Roles of HRM

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01 The Conscience Role

02 The Counselor

03 The Mediator

04 The Spokesman

05 The Problem-solving

06 The Change Agent

07 HR Role

08 Welfare Role

09 Clerical Role

10 Fire-fighting Legal Role

The Conscience Role
HR Managers often act as the conscience of the
01 organization, promoting ethical behavior and
ensuring that policies and practices align with
the company's values and code of conduct.

The Counselor
They may provide guidance and counseling
to employees regarding work-related 02
issues, personal matters, or career

The Mediator
HR Managers often mediate conflicts and disputes
between employees, striving to find fair and
constructive resolutions.
03 HR manager works as a link personality between
trade unions and top management in order to
eliminate the differences of opinions cropped up in
process of settlement of disputes. He takes
initiative to sort out problems through collective
bargaining/ bipartite negotiation process.
The Spokesman
They represent the company's HR policies,
decisions, and initiatives to employees, and
sometimes to external stakeholders.
04 HR executive works as a spokesperson of the
company especially, in the matter of depicting
organization health, condition, strength etc. to the
employees while negotiating for settlement of
industrial disputes.

The Problem Solver

HR Managers help identify and address
workplace issues and challenges, working 05
to find solutions that benefit both
employees and the organization..

The Change Agent

They play a key role in managing organizational
change, including restructuring, mergers, or
06 cultural shifts, by helping employees adapt to
new circumstances.
HR Role
This encompasses the core HR functions, such
07 as recruitment, onboarding, performance
management, benefits administration, and
employee relations.

Welfare Role
HR Managers often oversee employee
welfare programs, ensuring that employees 08
have access to benefits, wellness initiatives,
and a safe and healthy work environment.

Clerical Role
While less emphasized today due to automation
09 and technology, HR Managers may still handle
administrative tasks like record-keeping, payroll,
and HR paperwork.

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Firefighting Legal Role
This role involves handling urgent and
10 unexpected HR issues or crises, such as
employee misconduct or sudden terminations.

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For better understanding, Mintzberg categorized all activities into ten
managerial roles performed over the course of a day. These are as

Interpersonal Roles Informational Roles Decisional Roles

Figurehead Monitor Entrepreneur

Leader Disseminator Disturbance handler

Liaison Spokesperson Resource Allocator

These roles involve those behaviors associated with human interaction.

Figurehead Leader Liaison

The figurehead's role is primarily – includes all aspects of being a good Includes developing and
ceremonial and symbolic. As a leader. This involves building a team, maintaining a network outside
result, the manager who occupies coaching the members, motivating them, the office for information and
this role is often seen as a and developing strong relationships.
spokesperson or ambassador for The leader's role is to provide guidance This involves maintaining
the organization. and direction to members of an communication and
A figurehead is typically required organization as well as evaluate their relationships between different
to perform several tasks, such as performance.
greeting VIPs, attending special departments and between
Leaders typically set goals for their team,
events, and giving speeches. individuals within an
create a plan for achieving these goals,
These activities are essential for and provide feedback to team members. organization.
building relationships, maintaining To be successful, leaders must have Liaisons typically act as a go-
morale, and fostering a positive strong interpersonal skills so that they can between for different parties
organizational culture. effectively communicate their vision and
and help to facilitate
build relationships with those they lead. communication.
Refer to the roles that managers play in processing information. These
roles involve collecting, receiving, and disseminating information both
within and outside the organization.

Monitor • Disseminator • Spokesperson

The monitor role involves The disseminator role is all about The spokesperson role is similar to
collecting information from sharing information with others. The the disseminator role, but with a focus
internal and external sources. manager in this role distributes on external communication.
-Includes seeking information information to employees, other -The manager in this role represents
regarding the issues that are managers, and stakeholders. They the organization to the media,
affecting the organization. may also act as a conduit for shareholders, and other external
communication between different groups. They may give interviews,
-The manager in this role
departments or teams. make speeches, or write articles.
gathers data and keeps track
On receiving any important
of trends, both within the -Includes representing the
information from internal or external
organization and in the wider organization and providing information
sources, the same needs to be
industry. They may also about the organization to outsiders.
disseminated or transmitted within
conduct research and analysis
the organization.
to identify problems or
Managers are responsible for avoiding any disruptions that can prevent
achieving the needed outcomes.

Entrepreneur • Disturbance Handler

– taking corrective action when the

– involves all aspects associated with acting as
organization faces unexpected difficulties
an initiator, designer, and also an encourager of
which are important in nature.
innovation and change.
The Entrepreneur role, specifically, involves the Managers in the disturbance handler role are
manager initiating and overseeing new projects or responsible for dealing with unexpected
innovations to improve the organization's events, conflicts, and crises within the
performance. organization. They are decisive and take action
Entrepreneurs are proactive, risk-taking individuals in times of crisis, working to resolve conflicts
who seek out opportunities, encourage innovation, and disturbances to ensure that the
and are willing to take calculated risks to achieve organization can continue its operations
organizational goals. smoothly
Managers are responsible for avoiding any disruptions that can prevent
achieving the needed outcomes.

Resource Allocator Negotiator

– taking corrective action when the

– being responsible for the optimum allocation
organization faces unexpected difficulties
of resources like time, equipment, funds, and
which are important in nature.
also human resources, etc.
Managers in the negotiator role engage in
Managers in the resource allocator role make discussions and bargaining to reach
decisions about the allocation of resources such agreements with individuals or groups external
as budget, time, equipment, and personnel. to the organization. They represent the
They prioritize projects, distribute resources organization's interests, navigate conflicts of
effectively, and decide how resources should be interest, and work towards mutually beneficial
used to achieve organizational goals. agreements.
The Human Resource The Human Resource Officer
Officer is responsible for provides advice and
providing support in the assistance to supervisors
various human resource and staff. This may include
functions, which include information on training needs
recruitment, staffing, and opportunities, job
training and development, descriptions, performance
performance monitoring reviews and personnel
and employee counseling. policies.
The Human

The position coordinates

Failure to provide adequate
the staff recruitment process.
advice or assistance may
The Human Resource Officer
result in lost opportunities
provides advice and support to
for staff development, poor
supervisors and staff selection
staff morale, financial loss
committees and ensures that
to staffs for residents and
they have accurate and timely
a loss of credibility.
information in order to make
effective decisions.
Gonzales, Shelly Mae B.
[email protected]

Brgy. Rizal, Perfect Star Comp.


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