Application For Waiola Park Improvements

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Waiola Park Renovations

Prepared by Park District of La Grange

for Department of Natural Resources Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (FY24)

Submitted by Jenny Bechtold

Submitted on 09/15/2023 7:16 AM Central Standard Time
Waiola Park Renovations
Park District of La Grange

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Information
CSFA Number

CSFA Popular Name


Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (FY24)

Acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation facilities by local units of government through competitive
reimbursement grants.

Awarding Agency Name

Department Of Natural Resources

Agency Contact Name

Grant Administrators

Agency Contact Phone

(217) 782-7481

Agency Contact Email

[email protected]

Fund Activity Categories

Community Development

Category Explanation
The Illinois "Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development" (OSLAD) is offered through the Illinois Department of
Natural Resources (IDNR). The OSLAD program is a grant program that provides up to 50% (100% for distressed
communities) funding assistance to eligible, local units of government to acquire, develop, and/or rehabilitate public
outdoor recreation areas. The OSLAD program is a state-financed program enacted by Public Act 84-109, the Open
Space Lands Acquisition and Development Act (525 ILCS 35/1 et. seq.).

Opportunity Manager
Ann Fletcher

Opportunity Posted Date


Announcement Type
Initial Announcement

Funding Opportunity Number


Assistance Listings Number


Public Link

Is Published
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Waiola Park Renovations
Park District of La Grange

Funding Information
Total Program Funding

Funding Sources

Funding Source Description

The OSLAD program is a state-financed program enacted by Public Act 84-109, the Open Space Lands Acquisition
and Development Act (525 ILCS 35/1 et. seq.). The program was initially financed with "Build Illinois" bond money
subject to an annual appropriation by the Illinois General Assembly. In 1989, Senate Bill 1463 was enacted (PA 86-925),
which earmarked a portion of the State's Real Estate Transfer Tax as a dedicated funding source for the OSLAD
program. The program became fully funded in FY'95 and provides millions annually for local park and open space
initiatives. The amount of money available varies on a yearly basis due to the fluctuation in the real estate market.

Award Information
Award Type

Indirect Costs Allowed


Restrictions on Indirect Costs


Other Funding Requirement

Submission Information
Submission Window
07/03/2023 5:00 PM - 09/15/2023 5:00 PM

Submission Timeline Type

One Time

Submission Timeline Additional Information

Completed applications must be submitted through AmpliFund by 5:00 PM on the Application Closing Date in order to
be reviewed.

Allow Multiple Applications


Application Review Start Date / Pre-Qualification Deadline

09/16/2023 12:00 AM

Other Submission Requirements

Pre-Award Requirements
There are five grantee pre-award requirements:
1. Authentication
2. Grantee Registration
3. Grantee Pre-qualification
4. Fiscal and Administrative Risk Assessment (ICQ)
5. Programmatic Risk Assessment

1. Authentication
The Grantee Portal utilizes the Authentication Portal. A personal or business email address is required to
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Park District of La Grange

establish an account. Authentication verifies the relationship between an individual and the organization they represent.
Authentication is performed once for each individual associated with a registration. To obtain an account click the
“Create a new account” link below the “Sign in” button. For help with the Authentication Portal please click the
'Can't access your account' link below the sign in button.

2. Grantee Registration
All grantees must be registered with the State of Illinois. Grantee Registration is completed by browsing to and associating your account with your organization. New accounts must enter
the organization’s information on the Registration screen. Existing accounts must click the “Edit” button next to the
organization name on the Main Menu.

3. Grantee Pre-qualification
All entities must be qualified to do business with the State of Illinois. To be qualified for a grant award, an entity must:
Be registered in the system and have a valid UEI number assigned;
Have a current account;
Not be on the Federal Excluded Parties List;
Be in Good Standing with the Illinois Secretary of State, as applicable;
Not be on the Illinois Stop Payment list;
Not on the Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services Provider Sanctions list.
Pre-qualification status will be verified after Grantee Registration is registered and nightly thereafter. If an entity has a
pre-qualification issue, the specific issue and remediation support is provided thru the grantee portal. Entities on the
Federal Excluded Parties List are not eligible to do business with the State of Illinois.

