
total number of cloud shift in IT from traditional services into cloud services is going to be
around $111 Billion while in 2020. The cloud shift is going to affect more $1 Trillion in IT
spending. The CC has three architectures that provide services which are: infrastructure as
a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). It has four
deployment models that show how the resources in the cloud are shared which are: public
cloud, private cloud, community cloud, and Hybrid cloud. Further details about them are
elaborated in [11, 14–23].
The highly increased usage of data sensors such as GPS in the application of hungry
resources mobile devices are costly because they restrict the devices providing the best ser-
vices to the user. Consequently, offloading computation, data and other resources of mobile
devices to remote thick resources servers is the main objective of CC [24]. Hence, the con-
cept of mobile cloud computing (MCC) has been introduced to address the limitations of
resources consumption of mobile devices in which the CC environment is integrated with
MC [25]. The client/server architecture concept determines which one of them handles the
tasks of computing the operations. If the tasks are computed in the client side and it is
independent of the server side, then it is called a thick client/thin server. And if all the tasks
of the client side are shifted and computed in the server side, then it is called a thin client/
thick server where the client is dependent on the server. The concept of thin client/thick
server is used in MCC in which the term MCC means that the running of different appli-
cations like for example running Gmail App for mobile from Google on a remote thick
server. While the mobile devices can be a thin client which are connecting through the
internet over remote thick server [26]. By this integration, it allows users to exploit and uti-
lize resources in efficient and an on-demand manner with the goal of providing end users
with better services and experience [27]. The applications of MCC have the ability to be
executed on low or thin resource mobile devices. With MCC, mobile users can obtain their
valuable data and real-time information at anytime from anywhere with the use of cloud
services. The two deployment models of CC which are public cloud and private cloud are
emerged in the MCC to provide mobile users with more efficient services. The MCC has a
general architecture as it is shown in Fig. 2 which includes: (1) mobile devices have con-
nection with mobile networks functional interfaces and control that are established via base
stations, (2) the request and information of mobile user are forwarded to central processors
of the mobile networks to provide mobile network services through connection to servers,
(3) then through connection to the Internet, the request of the subscribers are delivered to
the cloud and (4) finally, cloud controllers in the cloud process the request and send back
the corresponding cloud services to the mobile users [28].

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

Fig. 2  MCC architecture [29, 30]

MCC faces many challenges and issues as they are highlighted by authors in [31] in six
different perspectives including end users, operations, data management, context-aware-
ness, application services, security and privacy as in Fig. 3 that shows a taxonomy of the
current research issues in MCC. Privacy is one of the most important challenges because
the user’s private data in mobile devices is computed and offloaded from mobile devices
to the cloud providers which have a distributed heterogeneous feature. One of the features
of the advanced mobile devices is when a user can search for a certain location with the
assistance of GPS sensor and Internet connectivity [32]. Recently, the increased popularity
of LBS raises critical privacy concerns due to the massive amount of private location infor-
mation which are outsourced to the cloud for processing and storage. The location informa-
tion is considered private because it cloud be linked with other important information if
for example they are shared on social networks. Then, processing the accurate location of
users can infer significant information about them such as their home location, when they
leave and arrive home, their interests, etc. [33].
This research provides a comprehensive review about protecting the privacy of the user
in location-aware services of MCC and the most recent work to address this challenge.
Also, this research suggests the possible solutions for it and identifies few issues that need
to be pursued further. The paper is organized in a pattern such as introduction, literature
review, discussion, and conclusion.

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

Fig. 3  A taxonomy of current research issues in MCC [31]

2 Literature Review

Many researchers in the literature have proposed several studies in the area of LBS in
recent years. In this section, we review and discuss the challenges related to the user’s loca-
tion privacy in MCC based on recently conducted researches. Further, this section reviews
the related work for protecting user’s location privacy in MCC.
LBS can be defined as a set of mobile applications that harness the geographical loca-
tion of the mobile device to provide services based on that location [34]. Via LBS, a user
can query any location and get its services such as finding nearby locations, search for
homes, stores or getting routing information of current traffic conditions [32, 35]. An
example of LBS usage is when taking a picture with the smartphone’s camera where the
location is embedded in the picture. Moreover, the user can upload it to social media appli-
cations such as Facebook. So the location which is already embedded in the picture is
shown on the map automatically by the system and it can be shared by the users’ friends on
Facebook [36]. The LBS can track the user’s location, for example, the health status of the
user could be inferred from the number of times that LBS is requested so it can detect the
user’s location that is close to hospital [37]. However, as the current mobile applications
can execute, collect and store their data in the mobile cloud [38], therefore the location
queried by the user is outsourced to the mobile cloud for processing and providing the cor-
responding result to the user [39]. MCC is curious to analyze and infer user’s location to
get more information that may be considered as private information to him.

