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Senior High School

Module 8:
Four (4) M’s of Operation in Relation
to Business Opportunity

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
Module 8: Four (4) M’s of Operation in Relation to Business Opportunity
Second Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Janice D. Florendo

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Content Reviewer: Kay Owen L. Boado
Language Reviewer: Jimena Veronica T. Nieva
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos, Jr.
Design and Layout: Hasmin R. Omaoeng

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Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Lorna O. Gaspar, EPS in Charge of Entrepreneurship
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Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

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Senior High School

Module 8:
Four (4) M’s of Operation in
Relation to Business Opportunity
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

“Business is not just doing deals; business is having great and right products,
doing great engineering, and providing tremendous service to customers. Finally,
business is a cobweb of human relationships”-Ross Perot.

Don’t search customer for your product but rather search a product for your
customers. Conceptualizing a product for the market begins with the never ending
needs of people. The right product at the right place comes with the customer’s
requirement specifically to address concerns and problems. Ultimately, customer’s
satisfaction is the greatest goal of an enterprise which lead to creating value to the

A successful new product (products and services) coils from the merging of
the creative mind, the technical mind, and the business mind. All of the three comes
together in the entrepreneurial mind.

In your previous lesson, you have learned about the Four (4) M’s of Operation.
Now let’s describe the Four (4) M’s of Operation in relation to business opportunity
by making a right products or services that will be suited for the market.

This learning materials will give you the appropriate concepts and knowledge
on how you will be visible to your customers. After going through this lessons you
are expected to:

1. Develop a product description;

2. Create a prototype;
3. Test the prototype, and
4. Validate the service description of the product with potential customers to
determine its market. (CS_EP11/12ENTREP-oh-j-12)

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8

Activity 1: Read and Understand Me!

Directions: Read the concepts about entrepreneurial mind and understand it in

relation to product development.

A successful new products come up from the convergence of the three mind
namely; the creative mind, the technical mind, and the business mind. All three
mind together comprises the entrepreneurial mind.

The creative mind conceptualizes and designs a product that consumers find
some use for. It also produces products that are pleasing to see, touch, hear, and
taste. This product also creates emotional attachment to the consumers and
sometimes becomes an important personal expression.

The technical mind is the technology originator. Although it comprises the

entrepreneurial mind this is not necessarily in an entrepreneur to have it but this
drive him /her to convert new learning into highly serviceable and operational. The
technical mind is also a technology adapter. He uses an old learning merging it with
a new one to come up with a successful human endeavor. It also called a technology
renderer. He/she resolves to make a new product for the product creator by shaping
or reshaping the technical designs of the new product. In this the values of being
creative, resourceful, and innovative are being manifested by an entrepreneur.

The business mind connects the potential of the new products by creating a
market for them. It also manages the internal and external environment of the
products. The business mind turns the purpose and passion into profit. It also
creates customers and exchange of values.

Direction: Choose your answer from the given choices. Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper. Write the letter only.

1. Which of the following essential characteristics of entrepreneurial mind see things

A. Creativity B. Passion
C. Innovative D. Resourceful

2. It brings the products (product or services) from the prototype stage to production
and eventually to the potential market.
A. Business mind B. Technical mind
C. Creative mind D. All of the choices

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
3. Which entrepreneurial mind conceptualizes and design products to capture the
sensory system of human being?
A. Business mind B. Technical mind
C. Creative mind D. All of the choices

4. Which of the following best described creative mind?

A. Employment of technology to arrive at a reconfigure design.
B. Conversion of prototype into production stage and finally distribution to
its market.
C. See and use products aside from its basic function.
D. All of the above

5. A common eyeglass is used as a reading glass only. However due to demand of

consumer the product description and design is being reconfigure through a
technology to come up with a progressive eyeglass not just for reading but for three
capable uses. What entrepreneurial mind is being manifested in the situation?
A. Business mind B. Technical mind
C. Creative mind D. All of the choices

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8

The four (4) M’s of operation which comprises the materials, machinery,
method, and the manpower is also represent the element of production process.
However, there’s a deeper function of the four elements in relation to operation
management. Operation management which deals on activities, decisions and
responsibilities of managing resources which is dedicated to the production and
delivery of products and services.

