SalesforceConnector CS
SalesforceConnector CS
SalesforceConnector CS
If you’re a customer of both Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Akamai, Note: If you are configuring a new property, see the Web Performance Getting
the Akamai Connector for Salesforce Commerce Cloud allows you to: Started Guide for the protocol your hostname supports (HTTP or HTTPS).
• Maintain your existing Akamai delivery service, communicating directly with To select a property:
Salesforce Commerce Cloud. 1. Log in to Luna Control Center (
• Tailor your site acceleration and protection features based on your 2. If your organization has multiple accounts, click the dropdown
company’s unique requirements. next to the orange Context Selector button and choose the
• Take advantage of additional Akamai products. desired account.
3. Click the Context Selector. The Select Context menu displays.
Configuration Overview
4. Either enter the property name in the Find Context field, or expand the
Akamai customers, need to complete several steps in order to use the Akamai
desired group and click on the property name.
Connector for Salesforce Commerce Cloud. Most of the tasks you need to
5. On the Property Details page, click Open Version # at the top of
complete are in Property Manager, Akamai’s portal management application.
the page and select the version number. The Property Manager Editor
To set up the Connector: displays.
1. Contact your Salesforce representative about your interest in the Connector.
2. Once Salesforce confirms they completed their setup tasks, open Property
Select the account (1), then the
3. In Property Manager, select the property and rule you want to add the 1 property context (2).
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Connector behavior to. The Property Details screen (3)
4. Activate the updated property version in Property Manager. opens. From there open the
Property Manager Editor (4) by
Contact Your Salesforce Representative clicking the version
The first thing you need to do is contact your Salesforce representative to 2 you want to edit.
express your interest in the Akamai Connector for Salesforce Commerce Cloud.
Your representative will help you determine whether the Connector is right for your
configuration. If it is, Salesforce will:
• Work with you to determine which of your properties should use the
• Complete some behind-the-scenes configuration tasks
• Let you know when you can update your properties with the Connector 3
Once you hear back from Salesforce, you can continue with the tasks in this quick
Within a rule, a behavior contains settings for a particular feature. To set up the
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Connector behavior:
1. If you have not done so already, select your property and open the Property
Manager Editor.
2. Select the rule you are adding the Connector to. 2
3. In the Behaviors section of the rule, click Add Behavior.
4. Select the Salesforce Commerce Cloud Connector behavior.
5. Click Insert Behavior.
To activate a property version: 2. You can specify which HTTP request header contains the client IP address. If
1. Access the Property Manager Editor. you enter True-Client-IP, Business Manager displays a warning that is
safe to ignore.
2. Click the Activate tab on the top of the Property Editor page.
3. If the value of the Client IP Header field is not True-Client-IP, continue
3. Click Activate v# on Network in the column for the network you want to
with this procedure. By default, the Connector sends the True-Client-IP
activate on.
header to Salesforce Commerce Cloud.
4. On the activation window, add a comment describing the change and enter
4. In Property Manager, add the Modify Incoming Request Header behavior to
the email addresses that should receive activation notifications.
the property containing your Connector settings.
5. Click Activate v# on Network.
5. In the Modify Incoming Request Header behavior, add the name of your
6. View the Version Activity area to track progress. custom client IP header, and set the header value to the AK_CLIENT_IP
system variable for Property Manager:
Purging Cache for the Connector
{{builtin.AK _ CLIENT _ IP}}.
When the Connector is in use, Salesforce purges the cache for you.
6. Save your changes and test them before deploying the updated property
However, if you have enabled Image Manager or Dynamic Page Caching on the version to production.
same property as the Connector, you’ll have to purge the cache for these products
manually. To purge the derivative images and pages, you can use either Fast Purge or
the Content Control Utility.
If you run into issues purging when using the Connector, please contact your
Salesforce representative.
©2018 Akamai Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission is prohibited. Akamai and the Akamai
wave logo are registered trademarks. Other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Akamai believes that the information in this publication is accurate
as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. Published 10/17.