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

Privacy of user’s location refers to protect users from an unintended usage of data
location [40]. Location privacy risks happen by the functionality of LBS that stores and
collects historical location information in MCC in which query location may disclose
private sensitive information of the user such as current location, identity or the query
content. The LBS involves privacy leakage because the progress of the services depends
on the movements of the user. These services require the users to provide them with
who they are and what they want to know. While other services may expose the interests
of the users and consumption records within their location through some applications.
The personal private information such as habits and interests can be leaked or misused
by adversaries, spam advertising or personal injury events such as robbery or tracking
[41]. Hence, once the adversary captures the data service, the privacy of user’s loca-
tion can be compromised, which may lead to infer the individuals’ sensitive information
[42]. For example, if users’ location information is collected by mobile social networks,
then it may be provided to third parties for different purposes such as commercial or
advertisement. This causes privacy leakage of user’s location [43]. Consequently, using
the location context in the LBS that contains personal information that is highly signifi-
cant to the user can substantially breach the privacy of him and become the main reason
for people abandoning LBS. Table 1 shows how different social media mobile applica-
tions can track the privacy of user’s location.
The following subsection presents an overview of some approaches/techniques that
are used for protecting the privacy of the user’s location.

Table 1  User’s location privacy tracking by different social media apps

Mobile application Tracking user’s location

Facebook It can track user’s location for multiple reasons such as letting others know where he is,
checks- in certain places, tag it on posted pictures or uses the location to serve up ads
Google Apps They collect data location with user permission and allow the services to make
informed guesses on user’s location and habits. They use implicit location informa-
tion in which Google interprets search for a specific location as an evidence that the
user is going to visit the location and then targets related ads based on this informa-
tion. Also, they can track a user’s offline location and behavior and sell the collected
data to third parties
Instagram It collects data location based on where the users post photos. When the user adds
geotags to his photo, these data will be recorded and given an idea of where he
spends his time which helps to post ads relevant to where he lives
Snapchat The snap map feature of Snapchat lets users track other people’s location in real time
raising privacy concerns and advocates where the exact location of the user is going
to appear on the map and this creates risks even without the user posts any snap like
for example if the user is home alone or walks alone at night so this creates a risk
when his contacts on Snapchat see from the map he is walking alone
Uber It had a controversial feature that allowed the company to track the user’s location even
when he is not using the application or not sharing his location or during the pickup
or after drop off. And they collected the user’s location only for five minutes after
the ride is completed. Later on, this feature has been removed to improve the user’s

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

2.1 K‑Anonymity

The idea of K-anonymity is to group the users into k users groups and to hide the pre-
cise location of the real target user among other k users. It emphasizes that the target
user is indistinguishable among k − 1 users. Therefore, the probability of the target user
to be identified is 1/k [44]. Through location anonymizer, an expanded query location
of the user is sent to the server. The Cloaking Region (CR) of the expanded location can
cover another user (k − 1) geographically instead of the precise location of the queried
location. Consequently, the untrusted servers are unable to identify the precise loca-
tion of the user among the other k − 1 fake locations. However, to achieve k-anonymity
model, a trusted third party (TTP) is required in which it will transform the original
query location of the user into another region or will blur the exact location of the user
into cloaked regions. Since the TTP has knowledge about the user’s sensitive informa-
tion, hence it can be easily a target of attacks. On the other hand, using the k-anonymity
approach has some limitations such that using the location anonymizer can lead to a
single point of failure. Since if the attacker has access to it, then the user privacy will
be breached. Then it suffers from a performance of bottleneck because of using location
anonymizer and the way of selecting fake locations to achieve k-anonymity is a chal-
lenge [45].

2.2 Transformation

The idea is to transform the query location in a secure way, so the cloud server of the LBS
server would not able to distinguish the user’s location. It is based on two techniques: (1)
Non-Spatial in which cryptographic protocols are applied to provide strong privacy. But
this approach needs high communication and computation costs and (2) Spatial Transfor-
mation in which the user’s location is modified by the geometric transformation [46]. This
approach has a trade-off between privacy and precision.

2.3 Dummy Location

In the dummy location, a set of fake locations that are randomly selected and the true loca-
tions are submitted to the server by mobile devices to provide protection for the user’s true
location. This approach does not need a Trusted Third Party (TTP) to transfer the original
user’s location. However, this approach suffers from heavy communication and computa-
tion costs due to choosing a large number of dummy locations by mobile devices.

2.4 Mix Zones

Mix zones are defined in which all users’ locations are hidden within these zones. It is
done by not allowing mobile devices to submit any location updates to the server. Hence, if
the user enters any particular zone, his identity will be mixed with other users in the same
zone by changing his name or pseudonyms [44]. However, this approach has a drawback
in which it demands careful control of the number of users entered in the mix zones [47].

