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SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY REVIEWER o ca 1000 Etruscan craftsmen make false teeth from

STS 1 • The Americas
The Challenge of Science o ca 8500 North Americans make stone arrowheads
o ca 8000 The Folson people living on eastern side of
- challenged man what to take in and believe and how he the Rocky Mountains develop sophisticated tools.
would view himself and others. o ca 6000 Pottery is made in South America.
- Science and technology affected the way man sees o ca 2500 People in the Arctic makes flint tools.
himself and also the way he lives. o ca 1750 Peruvians build a long canal to irrigate their
- Different inventions and innovations have come crops.
through the years that many of man’s daily activities o ca 1200 Fishermen in Peru makes rafts and boats
have been improved and altered. from reeds.
o ca 1200 Olmec sculptors carve figurines and giant
The Effects of Science and Technology to the Society human heads
• Positive Effects • Asia and Oceania
o great help in the economic growth of any o ca 11,000 The earliest-known clay pots are made in
progressing nation Japan.
o improved man’s way of life o ca 5200 People in Iran make wine.
• Negative Effects o ca 4000 Bronze is first made in Thailand.
o Pollution o ca 3500 the plow is invented in both China and
o Imbalance in the ecosystem Mesopotamia.
o Creation of different destructive devices in their o ca 3000 Boats in China are equipped with anchors.
pursuit for riches and power o ca 2950 A lunar calendar is developed in China.
o ca 2500 Clay pipes are used as drains in Pakistan.
SCIENCE o ca 2500 Chinese doctors begin using acupuncture.
o ca 2296 Chinese astronomers record the sighting of
- the investigation of the physical world in which a comet.
experiments are rendered o ca 1361 Chinese astronomers record a solar eclipse.
- a knowledge involving general truths and general laws o ca 1000 The Chinese begin writing on bamboo or
that is taken from a systematized study paper made from bark.
Four Characteristics of Science o ca 1000 The Hindu calendar of 360 days is
introduced in India.
1. Focuses on the Natural World o ca 850 The Chinese use natural gas for lighting.
2. Goes through experiments • Africa and the Middle East
3. Relies on Evidence o ca 1,000,000 Homo erectus uses stone tools.
4. Passes through scientific community o ca 1,000,000 Homo erectus begin chipping flakes
off stone to sharpen for tools.
o ca 1,000,000 Homo erectus use antlers to create
tools for cutting &drilling.
o Ca 15,000 in Africa, bone harpoons(barbed spears)
are used for fishing.
o ca 10,000 People in Palestine build houses from
sun- dried bricks.
Science and Technology in Different Periods o ca 7500 Clay tokens are used for record keeping in
ANCIENT PERIOD o ca 600 The world’s first known city is built by the
people of Catal Huyuk in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
- Used stones as tools with flint
o ca 6000 The world’s first known city is built in
- Breaking the flint made sharp edges that could be used
for carving wood, hunting, or harvesting food.
o ca 4236 Ancient Egyptians devise a 365-day
- Arctic peoples of the early aboriginal Thule culture
made many kinds of tools from stone, bone, ivory, and
o ca 3500 The wheel is invented in Mesopotamia.
antler. It is developed based around the hunting of
o ca 3100 Egyptians begin using hieroglyphics.
whales, seals, walrus, and caribou, as well as fishing
o ca 3000 The Sumerians introduce a 360-day
- One Thule technological innovation was the use of
harpoon heads
o ca 3000 Egyptians dam the Gawari River.
- capture fire from natural resources such as wild fires by
o ca 2630 Egyptians begin building pyramids.
rubbing two sticks or concentrating the sun’s heat
o ca 2600 Mesopotamians make glass.
Development of S&T During the Ancient Period o ca 2300 Babylonian astronomers study comets.
o ca 2300 The earliest known maps are produced in
• Europe Mesopotamia.
o Ca 750,000 fire is used by Homo erectus o ca 2000 Babylonian mathematics introduce a
o ca 45,000 Stone-headed spears are used positional number system.
o ca 20,000 The wooden bow and arrow are used in o ca 1800 Mesopotamian mathematicians discover
Spain and Saharan Africa. People in Southern the “Pythagorean Theorem.
Europe use sewing needles made from bone. o ca 1750 Babylonian astronomers compile lists of
o ca 2000 The Minoans build palaces in Crete. planets and stars.
o ca 1000 Ironworking is introduced in Greece. o ca 1550 Egyptians are using about 700 drugs and
o ca 1350 the symptoms of leprosy are described in and created unimaginable possibilities for manipulation
Egyptian text. and control on the other
o ca 1200 The Egyptians dig a canal to join the Nile
River to the Red Sea. • Nicolaus Copernicus
o Ca 1000 The Phoenicians develop alphabet. o a Polish Mathematician and Astronomer
o ca 900 Farmers in Mesopotamia use an irrigation o Presented the theory of heliocentric
system to water crops. o His book was banned by the Catholic church
• Galileo Galilei
o Persecuted because of his scientific experiments
MEDIEVAL PERIOD (500 – 1400) o Improved the telescope, discovered new celestial
bodies and found support for a heliocentric solar
- Also known as a “Dark Age” system
- One of the creative periods in the history of human o Early Telescopes – Dutch optician probably
- Start of the first industrial revolution designed it first but Galileo turned it rigorously on
- Period of readjustment – society was concerned only the heavens in the early 17th century.
with keeping peace and empire building than nurturing o Galileo uses refracting telescope (top) with a convex
centers of learning. lens at the front and a concave lens at the viewing
• Charlemagne – medieval emperor who tried to establish a end.