4. Fiscal and Administrative Risk Assessment (ICQ)

Entities must complete an Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ) as the Fiscal and Administrative Risk Assessment. The
ICQ is completed once, annually. All state agencies will utilize the results of the ICQ. The entity can access the ICQ from
the grantee portal.

5. Programmatic Risk Assessment

Entities must complete a Programmatic Risk Assessment for each grant award. The grant-specific Programmatic Risk
Assessment is administered by the awarding agency. The programmatic risk assessment is generally performed
towards the end of the application process. Your state awarding agency will inform you of the timing of the
Programmatic Risk Assessment and administer the Programmatic Risk Assessment.
These grantee pre-award requirements are mandated by Federal Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) and the Grant
Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA). Grantees must complete these requirements prior to receiving a grant
award from the State of Illinois. Questions regarding the grantee pre-award requirements should be directed to your
state awarding agency.

Question Submission Information

Question Submission Open Date
07/03/2023 5:00 PM

Question Submission Close Date

09/15/2023 5:00 PM

Question Submission Email Address

[email protected]

Question Submission Additional Information

Please check frequently asked question before submitting to [email protected]. Frequently asked questions are
found in the 2024 OSLAD Grant Manual.

Eligibility Information
Eligibility Type

Eligible Applicants

Government Organizations

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Park District of La Grange

Additional Eligibility Information

Only units of local governments having specific statutory authority to acquire and develop land for public park and
recreation purposes are eligible for OSLAD assistance.

Additional Information
Additional Information URL

Award Administration Information

State Award Notices
Once a final decision has been made, the successful applicants will be notified by email and/or letter of any final
requirements before the state grant can be awarded to them. Once all the final requirements have been completed, the
Grant Agreement between IDNR and the applicant will be sent for the applicant to sign and return. Once the agreement
is fully executed by the IDNR a copy will be returned to the applicant.

Administrative and National Policy Requirements

The Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA), 30 ILCS 708/1 et seq. is the Administrative Code that this grant
will be governed under.

Financial reporting will include all funds, including matching funds, spent in the undertaking of the project and interest
earned on advanced payment. Various types of reporting are required for grant agreements awarded under this grant,
including the Periodic Financial Report and the Periodic Progress Report.

Performance Progress Reporting: The grantee shall be required to provide quarterly reporting of its activities under this
project. The IDNR
may withhold or suspend payment if the grantee fails to submit the required reports. The following reports are required
under this Agreement and the forms are provided in the Implementation and Billing Packet that will be received upon
• Periodic Financial Report (PFR)
• Periodic Progress Report (PPR)

These Quarterly Report are Due By: April 1; July 1; October 1; January 1

State Awarding Agency Contacts

[email protected]
(217) 785-5907

Other Information
The State of Illinois is not obligated to make any award of the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grant
Program because of this Notice of Funding Opportunity. The Director of the Illinois
Department of Natural Resources makes the determination of what grants will be awarded after considering the
recommendations. Grant applicants are not authorized to proceed on their projects, no costs shall be incurred, until the
Director has signed the Grant Agreement and IDNR has provided the applicant with a copy of the executed Grant

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Park District of La Grange

Project Information

Application Information
Application Name
Waiola Park Renovations

Award Requested

Cash Match Requirement


Cash Match Contributions


In-Kind Match Requirement


In-Kind Match Contributions


Other Funding Requirement


Other Funding Contributions


Total Award Budget


Primary Contact Information

Jenny Bechtold

Email Address
[email protected]

536 East Avenue
La Grange, Illinois 60525

Phone Number

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Park District of La Grange

Project Description

OSLAD24 - Applicant Resources

OSLAD Grant Program
OSLAD FY24 - Manual
2024 OSLAD Manual.pdf



OSLAD FY24 - Distressed Communities List (Posted on IDNR website)

