AP08 AA9 EV02 Report Compliance Negotiation Technology

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1. Introduction....................................................................................4
2. Resource source...........................................................................5
3. Qualified bidders or restrictions...................................................5
4. Language..........................................................................................5
5. Activities to be carried out........................................................................6
6. Deliverables, milestones or delivery dates and detail of deliverables.....................8
7. Teamwork team..............................................................................9
8. Contract duration........................................................................9
9. Site or location of work to be performed................................................9 10.
Documents to submit.....................................................................10 11. Process for
selecting the supplier...................................................10 12. Form of
payment.................................................................................10 13. Confidentiality of
information......................................................11 ......................................................11
14. Post-Implementation Support...............................................................11

To hire the services of a group of SENA apprentices with the mission of developing
customized software, carrying out the phases of identification, analysis, design,
development, testing and implementation of an information management system for the
Tolima Fencing League.

Among the deliverables are:

• StakeHolders (Excel format)

• SRS (PDF format)
• UML (graphics in PDF report format)
• MERE (graphs in PDF report format)
• Database development
• Interface development

To hire the services of a group of SENA apprentices with the mission of developing
customized software, carrying out the phases of identification, analysis, design,
development, testing and implementation of an information management system for the
Tolima Fencing League.

Among the deliverables are:

• StakeHolders (Excel format)

• SRS (PDF format)
• UML (graphics in PDF report format)
• MERE (graphs in PDF report format)

ciption: Information management system for the Tolima fencing league that allows greater control and monitoring of athletes and their activities.

ID Description of the Current Last registered Level of Interested in the

Type Priority Acceptance criteria Deliverables Test scenarios
Requirement requirement status status date complexity requirement
Since the user is already registered in the system when his account is activated
then he can successfully log in to the system and the operation interface with its
menu should be displayed, ready to work.
Login and Logout Login and logout module Log in once the account has been activated.
RF001 RF ALTA Completed 29/06/2021 Given that the user has previously logged in when the user requires to Logout then ALTO ADMINISTRATOR
Module. clicking on Logout should redirect the user to the login module. Implemented. Log out once you are logged into the system.

Given that the user is not registered in the system when you want to register then
you must enter the registration module to verify and validate that the user
information to register does not exist in the database, so that the user is registered
in the system successfully, Once this has happened a message should be displayed,
which informs the user that it is already registered and has been sent an email for
account activation, showing on the screen an email to which the request was sent
Registration Module Send a message to Email to activate the account once
RF002 Registration Module. RF ALTA Completed 30/06/2021 to activate the account. Once this has happened, a message should be displayed ALTO ADMINISTRATOR
informing the user that he/she is already registered and that an e-mail has been Implemented. the registration procedure has been completed.
sent to activate the account; the e-mail address to which the request to activate
the account was sent should be displayed on the screen.

Since the user received the email to activate the account when he/she wants to
activate the account then he/she must click on the button that says "activate
account", which will redirect him/her to the system and will tell him/her that
If the user does not remember his/her password when he/she wants to log in to
the system then he/she will be directed to the link "Forgot your password? "This
link should be displayed in the login module, at the top of the form, in the
password recovery module a box should be displayed where you enter the email
Password recovery to which a message will be sent regardless of whether the email is Hotmail, Gmail Password Recovery Module Send a message to Email to recover your password and
RF003 RF ALTA Completed 1/07/2021 ALTO ADMINISTRATOR
module. or others. Implemented. be able to log in to the system.

Since the user received an e-mail message to recover his password when he enters
it and clicks on the Reset Password button, he will be redirected to a form where he
will be able to modify his password to log in to the system again.
Enter the athlete's code and have the athlete's name
displayed in the next box.
Since the coach is in the data entry module when he/she needs to enter the league
information, then he/she will have to initially enter the athlete's code and the To be able to register a new athlete from the Data
name will appear in the next box. Data logging module Registration Module.
RF004 Data logging module RF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 ALTO COACH
If the athlete is not registered in the system when required then it is possible to Remove inactive athletes from the list.
add the new athlete and all his data by clicking on the new button.
Save and update the database.

Display all registered athletes and their associated

If the user needs to visualize all the athletes registered in the system when he/she
goes to the athletes module, then a list of all the athletes registered in the system Search for athletes in real time.
RF008 Athletes module RF ALTA In Test 1/07/2021 will be shown in a table in order of code, with the options of adding, editing,
MEDIO Athletes module implemented ADMINISTRATOR
deleting and generating a PDF to print the whole list. Generate a PDF with the information of all registered

If the coach or athlete needs to visualize all the registered activities when going to
the activities module, then a list of all the activities registered in the system by
date will be displayed, with the options to add, edit, delete and generate a PDF to
print the entire list.
Display all registered activities and their associated
If a new activity needs to be added when the trainer clicks on the New button, data.
then a floating window will be displayed where all the data of the new activity can
be entered and when the Register button is clicked, the data will be saved in the Add new activities
Edit activities.
If the trainer wishes to edit an activity when he/she clicks on the Edit option in the Activities module
RF011 Activities module RF MEDIA In Test 1/07/2021 options column of the table then a window will be displayed showing all the data
MEDIO Implemented. Eliminate activities.
to be edited and once the changes have been made by clicking on Save Changes
they will be recorded in the database. Search activities in real time.

