RafDoc - A-0004825239
RafDoc - A-0004825239
RafDoc - A-0004825239
Tx Opt Power -
Tx Ext Ratio -
Please tick , any applicable
A. Onsite Support
Description Total Charges (RM)
1. On Site Support *(RM53.00) 0.00
B. Equipments
Payment Option Current Commitment End Date
1. One Off Payment -
2. Renewal Service Contract
3. BTU Replacement
By signing this Form, the customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that:
i. Any complaint made by the customer has been duly attended, solved and vi. Subject to the type of CPE in Section 3, any replacement of CPE upon
rectified by TM up to the customer's satisfaction and in consideration to completion of the restoration work, a customer has an option either to
the same, TM shall impose additional charges as specified in this purchase the CPE OR to renew/extend (where applicable) the minimum
Restoration Acceptance Form. subscription period of the Service's contract;
ii. Additional charges for the work under SECTION 3(A), & 3(B) will be Option to PURCHASE CPE
reflected in the customer's next bill. CPE charges will be reflected in the customer's next bill
iii. The Additional Terms and Conditions in this Restoration Acceptance Option to RENEW/EXTEND the minimum subscription period
Form shall be read in addition to the existing Terms and Conditions of 1. If the Service contract is within minimum subscription period, the service's
the UniFi/ Streamyx/ Business Broadband Service / Voice 1P (each with minimum subscription period will be extended to a further [one / two / three
be referred to as "Service") as earlier agreed by the customer. (1/2/3) year(s)]. Extension of the service period will follow the minimum
iv. Warranty is valid for new Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and is subscription period of the Service as subscribed by the customer which
limited to manufacture defect/faulty/workmanship during the Warranty shall commence from the restoration date;or
Period. The warranty does not apply where damage is caused by; 2. If the Service contract is beyond minimum subscription period, the service's
including but not limited to (a) normal wear and tear; (b) abuse, minimum subscription period will be renewed for another one(1) year.
mishandling, accident or failure to follow manual operating
instructions;(c) customer's negligence; (d) stolen/lost at customer's
premise and (e) force majeure.
v. On site support charges at the rate of RM53.00 (inclusive GST) will be
reflected in the customer's next bill.
I/We do hereby confirm and acknowledges that I/We have read and understood the Acknowledgement and Additional Terms and Conditions contained in this
Restoration Acceptance Form and agree that the Additional Terms and Conditions shall form part of the Terms and Conditions of the UniFi/ Streamyx/
Business Broadband/Voice 1P.
Furthermore I/We agree to be bound by all such Terms and Conditions. I/We agree the above service has been restored by TM Personnel.
I/We agree the above service has been restored by TM Personnel and all the CPEs are working in good condition.