Ed Unit Lesson Plan 2
Ed Unit Lesson Plan 2
Ed Unit Lesson Plan 2
Standard- CC.1.3.3.C
Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of
RL 3.3 Describe characters in a story (eg. their traits, motivations, or feelings) and
explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
Students will be able to identify character traits that are shown in a video, and in
literature, along with identifying evidence for those traits.
2. Key Vocabulary
Evidence- Details that support.
Character traits- words to describe a person on the inside, by words, thoughts,
actions, or feelings.
Turn and talk- talk with someone next to you, can be more than two people in a
group about a question asked.
3. Lesson Content
Finding evidence that supports character traits.
I. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Hook/Activation of Prior Knowledge
Teacher will quickly review by explain to students how they made lists yesterday
of all the character traits they could think of and how the teacher then combined
them into one list. We will use this to help us throughout the week. Teacher will
read a few of their favorites or strong words from the list. Teacher may have
added to the list themselves if needed.
Teacher will start with students at their desk and show a short Disney clip from
nemo. After the clip, teacher will have student’s turn and talk after the video to
identify character traits of the two fish. Teacher will allow a short share out
response of a character trait for nemo, for the dad, and one for both of them.
Teacher has examples if students have a hard time, teacher will guide.
d4cKmC13KxGlfyfxMq4&index=10 teaching kids characterization & character
traits 1:08. Character trait for nemo is excited, character trait for dad is worried,
character trait for both is playful.
B. Development
I Do
The teacher will call students over to the sink area by groups for a mentor
text. The mentor text is Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. For
this teacher will model identifying the main character, there will be chart
paper on an easel to write the main character in the middle and traits in the
circle around it (see picture in resources for the idea). As we read, the
teacher will model the Main Character, and some words (traits) to describe
the character in the story. As we read, teacher will stop at certain points
and mention the trait the teacher notices, have students turn and talk to
find some evidence for the traits. Teacher will write the trait and the
evidence around on the anchor chart. Picking 2-3 character traits to focus
on and the goal of today identifying evidence and traits for main
We Do
Teacher will have students turn and talk for some of the traits to explain
where the evidence is. As students discuss, Teacher will write the traits
and the evidence on the chart paper as we identify a trait, we will identify
the evidence that goes along with it.
Teacher will stop at the part where Lilly is writing Mr. slinger a nasty
letter, teacher will ask the students to raise their hand “What was the
problem with Lilly’s letter?” -Take a few responses, teacher is looking for
students to give evidence as to why.
Teacher will stop at the lightbulb lab page and ask students “If you could
design it, how would you create your own form of lightbulb lab in this
classroom?” This will be either an early finisher question for the week for
students to write about or make it the writing topic during writing time.
Will be during IE time and teacher will collect it. Need lined paper.
Once we do this for 2-3 traits, and the book is finished, teacher will save
the chart for the rest of the week for students to look off. Teacher will give
students praise of excellent job helping find character traits and evidence
to show why that character had those, thoughts, words, actions, or feelings
in the text.
Teacher will then hand each student a piece of paper, each paper will have
one students name printed on the sheet. The students are instructed to
crumble the piece of paper up and stand up without moving. TEACHER
WILL MODEL FIRST. The students will GENTLY toss the paper ball in
the air on the count of three. After all papers have been tossed, students
are instructed to pick up a new paper ball and open it. Students will not
run to find a ball, students will not climb over someone to get a ball,
students will give each other space, and find a ball that has not been taken.
If you get your own, then politely ask someone to switch with you. They
must find that person and sit next to them. This is called Snowstorm.
C. Closure:
Once students are sitting with the partner from their paper, the teacher will ask the
students “How did lily’s character traits make a big change when she got her purse taken
away for the day?” Teacher will give a few minutes talking time, and then count down
from 5 or 3 to bring them back, once they are back the teacher will ask the students who
would like to share what their partner said.
1. (During Independent reading time today, students will be answering a writing prompt of
How would you create your own form of lightbulb lab in this classroom? Students will
get lined paper and may also draw a picture of their lab as well as using words to describe
it. Students will then move to step two which is reading an IRLA book on their level and
completing the half sheet exit ticket. They may complete more than one if they ask for
another. Teacher will collect this after independent reading time which is later in the day
as a formative assessment, teacher will put slide on the board showing the must do for IE
1. Students will be at their desks, and be instructed to get out their readers
notebooks, this is the one without the stickers. Teacher will hand out the sheet and
read it together. “Characters, good readers get to know characters based on their
words, actions, thoughts, and feelings. (teacher will refer to the anchor chart
from day 1). (Teacher will continue to read it aloud to students, students will read
the column of words aloud) Students will glue it into their readers notebooks. The
sentence frames are sentence starters that can be used for when we start looking
for evidence in our texts. You will refer to these sentence stems during
independent reading time when you practice.
D. Differentiation
When students are called over to the sink area by table group, teacher will watch who
they sit next to make that they are not next to someone who will distract them from
learning. teacher will do shifting around if needed.
For independent reading if E is there, she has a modified worksheet for exit tickets (see resources
E. Accommodations
When we sit by the sink area, teacher will Put E closest to the door, in case she needs
to get up and go to the nurse if her monitor goes off.
Early Finishers- students will use the early finishers cart when they have time for
extra work. This week there are three-character traits activities to focus on the topic.
A has a behavior chart.
V. Reflective Response:
A. Report of Students’ Success in Terms of States Objectives
(Reflection on student success written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who
failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Completed after lesson was taught.
B. Personal Reflection on Teaching Effectiveness
(Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers to questions recorded after lesson is
Will students have a better understanding of character traits after today?
Will they be able to connect evidence to the traits?
Will they be able to efficiently turn and talk and have a guided discussion?
Will the snowstorm teaching strategy get too crazy?
Will I be able to establish enough rules for the snowstorm strategy?
Kling, K., & Henkes, K. (1999). Lilly’s purple plastic purse. Rain City Projects.
Serravallo, J. (2015). The reading strategies book: Your everything guide to developing skilled
readers. Heinemann.
YouTube. (2010, August 13). Finding nemo: First day of school. YouTube.
Anchor chart example Cut apart exit slips