The attainment of enterprise mission, vision, goals and objectives is dependent

on the entrepreneurial activities engage by an entrepreneur. The product is the
center of the business complemented by manpower, methodology or process, and
machinery (technology).

The four (4) M’s significantly contribute to the success of the enterprise by
using available resources to effectively and efficiently produce products and services
in such a way to satisfy the needs of the customers.

After thorough assessing the market needs, an entrepreneur make decision

on what product will be offered to the market taking into consideration the
requirements and needs of the customers. Product conceptualization and innovation
is a taxing task for an entrepreneur. However, when decisions are based on
customer’s preference then all things will be on the right place.

Now, we will be dealing with product descriptions, making prototype, testing

the prototype generated product and validating the service description of the product
with potential customers to determine its market.


A Product Descriptions is a marketing strategy that explains what a product

is and why consumer is will to buy it. The very purpose and objective is to provide
information such as features and benefits to wide range of consumer to attract them
and compelled them to buy. Product Descriptions should be created as part of the
planning stage and before plan will be completed. This is common mistake of
entrepreneur wherein product description is not being done all throughout the
planning stage. It is not always possible that a Product Descriptions can be done at
conception stage in each product and therefore, can be created or updated within
the boundary stage processes.

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
A Product Descriptions is used to:

1. Understand the purpose of the product, its function, and benefits.

2. State who will use the product and how will be used.
3. Identify level of the Quality required of the product so the product will be
usable. (Should be fit to the purpose)
4. Express the skills required to produce the product, to review and approve the

Writing an Effective Product Descriptions

A Product Descriptions is basically written in each products to facilitate easy
recognition and identification of usefulness of a product. Here are some things to
consider in making a Product Descriptions. Remember that a quality information
form part of an effective description.
1. Know your target market. This is the first step to consider in writing your
descriptions, know your market. From here you would be able to reach which
features that would be enticing to your potential buyers. The personality of
your buyers plays a huge role in making this description. Thus, helping you
understand which will be the appropriate description to be valuable to your
2. Focus on the Product Benefits. Business owners are really excited to share
the features of their products, however, not all are excited to such. The buyers
are determined to know the benefits that the product offers not the ordinary
or the extravagant features of it. The buyer focuses on product benefits which
talks about how the products will improve their life rather than the products
features which talks about technical information of the product only.

3. Tell the Full Story. A good product description is a tell all story. The detail
should be fully disclosed, convince the buyers of its benefits, and make an
emotional impact. Emotions affects the behavior of the buyers, therefore,
product description should be the best opportunity to get closer with the
buyers. How you will do it? By filling any gaps between the product and the
buyer perception with the product.
4. Use Natural Language and Tone. Make a description as if you’re talking with
your friends. Build a connection between buyer and your brand by using
description which is natural and convincing.

5. Use Power Words that Sell. There are words or phrases that entice human
emotions to buy a certain product. Fortunately, Shopee, Lazada, and the likes,
also increases sales. By being wary of these words, you can easily convince
your buyer to take the spring and make the purchase.

6. Make it easy to Scan. If your offering your product in social platform, make
see to it that your description is scannable. Make your product descriptions
easy to scan by providing bullets points, a short sentence, and different fonts.

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
In order to transform the product concept into a viable product, the technical
mind must intercede to provide the quality and performance specification through

One of the necessary early step in the inventing process is the creation of the
prototype. It is the conversion of concepts into a viable product. Creating a prototype
is also considered as fun and rewarding step to take. This stage brings out the
creativity, resourcefulness, and passion of an entrepreneur. It is exciting to see the
concepts will turn into something real and tangible whether is made through hands
or machines.

So what exactly a prototype should look like? First, it depends on your idea.
Second, it depends upon your goal or budget. If possible it is great to start with
homemade prototype. A homemade prototype can give you a good running start.

