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Pedologi terdiri atas:
 Pedogenesis
: asal usul tanah
 Pedografi
: penyidikan tanah
 Pedoklasifikasi
: pengelompokan tanah
Profil Tanah
Classification of
soil biota in relation
to size of pores and
particle in soils used in
soil biology. (Adapted
from Gisi et al. 1997)
Soil Layers
O Horizon O1 Undecomposed litter
Organic Plant Residues O2 Partly decomposed debris
Regolith, Weathered Material

A Horizon A1 Zone of humus accumulation

Zone of A2 Zone of strongest leaching
Solum, True Soil

(leaching) A3 Transition to B horizon

B Horizon B1 Transition to A horizon

Zone of
illuviation B2 Zone of strongest deposition
(deposition) B3 Transition to C horizon
C Horizon
C Unconsolidated rock
Parent Material
R Layer - Bedrock R Consolidated rock

See “Fundamentals of Soil Physics”, D. Hillel, 1980, Academic Press.

Proses pembentukan tanah:
1. BATUAN BEKU --pelapukan--> BAHAN INDUK
TANAH --pedogenesis--> TANAH
2. BATUAN BEKU --pelapukan/diagenesis--> BATUAN
pedogenesis--> TANAH
3. BATUAN BEKU --metamorfisme--> BATUAN
MALIAN --pelapukan--> BAHAN INDUK TANAH --
pedogenesis--> TANAH
4. TANAH --erosi/pengendapan--> BAHAN INDUK
TANAH --pedogenesis--> TANAH


erosi Bahan Induk erosi



Batuan Batuan
Malihan Sedimen


Weather to
 Weathering is the
process by which all
rocks at the earth's
surface get broken
 Weathering occurs by
both chemical
(decomposition) and
mechanical processes
S = f(Cl,R,O,P,T)

Karts Formation – Gunung Kidul

 Secara umum yang disebut pelapukan adalah sejumlah
proses batuan pecah menjadi butiran yang lebih kecil
atau larut ke dalam air, sebagai dampak kegiatan
atmosfer dan hidrosfer.
 Pelapukan umumnya berjalan sangat lambat, yaitu
ratusan sampai ribuan tahun. Tempo batuan dan
mineral terpapar pada permukaan bumi sangat
mempengaruhi tingkat pelapukan tersebut.
 Mineral primer dan batuan terpecah menjadi
potongan atau remukan yang lebih kecil disebabkan
pelapukan fisik.
 Dengan bertambahnya luas permukan akan
mendorong proses pelapukan kimia lebih intensif.
FISIKA (Physical Weathering)
 Abrasion: Water carrying
suspended rock fragments
has a scouring action on

 Wetting and drying:

Water penetrates into
rocks and reacts with their
constituent minerals.

 Freezing and Thawing: When water is trapped in

the rock (or in cracks) repeatedly freezing and
thawing results in forces of expansion and
contraction (when water freezes, the increase in
its volume is about 9 %).
 Thermal expansion and contraction of minerals:
 Rocks are composed of different kind of minerals.
When heated up by solar radiation each different
mineral will expand and contract a different amount at
a different rate with surface-temperature fluctuations.
With time, the stresses produced are sufficient to
weaken the bonds along grain boundaries, and thus
flaking of fragments.
The difference in temperature in desert
environments or mountain regions may
range from 30 - 50 degrees C between
day and night.
Rocks are heated and cooled from the
outside by change in solar radiation, which
results in high temperature gradients
inside and outside of the rocks (the heat
conductivity of rocks is very low)
 Pressure unloading or
pressure-release jointing:
There is a reduction in pressure
on a rock due to removal of
overlying material. This allows
rocks to split along planes of
weakness, called joints.

