VTR PBC 1x1.5x1.5 6.0-8.0mC R0
VTR PBC 1x1.5x1.5 6.0-8.0mC R0
VTR PBC 1x1.5x1.5 6.0-8.0mC R0
must not be passed on to any third person or firm not authorized by us, nor be copied/made use of, in full or part by such person on firm
Govt. of India)
G 5&6, Sector-10, Dwarka,
New Delhi - 110 075
Lion Tower, Plot No-97, Elegant State,
Near Mother Teresa School, Kolar Road,
Bhopal-462042 (M.P.)
In Joint Venture With
Unit No. 204, Lotus Park, 2nd Floor, Road
No. 16, Wagale Estate, Thane (W), Thane -
Sr.No. Title
1 Preamble
2 Basic Data
3 Load Calculations
a) Self weight
b) Super Imposed Dead Load
c) Bouyant wt Calculation for Pressure check
d) Dead load calculation for Pressure check
e) SIDL calculation for Pressure check
f) Earth Pressure & Water load for Pressure check
4 Bearing Pressure Calculations
5 Design Constant
6 Live Load Calculations & Vehicle property
7 Methodology
8 Results
9 Design of Components for Limit state of Strength (Moment & Shear)
10 Checking of Components for Limit state of Serviceability-Rare
11 Checking of Components for Limit state of Serviceability-QPC
12 Transverse moment
1) Preamble :-
These calculations pertain to design of RCC Box type Culvert having size of 1 x 1.5 x 1.5 with 8m Earth filling above top slab
1) Structure is idealized as plane frame (of unit width) and analysed using STAAD III. Bottom slab is assumed to be supported on
no. of springs.
2) For analysis, the box model is subjected to dead loads, Water pressure, Earth pressure and surcharge loads on the side walls,
and live load on slab.
3) 3 Lane vehicle loading conforming to IRC-6 is used.
4) The dispersion of live load is calculated using effective slab width method as per Annexure B-3 of IRC 112.
c) Material considerations :
1) IRC : 6 -Code for Practice for Road bridges, Sec-II, Loads & Stresses
2) IRC : 112 -Code for Practice for Concrete Road bridges
3) IRC : 78 -Code for Practice for Road bridges, Sec-VII, Foundations
Other codes (BIS,BS etc.)& specilist literature will also be refered as and when required.
Various combination of loads are adopted for checking structural strength & Serviceability Limit State. Structural strength of
various component are based on ultimate limit state. For the sevicebility limit state rare combination are adopted to check the
stresses in various component , frequent combination are adpoted for deflection check & Quasi-permanent Combinations for
checking the crack width.
f) Durability :
As per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 2020
Maximum Water/Cement Ration = 0.45
Minimum Cement Content = 360 Kg/m3
Min. Grade of Concrete = M25
Min. Cover (Non-Earth Face) = 40 mm
(Earth Face) = 70 mm
2) Basic Data :- Type of Structures = Box
No. of Cells = 1
Length of Box in Transverse Direction = 17.50 m
Clear span of Box = 1.50 m
Clear height of Box = 1.50 m
Temperature variation for Box = 27.40 deg
Top Haunch dimensions = 0.15 m x 0.15 m
Bottom Haunch dimensions = 0.15 m x 0.15 m
Top slab thickness = 0.250 m
Bottom slab thickness = 0.300 m
Outer wall thickness = 0.250 m
Inner wall thickness = 0.00 m
Heel width = 0.00 m
Area of crash barrier = 0.32 m2
Width of crash barrier LHS side = 0.5 m RHS side = 1.5 m
Width of footway = 0.0 m
Thickness of footway = 0.000 m
Carriage way width = 14.00 m
Design box for width = 1 m
Thickness of wearing coat = 0.065 m For DL Filling consider
Earth filling above top slab = 8.0 m = 8.0 m
Crust compositon above bottom slab = 0.000 m
Height of surcharge = 1.2 m
Material Properties:
Density of concrete (reinforced) = 2.5 t/m3
Density of earth (g ) = 2.0 t/m3
Density of earth (Submerged) (g' ) = 1.0 t/m3
Density of wearing coat = 2.2 t/m3
Density of water (gw ) = 1.0 t/m3
Soil Properties:
Angle of Internal Friction, f = 30 ° = 0.5236 radians
Co-efficient of Friction between wall & soil, d = f = 0.34907 radians
Inclination angle of wall a = 0 ° = 0 radians
i = 0 ° = 0 radians
According to Coulomb's equation,