IDNR Grants

GATA - Pre-award Requirements

IDNR - Community Park and Recreation Planning Guide

IDNR - Outdoor Recreation Facilities Guide

IDNR - Playground Planning Guide

US Access Board Summary of Accessibility Guidelines for Play Areas

ADA Standards for Accessible Design

AmpliFund - Applicant Resources & Support Site Information

AmpliFund - Support Site

AmpliFund - Applicant Portal User Guide

AmpliFund User Guide Applicant Portal.pdf

AmpliFund - Applicant Portal Resources


AmpliFund - Consultant Access

Budget Template Instructions

GATA Budget Instructions

Budget Narrative Tip Sheet

Budget Narrative Tip Sheet.pdf

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Park District of La Grange

Budget Additional Instructions

Amplifund Budget Additional Instructions.docx

Performance Plan Tip Sheet

Performance Plan Tip Sheet.pdf

Please use the following instructions to complete the Budget Template:

Round down to the nearest $100.
Keep the budget simple utilizing a minimal number of line items.
Please put all construction costs under the ‘Construction Line Item’.
Please put all Engineering costs (including CPA costs) under the ‘Consultant Line Item’.
Do not use the ‘Equipment Line Item’.

By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I have read the instructions and understand the required steps to complete
the Budget Template and Performance Plan Template.
I understand

If you have any questions, please contact the DNR Office of Grant Management and
Assistance at:
[email protected]

Not finished with this page yet? Click Save or Save & Continue to fill out the missing
information at a later time.
When you're finished answering the questions on this page, click Mark as Complete.
An application cannot be submitted until all pages are marked as complete.

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Park District of La Grange

OSLAD24 - Applicant & Project General Data

Applicant Information

1. Applicant Legal Name (Name used for DUNS registration and grantee pre-qualification):
Park District of La Grange

2. Applicant Common Name (DBA):

3. Applicant Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN,TIN):


4. Applicant UEI# (Unique Entity Identifier):


5. Applicant GATA ID (assigned through the grantee portal):


6. Applicant SAM Cage Code (Federal System for Award Management Commercial and Government Entity Code):

7. Applicant's Organizational Unit - Department Name:

8. Applicant's Organizational Unit - Division Name:

9. Applicant W-9:
1 - W9 Form.pdf

10. Applicant's Point of Contact for Program Matters

10-1. Applicant's Point of Contact - First Name:


10-2. Applicant's Point of Contact - Last Name:


10-3. Applicant's Point of Contact - Organizational Affiliation:

Park District of La Grange

10.4 Applicant's Point of Contact - Title:

Executive Director

10-5. Applicant's Point of Contact - Email Address:

[email protected]

10-6. Applicant's Point of Contact - Phone Number:


10-7. Applicant's Point of Contact - Fax Number:


11. Applicant's Executive Officer for Administrative Matters

11-1. Applicant's Executive Officer - First Name:

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Park District of La Grange

11-2. Applicant's Executive Officer - Last Name:


11-3. Applicant's Executive Officer - Organizational Affiliation:

Park District of La Grange

11-4. Applicant's Executive Officer - Title:

Executive Director

11-5. Applicant's Executive Officer - Email Address:

[email protected]

11-6. Applicant's Executive Officer - Phone Number:


11-7. Applicant's Executive Officer - Fax Number:


Project Narrative Statement

The Narrative Statement should address the following considerations:

