Yokoyama 2009 - Chloritized Granitic Rock in Southwest Japan
Yokoyama 2009 - Chloritized Granitic Rock in Southwest Japan
Yokoyama 2009 - Chloritized Granitic Rock in Southwest Japan
Abstrast Chloritized granitic rock occurs in the serpentinite mélange of the Nagato Tectonic
Zone, southwest Japan. The rock occurs as a small block of ca. 1m in diameter in the sheared ser-
pentinite matrix and is difficult to distinguish from massive serpentinite. It consists mostly of chlo-
rite with basal spacing of 14ÅEand FeO content <0.3 wt. %. It is homogeneous under a micro-
scope with plane-polarized light. Twinnings with Carlsbad and polysynthetic textures are remark-
able under crossed polars, suggesting that pseudomorphs were parentally K-feldspar and plagio-
clase, respectively. Rare relict minerals are apatite and biotite. Grain sizes of pseudomorphs after
feldspars and quartz are similar to those in normal granitic rock. The relict minerals and grain
sizes suggest that they were replaced almost totally by FeO-free chlorite from a granitic rock.
Although quartz and feldspar were well preserved in a large granitic and gneissose blocks from
the serpentinite mélange, replacement by FeO-free chlorite is observed along the twin plane of pla-
gioclase in the rocks. Preservation of twinning texture in the chloritized granite implies that the
metasomatism took place under static conditions without deformation.
Key words : Nagato Tectonic Zone, serpentinite mélange, Chloritization, Granite, Pseudomorph
Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of the Nagato Tectonic Zone. (after Murakami and Nishimura, 1979) a and b:
outcrops of the Nagato Tectonic Zone, c: sample locality of the chlorite rock in the Dai District.
Chloritized granitic rock in the Nagato Tectonic Zone, southwest Japan 13
Fig. 2. Microphotographs of chloritized rock in thin section. A and B; chlorite showing twinning textures under
plane-polarized light and crossed polar, respectively. C and D: ibid. E; chlorite rock with twinning texture
under crossed polar. F: concentration map of Ca in the same area as photo E. Abbreviations, p-qz: pseudo-
morph after quartz, p-pl: pseudomorph after plagioclase with polysynthetic twin, p-Kf: pseudomorph after
K-feldspar with Carsbad twin, an:ankerite or dolomite, ser:serpentine.
14 Kazumi Yokoyama, Atsushi Goto and Yukiyasu Tsutsumi
parts (Fig. 2 A and C). Under the microscope gate without any twinning texture (Fig. 2) should
with crossed polars, the granitic texture appears correspond to quartz. As rare minerals, apatite,
(Fig. 2 B, D and E). Textures of polysynthetic biotite, pyrophanite, ankerite and zircon were
and Carlsbad twins are remarkably well pre- also found. Biotite with size around 0.1 mm is
served in the rock. In normal granitic rocks, found in the chlorite matrix (Fig. 3A). It is sur-
polysynthetic twinning is common and represen- rounded by chlorite with a greenish color. Green-
tative in plagioclase, whereas Carlsbad twinning ish chlorite without a biotite core sometimes oc-
is prevalent in monoclinic K-feldspar (ortho- curs in the colorless chlorite matrix. The grain
clase). Hence, it is reasonable to assume simply size of greenish chlorite is around 1 mm in
at first that the pseudomorph with polysynthetic length. Apatite is found as anhedral grains of 0.2
twinning corresponds to that of plagioclase, mm diameter. Pyrophanite, MnTiO3, occurs as an
whereas the pseudomorph with Carlsbad twin- aggregate and apparently forms a pseudomorph
ning to that of K-feldspar. Grain sizes of the probably of ilmenite (Fig. 3C). Carbonate miner-
pseudomorphs are 0.5–2 mm, similar to those in als, dolomite and ankerite, are fine-grained and
granitic rocks. If the parental rock for the chlorite form an aggregate. They appear like opaque min-
rock was a granitic rock, cryptocrystalline aggre- erals under plane-polarized light. Zircons usually
Fig. 3. Back-scattered electron image of minerals in Fe-free chlorite matrix. A: relict biotite (bio) surrounded
by Fe-rich greenish chlorite. B: relict apatite. C: aggregate of pyrophanite showing pseudomorph after il-
menite. D; various types of zircon grains concentrated in a part.
Chloritized granitic rock in the Nagato Tectonic Zone, southwest Japan 15
Fig. 4. Partly chloritized plagioclase in a large granitic block occurring in a sheared serpentinite. A: micropho-
tograph of plagioclase with polysynthetic twin (crossed polars). B: concentration of Mg showing crystalliza-
tion of chlorite (white) along twin planes and fractures.
occur as fine-grained crystallites up to ca. and Science. The analytical conditions were
100 m m in length (Fig. 3D). They vary in shape; 15 kV and a current of 20 nA with a beam diame-
acicular, euhedral and fragmented, and are con- ter of about 2 mm. The following synthetic and
centrated in a part (Fig. 4). Zoning and heteroge- natural materials were used as standards: wollas-
neous patterns are not observed in the BSE tonite for Si and Ca, anatase for Ti, corundum for
image of zircon. Monazite rarely occurs forming Al, Mg2SiO4 for Mg, Fe2SiO4 for Fe, rhodonite
an aggregate. for Mn, albite for Na and adularia for K. Chemi-
The microscopical features and minerals clear- cal compositions of chlorite and other representa-
ly show that the protolith of the chlorite rock was tive minerals are listed in Table 1.