In arid environments, water evaporates at the surface of rocks
and crystals form from dissolved minerals. Over time, the
crystals grow (They expand their volume) and exert a force
great enough to separate mineral grains and break up rocks.
 Action of organisms:
They aid in the physical disintegration of
 Plant roots:
They aid in the physical disintegration of
rocks. Pressures exerted by roots during
growth are able to rupture rocks.
(Chemical Weathering)
 The larger the surface area,
i.e, the smaller the fragments,
the better for chemical
 Water is the dominant agent
because it initiates chemical
The difference between physical and chemical
weathering is that with the latter one the mineral
composition of the mineral or rock is changed.
 Hydration:
Ions have the tendency to hydrate when H2O is
present and dissociate. This kind of weathering
happens in arid environments where salts are
present. For example, chlorides and sulfates
weather due to hydration. In general, ions with the
same charge but smaller ion radius have a larger
layer of H2O ions and therefore do not tend to
adsorb tight.
 The small Li+ ion tends to remain hydrated at the
surface, whereas the large Al3+ ion tends to
dehydrate and become tightly adsorbed. The
strength of adsorption increases in the following
Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Mg2+ < Ca2+ < Al3+
 Hydrolysis:
Water molecules at the mineral surface
dissociate into H+ and OH- and the mobile H+
ions (actually H3O+) penetrate the crystal
lattice, creating a charge imbalance, which
causes cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and
Na+ to diffuse out.
 For example, the feldspar orthoclase
hydrolyses to produce a weak acid (silicic
acid), a strong base (KOH), and leaves a
residue of clay mineral illite, which is a
secondary mineral:
3KAl4 + Si3O8 + 14H2O <- ->
K(AlSi3)4Al24O10(OH)2 + 6Si(OH)4 + 2KOH
 In hydrolysis reactions it has to be taken into
account the important role played by dissolved
CO2. This is shown in the hydrolysis of Mg-

Mg2SiO4 + 4CO2 + 4H2O <- -> 2Mg2+ +

4HCO3- + H4SiO4

 This reaction uses an acid (carbonic acid -

H2CO3)and therefore the solution becomes
increasingly alkaline during completion of
hydrolysis reactions.
 Oxidation-Reduction:
Several primary minerals contain Fe2+ and
If there are oxidizing environmental conditions the
Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ (precipitates as an
insoluble oxyhydroxide, usually either ferrihydrite
or the stable mineral goethite)
and Mn2+ to Mn3+ or Mn4+ partly inside the
which results in a positive charge and the mineral
becomes unstable.
 This charge imbalance is neutralized by a loss of
some oxidized iron and manganese ions and/or
some cations dissociate from the mineral.
 The precipitate may form a
coating over the mineral
surface, which slows down
the subsequent rate of
hydrolysis. Note that the
oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+
according to:
Fe2+ + 2H2O + 1/2O2 < - ->
Fe(OH)3 + H+
is an acidifying reaction
(acid solution weathering).
The H+ ions produced by
this reaction will generally
accelerate the rate of
 Complexation:
Metals released from primary minerals such as
Fe, Mn, and Al, build complexes with organic
components, such as fulvic acids and humic
acids, which are very stable.
Important referring to chemical weathering is
the loss of the cations out of the active system,
therefore causing an imbalance between
cations and anions.
BIOLOGI (Biological
Lichens play an important part
in weathering, because they
are rich in chelating agents,
which trap the elements of the
decomposing rock in organo-
metallic complexes.

 Some of the lichens being epilithic (i.e. living on the rock

surface), some endolithic (actively boring into the rock
surface), and some chasmolithic (living in hollows or
fissures within the rock).
 Evidence for the operation of these processes comes
mainly from detailed microscopic and microchemical
analyses of the lichen : rock interface.
Weathering Resistance
The resistance to weathering, i.e. the mineral
stability of parent material depends on:
 Types of mineral present
 Surface area of rock exposed
 Porosity of rocks
 Weathering is not only dependent on the
mineral composition but also on the porosity of
the rock.
Rocks consisting of coarse fragments (e.g.
granite) easily weather physically but do not
weather chemically fast.
 In contrast, rocks consisting of fine fragments
(e.g. basalt) chemical weathering is higher than
physical weathering.
The weathering of stratified sedimentary rocks
is dependent on the orientation of the
stratification and the cementation.
 In general, the resistance of a primary mineral
to weathering increases with the degree of
sharing of oxygens between adjacent Si
tetrahedra in the crystal lattice.
The SI-O bond has the highest energy of
formation, followed by the Al-O bond, and the
even weaker bonds formed between O and the
metal cations (e.g. Na+, Ca2+).
 Olivine weathers rapidly because the silicon
tetrahedra are only held together by O-metal
cations. In contrast quartz is very resistant
because it consits entirely of linked silicon
tetrahedra. In the chain (amphiboles and
pyroxenes) and sheet (phyllosilicates) structures,
the weakest points are the O-metal cation
 Isomorphous substitution of Al3+ for Si4+ also
contributes to instability because the proportion of
Al-O to Si-O bonds increases and more O-metal
cations bonds are necessary. This accounts for
the decrease in stability of the calcium feldspars
when compared with the sodium and potassium
The rate of weathering is influenced by:
 Temperature