1. Objectives and Need for Assistance
1. Present a clear and concise description of the project. State its primary objectives and explain the
need for assistance. Any relevant data based on planning studies should be included or
footnoted. If development includes rehabilitation of existing facilities, indicate the age of each.
2. Results / Benefits Expected
1. Explain the results/benefits to be derived (how the public will benefit). Indicate who will use the
facility and how it will be used. The "service area" (neighborhood or community) most directly
served by the project should be discussed in terms of: social/economic make-up; population
density; and whether the area is newly emergent or established. If the project is located in an area
having more than 50% minority population this should be specifically noted and documented by
census data.
3. Approach
1. Outline the plan of action for accomplishing the proposed project and how it will be financed.
1. For acquisition projects, prepare an acquisition schedule for each parcel included in the
project area. Also, provide a future development schedule for the site once it is acquired.
2. For development projects, identify any factors that might accelerate or delay construction.
Describe any extraordinary community involvement by listing all organizations and key
individuals that will work on the project along with a short description about the nature of
their effort or contribution.
If force account labor (local agency's employees) and/or donated labor and material is
expected to be used to accomplish the project, please describe the nature and extent of such
work and/or donations.
4. Geographic Location
1. Provide a brief description of the geographic location of the project (do not use legal description).
5. Previous Assistance
1. Indicate any previous project assistance from LWCF, OSLA/OSLAD or other state/federal grants
that affect this project. List project number(s), project title(s) and grant amount(s). If no previous
assistance has been received, enter: No Previous Assistance.
6. Combination Projects
1. If the property being donated is not the site described in the application, but another location,
provide information on how the donated site will be developed in the future. All property acquired
through donation must be maintained as public open space in perpetuity.


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Park District of La Grange

Describe, at a minimum, the overall concept of the project, project funding, agencies involved, approach to
implementation, project location, trail mileage to be provided through the project, need for the project,
anticipated benefits and the proposed schedule of operation (daily and/or seasonal hours of operation) for
the project facility. Be thorough and explicit, this narrative should completely describe the project and
expected outcome.

Project Narrative Statement:

1. OBJECTIVES & NEED FOR ASSISSTANCE: Waiola Park is a 3.6 acre neighborhood park that has 2 t-ball fields,
a small soccer field, playground, walking loop trail and two half basketball courts. With the award of the grant the Park
District of La Grange would be able to make improvements to the park that would include a replacing the playground
that is 27 years old, renovating the existing basketball courts that are 20 years old, renovating and relocating the t-ball
fields, and renovating the loop path onsite. Additional amenities added to the park include a shelter, pollinator gardens
with educational signage and a fitness station.

2. RESULTS/BENEFITS EXPECTED: With the renovations at Waiola Park, the community of La Grange will have
access to newly renovated park amenities several of which are beyond their useful life within the Park Districts
boundary. Waiola Park will encourage not only kids or parents with kids to use the park but also encourage adults and
the elderly to use the park and be outside. With the inclusion of a fitness station park goers will have access to outdoor
fitness structure in a park besides Gordon Park which is located in the northeast corner of the Park District of La
Grange’s boundary. The renovations will also provide an ADA compliant asphalt loop trail to be renovated onsite. The
playground that is beyond its useful life will be updated to be an accessible playground to allow any child or adult with
mobility issues to access the playground and to have a place to play with other children. The renovations at Waiola
Park will not only encourage able bodied community members to enjoy the park but also anyone who has a mobility
issue will be able to come to the park and have access to the recreational amenities Waiola Park provides.

3. APPROACH: With the funding from the OSLAD grant the Park District of La Grange would use their capital funds as
well as their special recreation funds to provide the match to the funds provided by the state. The park district would
engage an A/E Design firm to create all the construction documents to issue the project for public bid. After the bid the
contract will be awarded and construction would begin in the spring of 2025.
There are currently no items that would cause a delay in the construction for the renovations of Waiola Park. The
playground and shelters could have a long lead time depending on when the project is bid and what the manufacturers
orders at the time, however the park district would be able to purchase the products before the project is issued for bid
to have the order placed before the contract is awarded to a contractor to shorten the waiting period if the contractor
would order it.

4. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Waiola park is located within the suburb of La Grange, which is about 30 minutes
southwest of Chicago. The park is within a 10 minute drive to I-55, I-290 and I-294. The park is located at 545 S.
Waiola Avenue, La Grange IL 60525.