scholastic tradition and the later Middle Ages saw o 18th century refracting telescope (middle) produced
advancements in the philosophy of science and the images that were blurred because of the different
refinement of the scientific method indexes of its combined
• Scholasticism – acted as the nucleus for the Renaissance o He conducted as well motion experiments on
and the Enlightenment pendulums and failing objects that paved the way
o Time for discovering great new inventions in for Newton’s discoveries about gravity
science and technology
▪ Spectacles - The phenomenal process in the transfer of doing work
▪ Mechanical Clocks by human hands and feet to the use of machines
▪ Greatly improved water mills - Began in Great Britain and spread across Europe,
▪ Building techniques (Gothic style America, and Asia from 1760 to 1840
three-field-crop rotation) - Major setbacks were:
• Astrolabe – an ancient instrument that measures the o Skilled workers were set aside because
positions of heavenly bodies. operation of new machines were used
o Hipparchus used an astrolabe in the 1st Century bc. - Three (3) important technologies that formed
o Popularly used as well by navigators until the foundation of the first Industrial Revolution
sextant was invented in the 18th century. 1. Iron Production
• Sandglass – used to mark the passage of minutes and hours 2. Steam Engine – use to run machines
o Generally called hourglasses because an hour was 3. Textiles
their standard setting, almost any period of time - Henry Maudslay & Joseph Whitworth developed and
could be set by altering the amount of sand or the refined machine tools
size of the central opening - Greatest inventions during this period:
• Early Printing Press – was invented by Johannes o Steam boat – invented by Rober Fulton that
Gutenberg around 1450 used one of the James Watt’s engines
o This has made the mass publication and circulation o Light Bulb – invented by Thomas Edison
of literature possible. o Telephone – by Alexander Graham Bell
o First steam - powered by locomotive
- Invention of the Steam Engine – around 1700 led the
Industrial Revolution
- Period of rebirth as age of preparation for the 17 th o Inventors has made many machines that uses
century scientific development and achievements steam engines such as locomotives,
- Technology of printing books and other documents – steamboats, and all kinds of factory machines
helped the rapid spread of knowledge and information - Steam Locomotives
as well as preservation of culture o Engine no. 44, a Baldwin 2-8-0 steam
o Wood printing and papermaking originated locomotive engine built in 1921
from China o Works on the Georgetown Loop Railroad and
o Connects the period of Middle Ages to formerly ran in Central America
modern history o Diesel-electric locomotives began to replace
o Printing with movable type – is one of the steam locomotives in the 1930s to 1940s
biggest discoveries in the whole human - Early Agricultural Machinery
history o Seed Drill invented by Jethro Tull was an
o Has been triggered by the demand for perfect important development as was the-
reproductions of text and the renewed focus o Cast-Iron Plough patented by Robert
on studying them Ransome in 1803
o Bibles, secular books, printed music were o These inventions have helped fuel the
made in larger amount to reach more people immense increase of farm productivity in
- Communication revolution greatly made an impact in Britain’s Agricultural Revolution, which both
human opportunities for enlightenment and pleasure stimulated and benefited from the Industrial
- Henry Ford devised a system of mass production for the
Model T in 1908
19th CENTURY - Invention of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Witness the rise of the modern industry from 1801-1900
- Second industrial revolution • Men Behind Apple Computer
- Inventions of electricity, steel, petroleum products o Apple Computer cofounder Steven Jobs, left, CEO
riseup John Sculley, center, and cofounder Stephen
- Age of machine tools Wozniak, right, are shown at the 1984 debut of the
- Great Progress in Science: Apple IIc computer, which was introduced in the
o John Dalton (1976-1844) same year as the revolutionary Macintosh computer.
▪ published his atomic theory in 1803 o The three had played crucial roles in
▪ Studied color blind developing and marketing computers that are
o Demetri Mendeleev (1834 – 1907) easy to learn and use
▪ Formulated periodic table • Pentium Microprocessor
o Herman von Helmholtz (1834 – 1907) o The Pentium microprocessor (shown at 2.5X
▪ Formulated law of Conservation of magnification) is manufactured by the Intel
Energy in 1847 Corporation
▪ Invented the ophthalmoscope o contains more than three million transistors and is
o James Clerk Maxwell (1831 – 1879) used as the central processing unit in a variety of
▪ Showed that light is an personal computers
electromagnetic wave in 1873 and
was proved by Heinrich Hertz (1857
– 1894) in 1888
o Henri Becquerel 91852 – 1908)
▪ Discovered radioactivity in 1896
o Marie Curie (1867 – 1934) and Pierre Curie
91859 – 1906)
▪ Discovered radium in 1898 STS 3
o Joseph Thomson
▪ Discovered the electron in 1897 Science, Technology, and Society: Philippine History
o Hans Christian Oersted • Ferdinand Marcos
▪ Discovered that electric current in a - Elected as the president of Philippines in 1965
wire caused a nearby compass - In 1972, he imposed martial law and seized dictatorial
needle to move in 1819 powers
o Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867) - massive four-day protest known as the People Power
▪ Showed that a magnet can produce Movement forced him from office in 1986 and restored
electricity and in 1831 he invented
democracy in the Philippines.
the dynamo
o Samuel Morse
▪ Invented the electric telegraph in
- A Third World country
- Science and Technology will determine the socio-
o Karl Benz & Gottlieb Daimler
economic growth of the country.
▪ Made the first cars in 1885 and 1886
- The continuous development in the field of science and
technology could make a different history for our
- The steamship revolutionized travelling at sea
o Used to take several weeks to cross the
Atlantic (1815)
o In 1838, a steamship, Sirius, made the HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SCIENCE AND
journey across the Atlantic in 19 days TECHNOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES
o At the end of the 19th century the steam
turbine was used on ships. • Pre-Spanish Period
- Few written information with regards to its society,
culture, and technology
- Relied on archeological findings to trace the beginning
of how the Filipinos lived with the use of science and
- Rise of electronic computing and jet engine technology
- Radio and telephone enriched greatly - modern man from Asian mainland first came over land
- Mobile phones became affordable on across narrow channels to live in Batangas and
- Technology has become more scientific and the natural Palawan about 4800 B.C
sciences more technological - made simple tools and weapons of stone flakes and later
- Creation of personal computer developed skills like sawing and polishing stones
- Computer has become the dominant tool in the global - Little is known of the early human settlement of the
economy Philippines. Scientific evidence remains inconclusive.
- Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak introduced Apple in 1976 It is generally accepted that the first significant human
- In 1969 internet was created for defense research settlement occurred sometime during the most recent
known as ARPANet or Advanced Research Project ice age, the Pleistocene Epoch. At that time sea levels
Agency Network were lower, creating land bridges that connected the
- World Wide Web (WWW) was created in 1989 Southeast Asian mainland to some of the present-day
islands of the Malay Archipelago, south of the
Philippine Islands. Historians theorize that Paleolithic - When Suez Canal was built, visiting each other
hunters from the mainland may have followed herds of countries for Europeans and Filipinos was made
wild animals across these land bridges, later finding possible and was probably influenced by the rapid
their way to the Philippine Islands. development of scientific ideals brought by the Age of
- During 3000 B.C., they Enlightenment.
o Learned to produce adzes ornament of
seashells pottery • American Period and Post-Commonwealth Era
▪ Adz – woodworking tool: a tool - During American period the progress of science and
similar to an ax, with an arched technology has continued under their rule.
blasé set at right angles to the - The establishment of Bureau of Government
handle; use for trimming and Laboratories was made in July 1, 1901 by the Philippine
shaping wood commission.
