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Abstract. This paper provides workspace determination and analysis based on the
graphical technique of both spatial and planar parallel manipulators. The computation
and analysis of workspaces will be carried out using the parameterization and three-
dimensional representation of the workspace. This technique is implemented in CAD
(Computer Aided Design) Software CATIA workbenches. In order to determine the
workspace of the proposed manipulators, the reachable region by each kinematic chain is
created as a volume/area; afterwards, the full reachable workspace is obtained by the
application of a Boolean intersection function on the previously generated volumes/areas.
Finally, the relations between the total workspace and the design parameters are
simulated, and the Product Engineering Optimizer workbench is used to optimize the
design variables in order to obtain a maximized workspace volume. Simulated annealing
(SA) and Conjugate Gradient (CG) are considered in this study as optimization tools.
Key Words: CAD Software, Design Parameters, Optimization, Parallel Robots,
Workspace Analysis
A parallel manipulator is a mechanism in which there are two or more closed kinematic
chains attaching the base to the mobile platform. Nowadays, most of the manipulators are
serial architecture; parallel robots exhibit many advantages, such as high speeds and
accelerations, low mobile masses, high stiffness, and great accuracy. The most notable
disadvantage of the parallel manipulators is their relatively small workspaces. One can use
the workspace volume or surface as an objective function for optimization. In this sense, the
researchers focused on workspace determination as a performance index in order to design
robots for specific industrial applications. The calculation of the parallel robots’ workspace
is a complex problem due to the kinematic modeling difficulty. However, the problem of
workspace optimization of the parallel manipulators to obtain a prescribed workspace has
been investigated in few articles. The concept of the prescribed workspace is a significant
issue to optimize and to synthesize a robot. The actuated joint variables, the range of joints
motion and the mechanical interferences between the links essentially influence the parallel
manipulators’ workspace. In this paper, we focus on some areas of the space that surrounds
the manipulator, and limiting its workspace to the prescribed area. Several papers studied
this problem based on geometrical techniques, and using optimization algorithms to
synthesize the design parameters of the parallel manipulators.
Gallant and Boudreau [1] used a Genetic Algorithm in order to optimize a 3-DOF planar
parallel manipulator to obtain a workspace as close as possible to a prescribed one.
Singularities and workspace of planar 3-RPR parallel mechanism for maximal singularity-
free workspace by optimizing the geometric parameters are investigated by Jiang and
Gosselin [2, 3] and Yang and O’Brien [4]. Di Gregorio and Zanforlin [5] studied the
workspace of the 3-RUU and the DELTA robot. They concluded that these robots could
have the same closure equations and workspace when some geometric conditions are
satisfied. Chablat et al. [6, 7] compared 3-DOF parallel kinematic machines using two
design criteria: regular workspace shape and a kinetostatic performance index that needs to
be as homogenous as possible throughout the workspace ; this technique is based on the
interval analysis method. In [8] the workspace optimization of translational 3-UPU parallel
robot is performed using its parameterization by two design variables, which are the
prismatic joint stroke and the distance between the base and the mobile platform. Zhao,
Chu, and Feng [9] discussed the analogous symmetry properties between the workspace
and the mechanism structure. Gao, Liu, and Chen [10] analyzed the relationship between
the shapes of the workspaces and the link lengths for 3-DOF planar parallel manipulators;
his results are useful for the designers to optimize the robots regarding the workspace index.
Hay and Snyman [11, 12] focused on the numerical multi-level optimization for the
synthesis of the 3-DOF parallel manipulators for a desired workspace. In [13] the
workspace of Gough-Stewart platform was optimized using the Genetic Algorithm. The
idea is to minimize the areas, which do not belong to the intersection between two areas: the
workspace of the robot and the prescribed workspace. A genetic algorithm based method is
used also in [14] to deal with the optimal dimensional synthesis of the DELTA robot for a
prescribed workspace. The geometrical approaches have been used to represent the
workspace of the parallel manipulators, by Assad Arrouk et al. [15], Aboulissane et al. [21],
Bonevet al. [16], Gosselin [17], and Merlet [18]. The principle of these methods is to
deduce, from the constraints on each limb, a geometrical entity (sub-workspace) which
describes all the possible poses of the tool center point that satisfy the leg constraints. Then,
the robotic manipulator workspace is generated by the intersection of all the sub-
workspaces. Tsirogiannis et al. [22] presented an overall structural design optimization
approach for a robot arm link seeking mass reduction and satisfaction of manufacturability
with SLS AM technique.