 Rate of water percolation

 Oxidation status of the weathering zone

 The oxidation status influences the degree of
chemical weathering processes. An oxidizing
environment favors the oxidation of ions such
as Fe2+ and Mn2+.
 Water is the agent forcing the processes of
hydration and hydrolysis. High water contents
mean also reducing (anaerobic) environmental
conditions, which decrease the rate of
Clay formation
 In many soils, the ingredients are present for
the formation of new clay minerals in the soil,
especially due to the process of hydrolysis.
 Occasionally, recent alluvial sediments may
contain clay minerals formed elsewhere and
transported in.
 Clay minerals and their formation predominate
around alluvial areas as hydrolysis is a major
chemical reaction here.
 Clay formation usually forms what is known as a
cambic B horizon, which is a B horizon that has
undergone changes in color and structure (Bw).
 In humid tropical areas, clays form a group known
as low activity clays, which contain a low cation
exchange capacity, sometimes known as low base
status in the U.S. Clays with a high base status
mean base ions are abundant, the soil contains
many nutrients, and the area is highly fertile.
 Describes the removal of soluble constituents from
the soil in solution. Predominates wherever
rainfall exceeds evapotranspiration.
 Water percolating downward dissolves soluble
salts containing Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+. Notice
that these are also cations (nutrients) and
therefore are removed in more humid
 However, some of these are held in the exchange
complex, and are therefore readily available for
plant uptake. Remember that the clay-humus
complex helps retain cations for plant uptake!
 Leaching also helps the formation of the cambic B
horizon by bringing inminerals to help clay
development, and contributing to the creation of the
Bw subhorizon.
 Leaching is a very important managerial process
that can lower the salt concentration of an area
through drip irrigation, but the root zone can again
become saturated with salts if allowed to dry.
 Furthermore, removal of those important bases
causes acidification of the B horizon, contributing to
the formation of the Bw subhorizon.
Clay eluviation
 Related to leaching, but this process specifically
describes the removal of soil constituents in
suspension, and is considered a purely
mechanical washing of fine particles suspended in
the soil solution.
 Finely dispersed clays, humus, and other mineral
particles can move as colloidal suspensions from
upper eluvial horizons to lower illuvial horizons
lower in the soil profile where they are
 Occurs in areas where alternating periods of wetting
and drying of soils takes place. After wetting, the
suspended material removed from the A horizon is
deposited on the sides or peds along pores in the
lower horizon.
 Eluviation is responsible for the formation of the
argic (or argillic) B horizon, which is a B horizon
enriched with clays redeposited from suspension ( =
Bt). Noticeable by the coating of clay on peds.
 To qualify as an argic: if overlying horizon has <
15% clay, argic = clay percent + 3 percent. If
overlying horizon has 15-40% clay, argic lower
horizon = clay percent + 20 percent. If overlying
horizon has > 40%, argic = clay percent + 8 percent.
Proses Arti
Eluviasi Pemindahan bahan-bahan tanah dari suatu horizon
ke horizon lain
Iluviasi Penimbunan bahan-bahan tanah dalam suatu horizon