Ka = (cos^2(f-a)) / (cos^2a*cos(d+a))*[1/1+{(sin(f+d)*sin(f-i))/(cos(a-i)*cos(d+a))}^0.5]^2
= 0.279
Considering Ka = 0.5 (At rest condition)
Kp = (cos^2(f+a)) / (cos^2a*cos(a-d))*[1/1-{(sin(f+d)*sin(f+i))/(cos(a-i)*cos(a-d))}^0.5]^2
= 6.11
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction - As per J. E. Bowles
Modulus of subgrade reaction , K = 40 x FOS x SBC 2250 t/m3
40 x 2.5 x 22.5
Dividing 1st cell's bottom slab 1.75 m into 2 equal members so, each member length
= 1.75 = 0.875 m
Dividing 2nd cell's bottom slab 1.75 m into 2 equal members so, each member length
= 1.75 = 0.875 m
For end supports, A = 0.4375 x 1.0 = 0.4375 m2
Hence, Modulus of subgrade reaction , K = 984.38 t/m
1.75 m
2.00 m
Box dimensions
3) Load Calculations :-
Considering for 1 m width of box
a) Self-weight :-
Self-wt of top slab = 2.5 x 0.25 x 1.0 = 0.625 t/m
Self-wt of bottom slab = 2.5 x 0.3 x 1.0 = 0.750 t/m
*Bouyant wt = ( 2.5 - 1.0 ) x 0.30 x 1.0 = 0.450 t/m
c) Weight of Crash barrier, footway &kerb (taking 0.75 t/m) = 0.00 t/m
a) = 0.00 t/m
Weight of wearing-coat Maximum of 0.3 t/m or * Wearing coat thickness
Vehicular Surcharge :-
Water Pressure :-
Ht difference of HFL from Bottom slab = 1.50 m
Load of Water on bottom slab (UDL) = ( gx h)
= 17.5x1.5 (water density 1 t/m3 )
= 26.25 t/m
Concentrated Load on bottom slab = 26.25 x 1.5 ( 26.25x clear span )
= 39 t
fcm = 40 N/mm2
0.67 2 Eq. A2-2, anx A-2 & Table
Tensile Strength of Concrete = 0.259*(fck) fctm = 2.501 N/mm 6.5
Partial mat. safety factor for conc. gm = 1.5 basic & seismic page 49-IRC 112
Partial material safety factor for Steel (gs) gs = 1.15 basic & seismic page 30-IRC 112
Ultimate compressive strain in the concrete єcu3 = 0.0035 Up to fck ≤ 60Mpa Table
no:6.5 (IRC:112)
Modulus of elasticity of reinf. of steel Es = 200000 N/mm
Modulus of elasticity of concrete=22*(fcm/12.5) 0.3 Ecm = 31.187 N/mm
Coeffic to consider the influence of concrete strength α = 0.67 A2.10 Page : 244 of 112
Tyre contact area over road surface = Actual max. tyre load
Max. tyre pressure
Tyre width across the dir.of motion, W = 0.4 - 0.1 = 0.36 m
Tyre width along dir.of motion, B = Tyre Contact Area
Tyre Contact
Load W B
Pressure Area
t kg/cm 2 m cm 2 m
8 5.27 0.36 379.29 0.11
12 5.27 0.36 568.94 0.16
12 5.27 0.36 568.94 0.16
17 5.27 0.36 805.99 0.22
17 5.27 0.36 805.99 0.22
17 5.27 0.36 805.99 0.22
17 5.27 0.36 805.99 0.22
Tyre Contact
Load W B
Pressure Area
t kg/cm 2 m cm 2 m
20 5.27 0.36 948.23 0.26
20 5.27 0.36 948.23 0.26
4) Class A :-
25 % ( Up to 12 m span)
1) To find out governing position of wheels of each vehicle for the max bending moment and shear force
for desired sections, all vehicles are moved on box culvert model in Staad ,(Refer file
Moving70Boggie.std., Moving70R.std and MovingClassA.std) and considering that in box analysis
2) The dispersion of wheel loads on slab is calculated by effective slab width method as per Annexure B-3 of
IRC 112
Dispersion of load across span : Cl. 3.2, Annex B3 IRC:112
Effective width for a single concentrated load,
B effacross = a a 1 - a + b1
In case of Cushion,
Beffalong = B + 2 x ( cushion + slab thk. )
Load Intensit
Distance y Start Intensit
Beff Beff of Intensit
Load (From Bacross Balong Impact length y End
across along Dispers y (I)
Nearest (From Length
ion (Ad)
Support) A)
t m m m m m % m2 t/m m m
Distance Area of Intensity
Beff Beff Intensity Start
Load (From Bacross Balong Impact Dispersi End
across along (I) length
Nearest on (Ad) Length
(From A)
t m m m m m % m2 t/m m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Class A @ section1
11.40 0.15 17.13 16.88 15.00 1.75 50.00 26.25 1.95 0.00 1.75
11.40 0.40 17.13 16.88 15.00 1.75 50.00 26.25 1.95 0.00 1.75
Class A @ section2
11.40 0.75 17.13 16.88 15.00 1.75 50.00 26.25 1.95 0.00 1.75
Class A @ section3
11.40 0.45 17.13 16.88 15.00 1.75 50.00 26.25 1.95 0.00 1.75
11.40 0.10 17.13 16.88 15.00 1.75 50.00 26.25 1.95 0.00 1.75
The following salient features are considered in this design note.
