Lesson Plan in Kinder
Lesson Plan in Kinder
Lesson Plan in Kinder
JULY 25, 2019
Meeting Time 2
(10 min) Transition to Recess The teacher commends the learners for the work they did in Work
Period 1 and tells them to prepare for recess time by washing their
hands. Encourage sharing especially if not all children have food.
(Teacher- Supervised)
Supervised Recess
(15 min) Transition to Quiet The teacher reminds the children to pack away the things they
Time used in recess time, clean up their eating area, throw their trash in
the trash bin, wash their hands, change their and have their Quiet
Quiet Time
(10 min) Transition to Story While singing a transition song, the teacher “wakes” the learners
Time up and tells them that it’s time to listen to a story. When the
learners are ready, the teacher proceeds with the pre-reading
activities and makes sure that the learners are listening attentively.
Post-Reading Ask some questions to learners to give them hint on the values of
the story.
Transition to Work After the post-reading activities, the teacher gives instructions
Period 2 regarding the teacher supervised and independent activities,
answers any questions, and tells the learners to join their group
and do the assigned tasks.
Teacher- Supervised Title: Favorite Food Survey
Activity Objectives:
Count objects with one-to-one correspondence up to quantities of
Collect data on one variable through observation and asking
questions (MKAP-00-1)
Work period 2 Create simple pictographs (MKAP-00-2)
(40 min) Discuss simple pictographs (MKAP-00-3)
Manila paper, marker
1. Ask the learners their favorite food. List them down
2. If possible, sort them into categories then make a graph.
3. Count the number of learners who like a specific food or food
category and tally the results on the graph.
4. Count the total.
5. Talk about the taste that the class likes the most based on the
results of the survey.
Learning Collect data on one variable (favorite food), create and discuss
Checkpoints simple pictographs
Independent Title: Find 3
Activities Objectives:
Count objects with one-to-one correspondence up to quantities of
Recognize and identify numerals 0 to 10 (MKC-00-2)
Combine elements of two seta using concrete objects to
represent the concept of addition(MKAT-00-3)
4 sets of numeral cards 0,1,2,3 with food items drawn
1. All cards are dealt. Last card is turned face up. Each player
keeps the cards dealt to him in a stack, face-down, without
looking at them.
2. By turns, players turn over the top card of his stack. If his card
can be used with one on the table to make a total of 3, the
player can take it and keep the pair. If there are no cards that
can be used, he has to discard his card in the middle of the
table, face-up.
3. The player who collects the most number of pairs wins.
Learning Understand the quantity of 3
Transition to The teacher reminds the learners about the time left in Work
Indoor/Outdoor Period 2 around 15 minutes before Indoor/ Outdoor Games. After
Games 10 minutes, the teacher tells the learners to start packing away the
materials they used and be ready for Indoor/ Outdoor games. A
transition song or countdown may be used.
Activity/ Game Title: Food Henyo
Talk about the details of an object/picture like toys, pets,
foods, places (LLKOL-Id-4)
Describe objects based on attributes/ properties (shapes, size,
its use and functions) (MKSC-00-4)
Picture cards of common
Indoor/ Outdoor Procedure:
Games 1. Choose a learner to be the guesser.
(20 min) 2. Set the timer to 2 minutes.
3. Pick a card. Do not show to the guesser but show to the other
4. The guesser will ask questions answerable pnly by yes, no, or
may be.
5. She/ he will try to guess the food item based on clues.
Learning Describe objects based on attributes/ properties.
Transition to The teacher tells the learners to help pack away the materials they
Meeting Time 3 used in Indoor/ Outdoor Games time and get ready to do the wrap
up activities in Meeting Time 3. A transition song or countdown
may be used.
Wrap-Up Questions/ Learners identify the parts of the mouth and to recall that tongue is
Meeting Time 3 Activity for tasting.
(5 min) The teacher takes note if the learners are able to distinguish the
different parts of their mouth.
Prepared by:
Teacher I Observed by:
Assistant Principal