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2014 Winter Question Paper

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*17331* 17331


3 Hours/100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.


1. A) Attempt any six of the following : 12

a) Define electromotive force and state its unit.
b) Define branch and mesh of an electric network.
c) Draw a (i) Series electric circuit (ii) Parallel electric circuit.
d) Define crest factor for a sine wave. State its value.
e) Draw the waveforms of voltage and current of a pure capacitive circuit.
f) For a delta connected balanced load, state the numerical relationship
between (i) line current (ii) phase current.
g) What is earthing ? What is its importance ?
h) State the function of the terms : (i) MCB (ii) Fuse.
B) Attempt any two of the following : 8
a) Compare auto transformer with two winding transformer (any four).
b) Draw a neat diagram of capacitor start induction motor. State any two
c) Write any four safety precautions to be taken while working with any
electrical system.

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2. Attempt any four of the following : 16
a) Find the current through 12 
resistance using Kirchhoff’s current law. Ref.
Fig. no. 1.

Fig. 1
b) In a circuit shown Fig. 2 calculate (i) equivalent resistance (ii) current I, I1, I2
(iii) voltage drop across each resistance.

Fig. 2
c) State and explain KVL and KCL.
d) Define the following terms : (i) Induced emf (ii) Dynamically induced emf
(iii) Statically induced emf.
e) State the meaning of impedance and impedance triangle.
f) Explain the phenomenon of resonance in R-L-C series circuit.
3. Attempt any four of the following : 16
a) Draw the waveforms and vector diagram for current and voltage when ac
current flows through a pure inductance circuit. Also give equation for voltage
and current.
b) Define :
i) Inductive reactance ii) Capacitive reactance
iii) Impedance iv) Power factor.
*17331* -3- 17331
c) State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction and state its any two
applications in electrical engineering.
d) A 50 Hz ac voltage of Vrms = 115 volt is applied across a 70 ohm resistor.
Write the equation for the voltage and resulting current. Draw voltage and
current waveforms.
e) An alternating current is represented by i = 28.28 sin (2 
50 × t). Find
frequency, rms value of current, average value of current.
f) What is power factor ? State its significance. What is the condition for unity
power factor ?

4. Attempt any four of the following : 16

a) Calculate the resistance between terminal A and B using delta-star conversion
as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
b) What is meant by lag and leads as regards to voltage and current vector ?
c) What are the different types of power in AC circuit ? Explain.
d) For R-C circuit :
1) Draw the circuit diagram
2) Write the voltage and current equation
3) Draw the vector diagram
4) Draw the impedance triangle.
17331 -4- *17331*
e) Explain voltage ratio, current ratio and transformation ratio of a transformer
with a neat sketch.
f) State the principle of operation of an universal motor. Give any two

5. Attempt any four of the following : 16

a) A 50 Hz voltage of 230 volt rms value is applied across a capacitor of
26.5 F. Calculate

i) The capacitive reactance

ii) Write the time equation for voltage and the resulting current. Let the zero
axis of the voltage be at t = 0.
b) Compare star and delta connection (4 points).
c) Define phase sequence of 3 phase voltage. What is the normal phase sequence ?
What are the 3 colours used to denote the phase sequence ?
d) State the advantages of three phase system over single phase system.
e) If a 3 phase 400 V, 50Hz, supply is connected to a balanced, 3 phase star
connected load of impedance (3 + j6) ohm per phase. Calculate (1) phase
current (2) phase voltage (3) power factor (4) total active power.
f) List any 4 major parts of transformer and state the material used for
construction. Why the transformer rating is given in KVA ?

6. Attempt any four of the following : 16

a) A coil consist of 0.08 H inductance with resistance 40 ohm connected to
230 volt, 50 Hz supply. Find impedance, reactance, current and power factor
of coil.
b) Find the impedance per phase for 3 phase delta connected balanced load
connected across 500 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply carries the current 12.5 A
with power factor 0.8 lagging.
c) A coil of resistance of 10 and inductance of 0.1 Henry is connected in

series with a capacitance of 150 F across 230 V, 50 Hz, ac supply. Calculate

impedance, current, power factor and power consumed by circuit.

d) Compare resistance split phase I.M. with capacitor start motor.
e) Define voltage regulation of transformer. Two transformers A and B have a
voltage regulation of 5% and 10% respectively. Which transformer is better
and why ?
f) Define fuse. What is need of fuse ? Write rating of fuses used in labs and
mention the classification of fuses.

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