Withholding VAT Guideline (2017-18)
Withholding VAT Guideline (2017-18)
Withholding VAT Guideline (2017-18)
[Dear Sir/Madam:]
Under the prevailing provisions of the Value Added Tax Act-1991, several payments made
by your organization are subject to collection/deduction of VAT at source. The provisions
interalia involves the following:
For proper compliance with the statute and to avoid the associated penal provisions as well,
we have summarized the related provisions on withholding VAT and attached herewith this
Thanking You.
Sincerely yours,
Exemption: 100 % VAT is exempted w. e. f. 05 June 2014 for the VAT registered
100 % Exporter, 100 % deemed exporter and organization situated in
the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) for making payment of service
value against getting services in Bangladesh from outside the
geographical area of Bangladesh to be used at manufacturing stage of
exportable goods.
In case of issuing license and renewal thereof for Jute and Jute related
products business, Govt. has granted exemption from applicable VAT at
source. [Ref.: Serial Number 4]
(a) In case of issuing 3G license or renewal, Tariff value has been fixed
for imposing VAT and where applicable, VAT and Supplementary
Duty @ 33.33 % of determined/fixed value for license or spectrum
o Both parties (withholding entity and supplier) will jointly be responsible for
deductible VAT amount at source. And if partial amount of VAT is deducted at
source out of total VAT payable amount from the supplier against supply, the supplier
will not get exemption from payment of residual VAT amount.
Sl. Service
Service Heading Rate of VAT
No. Code
01. S 002.00 Decorators and Caterers 15 %
02. S 003.10 Garage and workshop of Motor Vehicles 10 %
03. S 003.20 Dockyard 10 %
04. S 004.00 Construction Firm 6%
05. S 007.00 Advertising Firm (Note-1) 15 %
06. S 008.10 Printing Press 15 %
07. S009.00 Auctioning Firm 15 %
08. S 010.10 Land Development Organization 3%
Building Construction Organization
(2) If furniture is supplied from Showroom under Service Code: S024.00 and the
Showroom provides VAT Challan against VAT paid @ 6 % at manufacturing stage,
VAT shall be deducted at source @ 4 % and if VAT Challan is not available with
Showroom against payment of VAT @ 6 % at manufacturing stage, VAT shall be
deducted at source @ 10 %.
Further, if manufacturer and trader is same person and furniture is supplied directly
from the factory under Service Code: S024.00, VAT @ 4 % shall be deducted at
source subject to having VAT Challan @ 6 %. Otherwise, 10 % VAT shall be
deducted at source.
(3) 100 % VAT is exempted w. e. f. 05 June 2014 for the VAT registered 100 %
Exporter, 100 % deemed exporter and organization situated in the Export Processing
(4) In case of Human Resources Supply or Management related service under Service
Code: S072.00, VAT shall be deducted on full amount/full consideration payable to
Human Resources Supply or Management related service provider rather than on
commission/ service charge.
Special Notes:
(1) In case of purchase of any goods or service by a withholding entity, value of which is
not more than Tk. 1,000, against quotation or tender or any other means then VAT
deduction at source shall not be applicable.
(2) Except the Supplier of services/Service Provider as described in above table, rest of
the Supplier of services are not under the ambit of VAT deduction at source. Further,
purchase of goods or services must be supported by the VAT Challan or have a
treasury challan/copy of respective page of VAT Current Account (VAT-18) against
payment of VAT or by any other documents. If any of such evidence is not available,
applicable VAT has to be deducted or collected at source from the supplier of services
or goods while such are not under the ambit of VAT deduction at source.
(a) Goods, not included in the 1st Schedule of the VAT Act, 1991 and services,
not included in the 2nd Schedule of the VAT Act, 1991 will only be considered
as taxable goods and services respectively.
o VAT shall not be applicable in case of following supply under Procurement Provider:
o In case of supply of service by Service providers, who have specific definition, shall
not fall under Procurement Provider.
“Space and Structure Renter” means such person, organization or firm who are
entitled to use any space or structure, not for residential purpose, for a fixed period
against consideration. After expiry of the fixed period, acquiring such renewable
entitlement will also be included herewith.
o Exemption available from payment of VAT on rental amount of space and structure
for the following cases:
Many companies/entities have rented office while they do not have business activities
of taxable goods or services or have no import or export activity of any goods or
services from that office.
Such VAT on office rent has to be deposited by the company/entity mentioning the
Code: 1-1133-Respective VAT Commissionerate Code [(Commissionerate under
which the office is situated)-0311 in the Treasury Challan (T.R. Form No.-6)] to the
Government Treasury.
Whereas original treasury challan for depositing VAT on office rent has to be
submitted to the respective Local VAT Circle (under which the office is situated).
[Ref.: Serial Number 9].
o Mode and Form of deposit to Government Treasury: T.R. Form no-6 and either in
cash or cheque.
And withholding entity shall have to maintain chronological serial number for “VAT-
12 Kha” considering the fiscal year July to June.
Further, withholding entity shall preserve a copy of aforesaid certificate along with a
copy of treasury challan in the office for 6 (six) years.
