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INFOMED: LESSON 1 and memory, which is a series of electronic

A computer is an electronic machine that operates under elements that temporarily holds the data and
the control of instructions stored in its own memory instructions while the processor is executing
that can accept data (input), manipulate the data them.
according to specified rules (process), produce results
(output), and store the results for future use (storage). ★ A storage device records and retrieves data,
information, and instructions to and from a
A computer contains many electric, electronic, and storage medium. Common storage devices are
mechanical components known as hardware. a floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, CD-ROM
drive, Zip® drive, CD-RW drive, DVD-ROM
Data is a collection of unorganized facts, figures, drive, and DVD+RW drive.
and symbols. Computers process data to create
information. ★ Communications devices allow computer users
to exchange items such as data, instructions,
Information is data that is organized, meaningful, and and information with another computer.
useful. Examples are a paycheck or a student grade
report. Data entered into a computer is called input. Advantages and Disadvantages of using Computers
The processed results are called output. The cycle of A computer’s power is derived from its capability of
input, process, output, and storage is called the performing the information processing cycle operations
information processing cycle. with speed, reliability, consistency, and accuracy; its
capacity to store huge amounts of data, instructions, and
Components of a Computer information; and its ability to communicate with other
★ Hardware is the electric, electronic, and computers.
mechanical equipment that makes up a
computer. Green computing involves reducing the electricity
consumed and environmental waste generated when
★ An input device allows a user to enter data and using a computer. Strategies include: recycling,
commands into the memory of a computer. Six regulating manufacturing processes, extending the
commonly used input devices are keyboard, life of computers and immediately donating or
mouse, scanner, webcam, microphone, and properly disposing of replaced computers.
touch screen.
Networks and the Internet
★ An output device conveys information A network is a collection of computers and devices
generated by a computer to the user. Three connected via communications media. Computers are
commonly used output devices are a printer, a networked so users can share resources such as hardware
monitor, and speakers. The system unit, devices, software programs, data, and information.
sometimes called a chassis, is a box-like case When your computer connects to a network, you are
made from metal or plastic that houses the online.
computer circuitry. The two main components
of the motherboard are the central processing
unit (CPU), also called a processor, which
interprets and carries out the instructions that
operate a computer, including computations;
The world’s largest network is the Internet, which is a Categories of Computers
worldwide collection of networks that link together The seven major categories of computers are personal
millions of computers. The Internet is used to send computers, mobile computers and mobile devices,
messages to other users obtain information, shop game consoles, servers, mainframes, supercomputers
for goods and services, meet or converse with and embedded computers. These categories are based
people around the world, and access sources of on differences in size, speed, processing capabilities, and
entertainment and leisure. The World Wide Web, price.
which contains billions of Web pages with text, graphics,
sound, video, and links to other Web pages, is one of the ★ A personal computer can perform all of its
more popular services of the Internet input, processing, output, and storage activities
by itself. Two categories of personal computers
People use the Internet for a variety of reasons: are the desktop computer, which is designed
communication, research and access information, to fit entirely on or under a desk or table, and
shop, bank and investment, online trading, the notebook computer, which is small
entertainment, downloading music, sharing videos enough to fit on your lap.
and web applications.
★ Mobile Computer is a personal computer you
A social networking Web site encourages members to can carry from place to place and Mobile Device
share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and is a computing device small enough to hold in
videos with other registered users. your hand. Examples of mobile computers and
mobile devices are Notebook computer,
Types of Computer Software Tablet PC, Smart phone, PDA, Handheld
Software, also called a computer program, is the series of computer, Portable media player and
instructions that tells the hardware of a computer Digital camera.
what to do. Software can be categorized into two types:
system software and application software. ★ A game console is a mobile computing device
designed for single-player or multiplayer video
System software controls the operation of the computer games
and its devices and serves as the interface between a user
and the computer’s hardware. Two types of system ★ A server, formerly called a minicomputer, is
software are the operating system (OS), which contains larger and more powerful than a workstation
instructions that coordinate the activities of hardware computer and often can support up to 4,000
devices; and a utility program, which performs specific connected users. It controls access to the
tasks usually related to managing a computer. hardware, software, and other resources on a
Application software performs specific tasks for users,
such as creating word processing documents, ★ A mainframe is a large, expensive, very
spreadsheets, databases, or presentation graphics. A powerful computer that can handle hundreds
computer programmer writes software programs, often or thousands of connected users
following a plan developed by a systems analyst. simultaneously.
Installing is the process of setting up software to work
with the computer, printer, and other hardware.
★ A supercomputer — the fastest, most INFOMED: LESSON 2
powerful, and most expensive computer — In its World Health Report 2000, WHO released a single
is capable of processing more than 12 trillion framework with six clearly defined building blocks and
instructions in a single second. priorities which are necessary in strengthening health
systems and improving the overall health outcomes.
★ An embedded computer is a special-purpose
computer that functions as a component in a WHO HEALTH SYSTEM FRAMEWORK
larger product such as consumer electronics,
home automation devices, automobiles,
process controllers and robotics and computer
devices and office machines.

