Week-1 PSY
Week-1 PSY
Week-1 PSY
(Psychiatry & Psychology)
1-Psychology as soul
The word psychology is derived from two words psyche and logos
.psyche means soul and logos means science. Thus psychology was
first defined as the science of soul.
2-Psychology as a mind:
In the 18th century, psychology was understood as the science of mind.
William James (1892)defined psychology as the science of mental
processes. But the word minds is also quite ambiguous as there was
confusion regarding the nature and functions of mind.
For example ,some psychologist believe that you should study only
behaviours that you can see, observe or measure directly .Ali’s behaviour
of logging on and remaining on the internet for hours at a time is an
observable behaviours.
Some psychologists believe that our thoughts, feelings, and fantasies are
also important, even though these processes are not directly observable.
Ali may log on because he feels intimidated (frighten or threaten
someone) by others or by school work, but psychologist cannot directly
observe that these are the reasons that Ali is engaging in this behaviour.
Psychology as a science
❑ Abnormal Psychology
❑ General Psychology
❑ Behavioral Psychology
❑ Biological Psychology
❑ Cognitive Psychology
❑ Comparative Psychology
Other Branches of Psychology
❑ Cross-Cultural Psychology
❑ Developmental Psychology
❑ Educational Psychology
❑ Experimental Psychology
❑ Forensic Psychology
❑ Health Psychology
❑ Personality Psychology
❑ Social Psychology
Abnormal Psychology:
*study unusual pattern of behavior.
➢General Psychology:
*study human development, emotions,
motivation, learning, senses, perception, thinking,
memory, intelligence and processing.
➢ Behavioral Psychology:
*study the behaviors of living organisms.
➢ Biological Psychology:
Behavioral neuroscience, also
known as biological psychology, biopsychology,
or psychobiology is the application of the
principles of biology (in particular
neurobiology), to the study of physiological,
genetic, and developmental mechanisms of
behavior in humans and non- human animals.
➢ Cognitive Psychology:
Cognitive psychology is the study
of mental processes such as "attention, language
use, memory, perception, problem solving,
creativity, and thinking."
Comparative Psychology:
Comparative psychology refers to
the scientific study of the behavior and mental
processes of non-human animals, especially as
these relate to the phylogenetic history, adaptive
significance, and development of behavior.
➢ Educational Psychology:
Educational psychology is the branch of
psychology concerned with the scientific study of
human learning.
➢ Experimental Psychology:
the branch of psychology concerned
with the scientific investigation of the responses of
individuals to stimuli in controlled situations.
Forensic Psychology:
Forensic psychology is the intersection
between psychology and the justice system.
➢ Health Psychology:
Health psychology is the study of
psychological and behavioral processes in
health, illness, and healthcare.
➢ Personality Psychology:
Personality psychology is a branch of
psychology that studies personality and individual
differences. Its areas of focus include: Constructing
a coherent picture of a person and his or her major
psychological processes.
Investigating individual differences, that is, how
people can differ from one another.
➢ Social Psychology:
the branch of psychology that deals
with social interactions, including their origins
and their effects on the individual.
B) Historical Background and school of psychology
What is a School of Thought?
a school is a collection of people who put
their ideas under the same umbrella, Because
these people have similar ideas and they use
similar methodologies and their aim is also
School of Thoughts
This principle maintains that when the human mind (perceptual system)
forms a percept or "gestalt", the whole has a reality of its own,
independent of the parts.