The history of mankind is full of examples of how we used features of similar triangles to
build structures (for example Egyptian pyramids) . survey the sky (as Greek astronomers did).
and survey the land (for instance to produce Eratosthenes' map of the world).
sideo side Q
opposite adjacent
to angle y toangley
Activity TO
Triangles X. Y and Z are similar.
• For each triangle. measure the sides opposite (0) and adjacent (a) to the 30° angle in
• Calculate the ratio of Q to 2 decimal places for X. Y and Z.
a Key Points
• What do you notice?
opposite side 0
You should have found that the ratio 0: a for the 30° angle is the same for all three triangles. tanx= . . =-
a djCl<': nl'sld a
This is the case for any similar right-angled triangle with a 30° angle. and should not
surprise you because you were calculating the gradient of the same slope each time.
a adj to x
0 opp to x 1-t.
-l'T opp
t 1--"\1\;
Oiif >
Calculating sides
If you know an angle - e.g. an angle of elevation or angle of depression - and one side, you can
find the length of another side by using the tangent ratio.
Example 1
Find the length of the side p correct to 3 significant figures.
tan 30° = 12 cm
12 cm X tan 30° = p
p = 6.93 cm (to 3 sJ.)
Example 2
PQ represents a 25m tower, and R is a surveyor's mark p m away from Q.
The angle of elevation of the top of the tower from the surveyor 's
mark R on level ground is 60°.
Find the distance RQ correct to 3 significant figures.
tan 60° = 12
p X tan 60° = 25 T OadjPP
P = tan 60° angle of elevation
p = 14.4 (to 3 sJ.)
N.l/338 ( LO 6 .f.)
Exercise 47
In this exercise, give answers correct to 3 significant figures.
In Questions 1-2, which sides are the hypotenuse, opposite and adjacent to the given angle a?
For Questions 4-9, find the length of side x.
5~ ~577
4 5 6
LJ' 10
7 8 9
LJ' 6cm
10 The angle of elevation of the top of a cliff from a boat 125m away from its foot is 35°.
Find the height of the cliff.
11 Find the cross-sectional area of the pitched roof WXY if WX = WY.
20m X
Exercise 47*
Give answers correct to 3 significant figures.
For Questions 1-4, find the length of the side marked x.
1 2
3 4
5 The gnomon (central pin) of the giant equatorial sundial in Jaipur, India, is an enormous
right-angled triangle. The angle the hypotenuse makes with the base is 27°. The base is
44 m. Find the height of the gnomon.
8 From the top of a 25m high cliff. the angle of depression of
a jet ski at point A is 20°. The jet ski moves in a straight line
towards the base of the cliff so that its angle of depression 5 s
later at point B is 3 0°.
a Calculate the distance AB.
b Find the average speed of
A B the jet sId in kilometres/hour.
If you lmow the adjacent and opposite sides of a right-angled triangle. you can find the angles in
the triangle. For this 'inverse' operation. you need to use the II&] buttons on your calculator.
Example 3
The diagram shows Luther on a slide.
Find angles x and y to the nearest degree.
3 an dt
t anx=E 4 .5
anY = T
Key Points
To calculate an angle from
EBmlllJilJlI.mllll 33.6907 (to 6 sJ.)
Remember N
A j 310° from B.
B i, 130° from .
Exercise 48
Find the angles that have these tangents. giving your answers correct to 2 significant figures.
1 1.000 2 0.268
3 Find the angle with a tangent of 2.747. giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures.
For Questions 4 and 5. find the angle a correct to 1 decimal place.
For Questions 6 and 7, find the angle x correct to 1 decimal place.
8 A bell tower is 65 m high. Find the angle of elevation, to 1 decimal place, of its top from a
point 150m away on level ground.
9 Ollie is going to walk in the rain forest. He plans to go up a slope along a straight footpath
from point P to point Q. The hill is 134 m high, and distance PQ on the map is 500 m.
Find the angle of the hill.
Exercise 48*
1 ABeD is a rectangle.
Find angles a and b to the nearest degree.
D 16m c
For Questions 2 and 3, find angle a.
2 3 Rectangle
5 A bird watcher spots an eagle perched at the top of
a tree of height h metres. The angle of elevation from
the ornithologist to the eagle is 20 and she stands
0 1
--, -.
'. "
100 m from the base of the tree. Find h.
1 - - - - 1 00 m - - - - -
Exercise 49 (Revision)
In this exercise, give answers correct to 3 significant figures.
For Questions 1-6, find the value of x.
1 2 3
,7 x 6
,~ 5~
7 8 11 9
~7 8
ABC, given thattan 30° = 0.577.
11 Calculate the angle between the longest side and the diagonal of a 577 mm by 1000 mm
For Questions 12-15, find the value of angle e.
12 13
14 15
Exercise 49* (Revision)
Give answers to 3 significant figures.
For Questions 1-4, find the lengths of sides x and y.
1 2 20cm Y 3
x 10m
x Y
5 The angle of elevation to the top of the CN Tower, Toronto, Canada, from a point on the
ground 50m away from the tower is 84.8°. Find the height of the CNTower.
6 A harbour H is 25 km due North of an airport A. A town T is 50 km due East of H.
a Calculate the bearing of T from A. b Calculate the bearing of A from T.
7 The diagram shows the lines of
sight of a car-driver. (No"o,,,',) ~
a Calculate the driver's 'blind'
distance D in metres.
b--::::::-:--~- - - :- - -~~
b Why is this distance important '0 O.85 m
in the car design?
8 Ezola skis down a straight slope from point A to point B.
The difference in height between these two points is 125 m,
and the actual distance AB as viewed on a map is 375 m. 125m :
Calculate the angle of this ski slope.
1 1_____ _ _ _ ____ B
9 Find the angle that the line y = 3x - 7 makes with the x-axis.
10 Find the angle that the line 2x + 3y - 4 = 0 makes with the y-axis.
11 An area of an equilateral triangle is 1000 cm1 . Calculate the perimeter of the triangle.
12 An equilateral triangle has sides of 10 m. Its area is equal to that of a circle. Calculate the
circumference of the circle.
13 From the top of a cliff of height y m the angle of depression
of a Channel swimmer at X is 30°. She swims directly
towards the base of the cliff such that. 1 minute later, at Y,
the angle of depression from the top of the cliff to the
swimmer is 50°. Given that her speed between X and Y
is 0.75 m/s. find the height of the cliff.
14 Show that the area of an equilateral triangle of side 2x is xl/3, given that tan 60° = /3.
15 A lighthouse is 25m high.
From its top. the angles of depression of
two buoys due North of it are 45° and 30°.
Given that tan 30° = A. show that the