o Partial safety factor of 1.5 has been adopted for concrete and 1.15 has been adopted for steel as per Cl: & 6.3.5 of IRC: 112
o The bending moment for various loads were obtained from the frame analysis. And the same is multiplied with the partial safety factor for
obtaining the factored bending moment.
o For Ultimate strength check, Table 3.2 of IRC: 6 has been considered for the partial safety factor for various loads.
o For Serviceability check, Table 3.3 of IRC: 6 has been considered for the partial safety factor for various loads.
The RCC Box MNB is checked for the following two conditions
• Ultimate strength check
• Serviceability check
o Rectangular stress distribution has been considered as per Annexure A-2 of IRC: 112 for ultimate strength check.
o Ultimate compressive strain in the concrete (єcu3) has been considered as 0.0035
o Design yield strength of reinforcement for bending fyd = fyk/γs
o Design yield strength of reinforcement for shear fywd = fyk/γs
o Area of tension reinforcement is calculated and made ensured that the strain in the reinforcement is sufficient to cause yeilding.
Based on the design methodology, The Ultimate limit state design of Box type MNB has been done and presented below.
Due to long term creep and shrinkage effect, the effective concrete modulus is reduced for sustained load.
Maximum stress at outermost compression fibre and outermost tension fibre were limited to permissible stresses mentioned in IRC:112.
o For Crack width Check
The crack width in concrete has been checked in accordance with Cl:12.3.4 of IRC:112. Maximum crack width is limited to 0.3mm as per
table 12.1 of IRC:112.
o For Deflection check:
For calculation of deflection due to sustain loads, the cracked moment of inertia has been considered as 70% of the uncracked moment of
inertia as per Cl:12.4.2 (1) of IRC:112.
Due to long term creep and shrinkage effect, the effective concrete modulus is reduced for sustained load as per Cl:12.4.2 (2) of IRC :112.
The following loads and Load Combinations are considered in this design note.
• Dead Loads:
Self weight of the RCC solid slab is calculated based on the unit weight of 25 KN/m3 as per accordance with Cl: 203 of IRC: 6. Average
thickness of edge beam has been calculated and the corresponding self weight has been considered in the design.
• Super imposed Dead Loads (SIDL)
o Wearing Coat:
Thickness of Wearing coat on top of the deck slab for design it is assumed as 100mm thk for future overlay and the self weight is calculated
based on the unit weight of 22 KN/m3.
o RCC Crash barrier:
For calculation of self weight of crash barrier, the cross sectional area of the crash barrier is taken as 0.3m2.
• Live Loads:
The following loads specified in IRC were considered in the design
o 20ton - boggie Vehicle
o 70R - Wheeled Vehicle
o Class 70R – Tracked Vehicle
o 1/3 Lane of class A
o Class A Trcked Vehicle
All the possible load combination for 3-Lanes carriage way structure as per table-2 of IRC: 6 have been done.
After analysis, 70R tracked loading has been found as the governing case. The same is represented in this design note.