Leaching Pencucian basa-basa (unsur hara) dari tanah

Enrichment Penambahan basa-basa (hara) dari tempat lain
Dekalsifikasi Pemindahan CaCO3 dari tanah atau horizon tanah
Kalsifikasi Penimbunan CaCO3 dari tanah atau horizon tanah
Desalinisasi Pemindahan garam-garam mudah larut dari tanah
atau suatu horizon tanah
Salinisasi Penimbunan garam-garam mudah larut dari tanah
atau suatu horizon tanah
Dealkalinisasi Pencucian ion-ion Na dari tanah atau horizon
(solodisasi) tanah
Alkalinisasi Penimbunan ion-ion Na dari tanah atau horizon
Lessivage Pencucian (pemindahan) liat dari suatu horizon ke
horizon lain dalam bentuk suspensi (secara
mekanik). Dapat terbentuk tanah Ultisol (Podzolik)
atau Alfisol
Pedoturbasi Pencampuran secara fisik atau biologik beberapa
horizon tanah sehingga horizon-horizon tanah
yang telah terbentuk menjadi hilang. Terjadi pada
tanah Vertisol (Grumusol)
Podzolisasi Pemindahan Al dan Fe dan atau bahan organik dari
(Silikasi) suatu horizon ke horizon lain secara kimia. Si tidak ikut
tercuci sehingga pada horizon yang tercuci meningkat
konsentrasinya. Spodosol (Podzol)
Desilikasi Pemindahan silika secara kimia keluar dari solum
(ferralisasi, tanah sehingga konsentrasi Fe dan Al meningkat
laterisasi, secara relatif. Terjadi di daerah tropika dimana curah
latosolisasi) hujan dan suhu tinggi sehingga Si mudah larut. Oksisol
(Laterit, Latosol)
Melanisasi Pembentukan warna hitam (gelap) pada tanah karena
pencampuran bahan organik dengan bahan mineral.
Leusinisasi Pembentukan horison pucat karena pencucian bahan
Braunifikasi, Pelepasan besi dari mineral primer dan dispersi
Rubifikasi, partikel-partikel besi oksida yang makin
Feruginasi meningkat. Berdasar besarnya oksidasi dan hidrasi
dari besi oksida tersebut maka dapat menjadi
berwarna coklat (braunifikasi), coklat kemerahan
(rubifikasi) atau merah (feruginasi)
Gleisasi Reduksi besi karena keadaan anaerob (tergenang
air) sehingga terbentuk warna kebiruan atau
kelabu kehijauan
Littering Akumulasi bahan organik setebal kurang dari 30
cm di permukaan tanah mineral
Humifikasi Perubahan bahan organik kasar menjasi humus
 The upper portion of the B horizon
is stained reddish color from the
accumulation of sesquioxides. The
profile gets lighter in color as depth
 Podzolization of sandy soils in the
southern United States has been
the result of planting pine
 The deep red to bright orange-red
soils of the tropics are a product of
 Laterization occurs in the hot, rainy
tropics where chemical weathering
proceeds at a rapid rate. Soils
subject to laterization tend toward
the acidic and lack much organic
matter as decomposition and
leaching is extreme.
 Exposure of the soil to the hot
tropic sun by deforestation bakes
the soil dry, reducing infiltration,
increasing runoff, and reducing
 Calcification occurs in warm,
semi-arid environments, usually
under grassland vegetation.
 Soil tends to be rich in organic
matter and high in soluble
bases. The B horizon of the soil
is enriched with calcium
carbonate precipitated from
water moving downward
through the soil, or upward by
capillary action of water from
 Salinization occurs in warm and dry locations where soluble
salts precipitate from water and accumulate in the soil. Saline
soils are common in desert and steppe climates. Salt may also
accumulate in soils from sea spray. The rapid evaporation of
salt-rich irrigation water has devastated thousands of acres of
land world-wide.
 Gleization occurs in regions of high
rainfall and low-lying areas that may
be naturally waterlogged.
 Bacterial activity is slowed in the
constantly wet environment thus
inhibiting the decomposition of dead
vegetation allowing it to accumulate
in thick layers.
 Peat is found in the upper portion of
the soil. Decaying plant matter
releases organic acids that react with
iron in the soil. The iron is reduced
rather than oxidized giving the soil a
black to bluish - gray color.

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