Adi Esr Allan Willcox 2
Adi Esr Allan Willcox 2
Adi Esr Allan Willcox 2
l a n u a r v2 0 0 5 T E L E V I S I O N
pin 8
pin 4
goeshigh, activatingthebuzzer.
The ESR level at which the buzzer
operatesis setby the overallgain.
This point can easilybe changedby
alteringthe valueof R I 2. If its
valueis increased, the overallgain
risesand the buzzerwill operateat
a higherESR level. Icz+llR4 ?
@narJ1 [
The valueof I 00Q for R I 8 is
chosento limit the currentfrom an
.o^_. ?I
externall2V sourceto a recharse- ,{
ablebatteryto the trickle level.lhe
overallconsumptionis so lorv that, t
if you areone of thosewho remem- I ,47
ber to switchoff battery-powered *
equipment whenit's not in
ordinarybatteryis OK and will last
for quite a long time.
Althoughthe basicmetercircuit
is happyrvith a supplybetween6- It I t a at Top - Fig. 6: The
ta split-rail generator
30V the buzzerandLED won't be. al I
tl and buzzer com-
The valueof 2.7kQ for R I 9, which at I
parator circuits.
is in serieswith the porver-onindi- I
T E L E V I S I O lNa n u a r v2 0 0 5 r59
Item Valueftype CPC order code
R 1 ,2 3ko R E M F R 4f o l l o w e d b y t h e v a l u e
R3 220A
R4 100eJ
rt5 1O
R6 2.7A
R 7 ,9 , 11 , 1 6 ,1 7 1oka *The value of R12 sets the turn-on point for the buzzer,see
R8,10 100ko text. R18sets the charge current,see text. R19 is chosen
R12 *68kQ for good brightnesswith the LEDspecified.
R13 3.9kO
R14,15 56kO
R18 * 100eJ
R19 *2.7kQ
A l l 0 . 5 W .1 % m e t a l f i l m
VR1 10kQcermet oreset R E 0818 1 **Forcorrectoscillator
c1,2 4 7 0 p Fl o w - l o s sh i g h - s t a b i l i t y * * cA02068 operationC1andC2must be
c3,4 0 . 1p F c e r a m i cm u l t i l a y e r cAo2098 of the type specified.
c5, 6, 7 221tF,16Y cA01613
D1,2, 3, 4, 8, I 1N 4 1 4 8 s c 1N 4 1 4 8
D 5 ,6 1N4004 sc1N4004
D7 1N4002 sc1N4002
lc1,2, 3 TLOS2CN SCTLSO2
LED 3mm Superbright sc00023
M1 1 0 0 p Am o v i n g - c o i l PM11119
S1 M i n i a t u r et o g g l e s w i t c h sw-2201tz
Buzzer 5V DC 1S00654
Case ABS box ENs5030. See text
T e s tl e a d s 2mm plugto probes tN00772. See text
Veroboard PC00046
Spot face cutter for Veroboard PC00066
PP3battery clip lead BT02187
H i g h - c u r r e npt r o t e c t i o nc h o k e PW00037. See text
quick in-circuit location of faulty achieve a slimmer appearance,I are much lorver.
electrolytic capacitors.If anyone bought another case, type EN55029 lf this method of protection is
contemplatesthe design of a PCB (too slinr), and combined the used rvith a digital meter, the dis-
for the project, it is important that halves.This might sound extrava- play rvill settleat a fixed reading.
separateoperational-amplifier chips gant, but you still end up with two This will show that all is well with
are used fbr the oscillator and the casesand they cost only about f2. the meter and will also eliminate
first amplifier stage- to avoid superfluousreadings.In the caseof
interf'erencebetween the oscillator Proteclion methods a moving-coil display,it'"vill dou-
and the sensitive first amplifier ln a letterin theAugustissue
this ble-up as a power-on indicator.
stage.Fig. 7 shor.vsa stripboard year Jim Littler su-tgested wiring T h e u s eo f a c i r c u i t p r o t e c t o ri n
layout for the meter's circuitry. Fig. an inductor acrossthe test lead ter- series rvith the test leads has been
8 shorvsthe meter scale. minals to protectthe rnetershould suggested.The problem is that it
Don't be temptedto use plugs
and sockets fbr the test leads - you
it be connected to a charged capaci-
tor. I can see no problernrvith this,
r'vouldtend to blorv too easily and
rvould in time get problemsin the anclfollorved up rvith a letter in the To reiterate.diode protection
low-ohr-nsrange.Soldereclconnec- Septemberissue.If a value some- (D5, D6) shouldalrvaysbe included,
tions should be usedthroughout.I rvhatlorver than the l50pH recom- Any comnrentsabout high-cur-
use 2mm test leadsr.viththe plugs nrendeclthere is used,producinga rent choke protection.rvhich seems
cut off. Make sure that you file the leaclingof say 30Q. this reading to be a unique idea. and on ESR
probes to give sharp points. The rvill be presenteach time the meter measurementin gcneralrvould be
coating that's on them has a signifi- is srvitchedon and you will know lvelcome.
cant resistance. that it is rvorking correctly.It You can reach me by email at
The casespecifiedin the parts not affect the use of the meter."vill
We alanesr(@
list is a bit on the deep side.To are only interestedin valuesthat I think that covers everything.I
160 J a n u a r2y 0 0 5T E L E V I S I O N