A prototype provides other advantages, as well:

1. It enables you to test and refine the functionality of your designs.

a. The reason for making a prototype is to test the functionality of your
idea. Theory works well if validate by prototype. You just know the flaws
of your concepts unless it will transform into reality. Thus, through this
prototyping we can see the issues and challenges and eventually adjust
for necessary adjustment to come up with a viable one.
2. It makes it possible to test the performance of various materials.
a. Prototyping aid the use of suitable materials needed to produce a viable
product. For example, if the concept material is metal and afterward it
is more convenient to use plastic as component because of the result
of testing. Thus, prototyping aid us to come up with the best materials.
3. I will help you describe your product more effectively with your staff,
including your packaging or marketing specialist, and potential investors.

Why Prototype?

Prototyping is the Design Verification phase of Product and Development

because it attests and validate the designs actually in theory. Think of a prototype in
virtual or in an imaginary and just convert it as if you are holding it in reality. It
makes a difference if a prototype can be touch, see, try, and feel.

But there’s a specific reason why there’s a need on prototyping;

1. Display or Show the new product (for show or for potential investors)
2. Test an idea it works.
3. Test the design and concepts if passes certain requirements.
4. Use to gauge where improvements are necessary.
5. Acquire customer response.

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
Prototyping Methods

Traditional and conventional prototyping methods include mock-ups (clay,

woods, or other) and the infamous bailing wire and duct tape. Mock-ups is a highly
–reliable static design diagram, should shows information frames and statically
present content and functions. Unlike the infamous bailing wire and duct tape, a
mock-up looks more like a finished product but it is not interactive and not clickable.
It is rather a graphical illustration. Wireframes is perfect to be used at the
brainstorming and collaborating or very early design stage.

When to Prototype

Depending on a product, a prototype may or may not be required or maybe

only a part of the design of a product need prototyping. However, this not to conclude
that prototyping is not important. It is to emphasize that prototyping is a taxing task
and at the same time costly, so the need is worth evaluating.

In many industries the product complexity and need several iteration of

designs required prototyping and testing. Just like in auto-industry, they use
different variations of prototype to test and evaluate their design and to find areas of
further improvements.

Constructing your Product’s First Prototype

One way to improve your product viability is to create a prototype. Here are
following step taking into consideration in constructing your product’s first

1. Create a Concept Sketch. Ideas in mind should be written in papers to arrive

at a first step in making your idea into reality. Illustrating your idea aid you
in visualizing the bigger picture of your detailed prototype.
2. At the early stage of conceptualization there are so many ideas competing with
each other. So, the best way to do it is to put in paper rather to invest time
perfecting a digital drawing.
3. Develop a Virtual Prototype. After putting up your concepts in paper and
selection of suitable sketch prototype, the help of a standard digital design
tools will transform your 3-D drawing into a photorealistic prototype. This will
help you see the virtual physical version of how your design look like.
4. Build a Physical Prototype. Once you have already your virtual prototype,
you’re ready to construct its physical version. If you are skilled to do it, you
can make it yourself. However, if not you can ask the help of an expert to do
it. Basically, the first prototype is made in a less expensive material then later
on use to correct flaws and improvement. As you improve your design, you
can surely make a replica of your prototype as it will be offered to your
5. Locate a Manufacturer. If the feedback of the consumer is positive and your
idea is going to be profitable you need to search for a company that can
manufacture your product. Locate a company that can make or produce your
product in a cost-efficient and will not compromise your target revenue. Go to

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
different suppliers and manufacturers to get an estimate in order to determine
the most cost–efficient materials and putting your designs into production.


