Revision Petition
Revision Petition
Revision Petition
1. That, the instant Revision Petition is filed by the Petitioner under Section 115
of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), 1908 being aggrieved by the Order dated
_______ passed by the Ld. Civil Judge, ______________, New Delhi in Civil Suit No.
________of 2019 seeking to set aside the same. The certified copy of the impugned
order is annexed hereto and marked as Annexure A1.
2. The Petitioner seeks the intervention of the Hon’ble Court as the subordinate
court had refused to summon two important witnesses who were determinant to
the case. Without the court intervention, and thereby issuing an Order of
Summons, there is no way that they would appear and answer on Oath. The
non-appearance of the witness would lead to grave injury caused to the
Petitioner. Thus, this petition to direct the Subordinate Court to issue summons
to the witness and thereby exercise the jurisdiction the court has.
3. The money suit was filed by the Petitioner on __________based on the contract
entered into by the Plaintiff and the Defendant for jointly bidding a tender floated
by the Public Sector Unit (PSU). It was agreed that the sale proceeds would be
distributed equally to the bidders.
4. The parties secured the tender in their favour for Rs.5,00,000 and the amount
was credited to the Defendants account. But, the value of the tender would least
amount to Rs. 10,00,000.
5. The Defendant after receiving the sale proceeds informed the Plaintiff that he
had accepted the tender for Rs. 5,00,000. When the Plaintiff enquired the
Defendant as to why such low amounts were secured, the Defendant gave evasive
response and never explained why such less amount was received, when clearly
the value of movies is much higher. As per the terms and conditions of the
contract half of the financial proceeds belong to the Plaintiff.
6. That the trial court framed issues on 19/01/2019 and directed the Petitioner
to produce evidence, upon which the Petitioner promptly furnished to the court
below four witnesses making a request that the witness should be summoned by
that Court.
7. The Plaintiff listed 4 witnesses out of which there are 2 witnesses from the
8. The Judge refused to entertain such a request and directed the Plaintiff to
secure the attendance of the 2 PSU witnesses on his own.
9. The Judge, after cross-examining the two other witnesses had passed an order
to close the witness of the Plaintiff (order dated 15/07/2019).
10. Two witness of the petitioner had appeared and their statements were
recorded. However, the learned Presiding Officer of the court below passed an
order that the remaining witnesses be produced by the petitioner-plaintiff on his
own without seeking the assistance of the court. This order was passed despite
a request by the petitioner that at least those witnesses named in the list who
are State employees should be summoned by the court, as they are required to
produce and prove some official records.
i. That on the date of hearing the learned trial court by the order impugned
in this revision closed the evidence of the petitioner-plaintiff on the
ground that the remaining witnesses were not produced by him.
ii. That the impugned order has caused great prejudice to the petitioner and
if the same is allowed to stand the petitioner’s suit is bound to fail.
iii. The Judge has failed to exercise the powers granted to him under Order
XVI, Rule I of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908.
iv. That the trial court has unjustifiably denied assistance of the court to the
petitioner-plaintiff to secure the attendance of his witnesses. The
interests of justice demand that he is provided with all legal assistance
in this regard.
v. The purpose of summoning the two PSU witnesses has a great impact on
the case. Only on them giving testimony can the rights of the parties be
decided and the justice can be upheld and the real rights of the parties
be decided.
vi. That it is violative of the principles of natural justice and fair trial.
11. The Plaintiff submits that all court fees have been paid.
12. The Plaintiff submits that there is no appeal in the High Court or any other
Court subordinate to it.
In the facts and circumstances discussed above the petitioner prays that this
Hon’ble Court be pleased to
2. Direct the court below to provide assistance of the court for summoning
the plaintiff-witnesses.
I, Rajani Sharo Sh. Kastoori lal R/o EA 159 Qazi Mohalla , Bazar Paprian,
Jalandhar. do hereby verify that the contents of this Petition are true to my
knowledge or belief.
Signature of Petitioner