Commentary of Qasidah Hamziyyah of Imam Busiri Chapter 1 Greatness of His Eminence Over Other Prophets
Commentary of Qasidah Hamziyyah of Imam Busiri Chapter 1 Greatness of His Eminence Over Other Prophets
Commentary of Qasidah Hamziyyah of Imam Busiri Chapter 1 Greatness of His Eminence Over Other Prophets
َّ َا ُع ْوذُ بِاہّٰللِ ِم َن
الش ْی ٰط ِن ال َّر ِج ْی ِم
الس ََل ُم َعل َی َس ِّی ِد ُو ْل ِد ٰا َد َم َک َما یُح ُِّب َو َی ْر ٰضی ب ِ َا ْن ُّی َصلّٰی َعل َْی ِہ
َّ اَ ْل َح ْم ُد ِہّٰلِل َک َما ھُ َو اَھْلُ ٗہ َو الصَّ لٰوۃُ َو
In The Name Of Allah The Most Compassionate Very Merciful
All Praise Due To Allah And Peace And Blessings Be Upon His Beloved Messenger
O the elevated one, those high ranking (Prophets) could not supersede such a
ۡ ْ ْ ْ ْ ب ْعض
ت واَیَدن ُّہ ِبرو ِح ی
ِ سی ابن م ْریم الب ِین ۡ
ی ع
ِ جتٍؕ و یات َ ۡی َنا
ُہ در ی
ُّ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُّ َ َ
ْ ْ ۡۢ ۡ ْ ۡۢ ۡ ْ ْ ْ
َِ ل
اّلین ِمن بع ِد ِہم ِمن بع ِد ما جٓاءتُہ َ ٓاء اہلل ُّ َما اق َت َت ال ُّق ُّد ِسٍؕ ولو ش
ُّ ُّ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ
ْ ۡ ۡ ْ ی ْ ۡ ْ ۡ ْ ی ْ
ک َفرٍؕ ولَو َشٓاء ک ِن اخت َل ُّفوا ف َ ِمن ُُّہ َمن امن و ِمنُہ من
ِ ت ول ی
َ َ َ َ َ ُّ َ َ َ َ َ ُّ ِ َ
ْ اہلل ما اقْتتل ۡوا۟ ول ی
﴾۲۵۳٪ ﴿ل ما ی ِریۡ ُّد عف ی اہلل نکِ ُّ َ َ
ُّ َ ُّ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُّ
These are the Noble Messengers, to whom We gave excellence over each other;
of them are some with whom Allah spoke, and some whom He exalted high
above all others; and We gave Eisa (Jesus), the son of Maryam, clear signs and
We aided him with the Holy Spirit; and if Allah willed, those after them would
not have fought each other after the clear evidences had come to them, but they
differed – some remained on faith and some turned disbelievers; and had Allah
willed, they would not have fought each other; but Allah may do as He wills.
(Al-Baqarah 2, Verse 253)
ۡ ْ ً ْ ی ْ ْ ۤ
﴾۱۰۷﴿ ۡی ی
َ ک ِا َّل َرح َمۃ لِلع َل ِم
َ َو َما اَر َسلن
If he is a Mercy unto all the worlds (every domain) then it is essential for him
to be the best of all the worlds.
(Tafseer Kabeer)
الس ََل ُم ل ف ََّض ْل َنا َب ْع َض ُه ْم َعل َى َب ْع ٍض ِم ْن ُه ْم َم ْن ك َ َّل َم اہّٰللُ} َی ْعنِی ُم َ
وسی َعل َْیهِ َّ {ت ِ ْلكَ ُّ
الر ُس ُ
ت} َی ْعنِی ُم َح َّم ًدا َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم
{ َو َر َف َع َب ْع َض ُه ْم َد َر َجا ٍ
قَا َل َّ
الش ْی ُخ ْاْل ِ َم ُام َر ْح َم ُة اہّٰللِ َعل َْیهَِ :و َما أُوت َِی ن َ ِب ٌّی آیَ ًة إ ِ ََّّل َوق َْد أُوت َِی نَب ِ ُّي َنا ِم ْث َل ت ِ ْلكَ ْاْلیَ ِة
and some whom He exalted high above all others viz. Sayyiduna
Muhammad – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him.
The Shaykh and Imam – may Allah shower mercy upon him – said:
There has not been a single verse which was revealed to any Prophet
and not to our beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and
blessings upon him or a verse like that. He was blessed with
excellence over others through some signs (miracles); such as:
ف ُِّضل ُْت َعل َى األْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء:َع ْن أَبِی ه َُریْ َر َۃ َرض َِی اہّٰللُ َع ْن ُه أَ َّن َر ُسو َل اہّٰللِ َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم قَا َل
:بِ ِس ٍت
ُ أُوت
ِیت َج َوا ِم َع ا ْلكَل ِ ِم
َوأ ُ ْر ِسل ُْت إلِ َى ا ْل َخل ِْق ك َ َّاف ًة
I have been granted excellence over other Prophets through six things:
month’s travel.