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

2.5 Private Information Retrieval (PIR)

PIR protocols allow users to submit their location queries to the server without detecting
the request. The users can retrieve from the server without discovering which request is
retrieved. These protocols are grouped into (1) computational, (2) secure hardware, and (3)
information theoretic. However, there is a tradeoff between efficiency and privacy in this
approach [48].
Protecting the privacy of user’s location has been a concern for researchers. Some of the
studies proposed to store the user’s location in MCC in an encrypted manner so a secure
sharing of location information can be achieved [41, 49–58]. Homomorphic encryption
technique [59, 60] is widely used due to its simplicity and efficiency. Using homomorphic
encryption, computation can be done on encrypted data without the need of decryption
key. The study in [61] proposed a privacy-preserving localization scheme for protecting the
privacy of user’s location information in the cloud from attackers and untrusted servers.
It is based on the homomorphic encryption technique which allows performing localiza-
tion in an encrypted manner and the decryption of data is performed on the device. Hence,
there is no leakage of the location information of the device because no unencrypted data is
passed through the cloud server that cannot understand the computed results of the device’s
context. The system architecture is depicted in Fig. 4. The system works by allowing the
mobile device to measure the signals of location and encrypt it. Then, only the encrypted
version of the location is sent to unreliable cloud servers. After the cloud servers receive
the encrypted location, they perform the process of localization. Finally, the result of that
location information is sent back to the mobile device, so that it can be decrypted. This
technique achieves a higher level of privacy with less complexity and there is no effect
on the accuracy of the positioning results in the cloud. The authors in [46] proposed pri-
vacy-preserving architecture that provides secure mechanism over untrusted cloud server
for LBS services anonymously. The users are prevented from the direct explosion of LBS

Fig. 4  The system architecture of

privacy-preserving localization
scheme [61]

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

providers when they query for a location. By using the hashes of the users’ devices IMSI in
the cloud server for authentication of malicious users, they are identifying them as a threat.
The transformation is one of the studies that are proposed which transforms the query in a
safe manner so that the server cannot identify the user’s location. This approach uses two
techniques: non-spatial that employs cryptographic protocols to provide privacy, and spa-
tial that is based on changing user’s location through geometric transformation. Zhu et al.
[62] proposed efficient privacy-preserving LBS query where location information is pre-
served and kept secret from both LBS provider and cloud server. This is because the query
location of the user and LBS data are computed in the cloud server without involving the
LBS provider. The system consists of four components as Fig. 5 is showing which are: (1)
Trusted Authority: for system initialization and sending system parameters to LBS provider
and cloud server, (2) LBS Provider: for outsourcing data to the cloud server and providing
system registration of users, (3) Cloud Server: for storing the encrypted data from LBS
provider and providing users with query services and (4) The LBS User: who can query a
location from LBS provider and obtain services based encrypted query from cloud server.
The scheme employs improved homomorphic encryption with a special spatial range query
algorithm constructed over Composite Order Group. Then, it protects the privacy of the
user’s location and provides good computation and communication costs.
Some researchers have been studied Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) techniques [63]
in which the location information is encrypted by the publishers. Also, the fine-grained
access policies have been defined and the encrypted location information with access poli-
cies are outsourced to the mobile cloud. Only authorized users (queriers) can access the
location information. Therefore, to provide access control mechanism Zhu et al. [38] intro-
duced a fine-grained access control for LBS in the Cloud-Based SpatioTemporal Predicted-
Based Encryption (ST-PBE) which is constructed on Key Policy Attribute-Based Encryp-
tion (KP-ABE) encryption [64]. It is implemented based on a secure cryptographic integer
comparison supporting different types of spatiotemporal comparison based constraints in
the LBS. The system architecture in Fig. 6 consists of three parts which are: (1) Mobile
User who can have only authorized access to the data in LBS provider, (2) LBS Provider
that can send location query to cloud provider for processing and can provide encrypted
location information services to users according to their queries and (3) Certification

Fig. 5  System model of an efficient privacy–privacy location-based services query (EPQ) scheme [62]

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

Fig. 6  System architecture of location-based fine-grained access control (LFAC) mechanism [38]

Center which is a Trusted Third Party (TTP) to issue certificate to users. The approach sim-
plifies location authentication, access control as well as user privacy protection.
However, CP-ABE [65] is more appropriate than KP-ABE because it allows the owner
of location information to specify access policies over the data location. Therefore, authors
of [37] proposed a framework for fine-grained access control that protects the privacy of
LBS in mobile devices. It is based on a Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-
ABE) technique which is integrated with the techniques of proxy re-encryption and trans-
formation key. In their system model in Fig. 7, the users query a location through the LBS
provider that outsources the encrypted data according to access policies to the cloud server.
Then, the users can obtain location information service from the cloud server with their
access rights that are corresponding to the access policies. It provides minimum computa-
tion and communication costs over huge resources consumption. It allows the owner of the
location to specify access policies control directly over the encrypted data by using these
policies and their associated attributes with private keys and ciphertext. Also, only users
that their identities attributes satisfy the access policies defined by the LBS provider can
have access to the location information which achieves privacy-preserving requirements.
The k-anonymity is introduced to verify that the user can be identified with 1/k probability
only. The user’s location is partitioned into groups in which each group has a k number of
users at least.
To provide dynamic location, a LBS for attribute-based fine-grained access control for
mobile cloud constructed based on ABE in [66] is introduced. It provides minimum com-
putation and communication costs over huge resources consumption by integrating ABE
with proxy re-encryption techniques to offload computation to the cloud. The system archi-
tecture contains three entities which are: (1) Anonymizer that defines and broadcasts the
cloaking area in a predefined time interval, (2) Location Service Provider that provides
each user with contextual attributes time access, unforgeable exact location, etc. Users send