5. PREVIOUS ASSISTANCE: No previous assistance.

6. COMBINATION PROJECT: This is not a combination project.

Project Information

1. Project Title:
Waiola Park Renovations

2. Project Type:
Combination (Development project involving a land donation)

3-1. Proposed Project Term - Start Date:


3-2. Proposed Project Term - End Date:


Project Location
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Park District of La Grange

4. Project Site Location (Address, City, State, Zip Code):

500 S. Waiola Avenue, La Grange, IL 60525

5. Provide GPS (Global Positioning System) Coordinates for the site.

Ideally, the reading should be taken near the proposed park entrance.

GPS Coordinates (Deg./Min./Sec./Dir.)

5-1. GPS Coordinates - Latitude:

41 49' 30.072" N

5-2. GPS Coordinates - Longitude:

87 52' 39.54" W

6. Enter name of county and township where project is located. If the project is located in more than one county or
township, indicate name / # of each:
Cook County, Village of La Grange

7. Are any areas affected the proposed project?


7a. Please list the areas affected by the Project (cities, counties, state-wide):
Village of La Grange, Cook County, Illinois

7b. Add attachments, if necessary (e.g., maps):

8. IL Senate District #:
4 - Kimberly Lightfoot

9. IL House District #:
8 - La Shawn K. Ford

10. U.S. Congressional District #:

4 - Jesus G. Garcia

11. Population in Applicant's Jurisdiction:


12. Current “Equalized Assessed Valuation” Total for Local Sponsor Jurisdiction:

13. Applicant's Annual Operating Budget:


14. Briefly describe the property to be acquired or facilities to be developed (be specific). Include site location. If
proposed project is part of a larger recreational complex, also describe relationship of the proposed project to total park
area. Use only the area provided, do not type in “See Attached” in this section or add an attachment. Be sure to indicate
size/acreage of project site:
The renovations at Waiola Park will include the renovation of the existing two half basketball courts, playground
replacement, renovation of the asphalt loop trail and the t-ball fields as well as the soccer field. New park amenities
that will be added include shade over the playground area, a shelter, and a fitness station. The majority of the park will
be developed or renovated during this project.

16. Development Projects: Enter the total estimated cost of development including design and potential archaeological
survey fees, CPA Report Costs, and the dollar amount of OSLAD assistance requested. Since actual development will
not begin until the spring following application submittal, cost estimates should be adjusted accordingly. Please round to
the nearest hundred dollars.
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Park District of La Grange

Estimated Costs
Construction Costs $1,165,100.00

A/E Design Fees $93,400.00

Archaeological Survey Costs $0.00

CPA Report Costs $1,500.00

Total Development Costs $1,260,000.00

16a. Development Project - Grant Amount Percentage Requested:

100% (Distressed Communities Only)

Matching Funds

18. Source(s) of Local Matching Funds

General Funds
Non-Referendum Bonds
Referendum Bonds (Provide Dates of Referendum Bonds)
Donations (Specify which donations are considered sources of local matching funds)
Other (Provide additional detial)

18a. Additional Detail for Sources of Local Matching Funds:

Capital Funds & Special Recreation Funds

19. Does the applicant project have an adopted goal or standard for public open space/park acreage per 1000

19a. Submit page(s) from local plan or ordinance to substantiate the stated goal or standard:
2 - Level of Service - Open Space Goal.pdf

20. Existing Supply of Proposed Project Facilities

For each major recreation facility planned for development IN THE PROPOSED PROJECT (see listing below)
show existing supply/quantities of such facilities currently available for public use within the jurisdictional
boundaries of the project sponsor.