- During 2000 B.C., they learned how to use: - Purpose : To study the tropical diseases and
o Porcelains laboratory projects in the country
o Metal as their tools (metal age – 3rd century - BUREAU OF SCIENCE GOVERNMENT 1905
B.C. to 11th century A.D. o Replaced the Bureau of Government
- During iron age, Filipinos were Laboratories
o Involved in ore mining such as copper, gold, o Became the primary center of the country
o Engaged into weaving, ship building, mining PHILIPPINES
and farming o Was established on December 08, 1933
▪ Finest products of engineering is the o Science was inclined towards agriculture,
BANAUE RICE TERRACES food processing, forestry, medicine and
o They built refined plank-built warship called pharmacy
caracoa that is well suited for inter-island - Institute of Science 1946 – replaced the Bureau of
trade Science
- Roman Ship - In 1950, US Economic Survey reported the problems of
o designed for commerce or war featured the Philippines:
distinctive square sails 1. Lack of basic information
o Long banks of oars propelled the ships 2. No support
swiftly through the water. Warships often had 3. Minimal budget
additional protective coverings to shield the 4. Low compensation
crew from fire and missiles. - During the time of Carlos P. Garcia in 1958, the
o Locales from Butuan- were trading with Philippine Congress passed the bill entitled “ The
Champa (Vietnam) from Ma-I (Mindoro) Science Act of 1958” which goal is to establish the
with China National Science Development Board.”
o Before the Spaniards came, Filipinos were
already aware of activities and practices • Marcos Era
related to science and technology. - Science was given importance
▪ learned the curative values of plants - As amended in 1973 in the Philippine Constitution in
and able to extract the medicine out terms of national development, priority shall be given
of it had an alphabet, counting in advancement of science and technology
methods, weights and - In his SONA, Marcos declared that there is a need for
▪ measuring system, calendar based science in public school and with the help of
on the period of the moon Department of Education in partnership with the
National Science Development Board.
• Spanish Colonial Period - Aim: TO PROVIDE SCIENCE-TEACHING
- Spaniards introduced formal education and scientific EQUIPMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF FOUR (4)
institution YEARS
- Parish schools were established teaching religion, - In 1968, Technology was recognized as the top reason
reading and writing, arithmetic & music in economic development.
- established colleges and universities, University of Sto. - Extra funds was given to support projects in applied
Tomas – the oldest university in Asia science and science education.
- Medicine was prioritized during the Spanish - In 1969, large amount of war damage fund was allotted
colonization to private universities to encourage them to create
- Spaniards’ contributions: courses on science curriculum. teaching equipment
1. in the field of engineering by constructing: - Teaching equipment is crucial to the science
a. government establishments development program.
b. Churches - Marcos declared Presidential Decree No. 49, series of
c. Roads 1972 as a support for promoting the scientific research
d. Bridges and invention.
e. forts - establishment of PAGASA which function is to give
2. Biology was highlighted during this period. environmental protection and to utilize scientific
3. Galleon trade made a big impact in the economic knowledge to ensure the safety of the nation.
growth of the Philippines. - Establishment of the National Academy of Science and
- Spaniards gave priority to the galleon trade due to its Technology in 1976 to have scientists who are experts
potential to make huge profits. in science and technology.
- Agriculture and industrial development were not given - In 1986, Marcos established campuses of Philippine
focus and were neglected during this time. Science High School in Visayas and Mindanao to
encourage the youth in these areas to choose a career in b. Discovered the wobbling of the earth
science and technology. 4. Claudius Ptolemy (85 – 165 A.D., Greek) – used
- AIM: TO TAP THE POTENTIAL STUDENTS ON Hipparchus observations to develop the Ptolemaic
THE SAID AREAS. System which describes the earth as the center of
- Purpose: To give incentives and rewards to people who the universe with the sun, moon, planets and stars
made an impact and was influential in the field of revolving around it in a circular orbit.
Science and Technology 5. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 – 1543, Polish) –
- JOSEPH ESTRADA was the president concluded that the sun and not the earth is the
o Internet age was pushed for the advancement center of the universe.
of schools and industry. 6. Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642, Italian) – supported
- GLORIA M. ARROYO was the president Copernican model of the universe.
- SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY REACHED ITS 7. Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630, German)
GOLDEN AGE. formulated the Three Laws of Planetary Motion
• Darwinian Revolution
• Fifth Republic 1. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) – biologist
- CORAZON C. AQUINO was the president famously known for his works on evolution and
o She replaced National Science and the process of natural selection.
Technology with Department of Science and 2. Adam Sedgwick & John Henslow – help brought
Technology, giving science and technology a back Darwin’s interest to biology & geology
seat in the cabinet 3. Lamarck’s three biological laws: rejected by
- FIDEL RAMOS was the president Darwin
o Republic Act No. 8439 in 1997 was o Three Biological Laws
approved, entitled “Magna Carta for Science ▪ environmental influence on organ
and Technology” development
o RA 9367 – the “biofuels” act; it promotes the ▪ change in body structure based on use and
development and usage of biofuels disuse of parts, and
throughout the country ▪ the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
- BENIGNO AQUINO was the president o Darwin’s faith was altered after five-year mapping
o Four scientists were given honor for giving expedition with the British Army in 1831 headed by
huge contributions in the scientific field that Vice-Admiral Robert Fitzroy(1805- 1865) of the
geared towards the advancement of science ship named H.M.S. Beagle.
and technology of the country. o Observations made by Darwin – laid the foundation
to develop his theory of evolution and natural
1. on diversity of organisms, fossils
2. comparison to South American organisms
3. comparison among the organisms in Galapagos
4. adaptation
▪ It is in the Pacific Ocean are a province of
▪ were created by volcanic activity and feature
• Paradigm shift high inland craters
o Radical Change: a radical change in somebody’s o WILDLIFE AT GALAPAGOS ISLANDS
basic assumptions about or approach to something. ▪ Finch - British scientist Charles Darwin’s
• The Age of Enlightenment studies of finches in the Galápagos Islands
o During the period in Europe in the 18th century many laid the groundwork for his theory of natural
writers and thinkers began to question established selection.
beliefs. ▪ His finding that each island was home to a
• Copernican Revolution similar yet distinct species of finch helped
▪ Fact: The earth is not the center of the solar convince him of the gradual nature of
system, a result of science revolution evolution
▪ Mathematics was the common tool used by o EVOLUTION
ancient astronomers to explain the motion of ▪ Occurs by means of natural selection
celestial bodies ▪ Reasons why NATURAL SELECTION
o Remarkable contributions of ancient astronomers to might occur:
the development from geocentric to heliocentric • OVERPRODUCTION AND
model of the universe VARIATION - Some species produce
1. Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C., Greek) – proved that many offspring but not all will
the earth is spherical Earth was at the center of the survive; It means that not all of the
universe – sun, planets, and stars were located in offspring do not have the
sphere that revolved around the earth. characteristics to survive in the
2. Aristarchus (310 – 230 B.C., Greek) – the first to environment.
propose the idea that the sun was the center of the • COMPETITION AND SELECTION
universe. – may or may not be direct but the idea
3. Hipparchus (190 – 120 B.C., Greek) – considered is always on the survival of organism.
to be the greatest astronomers of ancient times.
a. Measured earth’s distance to the moon
o Survivors reproduce and o Guglielmo Marconi – proved the feasibility
transfer their characteristics to of radio communications, i.e. sending and
their offspring receiving of radio signal
• ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE - The 2. Second Modern Information Revolution
organism will change to adapt to the o Early generation computers were made
environment. available to everyone.
• Freudian Revolution o Early generation computers were made
o Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) explained how available to everyone.
human mind works and cure its mild mental illness o Early generation computers were made
(Psychoanalysis) available to everyone.
o Main goal: To make unconscious conscious o Early generation computers were made
o He developed: available to everyone.