In this paper, a graphical based technique is addressed for workspace’s determination,
analysis and optimization of two parallel robots, which are the 3-RPR planar manipulator,
and the DELTA robot.
The first section is dedicated to the description of the proposed manipulators. In the next
section, we present the steps to determine the workspace of both robots. The last section is
about the comparison of the two optimization methods, applied to the workspace of the
DELTA robot.
Workspace Analysis and Optimization of the Parallel Robots Based on Computer-Aided Design Approach 81
2.1. The 3-RPR Planar Parallel Robot
Fig. 1 shows the Kinematic scheme of the 3-RPR planar robot. This mechanism is a
parallel robot with closed loop chains. Three actuated prismatic joints are linked to passive
joints , , and fixed to the base, and , , fixed to the mobile platform. The
actuated prismatic joints coordinates are given by the length of the legs, named , , and
. The orientation of the mobile platform is given by angle . The components of points
and are respectively and . Each limb generates an annular region
bounded by two concentric circles with radii of and , the centers of the circles
are defined by Eq. (1), and Eq. (2):
xci xai xbi cos( ) ybi sin( ) (1)
The vector describing the 3-RPR parallel manipulator parameters is defined as follows:
1 [ min max xc1 yc1 xc 2 yc 2 xc 3 yc 3 ]T (3)
(a) (b)
Fig. 2 (a) Geometric scheme of the Delta robot; (b) the DELTA robot parameterization
Fig. 3(a) depicts the first step; it consists of creating three annular regions in the
Sketcher workbench; then the Pad and Pocket commands are applied to the drawing with
a finite thickness in the Part Design workbench. The second step is performed under the
Part Design workbench; it consists of applying the first intersection Boolean operation.
Fig. 3(b) above shows the obtained result.
The final step to determine the workspace of the 3-RPR is to apply a second
intersection Boolean operation on the two remaining regions in the second step. The
obtained shape corresponds to the theoretical workspace of the mechanism shown in Fig.
3(c). This step is also done in the Design Part workbench.
The area of the 3D model presented in Fig. 3(c) is calculated by using a smart area
parameter. Since the thickness of this 3D model is neglected, the workspace area of the 3-
RPR robot is obtained, dividing by two, the area previously calculated.
The design parameters used to obtain this workspace are tabulated in Table 1:
For each orientation , the workspace of the robot has different shape and area. Table
2 illustrates the workspace of the robot for few orientations of the mobile platform.
Table 2 Variation of the workspace with respect to the orientation of the mobile platform
A=70,611 cm² A=156,077 cm² A=197,668 cm²
equations used to determine the workspace of a parallel robot are generally complex to
solve by using the traditional approaches. Hence, the CAD-based approach is used in this
work to determine geometrically the workspace of the DELTA parallel robot.
The parallel robot workspace robot can be quickly generated as an area or a volume
using the CATIA, then the complex technique such the numerical method. Discretization
based techniques produce an approximate form of a low quality workspace. To improve it,
it is necessary to use other graphical methods. By implanting the problem of workspace
determination in a CAD software, these techniques will become more reachable to industry
and more precise. As the first step, the proposed method for workspace determination of the
DELTA robot consists in assuming all legs to be independent serial arms having the mobile
platform as tool center point. Then, the region swept by the tool center point of each arm is
determined for a given orientation of this point.
In [14] the workspace of the DELTA robot is presented by following Eq. (5):
[( xt r ) 2 yt2 zt2 L12 L22 ]2 4 L12 [( xt r ) 2 zt2 ] (5)
with r R r and:
xt x cos i y sin i
yt x sin i y cos i (6)
z z
It can be seen from Table 3 that the workspace volume of the DELTA robot increases
with reducing length of the forearm.
Now, to demonstrate the effect of length , forearm is fixed at 250 mm, R = 55 mm,
r = 30 mm, and is varied from 100 mm to 250 mm.
