Question Paper Internal FYBCOM

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Supervisor’s Sign

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P.V.G’s College of Science & Commere, Pune – 411009

Internal Exam (Second Half of Academic Year 2022-23)

For Staff use only

Seat No.
Marks out of 15: _____

Examiner’s Sign: Subject:

Date: / /2022
Examiner’s Name: Prof. Pranjal Tarte

 Scratching & Overwriting is not permitted.
 For Section I, answer must be written in the box for evaluation.
 For empty boxes, no marks will be granted.

Section I (15 marks)

Q.1 Choose the correct alternative [1 x 15 = 15 marks]

1) A matrix whose all element are zero is called _______
a) Zero matrix b) Row matrix
c) Column Matrix d) None of these
2) Identity Matrix is also known as____________
a) Unit Matrix b) Scalar Matrix
c) Zero Matrix d) all of the above
3) A+B=B+A this law is known as___________ law of Matrices
a) Commutative law b) Associative Law
c) Both a & b d) neither a & b
4) A set of values of decision variables which satisfy the constraints of L.P.P is
Known as ___________ of the L.P.P.
a) Feasible b) Solution c) non-negativity restrictions d) both b and c
5) If any decision variable is ___ in the optimal solution then the solution is degenerate.
a) 1 b) 0 c) -1 d) 2
6) A square matrix in which all elements below the principal diagonal are zero then it is
Known as __________
a) Lower triangular matrix b) Upper triangular matrix
c) Row matrix d) Column Matrix
7) The extent of linear relationship between two variables is known as ____
a) Regression b) Fisher Index c) L.P.P. d) Correlation
8) If there is no relationship between two variables. This type of Correlation is known as ___ Correlation
a) Positive Correlation b) Negative Correlation c) No correlation d) None of these
9) Cov(X, Y) =---------------
a) Cov(X, X) b) 0 c) 1 d) Cov(Y, X)
10) Technique of prediction on the basis of correlation is known as _______
a) Regression b) Fisher Index c) L.P.P. d) Correlation





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