Physical Diagnostic Exam

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Student's name
GRADE: 2nd SECONDARY GROUP: _________________ No. FROM LIST ____________

SUCCESS: ______________ RATING: _______________ PROFA. ELIZABETH PEREZ BRAVO

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Underline the correct answer that answers each question.

1. What science studies the properties of nature, matter, energy, time and their interactions?
a) Kinetics
b) Mechanics
c) Physical
d) Chemistry

2. What is the name given to the change of place or position of a body in space?
a) Trajectory
b) Speed
c) Motion
d) Acceleration

3. What is the name of the force responsible for the fall of bodies to earth?
a) Gravity
b) Newton's first law
c) Second law of Newton
d) Conservation of matter

4. It is the route followed to get from one point to another

a) Trajectory
b) Speed
c) motion
d) Acceleration

5. It is everything that occupies a place in space

a) Subject
b) Atom
c) Mix
d) Any object

6. It is the value of the surface gravity on the earth under standard conditions
a) 9.78 m/s
b) 7.89 m/s
c) 8.97 m/s
d) 0.0m/s

7. It is the unit used in Mexico to measure mass

a) Kilogram
b) Pound
c) Grams
d) Liter

8. It is the unit used to measure speed

a) km/h
b) Decimeters/h
c) cm/distance
d) h/km

9. In this type of movement the change followed by the mobile is a straight line.
a) Acceleration
b) Speed
c) Rectilinear
d) Curved

10. What formula is used to determine the speed of movement of a body

a) Time / distance = t/d
b) Mass x acceleration= m. to
c) Distance/time= d/t
d) Force/acceleration= f/a

11. What is the definition of scientific method?

a) Set of processes that man must use in the investigation and demonstration of the truth
b) Process that allows the construction of knowledge
c) Method that allows the study of objects
d) Set of processes that allow the study of life

12. What are the steps of the scientific method?

a) Planning, development and closure
b) Hypotheses and results
c) Observation, hypothesis, experimentation, theory, data representation and interpretation and
d) Observation, experimentation and data analysis

13. The movement of the hands of a clock is an example of movement:

a) Rectilinear
b) Curved
c) of waves
d) Uniform rectilinear

14. It is an example of rectilinear movement

a) An apple falling from a tree
b) An arrow shot from a bow
c) The hands of a clock
d) The movement of the Ferris wheel

15. These magnitudes have a quantity and a unit

a) Climb
b) Vector
c) Of movement
d) acceleration

16. These magnitudes are those that, in addition to having a unit and quantity, require direction or meaning.
a) Climb
b) Vector
c) Of movement
d) acceleration

17. To which law does the statement belong: every body remains at rest or in uniform rectilinear motion unless
other bodies act on it
a) Newton's first law
b) Newton's third law
c) Second law of Newton
d) Law of conservation of energy

18. To which law does the statement belong: the force acting on a body is directly proportional to its
a) Newton's first law
b) Newton's third law
c) Second law of Newton
d) Law of conservation of energy

19. To which law does the statement belong: when one body exerts a force on another, the latter exerts an
equal and opposite force on the first?
a) Newton's first law
b) Newton's third law
c) Second law of Newton
d) Law of conservation of energy

20. What are the elements that should be considered when preparing an investigation report?
a) Research, summary and exposition
b) Field work analysis and conclusion
c) Organization, planning and conclusions
d) Introduction, development and conclusions

Prepared: Eng. Elizabeth Perez Bravo Vo.Bo. School address

Prof. Maria Torija Morales

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