Stephen Ombiro Bosire
Stephen Ombiro Bosire
Stephen Ombiro Bosire
I hereby do declare that the project proposal herein is my original work and it has not been
duplicated in any way from any other persons work.
Sign................................................................ Date……….…….
Project Supervisor
Sign................................................................ Date……….…….
The inclusion of various disciplines in college in my project is good experiences that instill
competence in me. Such disciplines as; survey, measurement and estimation. The result of the
study will help in the field.
Table of Contents
List of abbreviation...........................................................................................................5
1.0. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................6
Background information...................................................................................................6
Problem statement............................................................................................................6.
Research hypothesis.........................................................................................................6
Objectives of the study .....................................................................................................6
Specific objectives...................................................................................................6
Justification of the study ...................................................................................................6
2. LITRATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................7
Motives of the project…..................................................................................................7.
Recconaissance study......................................................................................................8
Existing cross section......................................................................................................8
Road surface condition...................................................................................................8
Existing services.............................................................................................................9
Topographical survey.....................................................................................................10
Control survey................................................................................................................10
Route survey ..................................................................................................................10
Scope of work…............................................................................................................10
Fly levelling...................................................................................................................11
Profile levelling .............................................................................................................12
...........................................................................................................Plotting of profile 12
.............................................................................................Plotting of cross- section 12
Working profile….........................................................................................................13
Curve design...................................................................................................................13
Computation of volume of earthwork…........................................................................13
Materials investigation and test results….....................................................................14
Materials for base and sub base.....................................................................................14
coarse aggregates test results.........................................................................................15
fine aggregates test results.............................................................................................15
water for construction....................................................................................................16
results of insitu materials investigation.........................................................................16
classification of alignment soils....................................................................................16
results of materials for base and sub base ......................................................................16.
improved gravel test results and analysis........................................................................16
Hard stones......................................................................................................................17
Mix design......................................................................................................................22.
DBM Mix design................................................................................................22
Asphaltic mix design.......................................................................................................22
Concrete mix design.................................................................................................22
sub base stabilization mix design....................................................................................22.
PAVEMENT AND GEOMETRIC DESIGN---------------------------------------------------24
materials investigation 25
grade Evaluation 25
Improved Subgrade 26
lected Pavement Structure 26
metric Design 28
4..5.2.Topographical Survey 30
4.5.3. Horizontal Alignment Design 30
4.5.3 1.Design Speed 30
Book of drawing...................................................................................................................34
Road markings…...........................................................................................................34
5.0. ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS.........................................................................................34
Introduction 35
RL Reduced level
TBM Temporary bench mark
PL Plastic Limit
PM Plastic Modulus
BS British Standard
BSCO or Cop British Standard code of practice
AASHTO American Association of state Highway and transportation
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
BOQ Bills of Quantities
IBDs Inverted Block Drain
CBR California Bearing Ratio
LL Liquid Limit
MDD Maximum Dry Density
OMC Optimum Moisture Content
PI Plasticity Index
In Kisii National Polytechnic, there is large tract of land which is not properly put into use. Due
to surge in population hence congestion in college I decided to come up with the project to help
reduce congestion at the main car park in the morning hours when students check in. the project
entails that all learnt in class form surveying, measurement and estimation, transportation and
even construction management.
In the institution there should not be delays due to congestion yet there is underutilized tract of
land. For this reason I thought it wise to put what I have learnt in class into practice and came up
with the construction of modern car park, to help reduce and make traffic flow smoothly.
The construction of modern car park will ensure free flow of traffic and bring Kisii Polytechnic
to National standards as well as to beautify the college.
I hereby hope that the parking will help to reduce the jam and congestion in the current car park.
2.1 General
Great parking lots are safe, attractive, drain efficiently when it rains and are screened from
residential areas. Striping and signage indicating regular and handicapped parking spaces, as
well as direction of traffic flow, should be clearly marked. Safe pedestrian walkways, including
easy access for wheelchairs, need to be separate from the traffic-flow areas. Landscaping that
offers shade and visual relief while maintaining good sight lines is beneficial. In areas where it
snows, good parking-lot planning also demands setting aside holding areas where snowplows
can pile snow without blocking parking spaces or the flow of traffic.
Parking lot design involves many considerations. All too often the only consideration for the
design is developing a sufficient parking area to meet the required number of vehicles based on
adjacent occupancy. Local regulations will dictate many of the planning and design decisions
made by the planner or designer. This class presents ideas and methodologies for many
concepts that could be inconsistent with these local requirements. Often, these ordinances are a
minimum requirement and consideration can be given to other concepts.
Good parking lot will maximize the total number of parking spaces in the space available
with the following considerations:
• The parking layout should provide continuous flow of traffic through the lot.
