Introduction To Food Science
Introduction To Food Science
Introduction To Food Science
Food: Any nutrient-rich material consumed or absorbed
by humans, animals, or plants in order to sustain life and
Two important features for any item to be called food are:
(i) It should be worth eating, that is, it should be ‘edible’.
(ii) It must nourish the body.
Nutrition: Related to how the body uses the food.
Food Science & Nutrition
• Food science deals with • Nutrition deals with the
food manipulations and consequences of
their consequences. components on the body.
Dimensions of Food Science
Food Science: Food Science is the discipline in which the
Biological and Physical Sciences and Engineering are used
to study the nature of Foods, Causes of their deterioration
and the principles underlying Food Processing.
Food Technology: It is the application of Food Science to
the selection, preservation, processing, packaging,
distribution and use of safe nutritious and wholesome
Dimensions of Food Science
Brief history of food science and technology: After the second
world war there is an obvious loss of land for cultivation and
there is an eminent increase in population for the past 20 years.
The per capita availability of foods has decreased in this period
by reducing post-harvest losses to derive maximum benefit
from food produce; in practice, it means we must utilize all
edible parts of plants and animal foods and avoid wastage of
food both at personal or institutional level.
The field was first introduced in the University of Strathclyde
for the past half century then the royal college of science and
technology in Glasgow (Scotland). Subsequently now the field
of study is widely spread and accepted in countries over the
Factors affecting food technology
Today, factors affecting food technology include:
u domestication of animals and crops;
u preservation methods;
u development of villages and towns;
u changes of land ownership;
u transport and travel (national, worldwide & space)
u war;
u religion and culture;
u famine;
u drought, flood, disease;
u Mechanisation.
Factors affecting food technology
Factors affecting food technology also include:
u electricity;
u discovery and use of raw materials;
u understanding of scientific principles;
u research and development of food ingredients;
u increasing technological capabilities;
u economic understanding and trade;
u changes in society, e.g. the changing role of women;
u changes in retailing.
What Does the Food Manufacturing
Sector Need?
§ Computer Integration § Product/Process
§ Food Packaging Materials Development
§ Local Resources in Food § Supervisor Training
Tech § Technical Assistance
§ Improved Line Operations § Feasibility Studies
§ In-Line Sensing § Trade Show Assistance
§ Information Technologies § Training for Field Agents
§ Labor Saving Devices § Food Safety Regulations
§ Efficient Line Layouts § Wastewater Recovery
§ Nutrition Labeling § Workforce Development
§ Shelf Life Extension
Food Science Expertise
Chemistry Biology
§ Analytical Chemistry § Sensory Analysis
§ Flavor Chemistry § Food Nutritive Value
§ Physical Chemistry § Biochemistry
§ Lipid Chemistry § Molecular biology
§ Toxicology § Biotechnology
§ Food Quality § Food Microbiology
§ Nutragenomics
Food Engineering Expertise
§ Rheology
§ Extrusion
§ Packaging and Shelf Life
§ Membrane separations
§ Non-Thermal processing
§ Materials Science
§ Process Engineering
What does a Food Scientist do?
• Food Scientists may also develop ways
- process food
- preserve food
- package food and
- store food
The Myths About Food Science
• Food Science is NOT Home Economics
• Food Science is NOT Only Nutrition
• Food Science is NOT Only Cooking
Why Food Science?
The food industry -
uis the 2nd largest manufacturing sector
uproduces more than $900 billion in retail
sales per anum.
What do food scientists do?
Agriculture INDUSTRIES
Flavor Fragrance,
• Agricultural Engineer • Government Agency
• Agronomist Administrator
• Baking Technician • Microbiologist
• Biochemist • Nutritionist
• Chemical Engineer • Packaging Engineer
• Culinary Scientist • Plant Manager
• Dietician • Production Inspector
• Farm Product Purchasing Agent • Research Analyst
• Farmer • Restaurant Chef
• Flavor Chemist • Quality Assurance
• Food Scientist • Technical Writer
• Food Stylist • University Professor
• Health Inspector • And many more……………..
Where can you work?
• Food processors
• Ingredient manufacturer/suppliers
• Academia
• Self-employed/Consultant
• Government
• Non-government organizations
• Food service
• Testing laboratory etc.
Dimensions of Food Science
Food Processing: It covers general characteristics of raw
food materials; principles of food preservation, processing
factors which influence quality, packaging, water and waste
management, and good manufacturing practices and
sanitation procedures.
Food Engineering: Involves study of engineering concepts
and unit operations used in food processing. Engineering
principles should include material and energy balances,
thermodynamics, fluid flow, and heat and mass transfer.
Prerequisites should be one course in physics and two in
Dimensions of Food Science
Food preservation: The process of treating and handling
food in such a way as to stop or greatly slow down
spoilage and prevent foodborne illness while maintaining
nutritional value, texture and flavor.