1. topographical model of the mind 3. THIRD Modern Information Revolution
2. Structural model of the mind o Knowledge Revolution- about the
o TOPOGRAPHICAL MODEL OF THE MIND development of communication-related
▪ Three Regions of the Mind: technologies that improved society.
1. Conscious Mind - consist of thoughts • MESOAMERICA PERIOD (1200 B.C., - 3rd CENTURY
that focus on the present state of the A.D.)
mind. - Mesoamerica comes the Greek word mesos meaning
2. Preconscious mind – consists of what “in the middle”
can be retrieved from the memory - Different Periods of Civilization:
3. Subconscious mind – consists of 1. OLMECS(1500 B.C.-400B.C.)
primitive desires, wishes or impulse o The top of the society are priests and nobles
which is mediated by the preconscious who lived in ceremonial centers.
mind. o Normal people are living in farming villages
o FREUD compares the mind to an iceberg around the elites.
▪ Antarctic Iceberg o Carved Colossal heads from volcanic rocks
• Are free-floating chunks of glaciers, as portraits of rulers
particularly common in the polar ▪ Olmec Stone Carving - Carved from
regions. stone quarried in the far-away
• these ice formations pose a twofold Tuxtla Mountains, this giant male
problem for navigators: Icebergs may head is characteristic of the Olmec
be 90 percent bigger than they appear work found at the ancient city of La
from the surface, and it is impossible Venta in Tabasco State, Mexico. The
to map their presence because they are Olmecs, who inhabited
constantly moving Mesoamerica between 1500 and
▪ The tip above the water represents 600 bc, were the first in the region
consciousness, and the vast region below the to use stone for sculpture and
surface symbolizes the unconscious mind architecture.
▪ Of Freud’s three basic personality ▪ Olmec Altar Relief, Villahermosa -
structures—id, ego, and superego—only the The image carved in relief on this
id is totally unconscious. ancient Olmec stone altar shows a
o Structural Model of the Mind man carrying a child in his arms.
▪ Division of the Preconscious Mind The altar is now in an open-air
• Ego – drives a socially acceptable way museum—Parque de la Venta—in
to satisfy the conscious and Villahermosa, Mexico, devoted to
unconscious mind. Olmec sculpture. The Olmec
• Id- comprises Eros, the life or survival developed one of the earliest major
instinct of man or destructive instinct civilizations in Mesoamerica.
of man. ▪ Olmec Figure - noted especially for
• Super-ego – the part of the mind that its colossal stone sculptures,
acts as a conscience to the ego, especially of human heads. This
developing moral standards and rules statue of a male figure wearing a
through contact with parents and cape, belt, and elaborate headdress
society is known as the Governor.
Discovered at La Venta, a major
• INFORMATION AGE (1970 – PRESENT) Olmec center on the Gulf of
- COMMUNICATION one of the most important tools in Mexico, it is now displayed at an
understanding society. open-air museum in Villahermosa,
- the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or
o Invented calendar and carved hieroglyphic
behaviors to express or exchange information or to
writing into stone.
express ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
o The mother culture of Mesoamerica
- Alberts & Papp – divided information revolution into
2. MAYANS(300 B.C. - 900A.D.
o Developed methods of farming such as
1. First Modern Information Revolution
shifting agriculture and raised bed farming.
o invention of telegraph by Samuel Morse
▪ Organized into city-state without
Alexander Graham Bell –patented the first
political unity but bounded
o Developed numbering system including ▪ In 1166, Al Idrisi produced very
place value and the concept of zero. accurate maps including a world
o Developed hieroglyphic(picture writing map that has continents, mountains,
system: a writing system that uses symbols or rivers and famous cities.
pictures to denote objects, concepts, or ▪ Al-Muqdishi, a geographer,
sounds, originally and especially in the produced an accurate colored map.
writing system of ancient Egypt (takes a o Medical Contributions
singular verb) ▪ Arabs made use of cadaver to study
▪ form of writing that were used for and understand its anatomy and
recording astronomical physiology.
observations, rituals and religious ▪ Abu –Ali al-Husayn ibn-Abdallah
matter but was burnt during the Ibn-Sina or Avicenna(ca.970-1037)
invasion of Spanish conquerors. – wrote an encyclopedia of medical
o Developed a solar calendar with 365 days and knowledge
ritual calendar with 260 days. • was translated into Latin and was used as a textbook
3. AZTECS (12th – 15th CENTURY) in Europe up to 17th century.
o Built chinampas or “floating gardens” to ▪ Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn
plant crops Zakariyya al-Razi(854-925 CE)
▪ Aztec Chinampas spearheaded the construction of the
To produce enough food to support Islamic Bimaristans (hospital)
their population, the Aztec
constructed chinampas, or raised
garden beds, in swampland and AFRICAN REVOLUTION
shallow water. The Aztec capital of - Remarkable Contributions of Africans
Tenochtitlán was built on an island - Africans made use of the first method of counting
in the middle of Lake Texcoco - The modern concepts of mathematics that is globally
(which later dried up and is now the accepted and used today in high schools was first
site of Mexico City), limiting the developed in Africa.
amount of available dry farmland. - Used advanced techniques for furnace that made it fuel
This 16th-century painting depicts
efficient which was 200 to 4000 C hotter compared to
farmers making a chinampa by
16000C furnace used by the Romans.
laying cut sod on top of a frame of
- Created the building of Zimbabwe and the 11
wood and reeds.
interconnected rock-hewn churches of Lalibela in
o Built empire which has a ruler with his
Ethiopia which are considered as wonders of the world.
council consisting of nobles, priest, and
- Observations on Sirius A and B by Dogon people
military leaders.
o Sirius – the brightest star in the sky
o Developed a solar calendar with 365 days and
- Cushitic people used their knowledge of stars and
ritual calendar with 260 days.
constellations to calculate and establish an accurate
o Believed that illness is a punishment from
gods but still uses herbs and medicine for
- Pioneered the installation of false teeth, filling of dental
cavities, broken bone setting, bone traction,
4. Middle EAst (17th Century
vaccination, brain surgery, skin grafting, and autopsy.
o Middle East –a geographic location that
- Pioneer – the first person to do something
extends from Egypt to Afghanistan where
o Teeth with Dental Caries
Islam arose.
o The term dental caries refers to the
o Islam is a religion of right actions, rules, and
destruction, or necrosis, of teeth usually by
laws that began in the 17th century.
bacterial action resulting in a condition
▪ follows the teachings of
commonly known as tooth decay. Cavities
have been filled on the rear teeth to prevent
▪ Muhammad – was believed by
further tooth damage.
Muslims as the messenger of God.
- Made use of plants like the bark of the
▪ Islam – is an Arabic word meaning
- Salix capensis as a source of aspirin, Kaopectate as
“submission to God”
source of treating diarrhea and
o Islamic Rules are symbolized by five
- Rauwolfia vomitoria as source of reserpine for
obligatory acts or the five pillars of Islam.
hypertension and snakebite.
1. Witness (Shahada)
- Built boats in varying sizes with the largest that can
2. Worship (Salat)
carry a load of 80 tons.