• There must be safe pedestrian movement from parking to buildings.
• The design should allow for appropriate landscaping of the parking areas without
conflicting with site lighting.
Circulation patterns should be as obvious and simple as possible. All likely pedestrian routes
should be considered in the design phase to eliminate “short cuts” which will eventually
damage landscaped areas.
All site facilities and amenities should be accessible to people with disabilities. Circulation
systems should be designed to avoid conflicts between vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian
traffic. Pedestrian circulation should take precedence over vehicular circulation.
Where pedestrian circulation crosses vehicular routes, a crosswalk with yellow striping in
plastic paint, speed bumps, or signage should be provided to emphasize the conflict point and
improve its visibility and safety. Circulation routes should focus upon main entries and exits
and also identify secondary access points. All elements of the site design should accommodate
access requirements of emergency service vehicles.
All off-street parking spaces should be accessible without backing into or otherwise re-entering a
public right-of-way, unless it is physically impossible to provide for such access. When an off-
street parking area does not about a public street, there should be an access drive not less than 24
feet in width for two- way traffic, connecting the off-street parking area with a public street.
Terrain details such as electricity poles, water lines, drainage features, trees, abutting
buildings, gates fences etc.
Selected spot heights.
Levelling is the art of determining relative heights of points or on below the surface of the earth
thus levelling deals with the measurement in the vertical plane.
Two scales are assumed. One is the horizontal scale (1:2000) and the vertical scale (1:200).
Horizontal line is drawn as the datum line. Chainages are marked along this line according
to the horizontal scale.
Ordinates are drawn at each chainage points. The reduced level of the datum line is assumed in a
manner that the ground surface can be shown above the datum. The vertical distances (the
reduced level of the ground ‒ reduced level of datum) are plotted along the ordinates according to
the vertical scale. The plotted points are joined to obtain the outline of the ground surface.
N/B drawings at the back.
Plotted in the same way as the longitudinal section. The horizontal and vertical scales are
1:400 and 1:100 respectively. (See drawing at the back)
3.5 Handicapped Accessible Parking Spaces
The location, size, and number of handicapped parking spaces should conform to the latest
building codes, state and federal laws. Handicapped accessible parking spaces should be
located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible facility entrance. Where
buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, the accessible parking
spaces must be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances.
An accessible route must always be provided from the accessible parking to the accessible
entrance. Ideally, an accessible route would not have curbs or stairs, and be at least three (3)
feet wide, with a firm, slip-resistant surface.
Accessible parking spaces should be at least 102 inches wide. Parking access aisles should be part
of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance. Two accessible parking spaces may
share a common access aisle. Parked vehicle overhangs should not reduce the clear width of an
accessible route.
The location of driveways is based upon many factors, including the location of individual
property lines and available street frontage, requirements of internal site design, number of
vehicles expected to use the driveways, and traffic safety. Generally, the farther from an
intersection a driveway can be located, the less it will affect the through traffic and the less
delay it will cause to vehicles using the driveway.
Drives that do not allow parking within the driveway right-of-way are normally 24’ for two- way
traffic and 12’ for one-way traffic. For drives serving thirty (30) or fewer vehicles and where
parking is not provided on either side, the width for two-way drives can be reduced to
twenty-two (22) feet. Aisle widths are dependent upon traffic flow (one or two-way), angle of
parking and whether or not parking is on both sides of the aisle.
Figure 1
DRIVEWAY Dimensions
All parking spaces, exclusive of access drives or aisles, should consist of a rectangular area
not less than eight and one-half (8½) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet in length except that
parallel parking stalls should be ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet. For parking dimensions
refer to Figure 2 and Ta
3.8 DRIVEWAY Dimensions
All parking spaces, exclusive of access drives or aisles, should consist of a rectangular area
not less than eight and one-half (8½) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet in length except that
parallel parking stalls should be ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet.
The following exceptions to the minimum standards apply:
Spaces near Obstructions. When the side of a parking space adjoins a wall, column, or other
obstruction that is taller than 0.5 feet, the width of the parking space should be increased by 2 feet
on the obstructed side, provided that the increase may be reduced by 3 inches for each 12 inches of
unobstructed distance from the edge of a
Required aisle, measured parallel to the depth of the parking space.
Planter Overhangs. When a parking space abuts a landscape island or planter, the front 2 feet of the
required parking space length may overhang the planter, provided that wheel stops or curbing is
All new parking lots should be constructed with perimeter curbs wherever feasible. These curbs
should be constructed of reinforced concrete and should be either monolithic or lay down
depending upon the location and function of the curb. See Figure 6 for an example of a 6”
monolithic concrete curb with gutter.