3. Spoils have been made lawful for me whereas they were never
5. I have been appointed over the entire creation.
(Tafseer al-Baghawi)
ت َسائ ِر ِ األْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء ُ أَ َّن ُم ْعجِزَ َۃ َر ُسول ِ َنا َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم أَف َْض
ِ ل ِم ْن ُم ْعجِزَا
ِ ِ إِن َّ ُه ُس ْب َحان َ ُه َج َع َل ُم ْعجِزَ َۃ ُم َح َّم ٍد َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم بَاق ِ َی ًة إلِ َى
َّ آِخ
.ت َسائ ِر ِاألْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء فَان َِی ًة ُم ْن َقض َِی ًة
ِ َو ُم ْعجِزَا
3. Indeed, one of the miracles of the Holy Prophet – may Allah send
peace and blessings upon him – is the Holy Quran which comprises
of Arabic alphabets and its recitation.
َّ أَن َّ ُه َت َعال َى َب ْع َد َما َحكَى أَ ْح َوا َل األْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء َعل َْیه ِ ُم:السابِ َع ُة
:الس ََل ُم قَا َل َّ ا ْل ُح َّج ُة
]90 :ِ أُولئِكَ َّال ِذی َن َه َدى اہّٰللُ فَب ِ ُهداهُ ُم ا ْق َت ِد ْه [األْ َ ْن َعام
فَأ َ َم َر ُم َح َّم ًدا َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم ب ِ ِاَّل ْقت َِدا ِء ب ِ َم ْن ق َْب َل ُهَ ،فإ ِ َّما أَ ْن ُی َقا َل :إِن َّ ُه ك َ َ
ین َوه َُو غَيْرُ َجائ ِز ٍ ِألَن َّ ُه َت ْقلِید ،أَ ْو فِی ُفُ ُو ِع َمأ ْ ُم ًورا ب ِ ِاَّل ْقت َِدا ِء بِه ِ ْم فِی أ ُ ُصو ِل ِّ
الد ِ
الَّشائِعَِ ،فل َْم َی ْب َق إ ِ ََّّل أَ ْن َیكُ َ
ون ال ُْم َرادُ ین َوه َُو غَيْرُ َجائ ِز ٍِ ،ألَ َّن َ ْ
َش َع ُه َن َس َخ َسائ َِر َ ِّ
الد ِ
َم َحاس َِن األْ َ ْخ ََلقَِ ،ف َكأَن َّ ُه ُس ْب َحان َ ُه قَا َل :إِنَّا أَطْل َْع َن َ
اك َعل َى أَ ْح َوال ِه ِ ْم َو ِسي َرِه ِْم،
فَا ْختَرْ أَن ْ َت ِم ْن َها أَ ْج َو َد َها َوأَ ْح َس َن َها َو ُک ْن ُم ْق َت ِد ًیا بِه ِ ْم فِی ك ُ ِّل َهاَ ،و َه َذا َی ْق َت ِضی أَن َّ ُه
.ِم ْن ُه ْم
4. After Allah Almighty mentioned the stories of Prophets – peace be
upon them, he stated:
ىُہ اقت ِد ۡہ ٍؕ
اّلیۡن ہدی اہلل ف ِبہ ی
د ُّ َ َ َ ِ ک َ
َ اُّول ٰٓ ِئ
ُّ َ ُّ َ
These are they whom Allah has guided, then follow you their
)(Al-An’am 6, Verse 90
َ ُالس ََل ُم بُع َِث إلِ َى كُلِّ ا ْل َخل ِْق َوذَلِكَ َی ْق َت ِضی أَ ْن َتك
ون َّ ا ْل ُح َّج ُة
َّ ِ أَن َّ ُه َعل َْیه:الثا ِم َن ُة
ون َص َار ا ْلك ُ ُّل ُ ِ َ َیا أَ ُّی َها ا ْلك: َفإِذَا قَا َل ل ِ َجمِی ِع ال َْعا َلمِي َن،ٍَو ََّل أَ ْع َوا ٍن َوأَ ْن َصار
َ اُف
َ َفكَانَتِ ال َْمشَ ق ُة َعظ، ِّ َوح ِي َنئ ِ ٍذ یَصِ يرُ َخائِفًا ِم َن ا ْلكُل،أَ ْع َدا ًء َل ُه
ِیم ًة
َّ ِ َوأَ َّما ُم َح َّمد َعل َْیه،ِأَ َح ًدا إ ِ ََّّل ِم ْن ِ ُْف َع ْو َن َوق َْو ِمه
الس ََل ُم فَا ْلك ُ ُّل كَان ُوا أَ ْع َدا ًء َل ُه
َ َُوإِذَا ثَ َب َت أَ َّن َمشَ َّق َت ُه أَ ْعظَ ُم ِم ْن َمشَ َّق ِة غَي ْرِه ِ َو َج َب أَ ْن َیك
ون ف َْضلُ ُه أَ ْکث َ َر ِم ْن ف َْض ِل
5. The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him
– was appointed over the entire creation which involves a great deal
of troubles. It proves that he is the best of all Prophets.