3. Fasting ( Sawm)
4. Tithing ( Zakat)
5. Pilgrimage (Haji)
o Qur’an – holy book of Islam
o Islam as a religion plays an important role in
Arab ways of living and in advancement of
o Contribution to Geography\
▪ Salat prayers require knowledge in
geography to know the direction of
the Qublah, i.e., the direction that
should be faced when Muslims pray.
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND NATION o Development – implies specific scope values
BUILDING with to which strategies for securing selective
changes are inverted and against which
- Historical development in science and its application change-flows in decision structures and in the
showed the rapid pace of changes. production and distribution of values are
- In the beginning of the 20th century, the progress has constantly evaluated.
been closely linked with technological advancement. o from a policy-oriented perspective, not all
- Development is always associated with technology and change is development; changes
technology happens when there is advancement in incompatible with human dignity can be
science.’ characterized as retrogressions or as “dis
- Development is required in every individual to every developmental”
nation in all aspects. o Key Drivers of Development
- It is a requirement that science and technology goes ▪ Science
hand and hand to make development happen and nation ▪ Technology
building possible. o Key Elements – are reinforced through
- Difficult questions on how to use science and technological and scientific insurgencies
technology most effectively for addressing not only the ▪ Health
human but the society, have been introduced. ▪ Education
The Concept of Nation Building ▪ Infrastructure
o development in science and technology
- Nation is a group or race of people who shared history, greatly affects the:
traditions, and culture, sometimes religion and usually ▪ Conditions of People - their way to
language live, connect, communicate and
- Generally, people of a specific nation share a common transact, with profound effects on
national identity. economic development
1. Race or ethnicity ▪ It is imperative that every state
2. Loyalty to a set of political ideas and should invest in equipping their
institutions people towards as emerging national
3. The linkage of citizenship or nationality society.
- State is more properly the governmental apparatus by o Essential Instrument in Building a Nation
which a nation rules itself. (Fagoyinbo, 2013 p. 411) ▪ Promoting scientific and
- Aspects to consider in achieving a strong nation technological advances
according to Prof. Gambari(2008) ▪ On the other hand: The rise of
1. building a political entity (territory, science and technology could be
rules, norms, principles and common the fall of other related aspects for
citizenship) it could be a potential contributor to
2. building institutions (symbolizes the dehumanization of man and to
political entity bureaucracy, an economy, the degradation of his environment.
the judiciary, universities, a civil service,
Science and Technology in Nation Building: Global
and civil society organizations)
3. building a common sense of purpose, a
sense of shared destiny, a collective - On the other hand: The rise of science and technology
imagination of belonging could be the fall of other related aspects for it could be
a potential contributor to the dehumanization of man
Aim of a Welfare-Centered Development
and to the degradation of his environment.
Adress the basic needs of the people to be free from: - What are being offered by the introduction of modern
1. Poverty o Convenience
2. Inequality o Simplicity
3. Unemployment o Easiness in everyday living
4. Competing for resources and power either internally - The absence of modern equipment, in all sectors and
or in the international system or any other field, the advancement and benefits that
being experienced today would not have been
possible. (Pujari,2016)
- In a global perspective, moving on with the flow of
modernity determines the nation’s capability to sustain
its people lives.
Development in Relation to Nation Building o This is the influence of science and
technology for the development of a
1. Improvement of humankind or social engineering nation.
of emerging national societies (McMichael)
2. Decision processes and decision outcome Basis For Categorizing Countries
(Reisman 2008)
1. Economy
- Important distinguishing feature of development 2. Application of science and technology
1. Changes a. Countries that have a strong base in science
2. Dynamism in the Society and technology are the ones that developed
- Reisman (2008) explained that:
• Development – measured by increases in Gross include beef and dairy cattle, hogs, barley,
National Product (GNP) and or the Gross Domestic canola, flaxseed, hay, and mustard seed.
Product (GDP) • Osaka, Japan
• Global Economic Situation – basis for determining the o Two women walk along the landscaped banks
classification of countries of a canal in Ōsaka, Japan. Ōsaka, on
• UN/DESA, UNCTAD, Five (5) United Nations southern Honshū Island, is a major port and a
Regional Commissions, ESCAP – launched the WESP center for finance and transportation. It has
o UN/DESA – United Nations Department of been nicknamed the Venice of Japan because
Economic and Social Affirs of its numerous canals and rivers.
o UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on • Tokyo, Japan
Trade and Development o Mount Fuji rises behind the skyline of Tokyo,
o ESCAP – Economic and Social Commission the capital and largest city of Japan. Tokyo
for Asia Pacific serves as Japan’s financial, industrial,
o WESP – World Economic Situation and commercial, educational, and cultural center.
Prospects It is the most populated metropolitan area in
▪ Provides annual reports on world the world.
economic trends in different • Pont du Gard-France
dimensions o Not far from the southern French city of
▪ Serves as basis for classifying Nîmes, the three-tiered Pont du Gard spans
countries around the world as to: the Gard, a river. The Roman aqueduct, built
1. Developed economies. in 19 bc, was part of a 60-kilometer-long (37-
2. Economies in transition; mile-long) network that carried water from
and nearby mountains to Nîmes. Having survived
3. Developing economies more than 2,000 years, the Pont du Gard still
o Many nations continuously strive to attain the towers over the river.
“developed” category which motivates them • Walled City of Carcassonne
to strengthen their own economic o Walls surrounding the ancient French city of
dimensions. Carcassonne, known as the Cité, have helped
o WESP report 2018 stated that an “improved preserve one of the most beautiful European
global economic situation” offer the best fortifications. Some towers and ramparts date
chance for countries to address “longer-term from the 5th century, when Visigoths overran
issues” which hinders development. what was then a Roman settlement. The
▪ Low carbon economic growth newer business district, Ville Basse, spreads
▪ Reducing inequalities at the base.
▪ Economic diversification and • Wertheim Germany
eliminating deep-rooted barriers. o The town of Wertheim sits at the confluence
(United Nations, 2018) of the Tauber and Main rivers near Frankfurt,
o Major developed economies: Germany. Many of the buildings date from
▪ Canada the 12th and 13th centuries. A well-
▪ Japan established glass industry and beautiful
▪ France medieval buildings attract many tourists to
▪ Germany the area.
▪ Italy
▪ United Kingdom
▪ United States
o Developing Countries - Certain criteria must be considered in evaluating the
▪ Africa competency of a country in science.
▪ Asia - Parameters involving management of scientific
▪ Latin America knowledge and implementation of this knowledge are
▪ Caribbean given focus.
• Prince Edward Island's Shore - Scientific American is an American magazine.
o Prince Edward Island, bordered by the Gulf o published its Global Science Scoreboard
of Saint Lawrence and the Northumberland which serves as the basis for ranking the
Strait, was claimed for France by explorer performances of various countries in the field
Jacques Cartier during a voyage across the of science.
