ProModel Simulation
ProModel Simulation
ProModel Simulation
2. An ATM receives 30 customers/h with Poisson distribution. There are 5 possible scenarios:
Scenario Results
Scenario Results
c) If in all cases the average service time is the same, to what factor are the differences (if any)
They are due to the different probabilities of tardiness at the ATM, which results in different times to the
average according to the type of probability distribution.
d) What is the difference between the first and the last scenario?
The cashier is used more in the latter scenario, resulting in fewer customers waiting in line.
3. A hardware store receives 56 customers/h with Poisson distribution. The store has only two
employees, and customers must wait in line. Service time is exponential with an average of 2 min/client.
Simulate the system to steady state and calculate:
5. A production system has 10 lathes. The operating time of each follows an exponential probability
distribution with a mean of 96 hours, after which a failure occurs and it has to be sent for maintenance.
The repair time is exponential with an average of 72 hours. The transfer time of the lathes between
production and maintenance is uniform, with parameters of 60 ± 15 minutes. It is desired to simulate
the system until the steady state is reached, with 1, 2, 3, 5, ..., 10 mechanics to determine in each case
the utilization of the mechanics and the average number of lathes waiting for repair.
2 78.34%
3 74.79%
5 53.36%
6 43.40%
7 37.20%
8 32.55%
9 28.93%
10 26.04%
6. The company LECAR has 100 looms. The operating time of each before a breakage occurs follows an
exponential probability distribution, and the loom stops waiting for a worker to repair the breakage and
restart the operation. Repair time is 2-Erlang with an average of 5 minutes. The mean time between
breaks depends on the yarn quality, according to the following scenarios:
7. A library receives an average of 104 people/year with a Poisson distribution to borrow a certain book.
The person who manages to find it returns it an average of 10 days later, with exponential distribution.
People who request the book but do not receive it because it is on loan, leave and never return.
Simulate the process for one year, with 1 ,2 ,3 and 4 copies of the book, and determine in each case the
expected number of people who will be able to read the book.
2 52 people
3 52 people
4 52 people
10. A die-cutting process receives sheets according to a Poisson distribution with an average of 82
sheets/min. There are 7 die-cutting machines, each of which is capable of processing a sheet in 5
seconds. There is a warehouse for raw material with a capacity of 5 sheets; if a sheet arrives and cannot
enter the process or the raw material warehouse, it must be sent to another part of the plant for die
cutting. The cost of operating the machines is estimated at $10/hr-punching machine; the cost of
holding a sheet in inventory is estimated at $0.500/ sheet, and the cost of shipping the sheets to
another location is $0.800 per sheet. Simulate the system to determine the average inventory of sheets
in the warehouse before die-cutting, and the total cost/hr.
Failed = 139,334.4$/40hrs
77.76 %
37.36 min
12. A cleaning operator has 60 parts delivered simultaneously every hour. The cleaning time is uniform,
50 ± 10 s/piece. Simulate the above process for 500 hours to determine:
83.14 percent
25.41 min
24.53 min
13. A painting system has two serial processes: painting and baking. The painting time is exponential, 10
m in/piece, and the baking time is triangular (3,6,15) min/piece. For both processes there are two
painters and a kiln. The input rate is 7 pieces/h in the case of piece type 1, and 3 pieces/h in the case of
piece type 2. The time to move from one process to another is 30 seconds. Simulate the system for 5
days to determine:
1,256.88 min
14. Three types of jobs come into a copy center. If a job cannot be started immediately, wait in a
common queue until one of the center's three copiers is available. The copying time and job input rate
are as follows:
After the copying process the jobs are inspected by an employee in an exponential time averaging 3, 6,
10 minutes for jobs 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Simulate the system in ProModel for 50 hours, and
b) Minimum number of employees and copiers necessary to ensure the flow of jobs.
15. A type of part enters a production line. The supplier delivers exponentially with an average of 2
min/piece. The line consists of 3 operations with one machine in each operation. The process times are:
The time to move between stations is 0.0625 minutes. The animation must include a counter of the
pieces produced. Simulate in ProModel the process of 500 parts to determine:
16. Parts arrive at a punching process from 8:00 a.m. onwards. The interarrival time is exponential, with
an average of 30 s/piece. Drilling can be performed on any of the 3 existing machines; however, due to
the size of the power transformer, the machines cannot work at the same time. It has been decided that
production will be carried out on machine 1 for the first 3 hours of the shift, on machine 2 for the next 3
hours, and on machine 3 for the last 2 hours. Due to scheduling reasons, machine 1 always starts at 8:15
a.m. The drilling times for each machine are shown below:
17. An office receives 2 types of clients. The arrival rate of type I clients follows a uniform distribution
(100-150) m in/client; the rate of the second type follows a constant distribution with a mean of 120 m
in/client. There is only one server that has to serve both types of customers on a first-in, first-out basis.
The time it takes to serve type I clients follows an exponential distribution with a mean of 25 min/client,
while the service time of the second type of clients follows a 2-Erlang distribution with a mean of 35 m
in/client. Simulate until 500 type II clients have been served and determine:
1000 hrs
18. In a bank there are 2 cash registers, each with its own row of infinite size: register 1 for "fast"
customers with a time of 2 minutes, and register 2 for "slow" customers with a time of 16.4 minutes, in
both cases with exponential distribution. Slow" and "fast" customers arrive according to an exponential
b) Optimal sequence of attention to minimize the average waiting time, considering both types of
19. Heat exchangers enter a cleaning system exponentially, averaging 5 h/piece. The process consists of
3 operations with one machine and in each operation. The process times are:
A forklift is available for all movements between stations. The transfer time between stations is 3-Erlang
with an average of 30 min/exchange. The animation must include a counter of the pieces produced. I.