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

Fig. 7  Framework architecture of

fine-grained privacy preserving
location-based service (FINE)

their encrypted query including th contextual information to anonymizer. Upon receiv-

ing k requests for a cloaking area, Anonymizing Spatial Region (ASR) is generated by
the anonymizer that contains at least k users and performs k-anonymity cloaking and (3)
Cloud Service Provider that receives a cluster of ASRs which defines for them a real-time
access time. Then, the data is partially decrypted based on that time and other access poli-
cies for decryption computation cost to be outsourced. Reponses of k-queries are generated
and sent back to anonymizer to filter them and to send them to users. Finally, only author-
ized users can decrypt the location information. The scheme provides an efficient dynamic
location of mobile devices as context information does not change the private key of the
device. Multi-authority attributes based access control is provided which protects users’
authority and identity against unauthorized access. Anony Control is adopted [67] in the
scheme to provide location anonymity by utilizing the coarse location as an attribute in the
ABE to achieve k-anonymity and filter the results returned for more accuracy. Moreover,
location privacy is supported by utilizing comparison based encryption based on CP-ABE
that hides the exact location of devices from the server. Xie et al. [68] applied the RSA
(for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) algorithm [69] based CP-ABE encryption technique
to achieve fine-grained access control over encrypted location information. Their system
model in Fig. 8 contains four components which are: (1) mobile cloud service provider
that supports location-based query service, (2) a crowd of publishers that can share their
data locations that are encrypted with mobile cloud, (3) many queriers that send request
to mobile cloud service provider for location-based query service, and (4) trusted Author-
ity that issues the key parameters. A location distance computed and a comparison over
encrypted location are supported. Moreover, at the querier side, the computation cost is
low and only authorized queriers can get the results.
The authors in [70] presented GeoSecure approach that is based on delta compression to
compress the data location and maintain confidentiality as well as privacy. The data loca-
tion is preserved and its confidentiality cannot be revealed or compromised. The first loca-
tion coordinates are collected from mobile devices and the differentials are outsourced to
the cloud service provider. Then, the cloud service provider (CSP) computes the distance

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

Fig. 8  System model of mobile cloud service system (MCSS) [68]

of differentials and utilizes it to determine different parameters. Using these parameters,

users can obtain different location-based services such as distance traveled with different
transportation modes. Baseri et al. [71] proposed an attribute-based access control with
multi-authority (MA-ABE) scheme. It provides the user’s anonymity and protects the
user’s identity against malicious authorities with the coexistence of authorities support.
The mobile user’s dynamic location is used as contextual information about him with his
access policies and is authorized with the dynamic locations to satisfy the access policies.
A proxy re-encryption is integrated with the scheme to (1) allow the secret information
from authorities to be transformed and to protect the identity of the users from disclosure
to the cloud server and (2) Allow the computation to be outsourced into the cloud server
with limited computation costs. To outsource the LBS to the cloud in privacy-preserving
manner, authors in [72] presented a solution for that. The scheme allows a search to be
performed in the cloud while protecting the user’s privacy queries and identity. Also, it
keeps the data location confident from the cloud provider. Moreover, it allows users to
query multi-location with continuous access control in an efficient way. And it provides
a trade-off control between precision and privacy per query basis. Their system model in
Fig. 9 consists of three components which are: (1) Location-based service provider that
collects and encrypts data location, and before outsources them to the cloud service pro-
vider, it constructs an index for them, (2) client that registers itself with the location-based
service provider to get the certificate and obtain the desired services, (3) cloud service pro-
vider that processes the encrypted query with the index and sends back the result to cli-
ent. Authors in [73] proposed a privacy-preserving and an efficient LBS query based cloud
scheme. Hybrid encryption is adopted in this scheme to protect the data location and the
requests of users against the cloud server. The hybrid encryption encrypts the data loca-
tion and queries that are outsourced to the cloud server. The cloud server provides accu-
rate services for the queries by performing efficient and privacy-preserving search over the
encrypted data location. Moreover, the scheme can allow flexible user enrollment and revo-
cation mechanisms which are suitable for multiuser settings.

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

Fig. 9  System model of privacy preserving outsourced LBS system [72]

The literature review about improving the privacy of user’s location in mobile cloud
shows that developing effective and efficient frameworks for it is a challenge. This is
because due to the amount of data location collected that needs to manage and allow only
authorized users to access it to avoid privacy location violation. A detailed tabular criti-
cal comparison is provided in Table 2 below in terms of six criteria which are: encryption
type, fine-grained access control, dynamic location support, multi-location query, anonym-
ity, confidentiality, and future work in order to achieve protection of privacy for user’s loca-
tion in MCC. Therefore, based on the literature review, the contribution of the paper is as

1. Introducing the concept mobile cloud computing (MCC) with protecting the Privacy of
user’s in location-based services (LBS).
2. Addressing the important points (for example, challenge of user’s privacy [74], efficient
computation of data outsourcing, etc.) in MCC for users.
3. Showing few techniques protecting user’s privacy in one’s location such as, K-anonym-
ity, transformation, dummy location, mix zones and PIR.
4. Considering a design for a unified scheme to improve the challenge of privacy, of user’s
location in the future.
5. Identifying few open issues that need to be pursued further.