Prototype testing is the process of testing your prototype with real users to
validate design decisions before development starts. The objective is to identify the
problems and areas of improvement early so you can immediately change or adjust
prior to development and build a product that meet customer’s need and

Step-by-Step Procedure in Prototype Testing

1. Know exactly what you’re testing. The clarity of the goals help you to
identify the kind of prototype you need and the type of elements you need to
include in it.
2. Create the prototype. As mentioned above the prototype you created will
depend on your test goal. If you are in to lo-fi (low fidelity) prototype testing
better to use basic form ( a mock-up or wireframe), whereas if you’re at the hi-
fi (high fidelity) prototype, you’ll be using a toll like Sketch or Figma to create
an interactive prototype that’s as close to the real product.
3. Choose the right audience. Test your prototype with the right target
audience. You have to prioritize getting the best insights you can. Also, you
should look to include both current customers and users who haven’t
interacted with your product to get the best results.
4. Choose your usability testing method. The right method will depend on your
product and goals of your test. When your product is a tangible product,
testing should be into face-to-face setting, however due to cost and the current
situation it is not possible. The use of alternating testing platform such as in
digital world can be employed to allow us to get diversified insights from
different users.
5. Give people a clearer objective. To encourage action, tell all story that can
help you to broaden the mind of your customers. For example, imagine you’re
working on a new product that will help people find the best brunch bar in
town for them. Instead of simply asking them to pick somewhere to go eat,
create a scenario that will place the user in a realistic scenario. This gives user
the opportunity to take their own path as they test your prototype.
6. Pick the right questions to ask users. Throughout your prototype testing,
you have the time to ask the usability questions that will provide you even
more insight. Ensure to pick the right question to effectively gain feedback.
7. Launch your test. This is it- the time for prototype testing. Consider a trial
run with a friend when you are doing the testing in-house, or set up a pilot
test in your remote testing app so that you’re 100% prepared before doing a
real-world test.
8. Share the results. After gathering responses and analyse the test result – it’s
time to share them with all the key stakeholders. Whether it’s good or not, you
now know what areas should be improved and make necessary adjustment.

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
The experience is so significant to get to the next stage of your product launch
Reasons for Prototype Testing

The very important part of the design and manufacturing process is the testing
of the developed product/prototype. The need of testing of the prototype is to evaluate
whether the specification is functioning well or there’s a need of adjustment or
improvement. In general, testing is done to allow the designer and client to gauge the
viability of the design. There are many reasons why testing and evaluation takes
place. Some reasons are listed below.

1. Testing and evaluation allow the client to view the prototype and to give
her/his feedback.
2. A group of people can try out the product and give their views and opinion
regarding the product. At this stage improvement and adjustments are carried
3. Safety issues are being identified.
4. Allowing the product cost to be measure and concluded.
5. Component parts failure are identified at this point.
6. Can be carried out aligned to the similar design, thus, it leads to product
7. Evaluating the manufacture of the product, allow the designer to plan and
decide the most cost- efficient and cost- effective manufacturing line.
8. Guarantee consumer satisfaction.
9. Allow concepts designed to be fully evaluated.
10. Testing against the specification of the products help to ensure a full and
relevant evaluation.
11. The testing and evaluation phase allow fellow specialist and expert to give their
opinions and views and suggest critical improvements for the flaws seen
during that stage.

“Market, according to Hubbard (2019), refers
to a set of individual sharing similar needs or
characteristics that a business hopes to serve.
These individuals are the end users most likely to
purchase your product. “

Market validation is the process of presenting

a concept for a product to its target market and
learns from those prospective buyers whether or not
the idea is worth pursuing.

This process typically takes place early-on in

the conception stage, before any significant
Image from iStock.com investment has been made in developing the

The two most common approaches to market validation are:

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
1. Interview people in the target market, such as the buyers.
2. Send out surveys to these personas.

The key is that market validation research must include direct contact and
feedback from people in the product’s intended market.

How to Validate a Product’s or a Service’s Marketability

1. Ring the cash register. The first and arguably best way to validate your
product is to prioritize making a few initial sales. Nothing is more important
than customers seeing the value in your product and exchanging money for

2. Conduct competitive analysis. Market research is useful all throughout the

process of making products suited in the market. It help you to ease or lessen
the risk and build confidence in your idea before venturing your time and
money. Competitive analysis will help and support the translation of your
conceptualized idea into reality gaining confidence that there’s enough
demand of your product in the market.