Examples of Computer Usage

Every day, people depend on different types of
computers for a variety of applications.

A home user relies on the computer for entertainment; Health System is “the combination of resources,
communications, Web access, and e-mail; reference, organization, financing, and management that culminate
research, and education; personal finance; and in the delivery of health services to the population
productivity software. (Roemer, 1991). It refers to all the organizations,
institutions, resources, and people whose primary
A small office/home office (SOHO) includes small purpose is to improve health (WHO, 2000).
companies (fewer than 50 employees) and self-employed
individuals working from home. These users access the Why do Health Systems Matter?
Web; utilize productivity and specialized software; Health systems consist of all the people and actions
and use e-mail and communications software. whose primary purpose is to improve health. They may
be integrated and centrally directed, but often they are
Mobile users have notebook computers often not. After centuries as small-scale, largely private, or
equipped with a modem so they can work while away charitable, mostly ineffectual entities, they have grown
from the office, home, or school. They often use explosively in this century as knowledge has been gained
presentation software and other productivity and applied. They have contributed enormously to
software. A large business user utilizes computers to run better health, but their contribution could be greater
its business by using productivity software, still, especially for the poor. Failure to achieve that
communications software, automated systems for most potential is due more to systemic failings than to
departments in the company, and large networks. technical limitations. It is therefore urgent to assess
current performance and to judge how health systems
A power user requires the capabilities of can reach their potential (WHO, 2000).
workstations or other powerful computers to design
plans, produce publications, create graphic art, and work
with multimedia that includes text, graphics, sound,
video, and other media elements.
Goals of a Health Systems 1970: Primary Health Care for all - Developed a
The three main goals for the health system are health, largely centralized government-funded and operated
responsiveness, and fairness in financial health care system.
contribution. These intrinsic goals should be routinely
monitored by all countries and should form the main 1979: Adoption of Primary Health Care Strategy
basis for assessing health system performance in (LOI 949) - promoted participatory management of the
programs facilitated by WHO (Murray and Frenk, local health care system.
1982: Reorganization of DOH (EO 851) - integrated
How Well Do Health Systems Perform? the components of health care delivery into its field
Better health is unquestionably the primary goal of a operations.
health system. But because health care can be
catastrophically costly and the need for it unpredictable, 1986: Milk Code 1986 - Prevention and nutrition to
mechanisms for sharing risk and providing financial promote breastfeeding
protection are important. A second goal of health
systems is therefore fairness in financial contribution. A 1988: The Generics Act (RA 6675) – ushered the
third goal – responsiveness to people’s expectations writing of prescriptions using the generic name of the
about non-health matters – reflects the importance of drug.
respecting people’s dignity, autonomy, and the
confidentiality of information (WHO, 2000). 1991: Local Government Code (RA 7160) –
transferred the responsibility of providing health service
The World Health Organization has engaged in a major to local government units.
exercise to obtain and analyze data in order to assess how
far health systems in WHO Member States are achieving 1995: National Health Insurance Act (RA 7875) –
these goals for which they should be accountable, and instituted a national health insurance mechanism for
how efficiently they are using their resources in doing so. financial protection with priority given to the poor.
By focusing on a few universal functions that health
systems undertake, this report provides an evidence base 1996: Health Sector Reform Agenda - ordered the
to assist policymakers improve health system major organizational restructuring of the DOH to
performance. improve the way health care is delivered, regulated and
The Philippine Health System
The health reform initiatives carried out over the years in 2005: FOURmula One (F1) for Health – adopted an
the Philippines were primarily focused on these areas of operational framework to undertake reforms with speed,
concern: health service delivery, health regulation, precision, and effective coordination and to improve the
and health financing. These health reforms aimed at Philippine health system.
addressing issues such as poor accessibility, inequity, and
inefficiency of the Philippines health system. Here are 2008: Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality
some of the government policies and laws in health care Medicines Act (RA 9502) – promoted and ensured
systems in the Philippines: access to affordable quality drugs and medicines for all.
2010: Kalusugang Pangkalahatan or Universal
Health Care (AO 2010 – 0036) – provided universal ❖ Commitment – With all our hearts and minds, the
health coverage and access to quality health care for all Department commits to achieve its vision for the health
Filipinos. and development of future generations.