In robotics, the designer uses numerous indices to evaluate the performance of a
manipulator; among these indices, we can mention the workspace that describes the
potential robot utilization. In this work, we are using the reachable workspace as a
performance index in order to optimize the design parameters of the DELTA robot. The
optimization problem is formulated as follows:
maximize W ( 2 )
subject to 2,i ,min 2,i 2,i ,max
where W is the workspace volume, and is the vector defined by Eq. (4). The main
purpose of the maximization of the workspace is to expand the capabilities of the DELTA
robot. The parameters that have an effect on the volume and the shape of the reachable
workspace of the manipulator are: and with (j=1,2,3). The parameterization
used in the CATIA software is shown in Fig. 6:
For this optimization problem, we used the CATIA “Product Engineering Optimizer”
workbench in which we can use different algorithms such as: Conjugate Gradient method
(CG) a local algorithm and the simulated annealing (SA) a global algorithm. Both the
methods are employed in our present study. The simulated annealing is listed as the
oldest algorithm among the metaheuristics that had an explicit strategy to avoid local
minima; it can be applied to the majority of optimization problems. The behavior of this
algorithm is strongly dependent on the problem addressed [19]. The other algorithm,
which is the Conjugate Gradient, is a mathematical approach used on both linear and
non-linear systems; this approach can be used as an iterative algorithm and a direct
method [20]. To realize this optimization, we choose the last five parameters that are shown
in Fig. 6; we excluded the angles representing the angular offset between different
kinematic chains. The optimization parameters are usually provided with an upper and
lower limit. The main goal of this optimization is to maximize the objective function
represented by the workspace volume of the DELTA robot, based on the parameters
presented in Table 5, which can describe Eq. (7).
The initial parameters correspond to the workspace shown in Table 6(a) with a volume
W = 4,765 dm3. The first optimization is done using the (SA) algorithm, optimized values
are tabulated in Table 5 corresponding to the workspace summarized in Table 6(b) with a
volume W = 215,712 dm3. Secondly, we applied the (CG) method. Table 6(c) shows the
shape of the workspace with a volume W = 110,265 dm3. This workspace is associated with
the values of the design parameters presented also in Table 5.
Workspace Analysis and Optimization of the Parallel Robots Based on Computer-Aided Design Approach 87
The number of iterations made to reach the objective is 523 for the (SA) algorithm,
and 602 for the (CG) method. The time needed to achieve these two optimizations is
about 10 minutes. The simulations were performed on a computer that has the following
characteristics: CPU @2.10Ghz, 8.0 GB RAM.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7 Evolution of the design parameters for (a) SA algorithm; (b) CG method
Fig. 7 presents the evolution of the design variables for both algorithms. From the
parametric analysis previously presented in Table 4 and the design variables evolution
shown in Figs. 7 (a) and (b), we can conclude that L1 have a significant impact on the
volume of the workspace. On the other hand, the two algorithms applied in this study
have set the L1 variable to a maximum value, while other parameters R, r, and L2 are
showing a variation in a large range searching for a maximum volume of the robot's
workspace. Fig. 8 provides a comparison of the convergence rates of the results; it can be
seen that the performance of the (SA) is more superior to that of (CG) method due to the
good speed of convergence with few generations, also, the optimal value reached by the
(SA) algorithm is greater than that obtained by the (GC) algorithm.
In this paper, we have focused on the CAD based technique to determine the
workspace of planar and spatial parallel robots. This study is performed on the 3-RPR
planar parallel robot and the DELTA robot. We considered the determination and the
characterization of the workspace of the two manipulators. For this purpose, we have
applied a geometrical approach that has been implemented in CATIA workbenches. We put
in evidence the effectiveness of this technique for the workspace optimization of the
DELTA robot, taking into consideration the joint limits. Two algorithms were applied to
maximize the workspace of the DELTA robot, the simulated annealing and the Conjugate
Gradient algorithms. The best result is related to the (SA) algorithm in terms of
convergence speed and the best optimal value of the workspace volume. The manipulators
studied herein for the workspace analysis and optimization illustrate the efficiency and the
capability of the graphical methodology for the designers, to avoid complex mathematical
Workspace Analysis and Optimization of the Parallel Robots Based on Computer-Aided Design Approach 89
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