3.8.1 Grading
Grading on new project sites should blend with the contours of adjacent properties. Proposed cut and
fill slopes should be rounded off both horizontally and vertically. When designing a grading plan,
balancing the cut and fill is highly encouraged when it does not result in further damage to the natural
topography. Where the site plan results in substantial off- haul or infill, a mitigation plan may be
required to address the impacts and clean-up of off-site construction activities. To prevent soil
compaction and significant root damage, grading under the drip line of trees should be avoided.
Signs displaying the international access symbol should be provided at each accessible parking space.
The signs should be displayed on fixed mountings in an area where they are not hidden from view.
Pavement marking symbols may be used to supplement signs. Spaces intended for van parking
should be marked accordingly.
3.8.4Number of Spaces
Parking stalls for disabled persons should be provided in each parking lot in accordance with
the Table 2:
Ramps must be provided at curbs or other raised barriers to provide access to the accessible routes
leading from the parking lot. Ramps must be 48” wide and ramp grades cannot exceed 1:12.
Handrails must conform to the latest requirements in the Architectural Barriers Act.
Design thicknesses given in this section are minimum values calculated on the volume and type of
traffic that will use the facility and on the load-supporting capability of the underlying soils. Special
truck lanes are sometimes required to expedite traffic to loading areas, trash dumpster sites, and
equipment areas. Design thicknesses for these lanes or pavement areas should be increased. Drainage
problems are also a major cause of pavement failures. Their significance warrants a special section on
drainage that should be reviewed before selecting a pavement design either from this guide or from
any other source
Tables 3 through 6 can be used directly to select design thicknesses for a number of design input
factors. To use the tables, appropriate traffic and sub grade classes must be selected as follows.
4. 1Design Steps
1. Using the number of parking spaces to be marked, select the traffic class (less than
50 spaces, 50 to 500, more than 500, or industrial) to be used. Determine if any areas will
receive heavy truck traffic.
2. Using soil data from the project, select a sub grade class (good, moderate, or poor).
If no soil information is known, use the poor classification for the sub grade.
3. Using the selected traffic class and sub grade class, select a design thickness from
Tables 3, 4, or 5. Use Table 6. to design heavily-loaded areas.
The pavement thickness for parking lots should be in accordance with the following tables:
Table 3
1. inch = 25 mm
2. Excellent subgrade conditions are ideal for full depth asphalt; However, a
minimum of 100 (4 inches) of HMA is recommended. In some areas,
aggregate is needed to provide material to fine grade and to provide a
smooth surface to pave on.
Table 5
The pavement for entrances, frontage roads, trash dumpster sites, and delivery truck parking, as
well as the approach areas to these spaces, must be increased in thickness to prevent pavement
failure caused by the weight and dynamic loading. These areas should be constructed with
fulldepth asphalt in a thickness that will support this special type of pavement loading. Failure to
provide this strengthening can result in
severe pavement failure. The pavement thickness for these areas should be in accordance
with the following Table 6.
Thickness in es
Subgrade Base Surfac Total
Class CBR
I-III Good 9 4.0 2.0 6.
(Up to 20 heavy trucks per Moderate 6 5.0 2.0 7.
day) 0
Poor 3 6.0 2.0 8.
Table 6
Note: Untreated aggregate base courses are not recommended for industrial parking lots
or for parking areas for heavy trucks.
Industrial parking lots and those designed primarily for trucks require a thicker design than the
other lots described. Because of heavy loads associated with trucks it is not recommended that
untreated aggregate base courses be used. The pavement thickness for truck lots should be in
accordance with the following table 7.
Thickness in es
Traffic Class Subgrade Base Surfac Total
(ADT Class CBR
IV Good 9 5.5 2.0 7.
(20 to 200 trucks per day) Moderate 6 6.5 2.0 8.
Poor 3 6.5 3.0 9.
Table 7
4.6 Concrete Paved Parking Lots
The basic idea in design is that parking lots are subjected to higher loads than floors but those loads
are mostly static (or low speed) so flatness and smoothness are not as critical as for streets and
highways. With a parking lot, a good sub-base, the proper thickness, drainage, and traction are
more important.
Parking lots are usually designed in accordance with ACI 330R, Guide for Design & Construction
of Concrete Parking Lots, although the design method shown in that document is actually based on
the Portland Cement Association's thickness design method.
The nomograph shown here will yield a design thickness knowing the subgrade reaction (k), the
expected loads (how heavy the vehicles will be), and the number of load repetitions expected over
the 20-year pavement life.
The pavement designer can use this nomograph and an iterative technique to come up
with the pavement thickness based on the sub-base strength and the anticipated loads.
