Call For Bingwa Eastern Africa English 1
Call For Bingwa Eastern Africa English 1
Call For Bingwa Eastern Africa English 1
About the Initiative Africa CDC is therefore announcing a call for applications
for young Africans from the Eastern Africa region who are
COVID-19 vaccines offer life-saving protection against motivated and willing to contribute to the acceleration of
severe COVID-19 that has resulted in significant morbidity the COVID 19 vaccination uptake in their countries, to apply
and mortality. This also means the speed and scale of for the African Union COVID-19 Vaccination BINGWA
uptake of vaccinations needs to be ramped up to avoid initiative. The selected BINGWAs (champions) will be
vaccine wastage, bring the pandemic under control and expected to perform the following duties for a period of up
speed economic recovery on the continent. to 12 months:
Since the first case of COVID 19 was recorded in Africa 1. Develop a community engagement plan to mobilize
on 14 February 2020, the African Union (AU) through the their respective communities including friends and
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa families to get vaccinated fully against COVID-19
CDC) has taken unprecedented steps to support AU 2. Support capacity building efforts to onboard social
Member States to expand their COVID-19 vaccination actors within the community to help mobilize for the
efforts. As of 13 October 2022, over 997 million vaccines COVID-19 vaccinations
have been supplied, of which about 717 million have been 3. Organize innovative youth-focused events to
administered to the African population. This translates to mobilize young people and the broader community
approximately 72% of the supplied vaccines having been to take up the COVID-19 vaccines e.g. Campaigns,
administered, leading to a vaccination coverage of 23.2 % community mobilization, peer-to-peer advocacy,
on the continent compared to a target of 70% (900 million) etc.
by the end of 2022. 4. Serve as AU/Africa CDC focal points for youth
vaccination in their respective countries.
With African youths constituting over 60% of the continent’s
5. Participate in the capacity building training
population, their mobilization and meaningful engagement
organized by Africa CDC in preparation of their
has the potential to be game-changing in controlling the
deployment to respective countries/communities.
COVID-19 pandemic on the continent. This initiative is
6. Document progress recorded in mobilizing their
further motivated by H.E. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s
respective communities and also the improvement
call for innovative ways to scale up vaccinations across
in vaccination rates in their community.
the continent. In April 2022, the chairperson of the African
Union Commission officially launched an African Union Eligibility criteria for AU BINGWA
public-private-youth initiative co-led by Africa CDC under
the name “African Union COVID-19 Vaccination Bingwa Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Initiative” as part of the Africa CDC’s Programme of
Saving Lives and Livelihoods. Bingwa is the Swahili 1. Citizen and resident of an Eastern Africa Region
word for “Champion”. The initiative seeks to establish AU Member State (Union of the Comoros, Republic
a network of COVID-19 vaccination youth champions of Djibouti, State of Eritrea, Federal Democratic
across the continent to accelerate the uptake of COVID-19 Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Kenya, Republic
vaccination in Africa. of Madagascar, Republic of Mauritius, Republic of
Rwanda, Republic of Seychelles, Federal Republic
of Somalia, Republic of the Sudan, Republic of What is included in the BINGWA Initiative?
South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania and
Republic of Uganda). The BINGWA Initiative is a one-year initiative that will
2. Aged between 18 – 35 years (must be under the equip vaccinated youth champion across the African
age of 35 when completing the 12 Months service) continent with technical skills to reach, mobilize and
3. Possess a post-secondary education (Bachelors engage their communities and peers to get fully vaccinated
and/or Master’s will be an added value) against COVID 19. Selected BINGWAS will be supported
4. Available in 2022/23 to dedicate 12 (twelve) by experienced experts in key public health, SBCC and
months as a BINGWA community engagement fields from African union / Africa
5. Committed to live and work in their country for the CDC and Partner organizations to enhance their skills in
entire duration of deployment the following areas among others:
6. Proficient in the local language and at least one of
1. Understanding Africa CDC and the New Public
the AU working languages (Arabic, English, French,
Health Order for Africa
Kiswahili, Portuguese and Spanish)
2. Understanding COVID 19 and COVID 19
7. Have at least 1-year verifiable community and/
or youth engagement experience and 1 year
3. Risk Communication, Community Engagement
professional work experience. (Experience
and influencing for COVID 19 vaccination
in Public Health domain will be an added
4. Social media Engagement and Mobilization for
8. Must be fully vaccinated (Proof of vaccination is
5. Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)
9. Proven ability to use a computer system and familiar
6. Planning, monitoring, evaluation and Reporting
with MS Office applications and social media tools/
platforms How to apply
10. All applications should confirm their availability to
travel for the week of training. Applicants are expected to fill out the application form
online with their personal information, educational and
Selection criteria for BINGWA Initiative: professional background attaching a:
1. An independent committee comprising of experts • Statement briefly detailing why they want to
from Africa CDC and African Union Commission become BINGWA and What are the challenges/
will conduct selection to the initiative. gaps hampering vaccination in Africa and in their
2. Application documents must provide clear and country specifically
detailed information about the applicant including • Proof of Education achievements (degrees)
their age, gender, nationality, language, education, • Proof of COVID 19 Vaccination status and
values and experience relating to the following • A two (2) pages curriculum Vitae MAXIMUM
criteria: – experience and professional attainment
in youth engagement activities in their respective All applications should be completed through this link
countries, experience in community mobilization,
and experience in youth leadership will be a Financing
3. Submission of a written motivation statement Africa CDC under Saving Lives and Livelihood Programme
briefly detailing why you want to become a will provide living allowance for a period of 12 Months to
BINGWA and what you see as the challenges/ all the selected BINGWA and meet all the costs associated
gaps hampering vaccination in Africa and with learning and development materials associated to
specifically in your country. Further, detail your the initiative including travel, daily allowance, in case
ideas for increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in of trainings organized outside the BINGWA’s country of
your community. residency.
4. A video interview may be scheduled for shortlisted
Africa CDC welcomes applications from all qualified youth from the eastern Africa region regardless of their gender, race,
disability, religious belief, caste, or marital status. Young women are encouraged to apply.
Important dates
For more information, send an email to:
• Deadline for applications: 19th to 31st October,
AU COVID-19 Vaccination Bingwa Initiative
2022 at 05.00 pm Eastern Africa Time.
• Successful applicants will be informed the week
Africa CDC, Executive Office
of 07th to 12th November, 2022.
[email protected]
• The One-week training for the selected
applicants will start on 20th November, 2022.