Atheism Debunked
Atheism Debunked
Atheism Debunked
. This is a summarised transcript of a lecture on this topic delivered by Dr. Syed Ali Hur
Kamoonpuri. It can be accessed from:
from specific religious teachings or cultural depictions,
fundamentally differs from the Islamic conception of God.
Islam describes God as a metaphysical entity, a transcendent
reality that cannot be encapsulated by mere human senses.
Allah is not a physical entity that one might discover with a
telescope or detect in some remote part of the universe. This
idea mirrors other metaphysical realities, like love and hate,
which are real but cannot be physically touched or seen. This
is the essence of the argument: if you start your search with a
misconceived profile, you're unlikely to find what you're
looking for.
The atheist's contention that there's no evidence of a
purposeful universe stems from their materialistic approach
to understanding the cosmos. While scientific discoveries have
expanded our understanding of the universe, the scientific
method, by design, does not address 'why' questions,
especially the ultimate why questions about purpose.
The assertion that "there is not a shred of evidence that the
universe is purposeful" is rooted in the same problem. From
an Islamic perspective, the universe brims with signs of Allah's
oneness, greatness, and grandeur. However, if one approaches
these signs with the wrong profile in mind, they might pass by
them without acknowledgment.
This conceptual difference underscores the importance of
approaching the question of God's existence with the right
framework. The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Saww)
provide this framework, detailing an understanding of God
that surpasses any other. Had the teachings of Prophet
Muhammad (Saww) been widely understood and internalized,
atheism might not have held the ground it does today.
In conclusion, the dialogue between atheism and belief is not
merely about the existence or non-existence of God but about
understanding the nature of God. The teachings of Prophet
Muhammad (Saww) in the Quran provide a deep,
comprehensive, and clear perspective on God, which, if
approached with an open mind, offers profound spiritual and
intellectual insights. It is imperative to approach such
discussions with the right profile in mind and recognize that
physical lenses might not capture metaphysical truths.