Jointing in a concrete parking lot is no different than for any slab on grade. See a complete
description of joints. Parking lots should be isolated from any buildings, drains, or light post
foundations by installing isolation joints. Contraction joints should be continuous (not staggered),
in square panels, and spaced at the intervals shown in Table 8 below.
• Reinforcement is generally only for shrinkage in a concrete parking lot. If, for any reason,
the contraction joints are spaced farther than recommended in the table 8, reinforcement
might be specified to hold cracks together. Similarly, dowels at joints to transfer the
vertical loads between panels are unnecessary unless very heavy loads are anticipated as
for heavy truck traffic.
• The exception to the rule about no dowels or reinforcement is tie bars. To prevent the first
section of slab from moving away from the parking lot, the first joint in from the edge of
the pavement should be tied to the rest of the pavement with tie bars. Tie bars should be ½
inch in diameter, 24 inches long, and spaced at 30 inches on center.
• The edges of parking lots should be thickened if cars will park close to the edge.
Edges can be thickened by using an integral curb or by thickening the bottom (see
• Parking lots can be given just about any exterior decorative treatment, although large lots
would be expensive to stamp or texture. Integral color is a good option and may keep the
lot looking a little cleaner.
4.7 Testing
Following are the tests required for each component of the flexible pavement system:
Bulk Specific Gravity Beginning of placement
Extraction/Gradation Beginning of placement
Maximum Theoretical Density Beginning of placement
Molded Specimens Beginning of placement
Field Density ASTM D During placement
Table 9
One set of tests should be conducted for every 1000 tons of asphalt applied, with a
minimum requirement of one set of tests per day.
Excess moisture can be prevented by proper drainage. Properly designed inlets and culverts
should efficiently remove storm water from the parking lot surface. Where necessary, subsurface
drains should be used to collect and dispose of groundwater before it can reach the sub grade.
Evidence of poor drainage, which includes ponding or standing water that does drain from the
surface of a parking lot, is an unacceptable consequence of poor parking lot construction.
All drainage pipes shall be constructed of PVC or Reinforced Concrete Pipe. Pipes shall be
designed for free flow and a minimum velocity of 3.0 fps at peak design flow.
Standard catch basins, junction boxes, or cleanouts may be used in place of manholes for pipe
not larger than 18 inches in diameter and with a depth less than 4.0 feet. Avoid placing manholes
within a parking space. Wherever possible manholes should be located behind the curb or in
drive lane.
The minimum allowable design velocity is 3 fps. The installation of a concrete lined low-flow
channel may be required to achieve minimum velocity. The normal maximum depth for an open
ditch is 4 feet outside of road rights-of-way and 2 feet adjacent to the roadways.
Porous asphalt pavements offer developers and planners a new tool in their toolbox for managing
storm water runoff. These pavements, used mostly for parking lots, allow water to drain through
the pavement surface into a stone recharge bed and infiltrate into the soils below the pavement.
Such pavements have been proving their worth since the mid-1970s, and recent changes in storm
water regulations have prompted many consulting engineers and public works officials to work
with them.
Porous asphalt pavements are of great interest to site planners and public-works departments. With
the proper design and installation, porous asphalt can provide cost-effective, attractive pavements
with a life span of more than twenty years and at the same time provide storm-water management
systems that promote infiltration, improve water quality, and many times eliminate the need for a
detention basin. The performance of porous asphalt pavements is similar to that of other asphalt
pavements. And, like other asphalt pavements, they can be designed for many situations.
The technology is simple. The secret to success is to provide the water with a place to go, usually
in the form of an underlying, open-graded stone bed. As the water drains through the porous
asphalt and into the stone bed, it slowly infiltrates into the soil. The stone bed size and depth must
be designed so that the water level never rises into the asphalt. This stone bed, often 18 to 36
inches in depth, provides a tremendous sub base for the asphalt paving.
Special features such as the underlying stone bed are more expensive than conventional
construction, but these costs are more than offset by the elimination of many elements of standard
storm-water management systems. On those jobs where unit costs have been compared, a porous
asphalt pavement is generally the less-expensive option. The cost advantage is even more dramatic
when the value of land that might have been used for a detention basin or other storm-water
management features is considered.
Even after twenty years, porous pavements can show little if any cracking or pothole problems. The
surface wears well. Porous asphalt retains its ability to handle rain water for many years. In a study
of a porous pavement system constructed at the Pennsylvania State Visitor center, researchers
found that the system had maintained a consistent infiltration rate. During a 25-year precipitation
event, there was no surface discharge from the stone beds.