Simulate in ProModel the process of 500 exchangers to determine:
2821 hrs
40526.22 min
Yes, because this way there would be less blockage and reduce the time in the system.
II. Simulate the model with a scenario where the forklift fails exponentially every 15 working hours and
is repaired with a normal distribution with mean 30 minutes and standard deviation 5 minutes. In this
case, would it be appropriate to have two or more forklifts? Justify your answer.
It would be appropriate to have more than two forklifts, because the time in the system increases and
so does the blockage.
20. An average of 10 persons/h with Poisson distribution try to enter a hotel hot tub. On average, each
person stays 20 minutes with exponential distribution. In the jacuzzi there are only 6 spaces, so if a
person arrives and all the places are occupied, he/she leaves in a huff and does not return. Simulate the
process for 100 hours.
3.20 people
c) On average, how many people per hour can use the hot tub?
0.13 people
d) How many places should the jacuzzi have to ensure that 95% of the people who arrive can enter?
21. Determine through ProModel the number of machines a system requires to process parts, with a
constraint of maintaining a utilization between 60 and 80%. Pieces arrive according to a Poisson
79.83% utilization
22. The diagram shows the process and routing of parts within a manufacturing cell. All parts must enter
and exit the cell through the AS/RS. The numbers on the arrows in the diagram represent the
percentage of flow that is sent to other equipment; for example, 10% of what goes into cutting is sent to
the AS/RS, 85% to squaring, and 5% to reprocessing. An automatic control system always maintains 10
parts within the system (see diagram below).
a) Utilization.
23. In the closed system shown in the diagram, 20 parts are always kept in process. Each one enters
from a main belt through a transfer robot, and must visit the 2 grinding stations before returning to the
transfer robot to be sent back to the main line. The parts move through conveyor belts (see diagram
a) Hourly production.
24. Five trucks are used to transport concrete from one place to another. There is only one loading
hopper, and the time to do so follows an exponential distribution with an average of 20 minutes. The
time to transport concrete and return for more material follows an exponential distribution with a mean
of 180 minutes. Simulate the movement of the trucks to answer:
c) If 500 trips are scheduled, how long will it take to make them?
1462 hrs
25. A production system of the EHYPSA company receives type 1 parts every 5 ± 3 minutes, and type 2
parts every 3 ± 2 minutes. Type 1 parts go through cleaning in a time of 8 ± 3 minutes; when leaving,
26. At HELEED hospital, patients enter the emergency rooms at a Poisson rate averaging 4 person/hour.
Eighty percent of patients enter directly into one of the 5 wards; the remaining 20% are taken to a
secretary for a registration process. The time in registration is 5 ± 0.5 min/patient, then, they go to the
emergency rooms. Two physicians are on call in the emergency rooms, and they take 3-Erlang time to
check patients with an average of 30 m in/patient. After this time the patient is transferred to other
areas of the hospital, according to his condition. Run a model in ProModel to simulate 3 48-hour
replications of the above situation and determine, with a confidence interval of 95%:
28. A packaging machine is fed by two conveyor belts. Sweets enter through the first one at a constant
rate of 2000 sweets/h. For the second one, bags enter. The machine packs 50 candies per bag and
places the packed product on a third belt for transportation to the finished product warehouse. Total
packing time is 20 seconds. The speed of the belts is 150 feet per minute. Every 3 hours the baler stops
for adjustment and cleaning; the time to carry out these operations is exponential with an average of 10
minutes. While the baler is being adjusted, bags and candy continue to enter the system. Develop a
model in ProModel and determine the average bag entry rate.
29. Clients arrive at the SRE office to receive their passports at a Poisson rate with an average of 18
clients per hour. Upon entering, they take a token that allows them to be served on a first-come, first-
11 People.
30 people.
e) Use of servers.
Server 1: 87.20 %.
Server 2: 84.80 %.
30. At PESYPINSA, parts enter a painting process at a Poisson rate averaging 1.0 min/part. Before
painting, the parts should be weighed on either of the two existing scales: the time on the scale is
uniform, (2 ± 0.5) minutes. There is one person who performs the painting operation in 12 minutes per
290 pieces.
31. The MOLGADE Co. manufactures molds and wants to simulate a part of its process in ProModel. The
molds are initially stored in the raw material warehouse, in sufficient quantity so as not to stop
production due to lack of material. The first operation is a sandblasting, which lasts 4 minutes. Next, one
a) Determine equipment utilization, average in-process inventory and dwell time of a mold in the
Cleaning: 100
Inspection: 46.18 %.
Oven: 74.78 %.
Packaging: 8.48 %.
The average in-process inventory is 32,476 molds.
The average time the mold remains in the system is 16,436.67 min.
Increasing the cleanliness results in a better mold flow, which results in more output molds in
the system. They result in fewer molds in the system and remain in the system for a shorter
time. Increased to 5 cleaning units.
c) Determine, for the proposed solution, the equipment utilization, the average in-process inventory,
and the dwell time of a mold in the system.
Cleaning: 100
Inspection: 99.36 %.
Oven: 99.9 %.
Packaging: 8.69 %.
The average in-process inventory is 28,901 molds.
The average time the mold remains in the system is 14,585.44 minutes.