BS Buzz
BS Buzz
BS Buzz
Thorn Now a Vo
l. 12
Sergeant Major , Fr
, October 13,
The President of the United
States has reposed special trust and
confidence in the patriotism, valor,
fidelity and abilities of Matthew G.
“In view of these qualities and
demonstrated potential for increased
responsibility, you are therefore,
authorized to wear the uniform and
insignia of Sergeant Major, effective
12 July 2023, by order of the Governor
of South Dakota. Signed Jeffrey
P. Marlette, Major General, South
Dakota National Guard, The Adjutant
SGM Matthew G. Thorn is a
native of Glasgow, MT and he enlisted
in the Army in July 1990 as a Motor
Transport Operator.
He attended basic training,
advanced individual training at Fort
Dix New Jersey, and earned the MOS
of transportation specialist (88M).
MSG Thorn has served in
multiple positions throughout his
career. His assignments include,
Motor Transport Operator, Bridge
Crew Member, Section Leader,
COMSEC Custodian, Platoon
Sergeant, Ammunition Logistics For those of us who enjoyed watching Mathew Thorn growing up and
Specialist, Company Operations playing sports — he was a darn good wrestler for the Scotties — we knew
him as “Foo”. Quite a cute little story behind it, when he was born, his older
NCO, Bridge Training Team NCOIC,
brother Chris couldn’t say “Matthew” and it always came out “Foo”! The
BN Operations Sergeant, G3 Training nickname stuck. But here is MSG Thorn at right with his 28-year-old son
continued on back page Chandler. Way to go, Foo, er... Sergeant Major Thorn!
Service for Jerry Hoffman
Jerry Hoffman, age 87, formerly of Opheim passed
away Sept. 4 in Billings. A graveside service with military
DIGITAL PICTURE & SOUND honors will take place at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October
DAILY MATINEES • $6.50/PERSON 14th at Highland Cemetery.
All Tuesday showings are $5
406-228-9239 •
Service for Marv Bethea
Marv Bethea passed away on October 10th and
SHOWING: OCT. 13 - 19, 2023 a memorial service will be held on Saturday, October
14th at 4 PM at the Glasgow Evangelical Church.
Now is the time for your MEGA Lungs; an inflatable 4 grand prizes! Enter for a
annual flu shot. Don’t forget large-scale, interactive, chance at a basketball hoop,
your ID and insurance card! educational model of the juicer, utility cart, or adjustable
human lungs dumbbells!
Midland, Texas desert. was still allies saying “We are still allies, yes”? They
Midland is about 80 or so miles away from Webb, were enjoying their visit to America.
AFB, but that is covered in a blink of an eye at 600MPH. A few weeks later, a family came in from Canada
We screamed to El in the truck that we spotted him and were also Jewish, but they were former military
and the language barrier left us in the dark as the two personnel now retired, just wanting peace and quiet.
talked to each other. Both the wife and husband were ex-military and they
Finally Abdulla brought the plane in for its final told me that they hoped that they could give their son
touchdown and he was safely home. Abdulla parked and daughter a peaceful life after they left Israel.
the plane on H row and El Mustafa picked him up with In the morning, they left waving and laughing
his equipment. happy to be in the United States of America. And now,
By now, the flight line was full of fellow students just a few weeks later feces has hit the oscillator! Have
applauding. The two pilots embraced and went for they gone back to Israel, well, in my mind, no doubt
debriefing, walking together laughing about the near about it!
fatal incident. We only hope and pray that we do not have to face
They graduated and were on their way to their that peril here in America. With almost 11 million
respective countries. Egypt and Israel. By the way, unvetted immigrants just turned loose in our field of
their father’s actually told them, if they graduated dreams, I wonder how soon we will have to defend
from flight school, they would buy them their own F-5 ourselves from barbarians. Some will roll their eyes
plane! and poo-poo it off saying it cannot happen here. Well,
Just one year later, the two countries were at war Israel has the best of the best in surveillance and early
called the 6 Day War as it was quickly ended by the warning system and the slaughter is very disturbing.
Israelis. Through the years I have often wondered if Just makes you wonder just how safe you really
those two fellow students actually met in combat and are.
if so…….. And so it goes.
Well, unless you have been living under a rock, ~ Frank and Lin Vargo
you know what is going on in the Middle East.
A Newsweek Reporter was reporting that he was
in Thailand when he got wind of the news and boarded
a commercial plane for the flight to Israel. He said that
the plane was almost totally empty when men boarded
the plane filling the plane in every conceivable spot.
Some rode in the toilet area, sitting on the toilet seat
and others sat in the aisles. The reporter said that over
300 Jewish men were aboard for the 9 hour flight to
Israel. They were residents of another country but
were going home to fight for their country.
A few weeks ago, at Shady Rest rv park, a young
family came in and said that they were Jewish traveling
the United States and asked Greg Pederson if the US
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What the Glasgow School District bond would do
What will the proposed $8.58 Million Dollar Facility **Day 47 Tidbit**
Improvements Bond include? What is the current “interest rate” on the proposed
school bond?