While slightly coarser than standard asphalt, porous asphalt pavements are attractive and
acceptable. Most people parking on a porous asphalt parking lot will not notice (or believe)
that it is porous. The surface of a porous asphalt pavement is smooth enough to meet
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
An added advantage to porous asphalt is that it does not necessitate proprietary ingredients. It
does not require the contractor to have special paving equipment or skills. With the proper
information, most
asphalt plants can easily prepare the mix and general paving contractors can install it. The
available data indicate a very high removal rate for total suspended solids, metals, and oil and
Because of the open structure of the pavement, porous asphalt offers a “cooler” pavement choice.
By replenishing water tables and aquifers rather than forcing rainfall into storm sewers, porous
asphalt also helps to reduce demands on storm sewer systems. In areas where storm-water impact
fees are imposed by local governments, such fees may be reduced by using porous asphalt.
Leaves, stems and branches intercept rainwater, which then evaporates. A significant amount of
storm water can evaporate from beds of tall grasses, wildflowers, shrubs, and trees. Furthermore,
deep-rooted prairie plants create channels that help encourage infiltration. They also hold up to a
half-inch of storm water on their leaves and in the thatch they create. Shallow-rooted turf grass is
not nearly so effective; substitute deep-rooted perennial plantings for sod wherever possible.
Even if extensive perennial planting is not possible, include trees to canopy paved areas. In
addition to intercepting rainwater, the summer shade they provide helps to reduce the urban heat
island effect and make parking lots more pleasant places to be.
4.8.7 Infiltration
Planted areas can also be designed specifically to accept runoff of parking areas, providing
temporary storage and on- site infiltration
Less paving means lower development and maintenance costs.
Grasses, wildflowers, shrubs and trees hold water that is then evaporated, reducing runoff.
Channels created by deep roots encourage infiltration.
Shade from trees helps reduce the urban heat island effect and make the area more
comfortable for people.
Planting native vegetation creates wildlife habitat.
A variety of vegetation creates a more interesting and aesthetically pleasing environment.
Trees shade impermeable surfaces, keeping storm water cool and reducing urban heat
island effect.
1. Municipalities may have firm parking requirement that do not encourage innovation.
2. Space allocated for parking lot in a given development may not be sufficient to include
significant planted areas.
5. In larger commercial parking lots, design 30 percent of the spaces for compact cars.
7. If soils are suitable, drain parking lot runoff into infiltration islands using curb
cuts or flat curbs.
8. If soils are unsuitable, excavate to a depth of 3 feet and fill with a planting soil mix.
9. Plant native or vigorous nonnative perennials rather than turf grass over as much of non-
paved surfaces as possible. See the Plant List that follows.
Aim to have canopy trees at maturity cover at least 50 percent of paved surfaces. Since tree
height and spread will generally be smaller than normal in parking lot growing conditions,
compensate by planting more trees closer together.
Irrigation systems are usually necessary for parking lot island plantings, unless sufficient runoff is
directed into them.
To avoid compaction, do not drive on planting areas during construction. After construction, loosen
soils in planting areas to a depth of 24 inches, to a maximum compaction of 85 percent standard
proctor density. Till the upper 10 inches of soil.
1. Planted areas must be weeded monthly during the first two to three years. After that,
weeding once or twice a growing season may suffice.
2. Regular watering will be necessary during dry spells. Limit irrigation to a maximum of two
inches per week.
3. During winter plowing, push street snow away from swales whenever possible in
order to avoid accumulation of road salt and sand.
Parking lot lighting is vital for traffic safety, for protection against assault, theft and vandalism;
for convenience; and for comfort to the user. Lighting on parking lots can be designed to
provide the minimum lighting necessary to ensure adequate vision and comfort while being
arranged so as not to cause visual interference on public thoroughfares or encroach on the visual
privacy of adjacent building occupants.
Lighting systems are to be designed to conform with Illuminating Engineering Society of North
America (IESNA) requirements, to the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA)
recommendations, and to the following criteria:
General: All parking lot lighting will utilize a standard luminaire and pole height.
Illumination Level within the Parking Lots: Illumination levels at any point across the
parking lot must not be greater than 6.0 foot-candles in the horizontal plane, and must not
exceed 0.5 vertical foot-candles. All points across the interior of the parking lot should
have an illumination level greater than 3.0 foot-candles. Illumination in low traffic areas
should not fall below the 2.5 foot- candles level.
Uniformity Ratio: The illumination uniformity ratio should not exceed 3:1, average to
minimum, or 4:1 maximum to minimum. The use of unnecessarily high wattage lights
can actually lead to a less secure environment by creating dark pockets just outside the
range of the lights.
Glare Control: Lighting should be designed to protect against glare onto public rights-
ofway that could impair the vision of motorists and adversely impact adjoining
properties. Lighting adjacent to buildings and/or residential districts must be arranged so
that the luminaires have a sharp cutoff at no greater than 78 degrees vertical angle above
nadir. Not more than five (5) percent of the total lamp lumens can project above 78
degrees vertical.