Atlantic in 1534. The island was settled by
Europeans soon afterward. Despite the SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE
maritime setting, agriculture developed as the ADVANCEMENT OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
island's economic focus. Heavy reliance on - Science and technology plays important role in social
potato crops led to its nickname, Spud Island. and economic progress.
• Canada's Golden Waves of Grain - Benchmarking and learning best practices from
o A large portion of southern Saskatchewan is developed nations to eventually produce localized
covered with wheat fields, such as this one in science and technology programs is the importance
the Qu’Appelle river valley east of Regina. realized by developing countries.
Saskatchewan contributes about half of - Former Senator Edgardo J. Angara
Canada's total production of wheat, and it is o stressed that “investments on research and
the province's leading agricultural product. development (R&D) and education”, related
Other sources of farm income in the area to the “emerging trends” in various field of
applied sciences, evidently considers “ o This mandate necessitates the assurance of
Science and Technology Innovation(STI) as a implementing efforts in utilizing science and
driving force behind the success of the Asian technology as a tool for advancing the
neighboring countries”. capability and capacity of the nation for the
welfare and condition of its people.
FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO THE ECONOMIC o The Philippine government agencies play
SUCCESSES OF THE ASIA COUNTRIES significant role, in sustaining and promoting
1. government investment in public goods and services science and technology for the progress of the
such as roads, clean water, health and education country.
2. Support for small and medium-scale enterprises THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND
3. Support for higher education institutions, science and TECHNOLOGY
engineering sectors, and industry and trade
associations Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
4. Inter-institutional linkages between universities,
industries, government agencies and non-government - The primary science and technology body in the
organizations country responsible for:
5. Good governance o Providing central direction, leadership and
- It is recognized that nations and communities who aim coordination of all scientific and
for a good standing in the world economy must either technological activities and
possess or seek to acquire a home-grown, self- o Of formulating policies, programs and
generating capability in science and technology. projects to support national development


NATION BUILDING o Sectoral planning councils
o Research and development institutes
- Philippines is one of the developing countries that is o S&T service institutes
continuously addressing the persistent problems of o Collegial bodies
inequality and poverty. o Regional Offices
- How the Philippines responds to these challenges will o Provincial S&T centers
determine whether the country will experience rapid,
inclusive, and sustained growth and development. CONGRESSIONAL COMMISSION OF SCIENCE,
The Declaration in the 1987 Constitution, Article XIV
Acknowledges the Significant Role of Science and - The advisory and policy body
Technology - AIM: strengthen the linkage with all sectors related to
science and technology in pursuit of its objectives.
• Section 10.
o Science and technology are essential for Department of Trade & Industry
national development and progress. The state
shall give priority to (1.) research and - responsible for implementing industry-focused policies
development, inventions, innovations, and and with DOST co-funds programs(with DOST as the
their utilization; and to (2.)science and coordinating agent).
technology and self-reliant scientific and Commission on Higher Education
technological capabilities, and (3) their
application to the country’s productive - responsible for form, plans and program for the
systems and national life. development of higher education system in the country.
• Section 11. - has been mandated to promote quality education;
o The congress may provide their incentives, - ensures the implementation of educational policies
including tax deductions, to encourage relevant to continuous advancement of learning.
private participation in programs of basic and
National Economic and Development Authority
applied scientific research. Scholarships,
grants-in-aid, or other forms of incentives - a government agency responsible to formulate plans
shall be provided to deserving science and ensure that plan implementation achieves the goals
students, researchers, scientists, inventors, of national development.
technologists, and specially gifted citizens. - the country’s premier socioeconomic planning body –
• Section 12. an authority in macroeconomic forecasting and policy
o The state shall regulate the transfer and analysis and research.
promote the adaptation of technology from - provides high-level advice to policymakers in Congress
all sources for the national benefit. It shall and the Executive Branch.
encourage the widest participation of private
groups, local governments, and community- SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMPETITIVENESS
based organizations in the generation OF THE PHILIPPINES
utilization of science and technology.
- To determine the capability and competitiveness of a
• Section 13.
country, the
o The state shall protect and secure the
exclusive rights of scientists, inventors,
artists, and other gifted citizens to their
intellectual property and creations,
particularly when beneficial to the people, for
such period as may be provided by law.
Report Indicators (WEFGCRI) include
12 pillars to be considered • Patuloy na Pag-unlad – increasing potential growth
- Pillars related to Science and Technology through sustaining and accelerating economic growth.
1. Technological Readiness (9th Pillar) under
2. Business Sophistication (11th Pillar) AGENDA
3. Innovation (12th pillar) under Innovation and How should the S&T agenda be directed towards attaining
Sophistication Factors national development goals and objectives?
THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT SCIENCE AND The major efforts in science and technology shall be pursued
TEHCNOLOGY AGENDA and firmly done to attain the transformation aimed by the
- Science and technology are the vital force for the country. Borbon, et al.(2000)
development of our nation. Specific peculiarities which shall be considered in generation
- This benefit can be unfavorable by becoming the and development of local science and technology capabilities
potential contributor of dehumanization of man and to designed for particular national conditions
the degradation of the environment.
- It requires major effort of promoting harmony to • Peculiarity – individual characteristics
balance the effects to the state. o a well-defined national science and
technology plan and its relation to global
THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDA socioeconomic development strategies
• Philippine Development Plan(PDP) – serves as the o science and technology interaction with the
blueprint of programs and administration’s plans for nation’s sociopolitical, economic,
progress. educational and cultural aspects
o development of institutional science and
• NEDA (2016) – launched the PDP 2017-2022
technology infrastructure
• AIM: To realize the collective vision of Filipinos over
o local generation of science and technology
the next 25 years
• PDP 2017 – 2022 – articulates that by 2040, the
o resource availability of science and
Philippines is a prosperous middle-class society where
no one is poor.
o DOST ensures the policies efforts, and plans
• People
include in the S&T agenda is closely linked
o Live long
to the national development plan.
o Heathy lives
• The country is a high-trust society where families 2017-2022
thrive in vibrant, culturally diverse, and resilient
communities. - Was prepared by DOST
• The long-term aim maybe too ideal for many since this - ensures that results of science and technology
will not automatically transform our country into a endeavors are geared towards and are utilized in areas
“developed country.” of maximum economic and social benefit for the people
- founded on the three pillars of development which
aligned with the AmBisyon Natin 2040
- HNRDA is divided into five sectors:
1. NIBRA – National Integrated Basic
Research Agenda
2. Health
3. AANR – Agriculture, Aquatic and
Natural Resources
4. Industry, Energy, and Emerging
5. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate
Change Adaptation (DRR CCA)


1. Water Security – TUBIG Program (Tubig ay Buhayin

• Global transformation- will require long time frame at Ingatan)
and more tedious process and would , therefore, play 2. Food and Nutrition Security – SAPAt ProGram
a minimal effect in the national development. (Saganang Pagkain Para sa Lahat)
o Reason: Transformation is a gradual process 3. Health Sufficiency – LIKAS Program (Likas Yaman
undertaken through holistic strategies for sa Kalusugan)
national development. 4. Clean Energy – ALERT Program (Alternative Energy
Research Trends)
5. Sustainable Community – SAKLAW Program
2022 IS FOUNDED (Leyco, 2018)
(Saklolo sa Lawa)
• Malasakit - regain people’s trust in public institutions 6. Inclusive Nation-Building – ATIN Program (AngTinig
and cultivate trust among fellow Filipinos. Natin)
• Pagbabago - inequality-reducing transformation MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND
through increasing opportunities for growth of output PERSONALITIES IN SCIENCE AND Technology IN THE
and income. PHILIPPINES
- Considering several weaknesses in terms of S&T propagation or the rapid multiplying of stock
competitiveness, the PDP 2017-2040 emphasizes plant of important crop species”.