3 Discussion

In MCC, the location services have raised privacy concerns in mobile devices for their
users. Knowing the user’s location can deliver many services such as advertisement ser-
vices in which they need to collect, store, process the data location that could be used in
a way that violates the user privacy [5, 75]. The major outcome of our research review is

Table 2  Comparative of privacy protection of user in location-aware services of MCC

Scheme/functionality Encryption type Fine-grained Dynamic Multi- Anonymity Confi- Future work
access location location dential-
control support query ity

Privacy-preserving localization Homomorphic encryption X X X X X _

algorithm [61]
PPCCP [46] AES encryption X X X ✓ X Cloud based environment Imple-
Users can have more control over
EPQ [62] Homomorphic encryption with X X X X ✓ Collusion attack consideration
a special spatial range query Low trust level in the cloud server
LFAC [38] (SP- PBE) and (KP- ABE) ✓ X X X X _
FINE [37] CP- ABE ✓ X X ✓ ✓ Reduce the cost on the cloud server.
Low trust level in the cloud server.
MA attribute based access control ABE ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓ Evaluate the performance of the
[66] work
MCSS [68] (RSA) and CP- ABE ✓ X X X X _
GeoSecure [70] Delta Encryption ✓ X X X ✓ Detect traffic congestion.
MA attribute based access control MA- ABE ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓ _
Privacy preserving outsourced Function- hiding inner product ✓ X ✓ X ✓ Support the search of k- nearest
LBS system [72] encryption neighbor
Privacy-preserving multiuser LBS Hybrid encryption X ✓ X X ✓ Detect collusion attack in the cloud
query scheme [73]
Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi
Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

comprehensive enough to grasp the challenge and the current studies for protecting the
privacy of user’s location in MCC with some shortcomings that need further studies. The
study in [61] protects privacy of user’s location only during the transmission and from the
cloud server side, but it does not protect it from the user side. Also, the computation cost
at the user side is high. In [46], the computation cost for finding nearest point of interest
locations for each k users is big and requires more time. Comparing with other studies,
the study in [62] does not take into consideration the various attacks and the level of trust
in the cloud server. However, all the above studies do not provide mechanisms for access
control policies. Because the framework in [38] is constructed based on KP-ABE technique
and the use of associated attributes, then the owner of location information is unable to
directly specify access policies of user’s location. Also, the computation of the encryp-
tion technique used requires huge resource consumption. Also, both in [37] and [37], there
will be a leakage of user’s location information while searching for data patterns due to
the trapdoors that are generated from locations. So they are always steady for the same
location. Hence, the malicious user can count the number of trapdoors and identify their
locations. Then, he can declare the fake location of the device and get unauthorized access
to the information. Also, they do not support dynamic location of mobile devices. In [66]
location distance computation is not supported. Due to the interaction between the queries
that they access social networks via smartphones and publishers in [68], the publishers
should always stay online and this is unacceptable because of the limited power of smart-
phones. The study in [70] does not provide detection for congestion traffic. The research
in [72] does not support dynamic location and in [73] does not provide a solution for col-
lusion attack in cloud-based and it does not support fine-grained access control. The solu-
tions have several common features such as providing encryption scheme, supporting ano-
nymity, supporting confidentiality, providing dynamic location query, providing multiple
location queries and supporting fine-grained access control.
Based on critical review as of Table 2, we can observe that the best technique is the one
that provides high protection for the user’s location and provides efficient performance in
terms of computation overhead and communication overhead. The researchers in [61] com-
pared the computational complexity between the homomorphic and RSA methods. They
observed that generally, the method of homomorphic encryption requires fewer operations
(computation overhead) on end devices than the RSA method. The complexity of consump-
tion decryption time of the algorithm is less sensitive to the number of Access Points (APs).
The number of operations on devices are dominated by the sum of M and D (M is the number
of APs and D is the dimension of the coordinates) in which the operations for addition is N,
multiplication is M and mod function is M + D. On the other hand, the algorithm which they
proposed requires zero operations on the cloud because the encryption procedure is ignored
by the cloud in which the operations for addition is 0, multiplication is 0 and Mod function is
0. The privacy level improvement is obtained by the expense of extra decryption computation
overhead. Nevertheless, though homomorphic encryption method on mobile device results in
more consumption of energy, still it is very small on devices with high-level resources and
capacities. The computation overhead and communication overhead are not evaluated in the
study of [46]. The authors in [62] compared the computational complexity between the Spatial
Range Query over Cipher-Text (SRQC) algorithm in an Efficient Privacy–Privacy Location-
Based Services Query (EPQ) and Fine-Grained Privacy Preserving Location-Based Service
(FINE) scheme. They observed that the computation cost overhead of the cloud server which
is about 1-second increases slowly with the increase of the search region and range. Also, the
computation cost overhead of LBS provider increases linearly with the increase of a num-
ber of resources. And the total computation cost overhead on the user’s smartphone is less