A. Name, address and VAT Registration Number (if any) of the withholding
B. Business Identification Number (BIN);
C. Certificate number and date of the issuance;
D. Name and address of the Supplier;
E. BIN number of the Supplier;
F. Amount mentioned in the invoice/ VAT realizable value of goods or services
or commission;
G. Date of bill payment;
H. VDS Amount (in figure);
I. Applicable Service and Service Code;
J. Challan/Receipt/Certificate number and date of Treasury deposit/deposit
through online/book transfer; and
K. Remarks
o The Supplier shall mention the deducted VAT amount in the serial number 19 of the
VAT-19 (VAT Return) during the tax period or in the following tax period of VAT
deduction certificate awarded to him.
o Column 3 and column 5 of serial number 1 (Net sales of VATable goods, services or
goods and services) of VAT-19 has to be filled up for the respective month. Value
against supply of services and total VAT thereon has to be mentioned in column 3 and
5 of serial number 1 respectively. Out of total VAT, VAT deductible at source amount
shall have to mention within first bracket in column number 5 of serial number 1.
o Under serial number 4 (Total payable VAT) of VAT-19, rest of the VAT amount
(total payable VAT as per serial number 1 less deductible amount of VAT at source as
mentioned within first bracket in column 5 of serial number 1) shall have to be
Amount within first bracket under serial number 19 of previous month’s VAT-19 plus
first bracket amount of column 5 of serial number 1 of VAT-19 of current month less
amount outside first bracket as mentioned under serial number 19 of VAT-19 of
current month against available “VAT-12 Kha”.
o Awarded certificate in Form “VAT-12 Kha” along with the copy of the attested (by
the respective officer of the VAT authority) treasury challan shall have to be attached
with the respective monthly VAT Return (VAT-19).
Situation-2: Adjustment of withheld VAT through Monthly VAT Return where VAT
is already paid by the Service Provider for the related transaction:
Although Service providers (whose services are under the ambit of withholding VAT)
provide services after payment of VAT, Service Receivers shall deduct or collect VAT at
source from the related transaction.
Under the above circumstances, following procedures shall have to be followed by the
Service Providers for adjustment of deducted or collected VAT at source:
o If the Service Provider gets certificate(s) in Form “VAT-12 Kha” against deducted
VAT at source for which the Service Provider also paid VAT, total amount of VAT as
per the said certificate has to be mentioned under serial number 12 of VAT-19 for
adjustment during the tax period or in the following tax period (if not adjusted earlier)
of the VAT deduction certificate awarded to the Service Provider.
o The Service Provider shall also mention the VAT amount under serial number 19 of
VAT-19 as per the certificate(s) during the tax period or in the following tax period (if
not disclosed earlier) of VAT deduction certificate awarded to the Service Provider.
o Awarded certificate(s) in Form “VAT-12 Kha” along with the copy of the attested (by
the respective officer of the VAT authority) treasury challan shall have to be attached
with the respective monthly VAT Return (VAT-19).
o Deducted VAT by the Sale centers of any Centrally Registered Organization will have
to be deposited to the Government Treasury through Centrally registered office.
o If the tender value is more or less than the declared value of a product, VAT shall
have to be paid on tender value at manufacturing stage. Tender value and the value
(including VAT) mentioned in VAT-11 Challan must be equal. In this case, deduction
of VAT at source will not be required.
o In some cases “Procurement Provider” imports goods for supply against tender or
work-order. Payment of Advance VAT at import stage will not be applicable in such
cases. Documents related to tender or work-order has to be submitted at the time of
assessment with the Customs Authority. VAT at source will be applicable at supply
stage considering “Procurement Provider.”
o If several elements/items are exists against one supply, complexicity arises in VAT
deduction at source. In such case, supplied items and value against each items have to
be mentioned separately in quotation, tender or bill. Accordingly, provisions of VAT
deduction at source will be applicable on each elements/items.
In such cases, they will deduct or collect VAT at source and such deducted or
collected VAT (VDS) has to be deposited within stipulated time mentioning the Code:
1-1133-Respective VAT Commissionerate Code [(Commissionerate under which the
office is situated)-0311 in the Treasury Challan (T.R. Form No.-6)] to the
Government Treasury. And VAT Registration number of the company/entity is not
required for depositing VDS amount through Treasury Challan.
For the above activities, the company/entity is not required to take VAT Registration
and is also not required to submit Monthly VAT Return (VAT-19). Whereas original
treasury challan for depositing VDS amount has to be submitted to the respective
local VAT circle (under which the company/entity’s office is situated) along with 1st
copy of the certificate in prescribed Form “VAT-12Kha”.
o If withholding entity, fails to deposit the deducted VAT amount to the Govt. treasury
within 15 working days of deduction, the said withholding entity shall have to pay
that unpaid amount together with an interest at the rate of 2 % per month from the
next day of the specified date.
o In spite of an obligation of deducting VAT at source and to deposit the same within
15 working days of deduction, if the withholding entity fails to deduct VAT and
deposit the same within stipulated time, the VAT amount shall be recoverable with
interest @ 2 % per month from the said withholding entity.
Pvjvb dig
wU, Avi dig bs 6 (&Gm, Avi 37 `ªóe¨)
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The End