3. Research the existing demand. A third strategy you can use to validate your
product and its market is to analyse demand and search volume. The easiest
starting place is to go to internet. Using the Google Trends, a free tool, allows
you to see how often people are searching for the products you are selling.
Knowing the frequency of how often your product being searched it can help
you make more informed decisions. The frequency tells you if you are dealing
with the product that’s on the demand or trend, or it’s in a stagnant product
category. The last thing you want to do is jump into a declining market.

4. Start a crowd-funding campaign. What is Crowd-funding? Crowd-funding is

the use of small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals to
finance a new business venture. A crowd-funding campaign is a helpful,
proven option to see if there’s demand for your product. One of the benefits of
a crowd-funding campaign is that you have a firm timeline and it requires all
of your focus and effort to reach your goal.

5. Meet customers in person. Face-to-face validation is another method to be

done to ensure that your product is viable. Trade fairs is one way of meeting
customers and provide you with a quicker response and first-hand feedback
from potential customers. You were able to gather insight, information, seeing
their initial reactions to your product, and lastly you will assess if they are
willing to spend money for your products.

6. Beta Test .Other ways to validate your product include creating a test version
of something and running it past a small group or audience to get their
feedback. A test version of the product can either be paid, or free, and is a
great way to get testimonials and feedback while you create. You can also use
the feedback from your first round to improve and build on your ideas to make
them even better!

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
Importance of Market Validation

1. Reduce the risk of launching the wrong idea. Your idea is not always
flawless. The validation process helps you to change idea to improved one so
not to offered products and services that are not saleable in the market. The
earlier the time of idea changing reduces the risk of launching it.

2. Idea validation lead to the creation of a valuable product in the market

faster. Validation of a business idea gives you a chance to decide if there are
any imperfections in your idea that could result in a huge return, discount,
fix and substitution costs.

3. Minimize costs. Idea validation can’t guarantee the success of your business
bit it gives you a unique opportunity to check and spend time and money on
a profitable start-up.

4. Check that your idea has real demand. It is easier to predict demand of
product through the use of a validation. You will know and be inspired to
improve your product.

5. Prove that you can sell the product. The benefit of the business idea
validation is to demonstrate the needs your potential clients. It define the
requirements of your future customers before you will launch a star up.


LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8

Enhancement Activity 1

Directions: Think of a product you want to offer to the market. Based on the
template below, write a detailed description of the product or services. Use separate
sheet of paper for your answer.

Product Descriptions
Name of the Product
Use of the Product
Overview of the Product
Ingredients/Construction Components

Rubrics for Scoring

Category 10 Points 9 Points 8 points 7 Points
Content Extensive and Sufficiently Inadequate Apparent and
precise established content with / or
content content with short insignificant
demonstrating acceptable elaboration or content.
strong elaboration or explanation.
development explanation.
and refined
Organization Advanced Well-organized Disorganized Insignificant
arrangement arrangement and varying control of
of content of content that arrangement content
with evidence sustains a of content arrangement.
and / or logical order with or
elusive with some without
transitions. evidence of attempts at
transitions. transition
Focus and Sharp, Apparent No apparent Insignificant
Creativity different point made point but evidence of a
controlling about a single evidence of a topic.
point made topic with specific topic.
about a single adequate
topic with awareness of
evident task.
awareness of

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8

Directions: Gather different indigenous materials in your locality to be used in

creating your product. Afterwards take a picture of your finished product and post it
in your FB account. Have fun and be creative!