ً ی ْ ْ ۤ
ِ لن
َ ِ کٓافَۃ ل
َ ک ِا َّل
َ َو َما اَر َسلن
As we see in the case of Sayyiduna Moosa – peace be upon him –
when he was appointed on Bani Israel, he did not have to fear
anything except Pharaoh and his army whereas the Holy Prophet –
may Allah send peace and blessings upon him, all and sundry
became his enemy.
When it has established that his troubles were the greatest of all that
the others had to face, it proves his excellence over the virtues of
others, in the words of the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace
and blessings upon him:
ُم َح َّمد َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم أَف َْض َل األْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء
َ ُ َوال َّنا ِس ُخ َیجِ ُب أَ ْن َیك،أَن َّ ُه َت َعال َى َج َع َل ْاْل ِ ْس ََل َم نَا ِسخًا ل ِ َسائ ِر ِاألْ َ ْد َیا ِن
ون أَف َْض َل
ِ « َم ْن َسنَّ ُس َّن ًة َح َس َن ًة َف َل ُه أَ ْجرُ َها َوأَ ْجرُ َم ْن َعمِ َل ب ِ َها إلِ َى َی ْوم:الس ََل ُم
َّ ِل ِ َق ْولِهِ َعل َْیه
.الس ََل ُم أَف َْض َل ِم ْن َسائ ِر ِاألْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء َ ُ ف ََی ْلزَ ُم أَ ْن َیك،األْ َ ْد َیا ِن
َّ ِون ُم َح َّمد َعل َْیه
َم ْن َسنَّ ُس َّن ًة َح َس َن ًة َف َل ُه أَ ْجرُ َها َوأَ ْجرُ َم ْن َعمِ َل ب ِ َها إلِ َى َی ْوم ِا ْلق َِیا َم ِة
One who introduces a new good practice he receives its reward as
well as the reward of all those who will practice it till the Day of
So, if this religion is the best religion and most rewarding, its maker
will excel in rewards than the makers of all the other religions. It
proves that Sayyiduna Muhammad – may Allah send peace and
blessings upon him – is the best of all Prophets – peace be upon
ون اَشۃُ :أ ُ َّم َة ُم َح َّم ٍد َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم أَف َْض ُ
ل األْ ُ َم ِم ،ف ََو َج َب أَ ْن َیكُ َ ا ْل ُح َّج ُة ال َْع ِ َ
ُم َح َّمد أَف َْض َل األْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء ،ق َْولُ ُه َت َعال َى:
ان]110 :
س [آ ِل ع ِْم َر َ ُک ْنت ُْم َخي ْ َر أ ُ َّم ٍة أ ُ ْ ِ
ِخ َج ْت لِل َّنا ِ
أَ َّن َه ِذه ِ األْ ُ َّم َة إِن َّ َما نَال َْت َه ِذه ِ ا ْل َفضِی َل َة ل ِ ُم َتا َب َع ِة ُم َح َّم ٍد َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم،
َوأَی ًْضا إ ِ َّن ُم َح َّم ًدا َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم أَ ْکثَرُ ثَ َوا ًبا ِألَن َّ ُه َم ْب ُعوث إلِ َى ا ْلجِ ِّن َو ْاْلِن ْ ِس،
. ون ثَ َواب ُ ُه أَ ْکث َ َرِ ،ألَ َّن ل ِ َكث ْ َرۃ ِال ُْم ْس َتجِيبِي َن أَثَ ًرا فِی ُعلُوِّ َشأ ْ ِن ال َْمتْبُو ِع
ف ََو َج َب أَ ْن َیكُ َ
7. The Ummah of Sayyiduna Muhammad – may Allah send peace and
blessings upon him – is the best of all Ummahs which proves that
– the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him
is the best of all Prophets – peace be upon them, in the light of the
following statement of Allah Almighty:
ۡ ْ ْ ۡ ۡ ْ ْ ۡ ْ ۡ
اس تَامرون ِبال َمعرو ِف ِ َ ِ َ ِ ُّ َ ُّ خ
لن ل ت جرخ ا ۃ م ا ۡی کنتم
ُّ َ ُّ ُّ َ َ ُّ ُّ
ۡ ْ ۡ ْ ْ
ٍِؕک ِر وتُّؤ ِم ُّنون ِباہلل
َ وتَن َہ ْون ع ِن ال ُّمن
َ َ َ َ َ
You are the best among all those nations appeared unto
mankind, you command to good, and forbid evil, and keep faith
unto Allah.
