Dr. Adrian Botan-Surgical and Conservative Treatment of Chronic Trophic Ulcer

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Adrian Botan MD,PhD, Senior Consultant

Plastic Surgeon & Chief, The Burn Unit &
Plastic Surgery Department, Teaching
Hospital of Targu Mures Medical School,
• Initial aspect of a large venous ulcer in a 58 year
old male patient; this lesion was neglected for a
very long period (over 15 years). The extensive
wound has been treated by different “methods”,
such as antibiotics, ointments and other local
• The neglected wound has been debrided by
LIGASANO PUR-foam dressings; one can see the
enormous absorptive power of such dressings,
which can drain a huge quantity of secretions,
debris and septic exudate from the wound surface.
• Several weeks after such PUR-foam dressings
(usually 6-12 weeks, depending on the wound
dimensions and patient’s personal response to this
treatment), which are changed every 3 to 7 days
(depending on the amount of exudate and the
aspect of the wound bed) in the office, a very good
granulation is obtained and the patient is admitted
in the hospital for surgery.
• A meshed STSG (split-thickness-skin graft) is then
applied on the granular bed and sutured by a 3/0-
4/0 monofilament suture.
• One week later, the STSG from the previous image,
shows a complete “take”.
• Two years later, the graft is still in place, with no
important relapses, excepting some small
superficial ulcers (which occur during summer time
especially); these small lesions are treated by the
same LIGASANO PUR-foam dressings, changed
every week, and covered by elastic bandages.
• Other very large neglected leg ulcer (over 20 years
old), in a 67 year old female patient; the wound bed
is cover with thick exudate and a yellow-grey fibrin
deposit. The blue stains surrounding the ulcer are
from the methylen blue that has been applied in the
attempt to “sterilize” the wound (this historic
method has been used in other hospital).
• The same LiGASANO dressings have been applied
and changed every day initially (due to the very
abundant exudation of the wound); this is a very
reliable method of passive debridement, as
effective as the so called “bio-surgery” with
maggots and that is why we named this dressings
as “synthetic maggots”.
• Several weeks later, a very good granular bed has
been obtain, ready to be grafted with a STSG.
A very good “take” of the graft can be seen about two
weeks later. The postoperative result is always
supported by the same PUR-foam dressings and by
elastic bandages. This patient has no relapses in
the last four years.
• This 46 year old male patient has giant
circumferential bilateral vasculitic leg ulcers due to
Rainaud disease; one can see the deep necrotic
wounds covered with exudate and abundant fibrin
• Both legs have been wrapped with LIGASANO PUR-
foam dressings, in order to obtain a rapid and good
passive debridement.
• In the image of above, one can see the very good
granular bed thus obtained; the foam dressings are
impregnated by a great quantity of exudate.
Granular tissue is rapidly growing, penetrating the
“cells” of the foam dressing (from which is the red
color of this).
• The granular bed from the previous image is then
grafted with STSG, sutured by interrupted
monofilament sutures.
• Final aspect two weeks after the operation showing
a very good graft “take”. This patient unfortunately
died one month later, by a very large bowel
(mesenteric) infarction.
• Very large neglected leg ulcers can be managed
sometime with no surgery, on ambulatory basis, on
behalf of PUR-foam dressings and elastic
bandages. In the image from above, one can see a
giant neglected venous leg ulcer in 56 year old
male patient (suffering from venous insufficiency
for over 15 years). The deep wound is surrounded
by a circumferential lipodermatosclerosis.
• Several weeks after passive debridement with the
above mentioned dressings, the deep wound has
shrunk very much, due to a very good “marginal
• Two months later the initial lesion is almost healed,
only by LIGASANO PUR-foam dressings (changed
every week) and elastic bandages.
• Two years later, one can see there is no relapse,
the ulcer has been replaced by a stable pink scar,
contrasting with the brown area of
lipodermatosclerosis. This patient continued to
wear medical stockings and even elastic bandages
during summer time especially.

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