8) Load combinations :-
Ultimate Limit state of Equilibrium:
Load case ULS EQ ULS STG SLS Rare SLS-Freq SLS Q-P
DL 1.05 1.35 1 1 1
SIDL (crash) 1.05 1.35 1 1 1
SIDL (w.c) 1.35 1.75 1.2 1 1
Earth Pressure 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1
LL Surcharge 1.2 1.2 0.8 0 0
Water Press 1 1 1 1 0
Thermal -ve 0.9 0 0.6 0.5 0
thermal +ve 0.9 0 0.6 0.5 0
Live load 1.5 1.5 1 0.75 0
1 3
9 2
11 6
5 7
9) Design of components for Limit State of Strength :- 1
9 2
Mu,lim = Qlim * b * d Qlim * b * d2
d req = Mu Mu
Qlim * b Qlim * b
Ast req = (0.5*fck*b*d/fy)*[1-sqrt(1-{(4.6*Mu)/(fckbd )}]
9) Design of components for Limit State of Strength :-
Type Top slab Bottom slab Wall Top Wall Wall Bottom
Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging
LOAD DATA Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of
Max. Max. Max.
wall Haunch wall Haunch wall Haunch wall Haunch
1 Axial Load (Corr. to Shear) T 13.73 13.73 13.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.52 25.52 25.52 24.65 24.65
2 Moment T.m 3.665 1.291 6.617 3.727 2.420 9.215 4.728 3.714 2.184 3.335 2.263
3 Shear T.m 21.940 17.639 0.850 13.329 13.481 14.206 13.006 10.977 2.369 12.054 9.661
4 Max. Axial Force 25.524
5 Grade of Steel Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500
6 Charectreristic Strength of reinforcement (fyk) Table 18.1,IRC 112 Mpa 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
7 Partial fcator for steel (γs) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
8 Design value for tensile strength (fyd = fyk/γs) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 Mpa 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8
9 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (Es) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 Gpa 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
10 Grade of Concrete M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30
11 Charecteristic compressive strength (fck) Table 6.5, IRC 112 Mpa 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
12 α Cl., IRC 112 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67
13 Concrete material factor (γm) Cl., IRC 112 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
14 Design value for concrete compressiv strenght (fcd =
Cl., IRC 112 Mpa 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40
15 Width of Slab/Beam (b) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
16 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) mm 300 250 250 350 300 300 300 250 250 300 250
17 Cover to Reinforcement (c) mm 40 40 40 70 70 40 70 70 40 70 70
18 Effec. Depth required mm 95 57 128 96 78 151 108 96 74 91 75
19 Ast Required mm 339 268 798 360 295 886 504 516 268 352 308
20 Bar Mark nos 6 6 10 1 1 4 6 6 8 1 1
21 Dia of Reinfrocement (φ) mm 12 12 12 8 8 12 12 12 12 8 8
22 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
23 Bar Mark nos 12 12 10a 6 6 4a 12 12 0 6 6
24 Dia of Reinfrocement (φ) mm 12 12 10 12 12 10 12 12 0 12 12
25 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
26 Area of Reinforcement (At) mm² 1130.97 1130.97 958.19 816.81 816.81 958.19 1130.97 1130.97 565.49 816.81 816.81
27 Reinforcement (%) 0.445 0.554 0.470 0.298 0.365 0.377 0.505 0.650 0.277 0.365 0.469
9) Design of components for Limit State of Strength :-
Type Top slab Bottom slab Wall Top Wall Wall Bottom
Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging
LOAD DATA Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of Face of
Max. Max. Max.