2013: Sin Taxes for Health: Generating extra revenue ❖ Professionalism – The DOH performs its functions
for the Department of Health by discouraging harmful in accordance with the highest ethical standards,
consumption of alcohol and tobacco. principles of accountability, and full responsibility.

2019: Universal Health Care Law - Enrolling all ❖ Teamwork – The DOH employees work together
Filipino citizens automatically in the National Health with a result-oriented mindset.
Insurance Program administered by PhilHealth. All
Filipinos are guaranteed equitable access to quality and
affordable health care services.
❖ Stewardship of the health of the people – Being
Department of Health (DOH) stewards of health for the people, the Department shall
The Department of Health (DOH) holds the overall pursue sustainable development and care for the
technical authority on health as it is a national health environment since it impinges on the health of the
policymaker and regulatory institution. Basically, the Filipinos.
DOH has three major roles in the health sector: (1)
leadership in health; (2) enabler and capacity Department of Health Vision & Mission
builder; and (3) administrator of specific services. Its VISION:
mandate is to develop national plans, technical Filipinos are among the healthiest people in Southeast
standards, and guidelines on health. Aside from being Asia
the regulator of all health services and products, the
DOH is the provider of special tertiary health care by 2022, and Asia by 2040
services and technical assistance to health providers and
stakeholders. MISSION:
To lead the country in the development of a productive,
While pursuing its vision, the DOH adheres to the resilient, equitable and people-centered health system
highest values of work, which are:
❖ Integrity – The Department believes in upholding Leadership and Governance
truth and pursuing honesty, accountability, and The Department of Health (DOH) is the lead agency for
consistency in performing its functions. Philippine health care. According to its mandate (E.O.
No. 119, Sec. 3), the DOH is responsible for the
❖ Excellence – The DOH continuously strives for the
best by fostering innovation, effectiveness and efficiency, a. formulation and development of national policies,
pro-action, dynamism, and openness to change. guidelines, standards, and manual of operations for
health services and programs;
❖ Compassion and respect for human dignity –
Whilst DOH upholds the quality of life, respect for b. issuance of rules and regulations, licenses, and
human dignity is encouraged by working with sympathy accreditations;
and benevolence for the people in need.
c. Promulgation of national health standards, goals, For better understanding, the following concepts under
priorities, and indicators; and health care are defined:

d. Development of special health programs and Health care system is defined by Miller & Keane
projects, and advocacy for legislation on health policies (1987) as “an organized plan of health services.
and programs.
Health care delivery, as defined by
Williams-Tungpalan (1981), is the “rendering of
INFOMED: LESSON 3 health services to the people.”

HEALTH CARE Health care delivery system, also as defined by

Health is a fundamental human right as cited in the Williams-Tungpalan (1981), is “the network of health
Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978. The Declaration of facilities and personnel which carries out the task of
Alma-Ata was adopted at the International Conference rendering health care to the people.”
on Primary Health Care (PHC), Almaty (formerly
Alma-Ata), Kazakhstan (formerly Kazakh Soviet PRIMARY HEALTH CARE
Socialist Republic). Primary Health Care (PHC) deals with social policy
targeting health equity with the goal of better health for
It expressed the need for urgent action by all all. The five key elements to achieve these goals as
governments, all health and development workers, and identified by WHO are as follows:
the world community to protect and promote the health ➢ universal coverage to reduce exclusion and
of all people. It was the first international declaration social disparities in health;
underlining the importance of primary health care. The
primary health care approach has since then been ➢ service delivery organized around people's
accepted by member countries of the World Health needs and expectations;
Organization (WHO) as the key to achieving the goal of
"Health for All" but only in developing countries at ➢ public policy that integrates health into all
first. This applied to all other countries five years later. sectors;
The Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978 emerged as a major
milestone of the twentieth century in the field of public ➢ leadership that enhances collaborative models
health, and it identified primary health care as the key to of policy dialogue; and
the attainment of the goal of "Health for All" around the
globe. ➢ Increased stakeholder participation.