**Day 45 Tidbit**
There seems to be confusion about the current
How much time do we have left on the “Irle School
interest rate associated with the proposed school bond.
These are nowhere near the rumored rate of 8.5%. For
We are at the halfway point of our 20-year bond
the new Bonds that voters are considering, estimated
commitment in the amount of $16.8 Million that was
rates are at 5.00% for the taxpayer impact statements for
approved by voters in March of 2013. A new K-5
all 20 maturities. With premium, the actual borrowing cost
Elementary school made up a large majority of that bond
(TIC) will be 4.75% range currently.
in addition to an expansion to Glasgow Middle School and
If you have NOT mailed your bond ballot at this
further upgrades to Glasgow High School.
point, please consider dropping it off at the Valley County
By the fall of 2033, that bond will fall off of taxpayers
Courthouse from here on out. Anything mailed from this
statements and provide great relief! If the current bond
point forward has no guarantee of making it in time! Ballots
passes, this serves as a reminder that your bonded tax
arriving in the mail AFTER Tuesday October, 17th cannot
commitment to the local school district will actually drop
be counted. Please make your vote count and walk it in.
by two-thirds in 10 years. (The original $16.8 Million bond
**Day 48 Tidbit**
will be paid off in FULL; while the new $8.58 Million bond
What are the plans for the Irle School Traffic
would be half paid off by 2033).
Circle with the passage of the school bond?
We love our new Irle School building that has been
The Glasgow School District and its Board of
serving nearly 400 students per year over the last decade.
Trustees is fully committed to using the remaining funds
We are grateful that our students have had this great
from the proposed school bond to update the congested
space to learn and grow! We remain hopeful that more
“traffic circle” in front of Irle School.
students will get the opportunity to use updated facilities
We share the community’s frustration that the
moving forward.?
circle has not been used as originally intended and has
**Day 46 Tidbit**
only routinely served as a point of contention for those
Why do we view ALL items in this bond as needs
parents and community members with elementary-aged
and none of them as wants?
children. The “traffic circle” lacks overall efficiency and
It is very important to understand that a lot of time
has functionality concerns that could also lead to safety
was put into the organization and final request of this bond
concerns. We hope that simplifying this process for
measure. Adequate heat is needed for the bone chilling
parents and guardians, will provide a better experience at
temperatures of Northeast Montana and a new boiler for
the beginning and the end of each school day.
Glasgow High School will provide this. Roofs that don’t
The School District will work directly with a civil
leak over the heads of our students at Glasgow High
engineer to develop plans and finalize the costs associated
School and Glasgow Middle School is important. We need
with this project. Part of the considerations will be to look at
to be able to educate the youth of this community and for
a straight pull-through option for pick-up and drop-off, while
our parents and kids to have the confidence that we are
looking at eliminating or reducing parking near the current
doing this within safe and adequate facilities. Finally, we
“traffic circle”. We are very excited to begin exploring
need to value extracurriculars when it comes to the overall
these positive changes. Those advising us throughout this
education of our children. The importance of athletics
bond process remain confident that we will have the funds
AND activities can not be overstated.
needed to complete this project in its entirety!
The Montana High School Association proudly states;
(The Buzz is skipping Day 49 tidbit because nobody in
“Activities are truly the other half of Education.”
their left mind is going to be able to type in the link to check
The case for High School Activities was also recently
out the 48 tidbits they missed. #50 coming on Monday.)
published on the National Federation of State High School
Associations website. Here are those important factors: St. Raphael’s
Harvest Dinner!
1. Cost Benefit
2. Better Educational Outcomes
3. Enhanced School Engagement & Sense of Belonging Reservations are Recommended
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For Reservations call 406-228-9800
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Mac McPherson
Gerald Edwin McPherson (aka Jerry Mac) was children got him
born on February 16, 1934, and crossed over into a puppy.… he
eternity on October 9, 2023. named him Jake…
Mac was born in Glasgow and reared on the and the bestest
McPherson ranch in McCone County. He was friendship ensued!
the third child of Thomas and Leila (Copeland) Wherever you saw,
McPherson. Mac’s sister, Phyllis, died in infancy, in “Mac,” you saw
1927. Ronald was born in 1929 and finally Mac in Jake!
1934. Jerry and Ronnie grew up on the ranch during For the next
the “Dam Days”: the construction of the Fort Peck 11 years, the two
Dam (1933-1940). were absolutely
Both Ronnie and Mac graduated from Nashua inseparable. It was
High School and were stand-out athletes… during these years that Jerry’s struggle with dementia
excelling in both basketball and baseball. After Mac began to manifest itself. When Jake passed away
graduated, he went to work for Mountain States in 2021, it turned Jerry’s life upside down. All his
Telephone Company (later becoming Mountain friends… at the Gateway, the Marina, Duck Creek,
Bell), working under his brother Ronnie. Together, the Oasis, and Alleys Palace… can attest to that.