evidently a granitic rock and was transformed Chlorite is confirmed to have a basal spacing
into a monomineralic rock by a metasomatic of 14 Å by X-ray diffractometry. It is almost Fe-
process. The chlorite rock seems to have been free with less than 0.3 wt% as FeO content. The
protected from any deformation after chlorite Al2O3 content is mostly around 10 wt%, very low
crystallization, suggesting that the original as a chlorite composition reported (Deer et al.,
granitic rock was metasomatized statically. As 1962). Although the CaO content in normal chlo-
shown in the map in Fig. 1, there are many tec- rite should be usually negligible, it is recogniz-
tonic blocks larger than several meters across. able at around 0.15 wt% in a quartz pseudo-
Chlorite formation occurs at the boundary be- morph, whereas around 0.1 wt% in plagioclase
tween the block and serpentinite, but the original and K-feldspar pseudomorphs are present (Table
minerals are more or less preserved in these large 1). Mapping of the rock by Ca shows that the
blocks. At a marginal part of a granitic block, re- plagioclase pseudomorph is clearly poorer in
placement of plagioclase by chlorite was ob- CaO content than that of the quartz pseudomorph
served (Fig. 4). The replacement occurs along the (Fig. 2 F). Al2O3 content is slightly higher in the
twin plane and fractures. It is probable that quartz pseudomorph than that in feldspar (Fig.
preservation of twin textures in the chlorite rock 4). Chlorite around biotite differs in chemical
was due to the replacement by chlorite progress- composition from the Fe-free chlorite mentioned
ing in each twin plane. above. It is usually Fe-rich and varies in FeO con-
tent up to 19 wt%. The Al2O3 content is also up
to 19 wt%. Biotite is a less resistant mineral
Chemical Comppositions of Minerals
against alteration of granite (e.g. Wilamowski,
The chemical compositions of minerals were 2002). The chlorite around biotite is negligible in
analyzed by electron microprobe analyzer, JEOL CaO content (0.03 wt%), similar in composi-
8800, located in the National Museum of Nature tion to those around altered biotite in a granitic
16 Kazumi Yokoyama, Atsushi Goto and Yukiyasu Tsutsumi
Table 1. Chemical composition of various chlorites and other representative minerals. P-mineral: pseudomorph
after the mineral.
reasonable that transfers of the elements were in- shearing stage. Age analyses of fine-grained zir-
duced by fluids migrating through the serpenti- con and monazite may reveal the timing of the
nite. Although it is also hard to explain the mech- chloritization.
anism, it is clear that the replacement occurred
under static conditions without deformation.
Preservations of twinning and partly replaced
plagioclase by chlorite (Fig. 2 and 4) show that The authors are very grateful to Ms. M. Shi-
the replacement started from the twin plane in geoka for her help with chemical analyses
spite of the differences of crystal structure. Chlo- throughout this study.
rite and serpentine veins developed in the chlori-
tized blocks. Although timing of vein is clearly
later than the chloritization of granitic rock, it is
hard to discuss the timing of serpenitization Akahane, H., Furuno, T., Miyajima, H., Goto, M., Ota, T.
and/or shearing of the serpentinite blocks. and Yamamoto, S. (1999) Experimental study on wood
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placed by chlorite in an altered granite. As the bi- (in Japanese with English abstract)
otite is surrounded by normal Fe-rich greenish Briggs, G., Raiswell, R., Botrell, S. H., Hatfield, D. and
chlorite, preservation of biotite may imply that Bartels, C. (1996) Controls on the pyritization of ex-
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Devonian Hunsruck slate of Germany. American Jour-
during the crystallization of Fe-free chlorite. nal of Science, 296, 633–663
Dubińska et al. (2004) reported zircon crystals Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A. and Zussman, J. (1962) Rock-
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tween serpentinite and rodingite. They concluded Green and Co LTD, London.
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jbert, K., Schastok, J. and Kulicki, C. (2004) U-Pb dat-
process at around 300ºC during serpentinization. ing of serpentinization: hydrothermal zircon from a
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cons with acicular, euhedral or fragmented tex- Poland). Chemical Geology, 203, 183–203.
tures are concentrated in a part (Fig. 3D). It sug- Frost, B.R. (1975) Contact metamorphism of serpentinite,
gests that an original zircon grain was fragment- chloritic blackwall at Paddy-Go-Easy pass, central Cas-
cades, Washington. Journal of Petrology, 16, 272–313.
ed and dissolved. The presence of some euhedral
Leach, T.M. and Rodgers, K.A. (1978) Metasomatism in
zircon may show that they were newly formed at the Wairere serpentinite, King Country, New Zealand.
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Ilmenite and monazite are commonly observed in ern Newfoundland and southern New Brunswick,
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granitic rocks. In the chlorite rock, ilmenite Kawano Y., Ueda, Y. and Murakami, N. (1966) K-Ar dat-
(FeTiO3) was replaced by pyrophanite (MnTiO3), ing on the granitic rock from Miner City, Yamaguchi
whereas monazite was recrystallized into a newly Prefecture. The Journal of the Japanese Association of
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