Spillover: In the ideal case, all exterior light would be shielded from adjacent properties
by existing vegetation, thick evergreen vegetated buffers, berms, walls or fences, and/or
the use of directional lighting, lighting shields, special fixtures, timing devices,
appropriate light densities, luminaries, and mountings at established heights. A design
objective for parking lots is for outdoor lighting to be designed and located such that the
maximum illumination measured in foot-candles at the property line should not exceed
0.5 onto adjacent residential sites and 1.0 onto adjacent commercial sites and public
rights-of- way.
Orientation: The intent of parking lot lighting is to minimize or eliminate light directed
upward. Light emitted at angles of 80 degrees higher (where straight down is 0 degrees)
fails to produce useful illumination on horizontal surfaces in open areas. At these high
angles light produces significant glare, light pollution, and energy waste. Light above 90
degrees is totally wasted and produces undesirable sky glow.
Placement: The placement of light poles within raised curb planter areas is encouraged,
but conflicts with parking lot trees, which can obscure the lighting, should be avoided.
The distance separating lights will be determined by the geometry of the parking lot and
the requirement to satisfy illumination levels.
4.8.8 Luminaires
Mounting Height: The mounting height is measured from the finished grade or surface
and includes the total height of the luminaire, pole, and any base or other supporting
structure required to mount the light. Parking lot luminaires should be designed,
located and mounted at heights no greater than 33-feet above grade for cutoff lights
(See Figure 21)
Pole bases: Raised light pole bases should be attractively designed A typical standard is a
2 ft. diameter, cylindrical concrete base set 8.0 ft. below and 2.5 ft. above grade. The top
of the base must be finished in a slight convex shape to prevent water pooling at the base
of the light pole. (See Figure 22 for details).
Interior Coating: Interior pole shaft surfaces should be mechanically cleaned and coated at the base
end for a length of approximately 2.0’ with a zinc rich epoxy powder. The coating should be
electrostatically applied and cured in a gas fired convection oven by heating the steel substrate to a
minimum of 350 degrees and a maximum of 400 degrees F.
Exterior Coating: All exterior surfaces should be coated with either Urethane or Triglycidyl
Isocyanurate (TGIC) Polyester Powder to a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils for
Urethane Powder and 3.0 mils for TGIC Powder. The coating should be electrostatically
applied and cured in a gas fired convection oven by heating the steel substrate to a minimum of
350 degrees and a maximum of 400 degrees F.
The project design drawings must include a detailed and accurately scaled parking lot layout
clearly showing the location of parking spaces and aisles.
The construction documents should include the parking spaces to be marked on the project
design drawings, and should conform to the following criteria:
1. Each required parking space should be identified by surface markings and should be
maintained in a manner so as to be readily visible and accessible at all times. Such
markings should be arranged to provide for orderly and safe loading, unloading, parking
and storage of vehicles.
2. One-way and two-way access into parking facilities should be identified by directional
arrows. Any two-way access located at any angle other than 90 degrees to a street should
be marked with a traffic separation stripe the length of the access. This requirement does
not apply to aisles.
3. Markings that are required to be maintained in a highly visible condition include striping,
directional arrows, lettering on signs, lettering in handicapped-designated areas, and field
4. Each loading space should be striped or permanently designated by other suitable methods
and permanently posted with a sign restricting its use to loading.
5. Parking spaces should be permanently marked with striping in accordance with all federal,
state and local standards. As a minimum lines, should be located along the sides and,
unless curbing is present, at the head of parking stalls. Lines should be four (4) inches
wide and should extend the full length of the space.
6. “YIELD” markings should be painted in yellow letters a minimum of 36” high at the
end of each parking row as it intersects either a drive lane or another parking row that has
priority flow for traffic.
Striping should be one consistent color, semi-permanent, reflective traffic paint with reflective
glass beads to enhance visibility. If oil based paint is utilized then a single coat is sufficient. If
water base paint is utilized then two coats are required with the second coat being applied at least
two months after the first. Stop signs and crosswalks should be painted with rubber (plastic)
paint with reflective glass beads to enhance visibility.
Parking spaces will be striped white except at the end of each row of parking or at handicapped
accessible aisles. These lines will be painted yellow. All cross walks, no parking areas and
access walks will be striped in yellow. All lines must be 4” wide.
When an existing parking lot is re-striped, the re-striping must provide accessible parking
spaces as required by the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
All parking areas and spaces should be provided with bumper barriers, wheel stops, or
wheel stop curbing designed to prevent parked vehicles from extending beyond the
property lines, damaging adjacent landscaping, walls or buildings, or overhanging
sidewalk areas. Each handicapped accessible parking space without a curb stop should
be furnished with a parking barrier. Barriers should not block the access aisles
between handicapped accessible spaces.