they were instrumental in making the transition In 2022, Mac moved back into Glasgow and took
from operator-assisted phone service, to direct-dial, up residence with two of his daughters who, with the
here in Valley County. help of “Hopencagen,” and “Old Mud”, have made
In 1956 Mac met and married Shirley Sandsness, him happy and comfortable right up to his passing!
in Helena, Montana. In the years that followed, they Mac is preceded in death by his parents Tom
raised five children: Denise, Mike, Dawn, and twin and Leila; sister, Phyllis; brother, Ronnie; daughter,
girls, Michelle, and Marcelle (Marcelle passed away Marcelle; first wife, Shirley; second, wife Jennie;
after only two days). grandson, Brett Howard; son-in-law, Tom Thompson,
In 1959, after losing his brother Ronnie in a car and great-granddaughter, Devon Thompson.
accident, Jerry moved his family back to Nashua. He Jerry is survived by his four children: Denise
and Shirley bought a house in Glasgow in 1963 and (Jeff ) Howard of Helena, Mike (Linda) McPherson
the kids would all graduate, as proud “Scotties”, from of Great Falls, Dawn Thompson of Glasgow, and
Glasgow High School. Jerry and Shirley divorced in Shelly (Tim) Ryan of Glasgow; eleven grandchildren,
1974. 22 great-grandchildren, one “lil shit” (straight out
As an avid outdoorsman, Mac spent a great of papa’s mouth!) great-great-grandchild, three
deal of time fishing and hunting… and fishing! And beloved nieces and many dear friends.
when he wasn’t working or fishing, he enjoyed a Family received friends Thursday, October
variety of sports, including baseball, softball, and 12, 2023, at Bell Mortuary. Funeral services were
basketball leagues, bowling, golf, and… did we held Friday, October 13, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. at
mention fishing?! Bell Mortuary with pastor Christine Hollenbeck
Shortly before his retirement from the Telephone officiating. Burial followed in Highland Cemetery
Company, in 1982, Jerry married Jennie Miller. The with a reception following at the Sunnyside Country
two spent a great deal of time golfing, bowling, Club where Mac spent plenty of time. Condolences
and loving on their dog Clancy. The couple took to may be left for the family at bellmortuarymontana.
wintering with friends at their place in Arizona and com.
lived the rest of the year at their home in Fort Peck.
Jennie passed away in 2010, as well as their beloved (Note from the Buzz: Mac was one helluva good
“furbaby”, Clancy. man and a good friend to all, and he raised the best
Not wanting their dad to be alone, Jerry’s lemons you ever tasted. Miss ya’, Mac.)
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GLASGOW Naturalist Photographer I bet if you
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Connie Johnson people would
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REGISTRATION 9:00 am-3:00 pm
FOR 2023-24 Valley Event Center
Photo Cards will be available
October 14 - 28 1 Card for $10 or 3 for $25
Lessons for pre-school Connie Tveten will also be at the
through adults Bazaar with her bird carvings and
& hockey skating skills paintings
2003-2004 and Syria in 2017-2018 for combat operations.
SGM Thorn military education includes the motor
transport operator course, bridge crewmember course, Saturday, October 14th
information technology specialist course, ammunition
9:00AM - 3:00PM
manager course, primary leadership development
course, Primary Leadership Development Course, Basic
Valley Event Center
From Home Based business to Hand Crafted Items
NCO Course, Advanced NCO course, Master Leader Let us help you start your Christmas shopping!
Course, Local COMSEC Account Manager Course, Unit For more information call or text Joan Burris @ 406-263-8985
Movement Officer Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, and You are cordially invited
the Sergeants Major Academy. His civilian education
includes a high school diploma from Glasgow High Youth Dynamics Open House
School, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Leadership and Ste. 316 Railroad Alley North
Monday, October 16th, 2023
Workforce Development. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
SGM Thorns awards and decorations include the Refreshments served; no RSVP needed.
Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the We look forward to meeting with you!
Army Commendation Medal (2nd Award), the Army Youth Dynamics provides family focused behavioral health
Achievement Medal (6th Award), the Army Good treatment, founded upon an actively caring/trauma-sensitive
culture, in which all children can realize their full potential.
Conduct Medal (5th Award), the National Defense
Service Medal (2nd Award), the Armed Forces Service
Medal, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, the NCO Professional
Development Ribbon (5th Award), the Army Service
Downtown Glasgow
D &G
Ribbon, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the TRIBAL TUESDAY
Overseas Service Ribbon (2nd Award), the Army Reserve OCTOBER 17TH
Component Overseas Training Ribbon, the Armed Forces ALL TRIBAL
Reserve Medal, the Valorous Unit Award, the Meritorious CLOTHING
Unit Citation, and the Combat Action Badge. 20% OFF
SGM Thorn resides in Rapid City, SD with his fiancé
1st 12 customers trying
Carla. He has two children, Morgan (26) who resides in on Tribal get a New Tribal
Burbank, CA and Chandler (28) who lives in Anaconda, Water Bottle
Register to Win $150.00
There will be a gathering at Sam & Jeff ’s Friday, Tribal Outfit
October 20 at 7:00pm, come down and congratulate Matt (must be available in store -
and have some cake. no special orders)