wall Haunch wall Haunch wall Haunch wall Haunch
29 Distribution steel
0.2 of main reinf. Required mm²/m 67.89 53.66 159.61 72.07 58.92 177.19 100.88 103.30 53.66 70.33 61.65
0.01*Act Surface Reinforcement /2 mm²/m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
spacing of reinf. Required mm²/m 740.44 936.78 314.92 697.45 853.13 283.69 498.28 486.61 936.78 714.74 815.38
Bar Mark nos 13 13 11 2 2 3 7 7 9 7 7
Dia of dist. Reinf mm 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
spacing of reinf. Provided mm 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Area of distribution reinf. provided mm²/m 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06 201.06
2 Grade of Steel Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500
3 Charectreristic Strength of reinforcement (fyk) Table 18.1,IRC 112 Mpa 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
4 Partial fcator for steel (γs) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
5 Design value for tensile strength (fyd = fyk/γs) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 Mpa 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8
6 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (Es) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 Gpa 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
7 Grade of Concrete M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30
8 Charecteristic compressive strength (fck) Table 6.5, IRC 112 Mpa 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
9 α Cl., IRC 112 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67
10 Concrete material factor (γm) Cl., IRC 112 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
11 Design value for concrete compressiv strenght
(fcd = αfck/γm)
Cl., IRC 112 Mpa 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40
12 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ecm) Eq A2-5, IRC 112 Gpa 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19
13 Width of Slab/Beam (b) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
14 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) mm 300 250 250 350 300 300 300 250 250 300 250
15 Cover to Reinforcement (c) mm 40 40 40 70 70 40 70 70 40 70 70
16 Bar Mark nos 6 6 10 1 1 4 6 6 8 1 1
17 Dia of Reinfrocement (φ) mm 12 12 12 8 8 12 12 12 12 8 8
18 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
19 Bar Mark nos 12 12 10a 6 6 4a 12 12 0 6 6
20 Dia of Reinfrocement (φ) mm 12 12 10 12 12 10 12 12 0 12 12
21 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
22 Area of Reinforcement (Ast) mm² 1131 1131 958 817 817 958 1131 1131 565 817 817
23 Reinforcement (%) 0.445 0.554 0.470 0.298 0.365 0.377 0.505 0.650 0.277 0.365 0.469
24 Effective Depth (d) mm 254 204 204 274 224 254 224 174 204 224 174
Stress Check
22 Concrete Cross Sectional Area (Ac) pg 48 IRC 112 mm2 300000 250000 250000 350000 300000 300000 300000 250000 250000 300000 250000
23 Perimeter in contact with atmosphere(u) pg 48 IRC 112 mm 2600 2500 2500 2700 2600 2600 2600 2500 2500 2600 2500
24 Notional size of Member (2*Ac/u) pg 48 IRC 113 230.77 200.00 200.00 259.26 230.77 230.77 230.77 200.00 200.00 230.77 200.00
25 Age of Loading Days 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
26 Relative Humidity % 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62
27 Final Creep coefficient of 28 Days (Φ) Table 6.9 p47 IRC112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10) Checking of components for Limit State of Sevicibility :- Rare Combination
Sr. Type
Top slab Bottom slab Wall Top Wall Wall Bottom
LOAD DATA Unit Hogging Hogging Hogging Hogging
Sagging Sagging Sagging
Panel Name Face of Face of Face of Face of
Face of wall Max. Face of wall Max. Face of wall Max. Face of wall
Haunch Haunch Haunch Haunch
Long term Check
28 Eff. Modulus of elasticity of concrete Eceff Eq 12.15 OR ECm Mpa 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29
29 Modular Ratio = m = Es/Eceff 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83
30 Allowable stress in Steel Cl. 12.2.2,IRC 112 Mpa 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
31 Allowable stress in Concrete Cl. 12.2.1,IRC 112 Mpa 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4
32 Position of Netrul Axis from comp face (X) mm 72.55 63.78 59.58 66.01 58.83 67.67 67.40 58.01 47.63 58.83 50.81
33 MOA of Compression Area b*x*x/2 2632038 2034004 1774883 2178957 1730413 2289893 2271581 1682548 1134166 1730413 1290637