If an activity is required to be searched when the user enters any data associated Generate a PDF with the information of all registered
with it, it will be displayed in real time in the table below. activities.

If the trainer needs to delete an activity, when he/she clicks on the delete option
in the options column of the table, a confirmation message will be displayed to
verify if he/she really wants to delete it and once confirmed the procedure is
deleted from the table.
Given that the user is in the user module that is recognized because it has the user
name assigned in the registration and when you need to change the password you
must click on the red button to the right that says "change password", then a
window will be displayed to enter the current password and the new password Change the password in the User Module. Update user
with confirmation of the new password, and when you click on update password a data.
RF012 User Module RF MEDIA In Test 1/07/2021 message will be displayed that says password updated successfully.Then a window MEDIO User Module Implemented.
Display the User Module with the name of Registered
will be displayed to enter the current password and the new password with the User.
confirmation of the new password, and when clicking on update password a
message will be displayed saying password successfully updated, .
If the user needs to update his/her data when changing any data in the form found
in the module, then he/she must click on Update Data and the data will be
Given the user is in the Categories module when he/she needs to view all the
registered categories then a list of all the categories in the system will be displayed
in order of code, with the options to add, edit, delete and generate a PDF to print
the whole list.
If you need to add a new category when you click on the New button, then a
floating window will be displayed where you can enter all the data of the new Show all registered categories and their associated
category and when you click on the Register button these will be saved in the data.
database. Add new categories.
If you want to edit a category when you click on the Edit option in the options Category Module Edit categories.
RF013 Category Module RF MEDIA In Test 2/07/2021 column of the table then a window will be displayed where all the data to be
Implemented. Delete categories.
edited will be shown and once the changes are made when you click on Save Search categories in real time.
Changes they will be registered in the database. Generate a PDF with the information of all registered
If you need to search for a category, when you enter the category code, the data categories.
associated with the category will be displayed in real time in the table below.
If a category needs to be deleted, when you click on the delete option in the
options column of the table then a confirmation message will be displayed to
verify if you really want to delete the category and once confirmed the procedure
is deleted from the table.

If you need to view all registered users when you go to the Users module then a
list of all users in the system will be displayed in alphabetical order, with the
options to add, edit, delete and Generate a PDF to print the entire list.
If you need to add a new user when you click on the New button, then a floating
window will be displayed where you can enter all the data of the new user and
Show all registered Users and their associated data.
when you click on the Register button they will be saved in the database.
Add new users.
If you want to edit a user when you enter the Users module and click on the Edit
Edit users.
option in the options column of the table, a window will be displayed showing all
RF016 User Module RF MEDIA In Test 1/07/2021 the data to be edited and once the changes have been made when you click on
MEDIO User Module Implemented. Delete users. ADMINISTRATOR
Search users in real time.
Save Changes they will be registered in the database.
Generate a PDF with the information of all registered
If it is required to search for a user when entering any data associated with the
user it will be displayed in real time in the table below.
If a user needs to be deleted, when you click on the delete option in the options
column of the table then a confirmation message will be displayed to verify if you
really want to delete the user and once confirmed the procedure is deleted from
the table.