Existing Supply of Proposed Project Facilities

Existing Number within Jurisdiction

Picnic Shelters 5

Tent Camp Sites (primitive)

Trailer/Camper Sites
Baseball Fields 4

Softball Fields
Soccer Fields 7

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Park District of La Grange

Existing Number within Jurisdiction

Football Fields
Lacrosse or Cricket Fields
Tennis Courts
Pickleball Courts
Basketball Courts 5.5

Volleyball Courts
Running Track
Playgrounds 7

In-line Skating Rinks/Courts

Skate Parks
Frisbee Golf
Hiking/walking/multi-use Trails
Nature interpretive Trails
Spray grounds
Swimming Pool
Swimming Beach
Boat Launch Ramps
Fishing Piers
Ice Rink
Other Winter Rec Facilities
Dog Parks
Fitness Stations (#) 5

Interpretive Center 0

20.1 Existing Supply of Proposed Project Facilities - For each major recreation facility planned for development IN THE
PROPOSED PROJECT show existing supply/quantities of such facilities currently available for public use within the
jurisdictional boundaries of the project sponsor.
3 - Parks Map & Matrix.pdf

21. Are there any other State or Federal Grant Funds involved in the proposed project (previous or anticipated)?

22. Is the proposed project an Acquisition or Combination project?


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Park District of La Grange

Acquisition History and Certification Instructions

For the Project Site(s) planned for development:

Enter parcel #,
Month and year title was transferred to local agency
the method of acquisition for each project parcel
For parcels acquired within the last two years - attach a separate sheet describing the method
of purchase. Give a history of negotiations and any applicable relocation assistance
For parcels acquired more than two (2) years ago - see instructions below regarding
"Acquisition Certification" portion of the form.

38. Parcel Acquisition History

Date Purchase Acquisition Method (Negotiated Price, Condemnation,

Parcel #
Acquired Price Donation)
8/3/1931 $10.00 Negotiated Price

18-09-101- 9/17/1931 $10.00 Negotiated Price


Parcel Acquisition History:

4 - Acquisition History.pdf

Acquisition Certification

Does this development project involve land acquired more than 2 years prior to the application submittal BUT after
January 2, 1971?

For parcels acquired more than two (2) years ago, the local agency must certify one of the following items below:
1) The acquisition proceeded in accordance with the "Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Policies Act of 1970" (P.L. 91-646)
2) The acquisition occurred prior to January 2, 1971
3) At the time of acquisition or last known discplacement there was no intention or plans on the part of the local
agency to apply for OSLAD development grant assistance

Chief Elected Official - Name

Brain Opyd

Chief Elected Official - Title

Board President


Resolution of Authorization

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Park District of La Grange

Resolution of Authorization - Applicant (Sponsor) Legal Name:

Park District of La Grange

Resolution of Authorization - Project Title:

Waiola Park Renovations


The abovenamed Sponsor hereby certifies and acknowledges that it has the sufficient funds necessary
(includes cash and value of donated land) to complete the pending OSLAD project within the timeframes
specified herein for project execution, and that failure to adhere to the specified project timeframe or failure to
proceed with the project because of insufficient funds or change in local recreation priorities is sufficient
cause for project grant termination which will also result in the ineligibility of the local project sponsor for
subsequent Illinois IDNR outdoor recreation grant assistance consideration in the next two (2) consecutive
grant cycles following project termination.
Acquisition and Development Projects
It is understood that the project must be completed within the timeframe established. The OSLAD
timeframe is two years as is specified in the project agreement. The Billing Certification Statement must be
submitted within 45 days of the grant expiration date and the last reimbursement request must be
submitted within one year of the grant expiration date. Failure to do so will result in the Project Sponsor
forfeiting all project reimbursements and relieves IDNR from further payment obligations on the grant.
The Sponsor further acknowledges and certifies that it will comply with all terms, conditions and regulations
of 1) the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) program (17 IL Adm. Code 3025); 2) the
Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act (30 ILCS 705); 3) the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance & Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) and/or the Illinois Displaced Persons Relocation Act
(310 ILCS 40 et. seq.), as applicable; 4) the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et. seq.); 5) Title VI of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P.L. 83-352); 6) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-135); 7) the Civil
Rights Restoration Act of 1988, (P.L. 100-259); and 8) the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (PL 101-
336); and will maintain the project area in an attractive and safe condition, keep the facilities open to the
general public during reasonable hours consistent with the type of facility, cease any farming operations, and
obtain from the Illinois DNR written approval for any change or conversion of approved outdoor recreation
use of the project site prior to initiating such change or conversion; and for property acquired with
OSLAD assistance, agree to place a covenant restriction on the project property deed at the time of recording
that stipulates the property must be used, in perpetuity, for public outdoor recreation purposes in accordance
with the OSLAD programs and cannot be sold or exchanged, in whole or part, to another party without
approval from the Illinois DNR, and that development at the site will commence within 3 years.
BE IT FURTHER PROVIDED that the Sponsor certifies to the best of its knowledge that the information
provided within the attached application is true and correct.