strategies that shall be pursued to help raise the S&T • Edgardo D. Gomez
related pillars of the country. o “He is most known for his research and
- “8-point action agenda”-better promote and support conservation efforts in invertebrate biology
Science and Technology and Innovation and ecology. He was pivotal in the world’s
- The strategy is relevant in the Philippine’s policy first national-scale assessment of damage to
system, and were hoped to be sustained with coral reefs, resulting in international
commitment and better integration into national conservation initiatives such as Global reefs
policies. and Risk Analysis, Global Coral Reef
1. Science-based know-how and tools that Monitoring Network and the International
enable the agriculture sector to raise Coral Reef Action.”(para. 20)
productivity to world-class standard. • Gavino C. Trono Jr.
2. Innovative, cost-effective and appropriate o “He was cited for his outstanding
technologies that enable MSMEs to develop contributions in the field of tropical marine
and produce competitive products that meet phycology, focusing on seaweed biodiversity.
world-class standards. He published extensive studies on the culture
3. State-of-the-art facilities and capabilities that of seaweed species that benefited the
enable local industries to move up the value livelihood of coastal populations and was the
chain and attain global competitiveness. first to report the occurrence of “ice-ice”
4. Idea of the Philippines as a global leader in disease that affected many seaweed
Information Technology- Business Process farms.’(para.25)
Management Services generating direct • Emil Q. Javier, Ph.D.
employment of 1.3M o Dr. Emil Q. Javier for having been named
5. ICT-based transformation of governance National Scientist of the Philippines by virtue
broadening access to government services for of Proclamation No. 781 signed by President
those in the countryside Rodrigo R. Duterte on August 2, 2019.
6. Improved quality healthcare and quality life o “The work of Emil Q. Javier, Ph.D., in the
thru science, technology and innovation field of agriculture, through spearheading the
7. Highly skilled and globally competitive S&T Institute of Plant Breeding, which
human resources in support of the national popularized high-yielding crops and disease-
S&T programs. resistant varieties in the country and in Asia,
8. Science-based weather information and evinces his outstanding contributions to the
climate change scenarios with associated progress of science and technology in the
impact assessments that enable concerned Philippines and the world,” the Proclamation
agencies to develop appropriate mitigation cited.
strategies for a disaster and climate change • 2014 – National Scientists
resilient Philippines. 1. Angel C. Alcala, Ph.D.
2. Ramon C. Barba, Ph.D
3. Edgardo D. Gomez, Ph.D
4. Gavino C. Trono Jr., Ph. D.
• Research and Development • 2019 – National Scientists
• Science and Technology development 1. Emil Q. Javier, Ph.D.
• Agriculture development
• Health
• Human resource development Advancement is –
• Nutrition environment sustainability
1. Acquiring advanced facilities and technology
• Disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation
2. Acquisition and enhancement of knowledge and skills
THE PHILIPPINE SCIENCE AND TEHCNOLOGY – essential in meeting the demands of the highly
HUMAN RESOURCES competitive and scientific-based society

National Scientists Common concern in the Philippines:

• Angel C. Alcala, Ph.D 1. Science and technology-based economy

o He was recognized for his research on the 2. Knowledge-based economy
ecology and diversity of Philippine
amphibians and reptiles, as well as marine
biodiversity and conservation of marine- - Living in such an environment requires expectations
protected areas. His work has led to a national and skills to survive.
policy on marine no-take zones or protective - The Philippine government exert efforts to improve
areas, which has become a model of coastal quality education – is always been part of its plan of
resource management that has been adopted action
by other countries.” - The Department of Education, through the National
• Ramon C. Barba, Ph.D. Education for All Committee (NEC), engaged in
o “He was recognized for his achievements in benchmarking strategy with the Southeast Asian
the field of plant physiology, especially the Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center
induction of flowering of mango and micro for Educational Innovation and Technology
- This is to secure affirmation of basic education o Technique has become a framework which
reforms(curriculum structures and contents) towards humans cannot escape.
meeting the demands of 21st century. o Ellul’s pessimistic arguments:
▪ Technological progress has a price
more problems
▪ Technological progress creates
damaging effects
▪ Technological progress creates
unpredictable devastating effects
o Although Ellul has strongly spoken of his
arguments, they are still found to be weak and
not true at all times. Like when he said that
technological progress can create more
problems than it solves, he seems to have
underestimated the objective decision a
technician and other technological agencies
make regarding the technology where they
AEROGAS CATALYTIC COMBUSTOR by Engr. Marino weigh the good and bad effect it can have in
C. Martinez the society.
o Technological pessimism holds that although
Aerogas Catalytic Combustor (ACC): anti-pollution, eco-
technology is progressive and beneficial in
friendly Filipino invention
many ways, it is also doubtful in many ways.
- Aerogas Catalytic Combustor (ACC) is an anti- o Technology is beneficial in many ways but
pollution, fuel saver and power booster engine device. can also be harmful in many ways.
It has practical application on all types of internal TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIMISM
combustion engines like engines of Jeeps, Cars, Trucks,
Ships and Motorcycles and even Gas Fired Power - This view is strongly supported by technologists and
Plants at a very economical cost. It was invented by engineers and also by ordinary people who believe that
Engr. Marino C. Martinez, a chemical engineer. technology can alleviate all the difficulties and provide
- solutions for problems that may come.
- It holds that even though technological problems may
SALT LAMP by Aisa Mijeno
arise, technology will still be the solution to it.
- A lamp that runs on water - The extreme version of this philosophy is technocratism
- Invented by Aisa Mijeno which holds technology as the supreme authority on
- An environment – friendly lamp that run with just two everything.
table spoons of salt and one glass of tap water - Technology optimism believes that technology is the
- SALt (Sustainable Alternative Lighting) lamp is to answer to all man’s problems.
change the habit of Filipinos living in remote EXISTENTIALISM
communities of using kerosene lamps and candles.
- The main concern of this view is the existence or the
SALAMANDER AMPHIBIOUS TRICYCLE by Atoy Llave mode of being of someone or something which is
- It can travel both on land and in water governed by the norm of or being and is always faced
with the selection .