(Aale ‘Imran 3, Verse 110)
The fact is, that this Ummah reached this excellence only by
following into the footsteps of the Holy Prophet – may Allah send
peace and blessings upon him. Hence Allah Almighty states as
ْ ۡ ۡ ْ
ۡ ل ِا ۡن ک ۡنت ْم تحب
کم اہلل
ُّ ِن یح ِب ْبو ع ب ات ف اہلل نو ِ ُّ ق
ُّ ُّ ُّ ِ ُّ ِ َ َ َ َ ُّ ُّ ُّ ُّ
'O beloved! Say you, 'O people! If you love Allah, then follow
me; Allah will love you.
(Aale ‘Imran 3, Verse 31)
َّش َۃ :أَ َّن َت ْفضِی َل َب ْع ِض األْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء َعل َى َب ْع ٍض َیكُو ُن ِأل ُ ُمورٍ ِم ْن َها: َّ
ا ْل ُح َّج ُة الثان َِی َة َع ْ َ
ِم ْن َها َما َی َت َع َّل ُق بِا ْل ُق ْد َرۃَِ ،کإ ِ ْش َبا ِع ا ْل َخل ِْق ا ْل َكثِير ِ ِم َن َّ
الط َعام ِ ا ْل َقلِی ِل،
َوف ََصا َح ِة ال ُ ْ
ُْقآ ِن
َ ْ ََش َف َن َس ًبا ِم ْن أ
َِشاف َ ْ َ ن َ ْح ُو َک ْونِهِ أ،اص ُه فِی ذَاتِهِ بِا ْلف ََضائ ِ ِل
ُ َو ِم ْن َها ا ْخت َِص
َِوح ِ ْلمِه
َِو َوفَائِه
َِو َس َخائِه
ِ َو ُکت ُُب ا ْل َحدِیثِ نَاطِ َقة ب ِ َت ْفصِ ی ِل َه ِذه ِاألْ َبْ َو
• Miracles pertaining to his knowledge of the unseen
• His Quranic eloquence
• Significant personal excellences; such as his lineage being the most
noble among the Arabs
• His great bravery
• His blessed code of conduct
• His tolerance and forbearance
• His affection
• His eloquence
• His generosity
The books of Ahadeeth are full of contents on each of these chapters.
: َ ْ ا ْل ُح َّج ُة الثال ِ َث َة َع
َّش َۃ
َو ََّل،ل ا ْل َج َّن َة أَ َحد ِم َن ال َّنبِیِّي َن َحتَّی أَ ْد ُخل ََها أَنَا َّ َِوقَا َل َعل َْیه
ُ « ََّل یَ ْد ُخ:الس ََل ُم
ِخو ًجا إِذَا بُ ِع ُثواَ ،وأَنَا َو َر َوى أنس قَا َل َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم« :أَنَا أَ َّو ُل ال َّنا ِ
س ُُ
» َخ
آ َد َم َعل َى َربِّی َو ََّل ف ْ َ
ون ف ََسمِ َع َر ُسو ُل اہّٰللِ س قَا َلَ :جل ََس نَاس ِم َن الصَّ َحابَ ِة َی َت َذ َ ُ
اْك َ َو َع ِن ابْ ِن َعبَّا ٍ
َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم َحدِی َث ُه ْم َف َقا َل َب ْع ُض ُه ْمَ :ع َج ًبا إ ِ َّن اہّٰللَ َّات َخ َذ إِبْ َراه َِیم َخل ِ ًیَل،
َخ َج َر ُسو ُل اہّٰللِ َصلَّى ِیسی كَل ِ َم ُة اہّٰللِ َو ُروحُ ُهَ ،وقَا َل َ ُ
آِخ :آ َد ُم ْاص َطفَا ُه اہّٰللُ ف َ َ َفع َ
اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم وقال :ق َْد َسمِ ْع ُت َک ََل َمكُ ْم َوحُ َّج َتكُ ْم أَ َّن إِبْ َراه َِیم َخلِی ُ
ل اہّٰللِ َوه َُو
وسی نَج ُِّی اہّٰللِ َوه َُو َک َذلِكَ َ ،وع َِیسی ُرو ُح اہّٰللِ َوه َُو َک َذلِكَ َ ،وآ َد ُم ْاص َطفَا ُه
َک َذلِكَ َ ،و ُم َ
ل ل ِ َوا ِء ا ْل َح ْم ِد َی ْو َم
َخَ ،وأَنَا َحا ِم ُ اہّٰللُ َت َعال َى َوه َُو َک َذلِكَ ،أَ ََّل َوأَنَا َحب ِ ُ
یب اہّٰللِ َو ََّل ف ْ َ
َخَ ،وأَنَا أَ َّو ُل َشاف ِ ٍع َوأَنَا أَ َّو ُل ُمشَ َّف ٍع َی ْو َم ا ْلق َِیا َم ِة َو ََّل ف ْ َ
َخَ ،وأَنَا أَ َّو ُل ا ْلق َِیا َم ِة َو ََّل ف ْ َ
َوأَنَا،َخ َ
َ َ ُح ُك َح ْل َق َة ا ْل َج َّن ِة َف ُی ْف َتحُ لِی فَأ ْد ُخلُ َها َو َمعِی ف
َ ْ ُُقا ُء ال ُْم ْؤ ِمن ِي َن َو ََّل ف ِّ َ َُم ْن ی
.َ ْ ین َو ََّل ف
َخ َ ِخ َ ْ َأ
ِ ِ ْك ُم األْ َوَّلِي َن َو ْاْل
10. The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him
– has stated:
Sayyiduna Adam and others will take shelter under my flag on the
Day of Judgment.