Meanwhile, a common concern of many countries, Eight Essential Elements of PHC

including both developed and developing ones, is the 1. Education concerning prevailing health problems and
gross inequality in the people’s health status, which is the methods of identifying, preventing and controlling
not socially, economically, and politically acceptable. them
Thus, the government of each country has the duty and 2. Locally endemic disease prevention and control
responsibility to institute adequate measures to protect 3. Expanded program of immunization against major
and promote its people’s health, and thus achieve a infectious diseases
better quality of life (Ebuen, 2019). 4. Maternal and child health care including family
5. Essential drugs arrangement
6. Nutritional food supplement, an adequate supply of ❖ Provide equitable distribution of health
safe and basic nutrition care
7. Treatment of communicable and non-communicable
disease and promotion of mental health ❖ Ensure community participation and
8. Safe water and sanitation monitor adequacy and distribution of
Other Elements of Primary Health Care health workers who are supported locally
1. Expended options of immunizations and at the referral levels
2. Reproductive health needs
3. Provision of essential technologies for health ❖ Recognize that the formal health sector
4. Health promotion needs other sectors in the promotion of
5. Prevention and control of non-communicable health (multi-sectoral approach)
6. Food safety and provision of selected food ❖ Use the appropriate technology which are
supplements accessible, feasible, affordable, and
culturally acceptable to the community
Principles of Primary Health Care
The basic objectives to launch and sustain primary Management Principles in Relation to Organizing
health care as part of the comprehensive health system 1. Authority, responsibility, and accountability
are as follows: a. Authority refers to the formal and legitimate
❖ Improve the level of health care of the right of a manager to issue orders, make
community decisions, and allocate resources to achieve
desired outcomes of the organization.
❖ Promote favorable population growth
structure b. Responsibility is the duty of the employee to
perform the assigned tasks and activities.
❖ Reduce the morbidity and mortality rates
especially among infants and children c. Accountability means reporting and
justification of task outcomes to higher
❖ Reduce prevalence of preventable, management by those people with authority.
communicable, and other diseases
2. Types of authority
❖ Improve basic sanitation a. Line authority managers issue orders to their
subordinates and are responsible for the results.
❖ Extend essential health services specially to
underserved sectors b. Functional authority is for managers that have
power only over a specific set of activities.
❖ Develop the capability of the community
to become self-reliant c. Staff authority is given to specialists in their
areas of expertise. The staff manager simply
❖ Encourage the contribution of other advises, recommends, and counsels.
sectors to the social and economic
development of the community
3. Centralization, decentralization, and power to regulate should be optimized (Ebuen,
formalization 2019).
a. Centralization refers to the concentration of
planning and decision-making to the top of the The Department of Health Mandate (E.O. No. 119,
organization. Sec. 3)
b. Decentralization refers to the delegation of The DOH has the responsibility to create, plan,
planning and decision-making to the lower implement, and systematize national health policies,
branches of the organization. advocacies, and programs. The primary function is to
promote, protect, and preserve or restore people’s
c. Formalization refers to a written health by giving health services and by monitoring and
documentation provided for the direct control motivating health service providers.
of the employees.
4. Staffing 1. Primary level of health care facilities
a. Assign individuals to respective positions a. Units operated by the DOH which include the
identified in a management plan rural health units, their respective sub-centers,
b. Assess required competencies through chest clinics, malaria eradication units, and
● identification of the key result areas schistosomiasis control units;
(KRA’s) per major activity b. Puericulture center operated by the League of
● determination of competencies and Puericulture Centers;
qualifications c. Units operated by the Philippine Tuberculosis
c. Recruit qualified personnel Society such as the tuberculosis clinics and
d. Improve existing services and programs by hospitals;
● reviewing and adjusting the d. Clinics operated by Philippine Medical
requirements accordingly Association;
● matching the competency e. Clinics operated by large industrial firms for
requirements vis-a-avis the their employees;
responsible personnel assigned to the f. Health centers and community hospitals
activity operated by the Philippine Medical Care
Commission; and
The Philippine Health Care System g. Other health facilitates operated by voluntary
The Philippine health care system is “a complex set of religious and civic groups.
organizations interacting to provide an array of
health services.” It has progressed due to challenges 2. Secondary level of health care facilities
encountered over time. In 1991, the local government These are the smaller, non-departmentalized
units (LGUs) took over the management of health hospitals. These are emergency and regional hospitals
service delivery but the issue of fragmentation has not were adequate treatments are offered for
been absolutely addressed. Health workforce must deal patients with symptomatic stages of diseases.
with the pressing issues of underemployed workers,
limited resources, and unequal distribution. Meanwhile, 3. Tertiary level of health care facilities
the private sector which is said to comprise 50% of the These are the specialized national hospitals which offer
overall health system is strongly involved in improving highly technological and specialized knowledge,
the delivery of health services, but the government’s facilities and personnel are treated here.

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