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

than 200 ms and it is needed once communication only. The computation complexity of their
scheme for user, cloud server and service provider respectively are shown in the following
4 ∗ Ce (1)
2N ∗ Cp ∗ 4N ∗ Cm (2)
2N ∗ Cp + 2N ∗ Cm + 6N ∗ Ce (3)
While the computation complexity of the FINE scheme for User, Cloud Server, and Ser-
vice Provider are shown in the following equations.
l ∗ Cp + (2 + l) ∗ Cm + 2l ∗ Ce (4)
2NΔxΔy ∗ Cp + 5NΔxΔy ∗ Cm + (4NΔxΔy + 2l) ∗ Ce (5)
2N ∗ Cp + 3N ∗ Cm + N(8N + 6) ∗ Ce (6)
It is obvious that their scheme achieved privacy preserving LBS with less computation
complexity on the LBS provider, user, and cloud server. It solved the issue of the time-
consumption effectively on LBS user and cloud server. The researchers of [38] presented
the computational cost overhead of the basic cryptographic operations with experiment
included 23 LBS requests, some location queries and some policies that are chosen ran-
domly over a set of 7 attributes. They observed that the additional operations may take
much more time. Consequently, the decryption overhead in service authentication is
smaller than the overhead on the LBS data transmission because the expressions of the
coordinates in LBS transmission are larger. However, the system performance is affected
by different attributes and constraints but this effect is not very significant.
The researchers in [37] evaluated the performance of their proposed framework in terms
of computation cost overhead and communication cost overhead including exponentiation
and multiplication. The computation cost overhead at the user side including User Grant
(UG) is 0 and Location Based Service (LBS) is O(l). The bandwidth cost overhead at the
user side including User Grant (UG) is O(1) and Location Based Service (LBS) is O(l). The
computation cost overhead at the LBS provider side including System Initialization (SI) is
O(1), Service Data Creation (SDC) is O(N), User Grant (UG) is O(N) and User Revoca-
tion (UR) is O(1). The bandwidth cost overhead at the LBS provider side including System
( )Data Creation (SDC) is O(N), User Grant (UG) is O(N) and
Initialization (SI) is 0, Service
User Revocation (UR) is O l′ . The computation cost overhead at the cloud server side
including Service Data Creation (SDC) is 0, User Grant (UG) is 0, User Revocation (UR)
is 0 and Location Based Services (LBS) is O(N). The bandwidth cost overhead at the cloud
( ) Data Creation (SDC) is O(N), User Grant (UG) is O(N), User
server side including Service
Revocation (UR) is O 1′ and Location Based Services (LBS) is O(l). They observed that
the computation cost overhead and communication cost overheads at the user side is low
but they are high at the cloud server side.
The authors in [66] analyzed the computation cost overhead and communication cost
overhead of their proposed scheme which is concerned with multiplication (M), exponen-
tiation (E) and pairing (P). Nevertheless, their objective is to minimize the overheads of
computation and communication cost at mobile users side. The computation cost at the
user side for Setup is 0, Key Gen. (Dynamic) is 0, Encryption is 0, Acc. Req and Cloaking
and Decryption respectively are shown in the following equation.
(6 + 2t)TE (7)

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

TE + TENC(ak) (8)
The communication cost at the user side for Setup is 0, Key Gen. (Dynamic) is 0,
Encryption is 0, Acc. Req and Cloaking and Decryption respectively are shown the follow-
ing equations.
(6 + 2t)l Gn� (9)

lGn� + lENC(ak) (10)

The computation cost at the Data Owner (DO) side for Setup is 0, Key Gen. (Dynamic)
is 0, Acc. Req and Cloaking is 0, Decryption is 0 and Encryption is shown the following
O(t)TP (11)
The communication cost at the DO side for Setup is 0, Key Gen. (Dynamic) is 0, Acc.
Req and Cloaking is 0, Decryption is 0 and Encryption is shown in the following Equation.

lENC(ak) + (3 + 2t)lG (12)


The computation cost at the Location Service Provider (LSP) for Encryption is 0, Acc.
Req and Cloaking is 0, Decryption is 0, Setup and Key Gen. (Dynamic) respectively are
shown in the following equations.
( )
(2K − 2) TM + TE (13)

(K + 4)TM + (17 + 2m)TE (14)

The communication cost at the LSP for Encryption is 0, Acc. Req and Cloaking are 0,
Decryption is 0, Setup and Key Gen. (Dynamic) are shown the following equations.
(2K − 2)lGn� (15)
(2K + 7)lGn� (16)
They observed that the computation cost overhead and communication cost overhead
are lower at the user side and hence their proposed scheme is convenient for smartphone
devices. The researchers in [68] compared the computation cost overhead measured in (ms)
of their scheme with the computation cost overhead of the PLQP scheme in [36]. The aver-
age computation cost overhead at querier (user side) for distance compute is 0.5944 in their
proposed scheme while it is 1.9645 in PLQP. The average computation cost overhead at
querier (user side) for distance compare is 0.6579 in their proposed scheme while it is
1.6195 in PLQP. The average computation cost overhead on the publisher for distance
compute is 0 in their proposed scheme while it is 0.8524in PLQP. The average computation
cost overhead on the publisher for distance compare is 0 in their proposed scheme while it
is 0.6926 in PLQP. The average computation cost overhead on Mobile Cloud Service Pro-
vider (MCSP) for distance compute is 0.5130 in their proposed scheme while it is not men-
tioned in PLQP. The average computation cost overhead at MCSP for distance compute is
0.5172 in their proposed scheme while it is not mentioned in PLQP. It is obvious that their
scheme has lower computation than PLQP at the querier side. Also, it is obvious that their
scheme has lower computation cost than PLQP for both the location distance and compare
as the MCSP contributes in the distance compute and compare instead of the publisher,
while the PLQP does not use it for computation because it uses the publisher to interact