34 MOA of Tension Area m*Ast*(d-x) 2632038 2034004 1774883 2178957 1730413 2289893 2271581 1682548 1134166 1730413 1290637
35 Diff. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 MOI of Cracked Section As*(d-dc)2*m+0.33*b*dc2 mm4 604882785 371693220 326826950 549086571 353679900 529977356 457796992 260228722 213364143 353679900 202713417
37 Stress in Tension Reinforcement M/Ast*(d-x/3) Mpa 96.53 52.16 259.58 120.29 98.53 287.74 154.65 158.87 205.30 146.45 139.60
39 Stress in Concrete M/(Icr/x) Mpa 3.01 1.85 8.35 2.98 2.74 8.15 5.19 6.19 4.88 4.07 4.49
Short term Check
41 Eff. Modulus of elasticity of concrete Eceff Eq 12.15 OR ECm Mpa 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57
42 Modular Ratio = m = Es/Eceff 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41
43 Position of Netrul Axis from comp face (X) mm 53.88 47.63 44.30 48.59 43.49 50.06 50.21 43.51 35.01 43.49 37.78
44 MOA of Compression Area b*x*x/2 1451468 1134166 981323 1180727 945570 1253163 1260494 946455 612839 945570 713567
45 MOA of Tension Area m*Ast*(d-x) 1451468 1134166 981323 1180727 945570 1253163 1260494 946455 612839 945570 713567
46 Diff. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 MOI of Cracked Section As*(d-dc)2*m+0.33*b*dc2 mm4 342605111 213364143 185698513 304393463 198100845 297390960 261254469 150957177 117867418 198100845 115175052
48 Stress in Tension Reinforcement M/Ast*(d-x/3) Mpa 93.99 50.67 252.59 117.58 96.13 280.62 150.38 154.06 200.81 142.88 135.85
50 Stress in Concrete M/(Icr/x) Mpa 3.95 2.41 10.93 3.95 3.61 10.74 6.77 8.01 6.49 5.37 5.87
11) Checking of components for Limit State of Sevicibility :-Quasi permenant Combination
Sr. Type
Top slab Bottom slab Wall Top Wall Wall Bottom
LOAD DATA Unit Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging
Face of Face of Face of Face of
Panel Name Face of wall Max. Face of wall Max. Face of wall Max. Face of wall
Haunch Haunch Haunch Haunch
1 Moment (M) T.m 2.00 0.86 3.63 2.01 1.40 5.10 2.78 2.11 1.83 1.86 1.28
Live Load Moment 0.507 0.214 0.952 0.471 0.242 1.282 0.744 0.668 0.35 0.588 0.515
2 Grade of Steel Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500 Fe 500
3 Charectreristic Strength of reinforcement (fyk) Table 18.1,IRC 112 Mpa 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
4 Partial fcator for steel (γs) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
5 Design value for tensile strength (fyd = fyk/γs) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 Mpa 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8 434.8
6 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (Es) Cl. 6.2.2, IRC 112 Gpa 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
7 Grade of Concrete M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30 M 30
8 Charecteristic compressive strength (fck) Table 6.5, IRC 112 Mpa 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
9 α Cl., IRC 112 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67
10 Concrete material factor (γm) Cl., IRC 112 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
11 Design value for concrete compressiv strenght
(fcd = αfck/γm)
Cl., IRC 112 Mpa 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40
12 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ecm) Eq A2-5, IRC 112 Gpa 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19 31.19
13 Width of Slab/Beam (b) mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
14 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) mm 300 250 250 350 300 300 300 250 250 300 250
15 Cover to Reinforcement (c) mm 40 40 40 70 70 40 70 70 40 70 70
16 Bar Mark nos 6 6 10 1 1 4 6 6 8 1 1
17 Dia of Reinfrocement (φ) mm 12 12 12 8 8 12 12 12 12 8 8
18 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
19 Bar Mark nos 12 12 10a 6 6 4a 12 12 0 6 6
20 Dia of Reinfrocement (φ) mm 12 12 10 12 12 10 12 12 0 12 12
21 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) mm 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
22 Area of Reinforcement (Ast) mm² 1131 1131 958 817 817 958 1131 1131 565 817 817
23 Reinforcement (%) 0.445 0.554 0.470 0.298 0.365 0.377 0.505 0.650 0.277 0.365 0.469
24 Effective Depth (d) mm 254 204 204 274 224 254 224 174 204 224 174
Stress Check
22 Concrete Cross Sectional Area (Ac) pg 48 IRC 112 mm2 300000 250000 250000 350000 300000 300000 300000 250000 250000 300000 250000
23 Perimeter in contact with atmosphere(u) pg 48 IRC 112 mm 2600 2500 2500 2700 2600 2600 2600 2500 2500 2600 2500