It proves that the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and
blessings upon him – is superior to Sayyiduna Adam – peace be
upon him – and his children.
The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him
– has stated:
I am the leader of Adam’s children, yet I do not boast.
The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him
– has also stated the following:
None from amongst the Prophets will enter Paradise until I enter it
and none amongst the Ummahs will enter it until my Ummah does.
I will give them glad tidings when they lose hope.
The flag of Allah’s praise will be in my hand.
I am the most honourable in Allah’s sight amongst the children of
Adam, yet I do not boast.
Allah Almighty chose Sayyiduna Adam – peace be upon him, which
is exactly as you said.
But behold, I am the beloved of Allah, yet I do not boast.
I will be the one holding the flag of Allah’s Praise on the Day of
Judgment, yet I do not boast.
I will be the first one to intercede and the first one to be allowed to
intercede whose intercession will be accepted on the Day of
Judgment, yet I do not boast.
I will be the first one who will knock at the gate of Paradise and it
will be opened for me, so I will enter and the poor amongst the
believers will enter along with me, yet I do not boast.
I am the most honoured amongst my predecessors and those who
will come after me, yet I do not boast.
َر َوى ا ْلب َ ْی َهق ُِّی فِی «ف ََضائ ِ ِل الصَّ َحابَ ِة» أَن َّ ُه ظَ َه َر َعل ُِّی بْ ُن أَبِی طَالِبٍ ِم ْن َبعِی ٍد َف َقا َل
أَل َْس َت أَن ْ َت َس ِّی ُد ال َْع َر ِب؟ َف َقا َل: َه َذا َس ِّی ُد ال َْع َر ِب َف َقال َْت َعائ ِشَ ُة:الس ََل ُم
َّ َِعل َْیه
11. Imam Bayhaqi – may Allah be pleased with him – recorded this
Hadeeth in Fadhal al-Sahaba that once when Sayyiduna ‘Ali – may
Allah be pleased with him – appeared somewhere far, the Holy
Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – said:
This is the leader of Arabs.
Sayyidah ‘Ayesha – may Allah be pleased with her – asked, “Aren’t
you the leader of Arabs?”
He replied, “I am the leader of the entire universe and he is the
leader of Arabs.”
It proves that he is best of all Prophets.
(Tafseer Kabeer)
َ َّ َف َلكَ اہّٰللُ َما َت َق َّد َم ِم ْن َذنْبِكَ َوما َتأ
. ِخ َ ِ ل ِ َی ْغ
: ف ََما ف َْضلُ ُه َعل َى األْ َنْب ِ َیا ِء قَا َل قَا َل اہّٰللُ َت َعال َى:قَالُوا
َوما أَ ْر َسلْنا ِم ْن َر ُسو ٍل إ ِ ََّّل بِلِسا ِن ق َْو ِمهِ لِيُ َبي ِّ َن َل ُه ْم
:َوقَا َل اہّٰللُ َعزَّ َو َج َّل ل ِ ُم َح َّم ٍد َصلَّى اہّٰللُ َعل َْیهِ َو َس َّل َم
And whosoever of them says. 'I am a god besides Allah', and then
We shall recompense him with Hell. Thus, We recompense the
ً حنا لَک ف ْت
﴾ۙ ۱﴿ حا ُّم ِب ۡی ًنا َ َ َ ِانَا ف َ َت
Undoubtedly, We have granted you a clear victory.
(Al-Fath 48, Verse 1)
They then asked, “What is his excellence over other Prophets – peace be
upon them?”