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

with the querier. Hence, their proposed scheme has zero computation cost at the publisher
side. Overall, the computation cost overhead of each query in their scheme is lower than in
the PLQP which makes it suitable to be put in practice. The authors in [70] did not provide
an evaluation performance for the computation and communication overhead. The
researchers in [71] evaluated the computation cost overhead and communication cost over-
head of their work and compared them with the computation cost overhead and communi-
cation cost overhead in [37, 38] with a goal to reduce the computation cost overhead at the
user side. The analysis was based on the static overhead caused by attribute of authorities
to provide multi-authorities and dynamic overhead caused by location service provider
(LSP) to provide location services. The static computation cost overhead of their proposed
work is performed only once at registration time and every attribute authority is included
only once at registration time. Therefore, it does not affect the efficiency of the scheme.
The dynamic data access computation cost overhead of their proposed work at User (U)
side for Key Gen is 0, Acc. Req is 5TEG and Dec is TEG . The dynamic data access commu-
nication cost overhead of their proposed work at U for Key Gen is 5lG , Acc. Req and Dec
respectively are shown in the following equations.
( )
6 + 2||Au || lG (17)

lENC + lGT (18)

The dynamic data access computation cost overhead of their proposed work at Location
Service Provider (LSP) side for Acc. Req is 0, Dec is 0 and KeyGen is shown in the follow-
ing equation.
(5 + 2m)TEG (19)
The dynamic data access communication cost overhead of their proposed work at Loca-
tion Service Provider (LSP) side for Key Gen is 6lG , Acc. Req is 0 and Dec is 0. The
dynamic uploading computation cost overhead of their proposed work at Data Owner (DO)
side for Encryption is shown in the following equation.
(1 + 2m + 2|t|)TEG + TEG
The dynamic uploading communication cost overhead of their proposed work at Data
Owner (DO) side for Encryption is shown in the following equation.
lENC + (2 + 2|t|)lG + lGT (21)
It is observed that their scheme eliminated paring operations in the decryption that are
a costly process with limited computation at the user side. Since the work in [38] does not
support most of the functionalities support by the researchers’ scheme, they only compared
the computation performance with work in [37]. Although it is shown that the computation
cost overhead in both key generation and decryption process are reduced to a negligible
value at user side, work in [37] has a high level of computation cost overhead in both key
generation and decryption process at location service provider (LSP) side. The authors in
[72] evaluated the computation cost performance of their proposed solution by measuring
the index of traversing to reach
( a)location at a particular level. The computation overhead
of the Query Generation is O n2 . While the search procedure which is divided into trav-
erse tree, checking the condition of a node and retrieving the encrypted information has
computation overhead of O(log N.n). It is observed that the time overhead of the Bloom
Filter utilized by the blind signature for the search efficiency is negligible. Additionally,
there is no communication overhead at the user side. The authors in [73] evaluated the

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

computation performance of their proposed scheme at LBS user side, LBS provider side
and cloud server side. The computation cost overhead for LBS data encryption is raised
linearly for different sizes of categories set with fixed a number of data location while the
number of different data location has a slight impact on the computation cost overhead
with a fixed size of category set. Hence, it is obvious that encrypting the categories in each
category set has the most time consumption while encrypting the data location has roughly
small time consumption for the scheme. The total computation cost overhead for produc-
ing a query request at LBS user side is efficient and almost 161 ms. The computation cost
overhead of search on cloud server is effected slightly by the number of categories and
data location while it is obvious that the response time is raised linearly with the increased
number of query users which is efficient and about 6.82 s. However, the evaluation of com-
munication overhead is not considered in this study. From the detailed comparison, we can
observe that the most efficient scheme in terms of performance computation cost overhead
and communication cost overhead and in terms of functionalities in the literature is privacy
preserving location-based access control (PPLBAC) that is proposed by the researchers in
[71]. The performance of PPLABC as compared is better than FINE [37] and LFAC [38]
and the performance computation of ABE technique used for FINE is better than homo-
morphic technique that is already discussed in the previous sub section.
As a case study, we consider a user that uses Uber taxi car service, when he requests
a ride by entering the destination address and setting his default pick-up according to the
current GPS location of the user. From the moment that the user is picked-up until where
he is dropped off to his destination, the app is able to track the user’s location. It can track
the user during the ride, and for five minutes after the user reaches his destination, and by
doing this, it can give much more information to the service about the user. It could find
out the users’ daily routes, which way he goes after a fare and his habits just by following
him around in the background. The app can collect the precise location data from its users
at all the time when it is running in the foreground or the background which mean that even
if it is not being used for the ride. However, if the Uber service is compromised due to any
reason, then the users’ data location that are unencrypted or not protected with anonym-
ity can be compromised and easily accessed by the adversaries which mean breaching the
user’s privacy. Moreover, the app can save the historical records of the locations that the
user requests them for a ride so it can retrieve them when it is requested again through the
shortcut icon. And according to the study done by [76], it concluded that the short period
of time between each or frequent requests location from mobile application lead to higher
risks of privacy. Therefore, when Uber app updates or retrieves the user’s location or des-
tination location, this leads to increase the risk of user’s location leakage due to the high
rate of the request. Another case study is a user that uses a snap map location feature on the
Snapchat application. This feature allows the user to track other users on a snap map and it
can be used to view the snaps of others, as well as other features snaps like breaking news,
sporting events and so on. It allows updates the user’s location to appear automatically on
other friends’ snap map when he chooses to share his location. Then, the user can be seen
on a virtual map with their precise location as shown in Fig. 10. Therefore, through this
feature, the users can share their daily life activities like a user can see if his friend is riding
a car and on what road he is driving. The dispute of the snap map comes from its accuracy
in which zooming in on Snapchat users it shows where their home is exactly. Also, if a user
has an unknown friend on Snapchat and he does not know him, he can track him wherever
he is going. And anyone of the users’ friends can see his location, even someone pretend-
ing to know him so this behavior can breach the user’s privacy and this feature can be a
harmful one.