If you need to view all registered user roles when you go to the Roles module then
a list of all user roles in the system will be displayed in order of role code, with the
options to add, edit, delete and Generate a PDF to print the entire list.
If you need to add a new Role when you click on the New button, then a floating
window will be displayed where you can enter all the data of the new Role and
Show all registered Roles and their associated data.
when you click on the Register button they will be saved in the database.
Add new Roles.
If you wish to edit a Role when you enter the Roles module and click on the Edit
Edit Roles.
option in the options column of the table, a window will be displayed showing all
RF017 Roles Module RF MEDIA Completed 1/07/2021 the data to be edited and once the changes have been made, when you click on
MEDIO Roles Module Implemented. Delete Roles. ADMINISTRATOR
Search Roles in Real Time.
Save Changes they will be recorded in the database.
Generate a PDF with the information of all registered
If a Role is required to be searched when entering any data associated to the Role
it will be displayed in real time in the table below.
If a Role needs to be deleted, when you click on the delete option in the options
column of the table then a confirmation message will be displayed to verify if you
really want to delete the Role and once confirmed the procedure is deleted from
the table.
Given that the user is in the Reports Module when he/she needs to generate some
kind of report by entering a start date and an end date and clicking on the option
to Export the search to PDF then the requested information is displayed with the Make reports, either News, Movements, Sales or
option to print it. Implemented Reporting Purchases, from an initial date to an end date or by
RF018 Reporting Module RF MEDIA In Process 1/07/2021 ALTO ADMINISTRATOR
Module. means of a search, showing the requested information
If you need to search for a specific data in common from different records, when with the General PDF option.
the user enters a keyword related to the record he/she is looking for, it will be
displayed in the lower table in real time.
If the administrator user needs to grant permissions to another user beyond those
that each type of user already has by default, when he/she enters the Users Grant permissions to any user beyond those that each
RF023 Permits Module RF BAJA In Process 1/07/2021 module and identifies the user to whom he/she will grant a permission in the same UNDER Permits Module Implemented. type of user already has by default, to view other ADMINISTRATOR
row of that user in the Permissions column, a window to add the user's access to a modules of the system if necessary.
new module can be displayed.
In case the user does not understand any procedure when he enters the help
module he will find a tab with the User's manual of the whole system and another Display a User Manual for the system in general in the
one with the developer's contact for any type of error detected in the system, in Help Module and the developer's contact information
RF024 Help Module RF BAJA In Process 1/07/2021 addition to this in each module of the system he will find in the upper right corner ALTO Help Module Implemented.
and a manual in each module of the system that
a question mark that will open a tab with the manual of the specific module in requires it by displaying that manual in a separate tab.
which he is.In addition to this in each module of the system you will find in the
upper right corner a question mark that will open a tab with the manual of the

The information is shown to the user in a clear way and taking into account that
the information is perceptually Usability tests to validate that the content in the
they understand the contents.
RNF001 Perceptible RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 The content must be adaptable, to be presented in different forms without losing
ALTO structured to display and enter interface adapts correctly according to the type of ADMINISTRATOR
information into the database. device used to access the system.
information or structure.

Configuration Tests, to verify if the system is able to

The user interface components and their navigability must be manageable. should intuitive user interface and easy work properly in different versions or configurations of ADMINISTRATOR
RNF002 Operable RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 provide help and searches for users.
ALTO to use from the first time. hardware and software environments, such as
different internet browsers, browser versions, among

Usability tests, the characteristics evaluated are the


Ease of learning: How easy it is for users to perform

basic functions the first time they use the application.
Efficiency: How fast experienced users can perform
their tasks.
the application is intuitive and
Both the operations and the information contained in the interface must be Memorization: How easy to memorize is the use of the
with a high level of usability
RNF003 Understandable RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 understandable by the users. Legible, predictable and should avoid and correct ALTO allowing the user to flow through
application, that is, when a user goes a long time ADMINISTRATOR
data entry errors. without using the application, can he/she remember
all the modules of the system.
enough to use it effectively the next time, or does
he/she have to start learning again.
Errors: How many design-attributable errors the user
makes, how severe they are, and how easy it is to
recover from them.
Satisfaction: How much the user likes (or dislikes) using
the system.
Endurance testing, to subject the System or application
to a given load for a period of time to determine how
it performs after prolonged use.

The system is functional and A computer system may behave normally for the first
efficient, performing the few hours, but after some time, problems such as
The system must be highly efficient and more than capable of performing the tasks
RNF004 Robustness RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 for which it is intended. ALTO company's operational processes memory leaks often cause failures. ADMINISTRATOR
and procedures with a high
degree of effectiveness. These defects in software development cannot be
identified under normal functional testing, so it is
desirable to involve stress testing among the types of
software testing.

Scalability tests, to verify the capacity of an application

to scale any of its non-functional characteristics, such
as the load it supports, number of transactions, data
volumes, among others.

When designing scalability test cases, it is advisable to

consider them in incremental blocks, given the
difficulty of predicting the real load that an application
the system is developed to be will have after being deployed in production.
In the development of the product, the scalability of the application must be taken
scalable with an online store in
RNF005 Scalability RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 into account since it is subject to changes according to the needs of the actors in ALTO the future and other new Testing in incremental blocks means for example first
the process and modification of internal and external standards.
functionalities. testing at low demand levels, then increasing to
medium demand levels and finally testing at high load
levels. In this way it can be determined that the
application also scales and the problems that begin to
arise at different levels.

For the results to be reliable, the test environments

and their configuration must be kept constant.

Maintainability tests, basically to evaluate how easy it

is to maintain a system or application. This means how
easy it is to analyze, change and test these changes.