All parking barriers (wheel stops) should be painted white except for the following:
General Guideline
Vehicular parking areas should be both functionally and aesthetically pleasing. The overall goals
of implementing these requirements are to enhance, beautify, and improve the environmental and
climatic impact of surface parking lots and to minimize the vast, barren character of existing and
future parking areas while providing efficient parking, vehicular circulation and safe pedestrian
access. Large canopy trees should dominate the parking areas for shade and shrubs along the
perimeter should be provided for screening. Additional information is included in the discussion
of environmental issues.
Numerical Requirements
The parking lot design should include, at a minimum one (1) tree for every ten (10) parking
spaces, rounding up or down in the case of a fraction to the nearest whole number, and in no case
should be less than one (1) tree. Required trees must be located in the interior of, or an area
adjacent to the parking lot. For parking lots with more than 20 parking spaces, a minimum of five
percent (5%) of the total interior parking lot area should be landscaped (excluding perimeter
In addition to the parking lot tree requirements described above, shrubs should be planted along
the perimeter of all parking surfaces so that the parking lot is screened from all adjacent public
streets, exclusive of driveway entrances, pedestrian walkways and visibility triangles. Shrubs
should be maintained at a height of no more than 36 inches or less than 18 inches as measured
from the surrounding soil line. The number of shrubs required should be equal to the total
number of street trees required multiplied by ten (10). No less than 75 percent of the shrubs
required should be planted along the perimeter of the parking surface adjacent to the public
street. A minimum 10’-0” wide landscaped area, exclusive of sidewalks and utility easements,
should be provided between the parking lot and street right of way to accommodate the required
screening shrubs.
Design Requirements
Landscape islands should be created to comply with the above numerical requirements, to
provide shade canopy and to break up the visual monotony of large asphalt covered areas. The
requirements are as follows:
• Landscaped terminal islands should be provided at the end of each parking row.
Terminal islands should contain at least one (2) trees and should be the approximate
size of two (2) parking spaces.
• Additional intermediate islands should be created when the maximum number of
parking spaces between terminal islands is greater than twenty (20). (See Figure 27)
• All landscaped islands should be a minimum of 250 sq. ft.
• All landscaped islands should be provided with raised concrete curbs to prevent
vehicular intrusion.
Additional Considerations
All pavements require maintenance. They need this attention because stresses producing
minor defects are constantly at work. These stresses may be caused by traffic loads,
temperature fluctuations, or by changes in moisture content in the soil. Regardless of the
cause, the result is the same. Without timely maintenance the pavement ultimately
deteriorates. Preventive maintenance means the early detection and repair of minor
defects, before major corrective action is necessary. It is the only proper way to care for a
parking lot.
Proper Drainage
For the maintenance of parking lots, moisture and drainage have three implications.
1. First, a properly functioning drainage system can eliminate a number of future
maintenance problems.
2. Second, surface repair of a pavement defect caused by poor drainage will merely be a
temporary solution, since it treats only the symptom, not the cause.
3. Third, the most important repairs are those that will stop water from getting beneath
the pavement surface. These repairs can prevent even larger maintenance
expenditures in the future.
The key to successful maintenance is careful planning and programming of the work to be done.
The first step in planning is a periodic evaluation of all parking areas and access roads in the
The parking lot should be thoroughly inspected at least twice a year for surface condition,
structural strength, and drainage. The inspection should be done on foot rather than from a slow-
moving vehicle. This enables the inspector to notice very small cracks and defects. Subtle signs
of future trouble, such as mud or water on the pavement, can be detected and recorded.
In all cases of pavement distress, it is important to determine the cause(s) of the difficulty. This
will facilitate repairs that will both correct the defect and prevent its recurrence. Time and
money spent for such repairs are well invested, since the same repairs will not have to be
repeated in the future.
When the inspection has been completed, there should be a record of problem areas, as well as
an idea of the general condition of the pavement.
When these inspections reveal minor defects they should be repaired immediately, before they deteriorate
into pavement failures requiring major maintenance expenditures.
Pavements in need of maintenance or repair can exhibit any or all of these conditions:
1. Raveling. This is the progressive separation of aggregate particles in a pavement from the
surface downward. Usually, the fine aggregate comes off first and leaves little "pock marks"
in the pavement surface. As the process continues, larger and larger particles are broken free,
and the pavement soon has the rough and jagged appearance typical of surface erosion.