Z. A Almusaylim, N. Jhanjhi

Fig. 10  Snap map feature of snapchat application [77]

Conclusively, by comparing all the approaches and the related work, there are several
possible suggested solutions that should be taken into consideration while designing a
unified scheme to improve the challenge of the privacy of user’s location in the future. It
includes that the privacy of user’s location should be protected during transmission from
both sides of the mobile users and cloud servers, it should allow the mobile users to have
control over what location information to share with others, it should support multi-loca-
tion query, it should support location compression to minimize the computation cost and it
supports user revocation which is when the user leaves the system then his location infor-
mation, attributes, and access rights should be revoked from the system directly. Moreover,
from the above literature review, we can conclude there are some drawbacks that still found
which are as follows: (1) The heavy computation and communication cost at cloud server
side, (2) The need for reliable and highly precise location, (3) They do not provide long
term consistency location protection, (4) They did not consider the trust level of honest but
curious cloud to malicious that should be lower, (5) They do not support multi-authority
feature to provide coexistence of users’ authorities in which each authority issues part of
the secret key instead of issuing it to a single authority and 6) They do not consider multi-
location query feature that allows the user to scan location by an index only once time for
multiple locations instead of scan it multiple times for a single location. Therefore, these
shortcomings have considerable significance to be studied and addressed in order to protect
the user’s location.

4 Conclusion

One of the recent trends of networking and mobile technology is Mobile Cloud Comput-
ing that emerges both MC and CC which have been increased dramatically and provided
optimal services to the users. MCC has inherited the characteristics of MC as well as CC,

Comprehensive Review: Privacy Protection of User in…

and it has become a hot research area nowadays. However, MCC faces many challenges
and one of them is the privacy of the user’s location. Location privacy challenge raises by
the functionality of LBS that stores and collects historical location information in MCC in
which query location may disclose private information of the user’s current location and
the sensitive information about user’s identity or the query content. The personal private
information such as habits and interests can be leaked or misused by spam advertising,
adversaries or personal harm events such as robbery or tracking. This research presents:
(1) A comprehensive review for readers about the challenge of protecting the privacy of
the user in location-aware services of MCC. (2) Presents and analyzes different approaches
and set of research projects that are proposed recently for this challenge with their char-
acteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. (3) A case study of Uber taxi car service, as
well as Snap Map, and how the user’s location is being tracked or leaked. (4) Suggesting
some possible solutions with a unified scheme to improve the challenge of the privacy the
user’s location in future with efficient performance overhead and (5) Identifying few of the
shortcomings that need to be pursued further related to protecting the privacy of the user’s
location. This research provides direction to other researchers to focus more on state of pri-
vacy issues to protect the user’s location information on the mobile cloud while providing
better services and experience to the users. As future work, we are extending our work to
implement the suggested solution with including of multi-location query, multi-authority,
location compression and user revocation.

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Zahrah A. Almusaylim She an assistant scientific researcher at King AbdulAziz for Science and Technology
(KACST), Saudi Arabia. She earned her BSc in Computer Science in 2014 from College of King Faisal
University, Saudi Arabia. She is currently pursuing her master in Computer Science at King Faisal Univer-
sity since 2015 up to date. Her area of interests include: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, IoT Privacy
and Security, Wireless Sensor Network, Security of RPL networks, Cloud Computing Security, Network
Security, Mobile Computing, Context-Aware Computing, Machine Learning, Web and Mobile Applications

Dr. NZ Jhanjhi has 18 years of teaching and administrative experience

internationally, authored several research papers in indexed and impact
factor research journals and conferences, edited 11 international
reputed Computer Science area books, focused on research students.
He has successfully completed more than 18 international research
grants. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Access, Guest editor of several
journals, Regional Editor, and Editorial board member, PC member,
reviewer for several reputed international journals and conferences
around the globe. His areas of interest include Cybersecurity, IoT,
WSN, Internet of Things IoT, Mobile Application Programming, Ad
hoc Networks, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Mobile Computing, and
Software Engineering.


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