It is consequent to have a sustainable software that allows the maintenance of the the maintenance of the To perform this test, the way in which the application
RNF006 Maintainability RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 databases and the improvement of the processes in an agile way without causing ALTO application is not costly, it is done is implemented must be evaluated, following good ADMINISTRATOR
collateral damages to the good operation of the application. quickly. software engineering practices. That is, that the
recommended software engineering patterns are
being followed and that no anti-patterns are being
inadvertently introduced, i.e., that no common
programming errors are being made.
Running load tests requires the use of design tools that
simulate the load, such as Saquí.
Perform recovery tests to verify how quickly and how
well the application recovers after experiencing a
the system responds quickly to all hardware or software failure.
queries made to the database, in
The response of the application when executing any of its functional requirements
RNF007 Performance RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 should not take too long, the responses to events should be fast.
ALTO addition to showing productivity Therefore, to perform recovery tests it is required to ADMINISTRATOR
for each operation in the force the failure and then verify if the recovery occurs
company. properly.
For example, when the application is running,
disconnect the network cable, or interrupt the
connection with the Si-Fi network or with the
operator, and then re-establish the connection.

Volume testing to validate the application's

the system should be optimized so performance with certain volumes of data, identifying
Space for as not to take up unnecessary its behavior with a database of a specific size,
RNF008 Storage
RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 The complete system must be able to be stored on the same equipment. ALTO storage space and to structure the expanding the database size to those parameters and
types of information correctly. then performing queries, processes or functionalities
of the application, measuring its performance.

Application implemented reliable, Perform stress tests which are load tests that are
The system must be accurate, since an application error can cause logistical
RNF009 Reliability RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 conflicts and user discomfort.
ALTO tested and updated to avoid performed with demands greater than the ADMINISTRATOR
future errors. operating capacity, often to the breaking point,
with stress tests can identify the breaking points,
limits for safe use of the application, confirm the
design specifications, identify the ways in which
the system fails, among other aspects.

Security Tests, to test the security attributes or

The application must comply with characteristics of the system, if it is a secure system or
Access to the application is for administrative users. Everyone must have a
user information security not, if it can be breached, if there is access control by
username and password that allows you to log in to your session.
standards, such as encryption of means of user accounts, if these accesses can be
passwords and critical user data, breached.
RNF010 Security RNF ALTA In Process 13/06/2021 Guarantee the reliability, security and performance of the computer system to the ALTO in addition to being protected to validate whether the software development team
different users. In this sense, the information stored or records made may be
from SQL-Ingestion attacks and has followed recommended security practices in its
consulted and updated permanently and simultaneously, without affecting the
security validations and programming by verifying points such as
response time.
verifications in forms. confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization
and availability.
- Designs, prepares and fills out forms to evaluate and qualify offers and suppliers, according to the
IT needs of the organization, following the company's policies in the technology negotiation

- Identifies the processes for the physical receipt of IT assets, consolidating them in a plan that
verifies installation and operation, according to the terms agreed in the negotiation, according to the
organization's protocols.

- Prepares the report of reception of computer assets, according to the established plan and in
accordance with the terms of the contract, according to the rules and protocols of the organization.

- Identifies the procedures for the enforcement of guarantees and conditions established by the
negotiation actors, as stipulated by law.

Download the Requirements Traceability Matrix Excel file.

Consult the Requirements documented in the Terms of Reference.
At the end of the IT Goods Receipt Case Study Infographic, you will find the instructions for
filling out the Requirements Traceability Matrix.
Fill out the Requirements Traceability Matrix based on the Requirements requested versus
the goods received.

Step 1. Open the terms of reference document.

In project activity 4, there is a learning resource called: "Terms of Reference for Software
Development Contracts". This resource shows an example of the terms of reference with the
requirements requested from an external supplier. Based on this study material, the trainee should
have prepared a document with the terms of reference of the goods or products to be contracted.

Remember that the terms of reference are the basis for the invitation to quote (minimum three
suppliers), the qualification of the proposals, the selection of the supplier and the preparation of the

Step 2. Receipt of IT assets and Report.

Once the contract has been signed and formalized with the selected supplier, a periodic control of
the activities and deliverables must be carried out according to the work schedule established and
agreed between the parties.
For the reception and validation of the IT goods received, the "Requirements Traceability Matrix"
can be used to verify whether what was requested in the Terms of Reference is what was actually
delivered by the supplier. This Requirements Traceability Matrix is part of the supplementary
material provided for this project activity.

In this activity of project 8, there is a learning resource called: "Case Study: Receipt of IT assets", at
the end of this case study the instructions for filling out the "Requirements Traceability Matrix"
template are detailed.
The apprentice must fill out the requirements traceability matrix, which will be the report of the
compliance of the goods received versus the contracted terms of reference.


A file made in the following program will be delivered:

1. Electronic sheet with the Requirements Traceability Matrix completed.

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