Business Plan Template
Business Plan Template
Business Plan Template
Business Plan
"Business Name"
Presented to:
Prepared by:
Naning Leader
Naning Researcher
Tigtype Kaynaaylaptop
Tag-iya sa wifi
Driver Palitsnacks
Igora Muamot
Paluoy Luoyra
Walang Alam
(The format of your business plan is also up to you.)
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary..............................................Page #
2. Business/Industry Overview.................................Page #
3. Market Analysis and Competition........................Page #
4. Marketing and Sales Plan....................................Page #
5. Ownership and Management Plan.......................Page #
6. Operating Plan.....................................................Page #
7. Financial Plan.......................................................Page #
8. Appendices and Exhibits......................................Page #
● Estimate the overall size of the market and the units of your
product or service the target market might buy, potential
repeat purchase volume, and how the market might be
affected by economic or demographic changes.
● Estimate the volume and value of your sales in comparison
with any existing competitors. It helps to summarize the
results in table form as in the following example which
demonstrates that there is a gap in the high-quality sector
of the market that your business intends to target.
● Describe any helpful barriers to entry that may protect your
business from competition, such as access to capital,
technology, regulations, employee skill sets, location, etc.
Pricing Strategy
● List the different media you will use to get your message to
customers (e.g., business website, email, social media,
traditional media like newspapers, etc.). Will you use sales
promotional methods such as free samples, product
demonstrations, etc.?
● What marketing materials you'll use such as business cards,
flyers, brochures, etc. What about product launches
and tradeshows? Include an approximate budget
for advertising and promotion.
Ownership Structure
Management Team
● Describe managers and their roles, key employee positions,
and how each will be compensated. Include brief resumés.
Human Resources
Income Statements
● The income statement shows your projected revenues,
expenses and profit. Do this on a monthly basis for at least
the first year for a startup business.
Balance Sheet
Breakeven Analysis