He replied, “Allah Almighty stated:
But He stated the following for the beloved Prophet – may Allah send
peace and blessings upon him:
ً ی ْ ْ ۤ
ِ لن
َ ِ کٓافَۃ ل
َ ک ِا َّل
َ َو َما اَر َسلن
And O beloved! We sent not you but with Messenger ship encircling entire
(Saba 34, Verse 28)
اورروسولںےسایلعٰ مہارایبن
Khalq Se Auliyah, Auliyah Se Rusul
Aur Rasoolon Se A’ala Hamara Nabi
The Awliya are superior to the general creation, and the Messengers are
superior to all the Awliya, and the greatest of all Messengers is our
beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him.
ہٰ َذا ن ُْو ُر ُم َح َّم ٍد بْ ِن َع ْب ِد اہّٰللِ ا ِ ْن ٰا َم ْنت ُْم ب ِ ٖہ َج َع ْل ُتكُ ْم اَنْب ِ َیا َء قَالُ ْوا ٰا َم َّنا ب ِ ٖہ َو بِنُبُ َّوت ِٖہ َف َقا َل اہّٰللُ اَ ْش َھ ُد
ہّٰلل ِم ْیث َٰق ال َّنبِيٖ َن
ُ َو اِذْ اَ َخ َذ ا
And remember when Allah took, from the prophets their covenant….
(Aale ‘Imraan 3, Verse 81)
(Mawaahib with Zarqaani Vol. 1, p. 40)
ٌ ۡ ۡ ِ ق ْد جٓاءک ۡم من ا
﴾۱۵ۙ ﴿ ب ُّم ِبۡی ِ ہلل نُّو ٌر َو
ٌ ک یت ِ ُّ
َ َ َ َ
Undoubtedly, there has come to you from Allah a light and a Book,
(Al-Ma’idah 5, Verse 15)
Tafseer Ibn Jareer Tabri:
Undoubtedly, there has come to you (the people of Torah and Bible) from Allah
a light (Muhammad ) and a luminous book (Quran).
All the other books of Tafseer are unanimous in the view that the Noor refers to
none other than our beloved Prophet Muhammad – may Allah send peace and
blessings upon him.
Hadeeth of Noor:
َع ْب ُد الر ََّّزا ِق َع ْن َم ْع َمر َع ِن ابْ ِن ال ُْم ْن َك ِدرِ َع ْن َجابِر ٍ ،قَا َل َس َئل َُت َر ُس ْو َل اہّٰللِ َصلَّی اہّٰللُ َعل َْی ِہ َو َس َّل َم
َع ْن اَ َّو ِل َش ْی ٍء َخ َل َق ُہ اہّٰللُ َت َعالٰیَ ،ف َقا َل ھُ َو ن ُْو ُر نَبِی َ
ِّک َیا َجابِرُ َخ َل َق ُه اہّٰللُ ث ُ َّم َخل ََق ِم ْن ُه ك ُ َّل َخيْر ٍ َو َخل ََق
َّش أَل َ
ْف َس َن ٍة ُْق ِب اثْن َْی َع َ َ
َب ْع َد ُه ك ُ َّل ََشٍَ ،فحِي َن َخ َل َق ُه أَقَا َم ُه ق َُّدا َم ُه فِی َم َقام ِال ُ ْ
َّش أَل َ
ْف َس َن ٍة َام ا ْلق ِْس َم الرَّاب ِ َع فِی َم َقام ِا ْل ُحبِّ اثْن َْی َع َ َ
َوأَق َ
وح ِم ْن ق ِ ْس ٍم
الر َ
َو ُّ
َوا ْل َج َّن َة ِم ْن ق ِ ْس ٍم
َّش أَل َ
ْف َس َن ٍة َام ا ْلق ِْس َم الرَّاب ِ َع فِی َم َقام ِا ْل َخ ْوفِ اثْن َْی َع َ َ
َوأَق َ
َّش أَل َ
ْف َس َن ٍة َام ا ْل ُجزْ َء الرَّاب ِ َع فِی َم َقام ِال َّر َجا ِء اثْن َْی َع َ َ
َوأَق َ
َّش أَل َ
ْف َس َن ٍة َام ا ْل ُجزْ َء الرَّاب ِ َع فِی َم َقام ِا ْل َح َیا ِء اثْن َْی َع َ َ
َوأَق َ
َف َخل ََق اہّٰللُ ِم ْن أَ ْنفَاسِه ِ ْم ن َُور أَ ْر َوا ِح األْ َ ْول ِ َیا ِء
الس ْب ِع ِم ْن ن ُورِي
ت َّ َو َم ََلئ ِ َك ُة َّ
الس َم َوا ِ
َو َّ
الش ْم ُس َوا ْل َق َمرُ َوا ْل َك َواک ِ ُب ِم ْن ن ُورِي
اب أَل َ
ْف َس َن ٍة َام ال ُّن َور َوه َُو ا ْل ُجزْ ُء الرَّاب ِ ُع فِی كُلِّ ح ِ َج ٍ ث ُ َّم َخل ََق اہّٰللُ اثْن َْی َع َ َ
َّش ح ِ َجابًا فَأق َ
الر ْؤ َی ِة
َو ُّ
َوال َّر ْح َم ِة
َوال َْوقَارِ
السكِي َن ِة
َو َّ
َوالصَّ بْر ِ
َو ِّ
الص ْد ِق
ث ُ َّم ان ْ َت َق َل ِم ْن ُه إل َى ش ٍ
ِیث َو َل ِده ِ
َ َ َه َك َذا ك
ُان بَ ْد ُء َخل ِْق نَبِیِّك َیا َجابِر
Imam Abdur Razzaaq narrates from Ma’mar, from Ibn Al-Munkadir, from
Hazrat Jabir , He said, “I asked the Messenger of Allah about the first thing that
Allah Almighty created.” “It’s the light of your Prophet, O Jabir,” he – may
Allah send peace and blessings upon him – replied. After Allah Almighty created
it, He created every good and after that, He created every evil. He kept it in His
proximity for 12,000 years after He had created the light.