Rubrics for Scoring

Uniqueness 5 Points
Creativity 5 points
Craftsmanship 5 Points
Resourcefulness 5 points

Total 20 points

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8

Part I: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read carefully the questions and choose the best answer. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following should be taken into consideration in making an effective

product description?
A. Company’s objectives B. Investors point of views
C. Potential Market D. Product undesirable features

2. Why does testing a prototype considered as a significant phase of product

A. It allows to see the unviability of the products.
B. To know whether the product specification is functioning well.
C. To be able to evaluate if the products need adjustments or not.
D. B and C

3. What do you call a method of prototyping wherein the output is said to be like
the product itself but not interactive and clickable?
A. Mock-ups B. Wireframes
C. Duct Tape D. Bailing Wire

4. What should be included in the product description of product and services?

A. Features B. Benefits
C. Price D. All of the choices

5. What do you call an early sample, model, or release of product to test a process
or concept?
A. Model B. Prototype
C. Clone D. Mock-ups

6. The marketing copy used to describe a product’s value to potential customers is

called product _______________________.
A. description B. design
C. prototype D. value

7. All of the following are benefits or uses of product description, EXCEPT ONE.
A. Identify the level of quality and usability of a product.
B. Express the skills required to produce the products.
C. State who will be benefited for the profit it will generate.
D. Understand the purpose, function, and benefits of the product

8. What do you call the process of piloting your prototype with the real users to
validate design decisions before development starts?
A. Prototype creation B. Prototype development
C. Prototype testing D. All of the choices

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
9. What is the first and arguably the best way to validate the marketability of your
A. Making initial sales
B. Receiving orders
C. Receiving product recommendations
D. Receiving positive comments from the product testers

10. Mr. Jake Florendo borrowed a small capital from his mother to finance his newly
product. His mother believe that the product is a breakthrough. What marketability
validation does Mr. Florendo is using?
A. beta testing B. competitive analysis
C. crowd-funding D. ringing the cash register

11. Floredelz Knit and Croc is owned by Mrs. Lilia Delizo. She decided to join the
Rimat Ti Amianan trade fair which participated by different entrepreneurs in Region
1. What marketability validation does the owner of Floredelz Knit and Croc employed?
A. beta testing B. competitive analysis
C. meeting the customers D. research existing demand

12. It is the process of presenting a concept for a product to its target market and
learns from those prospective buyers whether or not the idea is worth pursuing.
A. Market Penetration B. Market Segmentation
C. Market Research D. Market Validation

13. Why does competitive analysis say that competition is good?

A. It makes a business strive hard to beat its competitors.
B. It confirms an existing demand for a product or a service.
C. It motivates businesses to make innovations to take lead from their
D. It is both beneficial to the buyers and the businesses.

14. As a newbie in business, Jesseflor wanted to make sure that there is a demand
for the product he would offer. Thus, he searched for the product trends on the
internet. What validation method did Jesseflor used?
A. beta testing B. competitive analysis
C. research existing demand D. ringing the cash register

15. What should be done when your potential buyers are not interested in your
A. Play around with some methods of delivery and adding value.
B. Test your product with a few variants of concepts.
C. Do your research and find out what feature should be changed or added.
D. All the choices are correct.

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. A
Answer Key
Printed Materials:

Morato ,Eduardo A. Jr. (2016). Entrepreneurship (pp8-37 & 77-87). Manila,

Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Curriculum Guide SHS Applied Track-Entrepreneurship

DepEd (2016). K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Entrepreneurship


8 Rules to Write Product Description- Retrieved October 22, 2020 from


Duistermaat, Henneke Copywriting (2019, October 6). 9 Ways to Write Product

Descriptions that Inform and Persuade Your Customers. Retrieved from
product- descriptions-that-

Kular, Nimi. (2018, August 30). How to Validate Your Product Ideas. Retrieved from

Gifford, Jo. (2016). 5 Ways To Validate Your Product or Service. Retrieved from

Parsons, Noah. Demand Validation: How to Find Out If Customers Want to Buy Your
Products. Retrieved from https://articles.bplans.com/demand-validation-

Smith, Tim. (2020, September 7). Crowdfunding. Retrieved from

(2020). Market Validation. Retrieved from

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8
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Department of Education – SDO La Union

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management Section
Flores St. Catbangen, San Fernando City La Union 2500
Telephone: (072) 607 - 8127
Telefax: (072) 205 - 0046
Email Address:
[email protected]
[email protected]

LU_ Entrepreneurship_Module 8

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