HW06 (SignalsSystems) Fall2022v1
HW06 (SignalsSystems) Fall2022v1
HW06 (SignalsSystems) Fall2022v1
Homework #6
(Due December 28, 2022 at the beginning of class.)
Note: Detailed derivations are required to obtain a full score for each problem. (Total 100%)
1. (4%+6%+8%) Let x(t) be a bandlimited signal with X(jω) given by Fig. 7.4(b) of
the textbook.
(b) Let x̂p (t) = x(t)[p(t) − p(t − Ts )]. Plot the spectrum X̂p (jω).
(c) Show that x(t) can be reconstructed from x̂p (t), and plot the corresponding block
diagram for the proposed operation.
3. (10%) Determine the Laplace transform and the associated region of convergence and
pole zero plot for each of the following functions of time:
(a) Solve the problem only for the plot on the bottom-left corner of Figure P9.23.
(b) Solve the problem again for the case where two additional poles z = −1 ± j are added
to the same figure.
5. (10%) Problem 9.34 of the textbook.
z −1 (1 − 14 z −2 )
X(z) =
(1 − 54 z −1 + 259 −2
z )(1 − 21 z −1 )
(a) Plot the zeros and poles on the z-plane, specify whether or not 0 and ∞ are zeros or
poles, and show the possible choices of the ROC.
(b) Determine the inverse z-transform x[n] if we know that the discrete-time Fourier
transform exists.