He kept the fourth portion at the station of love for 12,000 years.
He kept the fourth portion at the station of fear for 12,000 years
He kept the fourth portion at the station of hope for 12,000 years
He kept the fourth portion at the station of chastity for 12,000 years
Paradise and all its contents of bounties are from my light
The sun, the moon and the stars are from my light
Intellect, knowledge and Taufeeq are from my light
The souls of the Prophets and Messengers are from my light
The Martyrs, the blessed and the pious are the result of my light
Allah Almighty then created 12,000 veils and kept the fourth portion of the light
in each veil for a thousand year:
They are the stations of ‘Uboodiyyah (highest forms of Allah’s worship)
And the veils of nobility
Allah Almighty kept the light immersed in each veil for a thousand year. When
He took it out and descended it onto the earth, it illuminated the east and the
west like the sun lights up the dark night.
Allah Almighty then created Sayyiduna Adam – peace be upon him – from the
And placed the light in his forehead
It then transferred to his son, Sayyiduna Sheeth – peace be upon him
And likewise it was transferred from one pure soul to the other
Until it reached the back of Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdul Muttalib – may
Allah be pleased with them
And from him to the his wife, Sayyiduna Aminah – may Allah be pleased with
He then brought me into the world
And made me the leader of all the Prophets
And the seal of Prophethood
A Mercy unto the universe
Leader of those who possess light
This was the beginning of the creation of your Prophet, O Jabir.
(Al-Juz’ al-Mafqood min Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq, Mawahib al-Ladinniyah
with Zurqani’s commentary etc.)
The Moon of Taibah (The Blessed face of the Holy Prophet – may Allah send
peace and blessings upon him):
Hazrat Sayyiduna Jaabir ibn Samurah – may Allah be pleased with him – narrates
as follows:
It was a full moon night and the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and
blessings upon him – was sleeping covering a red sheet. I used to look at his face
and then at the moon and then I had no control over the feeling of my heart that:
As if the moon lost its beauty compared to his Jamaal as witnessed by his
illustrious companions.
Hazrat Mulla Ali Qari – may Allah be pleased with him – writes as follows:
The light of his face was permanent and not derived from any other source
whereas, on the other hand, the light of the moon is borrowed from the sun,
therefore sometimes, it has light and sometimes it gets dim and there also
comes a time when it doesn’t have any light at all.
(Jam’ al-Wasaail ala al-Shamaail Vol. 1, p. 47)
There are many other Ahadeeth where the Sahaba have called his blessed his face
like the full moon.
Jis suhaani ghari chamka Taiba ka Chaand
Us dil Afroz Saa’at pe Laakhon Salam
Millions of peace be upon the beautiful moment and the heart-enlightening
time in which the Moon of Taibah shone
Sayyidah Ayesha – may Allah be pleased with her – has stated the beauty
of Sayyiduna RasoolAllah – may Allah send peace and blessings upon
him – in the following words:
ک َا ُّی َھا الل َّن ِب ُّی َو َر ْح َم ُة اہّٰللِ َوبَ َركَاتُ ٗہ َّ َا
َ لس ََل ُم َعل َْی
It is because:
Because the soul of the beloved Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings
upon him – is present in the houses of Muslims.