24 Notional size of Member (2*Ac/u) pg 48 IRC 113 230.77 200.00 200.00 259.26 230.77 230.77 230.77 200.00 200.00 230.77 200.00
25 Age of Loading Days 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
26 Relative Humidity % 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62
27 Final Creep coefficient of 28 Days (Φ) Table 6.9 p47 IRC112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
28 Age of concrete at time considered t in days 25550 25550 25550 25550 25550 25550 25550 25550 25550 25550 25550
11) Checking of components for Limit State of Sevicibility :-Quasi permenant Combination
Sr. Type
Top slab Bottom slab Wall Top Wall Wall Bottom
LOAD DATA Unit Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging Sagging Hogging
Face of Face of Face of Face of
Panel Name Face of wall Max. Face of wall Max. Face of wall Max. Face of wall
Haunch Haunch Haunch Haunch
Long term Check
32 Eff. Modulus of elasticity of concrete Eceff Eq 12.15 OR ECm Mpa 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29 15593.29
33 Modular Ratio = m = Es/Eceff 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.83
34 Allowable stress in Steel Cl. 12.2.2,IRC 112 Mpa 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
35 Allowable stress in Concrete Cl. 12.2.1,IRC 112 Mpa 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4
36 Position of Netrul Axis from comp face (X) mm 72.55 63.78 59.58 66.01 58.83 67.67 67.40 58.01 47.63 58.83 50.81
37 MOA of Compression Area b*x*x/2 2632038 2034004 1774883 2178957 1730413 2289893 2271581 1682548 1134166 1730413 1290637
38 MOA of Tension Area m*Ast*(d-x) 2632038 2034004 1774883 2178957 1730413 2289893 2271581 1682548 1134166 1730413 1290637
39 Diff. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 MOI of Cracked Section As*(d-dc)2*m+0.33*b*dc2 mm4 604882785 371693220 326826950 549086571 353679900 529977356 457796992 260228722 213364143 353679900 202713417
41 Stress in Tension Reinforcement M/Ast*(d-x/3) Mpa 77.03 41.81 205.62 97.41 84.04 229.93 122.01 120.68 172.21 111.23 99.46
43 Stress in Concrete M/(Icr/x) Mpa 2.40 1.48 6.61 2.41 2.33 6.51 4.09 4.71 4.09 3.09 3.20
Short term Check
45 Eff. Modulus of elasticity of concrete Eceff Eq 12.15 OR ECm Mpa 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57 31186.57
46 Modular Ratio = m = Es/Eceff 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41
47 Position of Netrul Axis from comp face (X) mm 53.88 47.63 44.30 48.59 43.49 50.06 50.21 43.51 35.01 43.49 37.78
48 MOA of Compression Area b*x*x/2 1451468 1134166 981323 1180727 945570 1253163 1260494 946455 612839 945570 713567
49 MOA of Tension Area m*Ast*(d-x) 1451468 1134166 981323 1180727 945570 1253163 1260494 946455 612839 945570 713567
50 Diff. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 MOI of Cracked Section As*(d-dc)2*m+0.33*b*dc2 mm4 342605111 213364143 185698513 304393463 198100845 297390960 261254469 150957177 117867418 198100845 115175052
52 Stress in Tension Reinforcement M/Ast*(d-x/3) Mpa 74.99 40.61 200.09 95.21 81.99 224.24 118.64 117.03 168.44 108.52 96.78
54 Stress in Concrete M/(Icr/x) Mpa 3.15 1.93 8.66 3.20 3.08 8.58 5.34 6.08 5.44 4.08 4.19
Crack width Check
56 Esm-Ecm Eq. 12.6, IRC 112 0.000231 0.000125 0.000617 0.000292 0.000252 0.000690 0.000366 0.000362 0.000517 0.000334 0.000298
57 ρp,eff =As/Ac,eff Eq. 12.7, IRC 112 0.015 0.018 0.015 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.008 0.010 0.012
58 hceff mm 75.82 62.07 63.47 94.66 80.39 77.44 77.53 64.00 67.46 80.39 66.40
59 Sr,max Eq. 12.11, IRC 112 mm 272.75 247.96 271.14 327.61 303.85 300.88 309.85 285.43 379.35 303.85 280.55
60 Φ eq Eq. 12.9, IRC 112 mm 12.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 8.00
61 Wk = Sr,max * Esm-Ecm Eq. 12.5, IRC 112 mm 0.063 0.031 0.167 0.096 0.077 0.208 0.113 0.103 0.196 0.101 0.084
62 Permissible crack width Table 12.1, IRC 112 mm 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
12. Transverse Moment Due to Live Load :-
Clear Carriage way 14 m
Width of Kerb/Crash berriear Left Side 0.5 m
Width of Kerb/Crash berriear Right Side 1.5 m
Footpath width 0 m
Total Length of Box 17.5 m
Median openning (Median width I/I) 3.5 m
Class A Single Lane
1.3 6.95
0.15 Class A
0.5 2.3 1.5
e= 6.95 m
70 R wheeled
2.595 5.655
1.2 70 R
0.5 2.79 1.5
e= 5.655 m
e= 5.2 m
e= 3.45 m
Class A one Lane + 70 R one Lane
3.1725 5.0775 CL
0.15 Class A 70 R
0.5 2.3 1.2 2.79 1.5
e= 5.0775 m
e= 3.7825 m