Raveling can result from lack of compaction during construction, construction during wet or
cold weather, dirty or disintegrating aggregate, poor mix design, or extrinsic damage to the
2. Alligator Cracks. These are interconnected cracks forming a series of small blocks resembling
an alligator’s skin or chicken wire. In most cases, alligator cracking is caused by excessive
deflection of the surface over unstable sub grade or lower courses of the pavement. The
unstable support usually is the result of saturated granular bases or sub grade. The affected
areas are usually not large. They can cover entire sections of a pavement, and when this
happens, it usually is due to repeated heavy loadings exceeding the strength of the pavement.
4. Pot Holes. These are bowl-shaped holes of various sizes in the pavement, resulting from
localized disintegration of the pavement under traffic. Contributory factors can be improper
asphalt mix design, insufficient pavement thickness, or poor drainage. Also, potholes may
simply be the result of neglecting other types of pavement distress.
5. Grade Depressions. Depressions are localized low areas of limited size that may or may not
be accompanied by cracking. They may be caused by traffic heavier than that for which the
pavement was designed, by settlement of the lower pavement layers, or by poor construction
methods. A depressed, cracked area frequently denotes a plastic failure in the base or sub
grade. A cracked area without permanent deformation often indicates an elastic movement in
the pavement structure.
6. Effects of Tree Roots. This is either an upheaval situation in which the growth of the tree
roots pushes the pavement up or a depression due to the trees removing moisture from the
soils under the pavement. Treatment of these areas should be coordinated
with the Campus Grounds Department.
Pavement in Good Condition. Typically, a pavement in good condition might exhibit fine cracking, and
some raveling of the fine aggregate; the ordinary effects of some wear and tear.
The remedy for this condition is the application of a light seal coat, such as a fog seal or an emulsified
asphalt slurry seal. Seal coating should consist of two coats of coal tar asphalt sealer with eight pounds
per gallon of concentrate sand aggregate and 5% latex additive. Seal coat should be allowed to cure for a
minimum of 24 hours before re- striping and marking.
All newly paved lots should be seal coated within 12 months of completion and every three years
thereafter to maximize the life of the pavement.
Pavement in Fair Condition. Such a pavement is characterized by random cracks of up to 13 mm (1/2 in.)
in width, and raveled aggregate. Seal these cracks by:
1. If needed, rout out the crack to the sealant manufacturers' specifications for width to depth ratio. Clean
the crack using wire brushing, high-pressure air, sandblasting, hot air blasting, or high-pressure water.
This is a key step to crack sealing or filling. If the crack is not thoroughly cleaned the sealant will not
adhere to the sides. Thoroughly dry the crack before sealing.
2. After removing the old sealant and/or cleaning the cracks, check them for depth. Generally if they are
over 19mm (3/4 in.) deep a backer rod is used to conserve sealant. The backer rod should be a
compressible, non-shrinking, non-absorbent material with a melting point higher than the sealant
temperature. The backer rod should be about 25% wider than the crack so it doesn't slip down, or float
out after installing the sealant.
3. Immediately before applying the sealant, inspect the cracks to ensure they are clean, dry and any
backer material is properly installed. If the cracks have been left unsealed for any period of time,
clean them out with compressed air before sealing them.
4. The sealant should be applied from the bottom to the top of the crack to prevent air bubbles from
forming and creating a weak spot in the sealant. Use a sealant
kettle that has an injection wand for the best results. To prevent tracking the sealant should be left about 3
to 6 mm (1/8 to 1/4 in.) below the top of the crack. Use a squeegee to remove any excess sealant on the
pavement surface.
Pavement in Poor Condition. This pavement may display random cracks, raveled aggregate, depressions,
alligator cracks, potholes, and perhaps upheaval. Repairs these areas by:
1. First, the areas of local distress -- areas containing alligator cracks, potholes, and upheavals
-- should be repaired. This is accomplished by constructing a Full-Depth asphalt patch.
2. Following the repair of local distress, cracks should be filled.
1. Center for Watershed Protection. 2000. "An Introduction to Better Site Design" in Watershed
Protection Techniques. Vol. 3, No. 2. Ellicott City, MD.
2. Center for Watershed Protection. 1998. Better Site Design: A Handbook for Changing
Development Rules in Your Community. Ellicott City, MD.
3. University of Houston, Campus Design Guidelines and Standards Parking Lot Design Standards. Jul
2, 2012
4. Schueler, Tom. 1995. Site Planning for Urban Stream Protection. Center for Watershed Protection,
Silver Spring, MD.
5. Valley Branch Watershed District. 2000. Alternative Stormwater Best Management Practices
6. Lake Elmo, MN.
7. Well, Cedar. 1994. "Skinny Streets and One-Sided Sidewalks: A Strategy for Not Paving Paradise"
in Water- shed Protection Techniques, Vol 1. No 3. Center for Watershed Protection. Ellicott City,
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