Allah Almighty stated the following regarding the knowledge bestowed upon His
Prophet Sayyiduna Adam – peace be upon him:
ۡۢ ْ ْ ۡ
ْ ِ ک ِۃ ۙ فقال اَن ِبـو
ِن ٰٓ ْ وع َلم یادم اّلَس َم
ُّ َ ََ َ ض ُُّہ َع َٰل ال َمل ِئ َ ک َل َہا ث ُّ َم َع َرُّ ٓاء ََ َ َ َ
﴾۳۱﴿ۡی ق
ِ د ِ ک ۡنت ْم ی
ن اِ ء
ِ اَل
َ ؤ ٰۤ ِبا ْسمٓا ِء
َ ُّ ُّ ُّ َ َ
And Allah the Exalted taught the names of all things to Adam. Then
presenting all things before the Angels said, "Tell the names of these, if you are
(Al-Baqarah 2, Verse 31)
But when it comes to His beloved Rasool Sayyiduna Mustafa – may Allah send
peace and blessings upon him, The Almighty states the following:
ْ الر
﴾ۙ ۱﴿ ح یمن
ُّ َ َ
The Most Affectionate
ی ْ
﴾ؕ ۲﴿ ع َلم ال ُّقران
َ َ َ
Taught the Quran to His beloved.
ۡ ْ
﴾ۙ ۳﴿ اّلنسنِ خ َل َق
َ َ
He created Mohammad, the soul of humanity.
﴾۴﴿ ع َل َم ُّہ البیان
َ َ َ َ
He taught him speech regarding whatever had already happened and whatever
will happen.
(Al-Rahman 55, Verse 1-4)
The points us towards the Hadith where Allah Almighty states that if I did not
create You (our beloved Prophet), I would not have created anything. The Pen
and the Tablet are parts of the vast knowledge of our beloved Prophet (May
Allah send peace and blessings upon him). This also is a Speciality of the Sacred
Prophet (May Allah send peace and blessings upon him).
ب ب
Aur Koyi Ghaib Kia Tum Se NehaaN Ho Bhalaa,
Jab Na Khuda Hee Chhupaa, Tum Peh Karoro Durood.
How could any other mystery of the unseen remain concealed from you?
When the Almighty did not hide Himself from you? Billions of blessings be
upon you!
When Sayyidah Binte Milhaan Radi Allahu ‘Anha heard this, she asked, “O
Prophet of Allah May Allah send peace and blessings upon him, please make Du’a
that I am also among them.” He replied, “You are also among them.”
After saying this, the Prophet of Allah May Allah send peace and blessings upon
him again closed his blessed eyes. He woke up again and was smiling. Sayyidah
Binte Milhaan Radi Allahu ‘Anha again asked the Holy Prophet May Allah send
peace and blessings upon him the reason and he mentioned exactly the same
thing. She then asked him to make Du’a to Allah Almighty that she also be
among them. The Prophet of Allah May Allah send peace and blessings upon
him said, “You are among the first group and not among the second group.”
Later on, this same pious lady, Sayyidah Binte Milhaan Radi Allahu ‘Anha, also
travelled with the wife of Hadrat Sayyiduna Ameer Mu’awiyah Radi Allahu
‘Anhu, Binte Qarazah Radi Allahu ‘Anha, on a ship. While they were returning,
as she climbed on her animal, she fell and through this incident, she passed away.
(Abu Daud Shareef)
Sayyidah Binte Milhaan Radi Allahu ‘Anha was the maternal aunt of Hadrat
Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik Radi Allahu ‘Anhu. Some ‘Ulama have also included
her as being among the foster mothers of the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace
and blessings upon him. Some have mentioned her as the aunt of some of these
foster mothers.
It is reported that during the reign of Hadrat Sayyiduna Ameer Mu’awiyah Radi
Allahu ‘Anhu, he undertook Jihad by ship to a place called Qubrus. His wife,
Binte Qarazah, was also on this journey. The wife of Hadrat Sayyiduna Abaadah
bin Saamit Radi Allahu ‘Anhu, Sayyidah Binte Milhaan Radi Allahu ‘Anha, was
also on this journey as foretold many years earlier by the Holy Prophet May
Allah send peace and blessings upon him. As they were returning to Syria, she
fell off her animal and passed away. There is no doubt that she passed away as a
Martyr. As a matter of fact, Hadrat Sayyiduna Uqbah bin Amir Radi Allahu
‘Anhu narrates that, “Whosoever passes away in the Path of Allah Almighty and
fell off his animal, that person is a Martyr.”
(Umdatul Qari)
It proves the Knowledge of the Unseen of the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace
and blessings upon him. Many years before hand, the Holy Prophet May Allah
send peace and blessings upon him predicted that Sayyidah Binte Milhaan Radi
Allahu ‘Anha would be in the first group and not in the second group. That
means, he also predicted when she would pass away.
There are people who say that the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and
blessings upon him did not possess the Knowledge of the Unseen. What answers
would they give about this Hadith Shareef?
The Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him also predicted
that this journey would be undertaken on a ship which is another prediction
which was unheard of at that time because no Arabs had ever undertaken a
journey on a ship to engage in a battle.