Statement of Purpose

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Juleah Dubel-Haag

MMC Summer Intensive

9th February, 2022

Statement of Purpose

I’ve always loved the thrill of performing. Yes, the anticipation before a show is
nerve-wracking, but once you’re up on stage, the fear goes away and you’re free to be the person
you’re portraying. It doesn’t matter what is happening in your actual life because for that 1-2
hour performance, you’re the mean girl or the comedic relief or even a random statue in the
background. Regardless, acting allows you to escape reality. It’s a place to be someone who you
wish you were.
Musical theater gave me a family: somewhere that I can always be my actual myself, rather
than my anxious, quiet self. It also allows me to put my three loves, singing, dancing, and acting,
into one performance. I have been singing all my life. My sister always tells me the story of how
when I was three, I went up to her and said, “Sissy! Singing is my talent.” I guess I predicted the
future, considering singing is one of my favorite things to randomly start doing. Whether it’s
singing in choir or during theater practice or just random singing in the car with my friends, it’s
almost freeing. I have done choir at my school since 4th grade. To improve, I take voice lessons
and I cantor at my local church.
Along with singing, dancing has always been in my life. I started when I was three but
didn’t really take it seriously until I was eleven. I think it’s funny when people ask me what
styles of dance I do because I have literally done everything….well besides tap. From ages seven
to fifteen, I danced four hours a day, four nights a week at a competitive studio doing ballet,
contemporary, pointe, jazz, hip hop, and lyrical. Now, to have more time for theater, I dance at a
different, noncompetitive studio and solely focus on ballet, pointe, and contemporary.
As much as I miss competing, I love theater so it’s worth it. Acting is a newer interest. My
first show was at the Yocum Institute in 2018. The show was Mary Poppins Jr. and, because I
was new, I was a chimney sweep and a statue. Although disconcerting, it was a chance for me to
explore musical theater and find my love for it. The next year, I understood auditioning and how
to practice and prepare beforehand and landed my first lead role as Lucielle in Junie B. Jones Jr. I
remember screaming in excitement when I saw the cast list. For that role, I consistently worked
and did really well. Unfortunately, due to COVID, I didn’t act again until 2023. Now, I will be
performing as Donkey in Shrek, my biggest role yet. Although the role is challenging because of
Donkey’s accent and his lower vocal range, I’m working hard and I’m so excited to perform in
I discovered Marymount Manhattan College back in 2021in a meeting with my college. I
knew I wanted to be in a city since I have lived in the suburbs my whole life and was ready to
experience something new. So, I started looking into what MMC really had to offer. As soon as I
did my research, I instantly fell in love with the classes, the diversity, and homey feeling the
place gave me. I started watching many TikToks about the musical theater program, the audition
process, and college life, which really gave me a picture of what my life would be like there.
Then, this year, I found the summer program and I knew I must try to get in!
This program would be beneficial to me in so many ways. I love meeting new people,
especially those with similar interests to me, but have never gone somewhere where I knew no
one. I will learn as an artist by exploring my vocal range. I will grow as a performer by
experimenting with different characters and learning how to improvise on the spot. Most
importantly, I will mature as a person. This experience will give me a picture of what it’s like to
live independently and to make friends with people I’ve never met before. This is something I
have never experienced and, although being four hours away from home will be intimidating, it’s
something I am so deeply passionate about that it overrides the fear. Thank you in advance for
reading and considering me for this program. I promise, if admitted, to work extremely hard and
put everything into it.

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