My Lesson Plan CO1

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AGUJAR Grade Level 11

October 3, 2023 Learning PERSONAL

Republic of the Philippines Date
Department of Education Area DEVELOPMENT
Region VIII
Division of Leyte TUESDAY
DAILY Dagami,
10:00-11:00am- Patience


The concepts about mental health and wellbeing particularly stress and coping
A. Content Standard
strategies in middle and late adolescence.

Identify his/her own vulnerabilities and plan on how to stay mentally healthy
B. Performance Standards
while coping with stress
Discuss understanding of mental health and psychological well-being to
identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence
C. Learning EsP-PD11/12CA-ld-4.1
(Write the LC Code)  Explain the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being
 Understand the significance of the concepts in order to be mentally
healthy everyday.
Mental Health and Psychological Well- Being of Middle and Late

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages Personal Development Reader

4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources Portals

B. Other Learning Resources Self-learning Modules

Attendance Checking
House Rules
 Before the class discussion starts, the teacher will share some
classroom rules and regulations that students need to be observe
inside the classroom.
Ask the following questions:
1. What is human development?
2. What are the different developmental stages of a human being?
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson MOTIVATION
 Group students into 4. Then let the students pick one number with
indicated pictures of it. Give them 5 minutes to analyse and describe
the picture.
 Let them identify what they observe on the pictures.
 Instruct the students to discuss their observations from the given
pictures in each group.
 Let the students from different groups to give the rating scores of their
peers following the given criteria.
Criteria Scores
Content 5 points
Writing & Grammar 5 points
Presentation 5 points
Total 15 points

Activity 1: Pick and tell

Directions: Look at the pictures carefully. Describe what you see on the

After performing the activity, the learners will be asked the following
1. What did you understand about this activity?
2. What is mental health?
3. How do you know that you are mentally healthy?
4. What are some ways that you usually do to remove or reduce
the stress that cause you physical, emotional or behavioral
The learner will listen to the presentation of the teacher on the objective of the
lesson as well as the presentation of the topic.

Discuss understanding of mental health and psychological well – being to

identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence (EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.1)
 Explain the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being
 Understand the significance of the concepts in order to be mentally
B. Establishing a purpose for the healthy every day.
lesson Mental health.
- It’s the way your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect your life.
- Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to
cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and
work well, and contribute to their community.
- Good mental health leads to positive self-image and in-turn, satisfying
relationships with friends and others.
- Having good mental health helps you make good decisions and deal
with life’s challenges at home, work, or school.
- Problems can range from mild to severe, and can include depression,
anxiety, body esteem issues, and suicide, among others.
- Young people ignore mental health problems thinking they will “snap
out of it,” or that they are something to be ashamed of.
- That kind of thinking prevents people from getting the help they need.
Sometimes getting help is a matter of understanding mental health
issues and changing your mind about them.

 Ask the students to watch carefully and attentively to a short video

clip presented by the teacher.
C. Presenting  Tell them to write their own reflections about their analysis/
examples/instances of the new understanding about the concept of the video clip.
lesson  Ask four volunteer students to read their reflections in front of the
Activity 2. Situation Analysis
Instruction: Watch the short video clip about Mental health. Create your own
reflection about your analysis on the content of the short video clip.

1. Do you think he is mentally healthy?
2. Is he in trouble?
3. If you are in his situation what would you do?
4. Present things to do when someone you know may harm himself /herself.
D. Discussing new concepts and After each activity, facilitate a class discussion on the outcomes and insights
practicing new skills #1 gained. Ask students to reflect on their learning and share any challenges or
(Activity) new perspectives they encountered.
Students will answer the following questions:
1. Did you experienced the same from the short video clip scenario?
2. How do you take good care of your mental health?
E. Discussing new concept #2
3. Why is it important to understand the concept of mental health as an
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
Summarize the key concepts and learning points from the activities,
Formative Assessment)
(Analysis) emphasizing the understanding of mental health. Let the students watch a
short video clip about mental health for better understanding.
Present students with a real-life scenario where they have to apply their
knowledge of coping strategies to navigate a stressful situation that affect their
mental health. Allow them to brainstorm and discuss possible solutions
individually or in small groups.
 Group students into 4.
 Ask them to do the activity. Let them analyse and share the given
scenarios in each group and how they plan to solve it.
 Let them present to the class.

Activity 3 My Sanity Plan

Directions: Create a plan to address some issues and struggles based from
given scenarios in order to stay mentally healthy throughout your entire
G. Finding practical applications Scenarios Action/Suggestions Results
of concepts and skills in daily
living 1. Jeff believed his
lack of enthusiasm
was the sign of a mid-
life crisis
2. Liz used alcohol to
help relieve stress at
3. Loree refused to see
how she routinely
alienated her co-
4. Restless nights left
Roxanne tired and
dependent on caffeine
for energy.
Let the students apply their understanding of the lesson through
brainstorming from the previous activites. Assessing their own stress
H. Making generalization and and how they plan to become psychologically well-being. Have them
abstraction about the lesson apply the concepts and strategies learned to analyze their thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors in the given situation. Always appraise the success of the
student’s achievement in the class discussions or activities.

Directions: Read the statement below. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if it is wrong.
1. Mental health is the way your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect
your life.
2. Being mentally healthy leads into a positive self-image that could
I. Evaluating Learning satisfy the interpersonal relationships with others.
3. If you are stress, you should always cry and do not listen to other’s
opinions and advices.
4. If you noticed that a friend of yours is acting the way he does not used
to be, as a friend you should comfort her so that he/ she will control
his emotions and be calm.
5. If you are experiencing stress, do not overthink yourself because it
could affect your feelings, and behaviours.
Activity: DEAR ABBY!

Instruction: Pretend that you are Abby. Write an answer to the letter writer
“Tired at School”.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation Dear Abby, I fell asleep in class today – once again! When I go to bed at
night, I just can’t seem to fall asleep. I lie in bed for hours and it doesn’t seem
to make a difference. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like I don’t want
to get up and go to school. This is the time that I could really sleep. I wish that
school didn’t start until 10:00 a.m. Please help me out! Give me some ideas on
how I could get a better sleep, so Mr. Gomez doesn’t get upset that I fall
asleep in his class. Tired at School

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did it work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other learners

Prepared by: Checked and Observed :


SHS Teacher II Master Teacher I School Principal III

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