- This view investigates the meaning of existence or
being and is always faced with the selection the existent
must make with which the existent will commit himself
- Martin Heidegger – most known supporter of
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY o He did not stop at defining what technology
is but has dealt with its essence
• Technology – a means to an end and being that is a
o To him, the real essence of technology lies in
human activity
• Aristotle followed that knowledge of the world begins
o ENFRAMING - the gathering of the setting
by looking and examining that which exists.
upon which challenges man to bring the
PHILOSOPHIES OF TECHNOLOGY concealed to unconcealment and this is a
continuous revealing.
1. Aristotelianism – views technology as basically a ▪ Conceal – hide person or thing or
means to an end cover
o To Aristotle, technology is the organizing of ▪ Unconceal – uncover
techniques in order to meet the demand that ▪ Technology is a way of revealing
is being posed by humans. o Two definitions of technology examined by
o Technology is primarily concerned with the Martin Heidegger, Technology is a:
product. ▪ Means to an end and a
2. Technological Pessimism – is extremely supported by ▪ Human activity
Jacques Ellul (1912 – 1994) o Evaluation:
o Technology has become a way of life. 1. Confusing and there are questions to it
that are overlooked
2. Cannot be separated from each other - As the highest form of living organisms, it is said to
3. Instrumental and anthropological have characteristics which cannot be understood
definition or the means by which the through science alone.
human ends are realized - According to Magnus Enquist, head of the Centre for
4. Misleading one because it limits our the Study of Cultural Evolution at Stockholm
thinking University,
o humans have evolved a superior capacity to
deal with sequential information. He suggests
THE INSTRUMENTAL DEFINITION OF that this can be an important piece of the
TECHNOLOGY puzzle to understand differences between
humans and other animals.
- It does not show the true essence of technology. - Other characteristics that human being possesses are
- Technology is geared towards meeting a human need, full-blown language capacity and reasoning and
still there is a difference between the older handicraft planning abilities. Scientists and researchers find
technologies with modern technology. difficulty in identifying specific mental capabilities.
o Ex. A saw mill on a secluded valley of the
Black Forest is primitive compared with the UNDERSTANDING HUMAN FLOURISHING
hydroelectric plant on the Rhine River Science and Technology – must be examined for their greater
- He argued that “technology is by no means impact on humanity as a whole.
technological” and should not be seen as merely
neutral. Human Flourishing in Science and Technology
- The problem begins when human see it only as a means
to an end and disregard the fact that there is a good - Human being is given with innate abilities and
technology and a bad technology. characteristics which enable him to sustain his function
- Aristotle’s Four Causes (Silver Chalice is used by and to survive in the given environment. In the very
Heidegger to Illustrate them.) center of being is “unexplainable thirst” which long for
1. Causa Materialis or the Material Cause – the happiness, serenity, and fulfillment. Man’s great
material by which the silver chalice was made of: longing in life can only be satisfied once fulfilled.
silver Different Views About Man’s Unlimited Desire for Living by
2. Causa Formalis or the Formal Cause – the form or Selected Philosophers
the shape that gave the silver chalice its image.
3. Causa Finalis or the Final Cause – purpose or the a. On Aristotle Viewpoint
primary use by which the silver chalice was made o Aristotle introduced the “science of
for: to be used during the Holy Communion as a happiness”. He said that the ultimate purpose
vessel for the wine that represents the blood of of human existence is to pursue “that which
Christ. is always desirable in itself and never for the
4. Cause Efficiens or the Efficient Cause – the agent sake of something else.” What separates man
that has caused for the silver chalice to come about: from animal is rational capacity. (Pursuit of
the silversmith Happiness, 2018) This is Aristotle’s
- The four causes are all responsible for the bringing forth argument -human’s unique function is to
of the silver chalice. reason…pleasure alone cannot result in
- This bringing forth of something is termed as poiesis – happiness because animals are driven by the
is characterized by an external force pursuit of pleasure and man has greater
- Physis – something that came without any external capacity than animals.
force, like a flower blooming in the field or a tree o He introduced the term eudaimonia which
bearing its fruit simply mean “activity expressing virtue” or
- The flower blossomed and the tree bore fruit even what Aristotle conceived as happiness.
without external help o Aristotle’s theory of happiness was as
follows: “The function of man is to live a
certain kind of life, and this activity implies a
rational principle, and the function of a good
man is the good and noble performance of
these, and if any action is well performed it is
performed in accord with the appropriate
excellence: if this is the case, then happiness
turns out to be an activity of the soul in
accordance with virtue” (Aristotle, 2004).
b. On Epicurus’s Viewpoint
o Epicurus (341-270BC), a Greek philosopher
who was one of the great minds to focus on
STS 07 – HUMAN FLOURISHING the concept of happiness. He agreed with
other philosophers about happiness being our
HUMAN BEING ultimate human pursuit but he had different
proposal about the sources of happiness. For
- Biologists describe human as having the quality of
him, pleasure could be obtained through the
living organisms which indicates that human being is a following:
complex matter capable of performing life-sustaining o Epicurean Sources of Happiness:
processes. ▪ Knowledge
▪ Friendship
▪ Community nation’s economic development and labor employment
▪ Living a virtuous life or degradation of environment and human rights
▪ Living a temperate life infringement? The progress and the desire of human to
▪ Moderation in all things flourish are inevitable.
▪ Abstaining from bodily desires
o Epicurus' perspective and teaching has been
referred to as "serene hedonism." The term
hedonism refers to the notion that pleasure is
the most important pursuit of mankind and
the source of all that is good.
c. On Nietzsche’s Viewpoint
o Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a
German philosopher and cultural critic who
became famous for uncompromising
criticisms of traditional European morality
and religion, as well as a conventional
philosophical ideas and social and political
pieties associated with modernity. He
philosophized with a hammer.
o According to Nietzsche, to live peacefully
and without anything.
▪ worries are the desire of mediocre
people who do not give any greater
meaning to life. He disagreed that
“happiness” could be a state a
constant state of wellbeing. He
described happiness as “ideal state
of laziness” not having any worries
or distresses. He felt that
contentment could only be found in
having vital strength and a fighting
spirit against all of the obstacles that
limit liberty and self- assertiveness.
Being happy means being able to
prove this vital strength.



- Human flourishing involves the rational use of one’s

individual human potentialities, including talents,
abilities, and virtues in the pursuit of his freely and
rationally chosen values and goals.
- We are living in a world where science and technology
are the forefront of ever-changing society. This change
is bought about by the products of intensified
application of scientific knowledge to deliver progress
in the society-the advances and continuous
technological growth.
o The rise of information technologies makes
global communication possible.
o The introduction of gene therapy, stem cells
and cloning has improved the medical and
health sectors.
o Nanotechnology and robotics made
industries flourished.
o Economic growth and global standing were
achieved through innovations.
- Scientific applications continuously provide
convenience to human lives. All of these and more,
complete the story of changes, innovations and progress
which implies the ethical and moral preference of
human in the modern society. These developments
become problematic due to the ethical and legal
concerns such as in the process of cloning. There are
debates on whether human embryo is being sacrificed
or not. Does the creation of artificial intelligence (A.I.)
smarter than human intelligence conserves the
functionality of human nature? Does mining support the

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