Resolution Adoption Date:


Attested by (Name):
Brian Opyd

Attested by (Title):
Board President

Attestation Date:

Applicant Certification

By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications* and (2) that the
statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required
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Park District of La Grange

assurances* and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false,
fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties. (U.S.
Code, Title 18, Section 1001)

(*)The list of certification and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list is contained in the
Notice of Funding Opportunity. If a NOFO was not required for the award, the state agency will specify
required assurances and certifications as an addendum to the application.

Applicant Certification
I agree

NOTE: The file name for all uploaded documents MUST be below
28 characters in length.

Not finished with this page yet? Click Save or Save & Continue to fill out the missing
information at a later time.
When you're finished answering the questions on this page, click Mark as Complete.
An application cannot be submitted until all pages are marked as complete.

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Waiola Park Renovations
Park District of La Grange

OSLAD24 - Project Details

Scope of Work

Provide the proposed project's scope of work (this will be used in your grant agreement):
With the assistance of the IDNR OSLAD Grant Waiola Park will undergo renovations to many of the park amenities
and introduce new amenities to the park, which include renovations to the asphalt path to improve circulation and to
meet ADA requirements, renovation of the two half basketball courts, a ADA accessible playground with shade sails
over the playground, renovations to the t-ball fields and soccer field. New amenities that will be added to the park
include a shelter with seating, fitness station, pollinator garden, and an area for a portable toilet to be installed.

Provide a concise description of the proposed project site (be sure to indicate size/acreage):
Waiola Park is a 3.6 acre park located in the village of La Grange. The park is predominately covered with turf grass
and also has ample tree canopy cover around the perimeter of the parks property.

Project Details

Provide concise responses to the questions below.
For any questions that are not applicable to the proposed project, enter NA.

1. Explain how this project, through acquisition and/or development, protects or enhances a State or locally identified
natural area, threatened/endangered species, and/or habitat (examples; restoration, fencing, etc.)
The renovations of Waiola Park is not identified for a state or local identified natural area, and there are no threatened
or endangered species within the area of Waiola Park. However, the park will have a pollinator garden added to help
provide habitat for native bees and butterflies to frequent and expand the habitat that they require for migrations and
year-round habitat.

2. Describe how the project protects, enhances, or expands wildlife habitat thorugh acquisition and/or development
(examples; restoration, nesting boxes, etc.):
With the addition of the pollinator garden there will be an increase in habitat diversity within the boundaries of Waiola
Park. The park will not only have turf grasses and shade trees but will include a pollinator garden that will provide a
food source for butterflies and bees, as well as song birds who can eat the seeds of the plants.

3. Describe the project's efforts to protect or enhance wetlands through acquisition and/or development (example;
There are no wetlands within the boundary of Waiola Park or near the park itself. The majority of the water will remain
on site and be left to infiltrate the ground within the park and not move off site.

4. Describe how the project promotes conservation education through acquisition (example; nature study areas) and/or
development (examples; interpretive trails and/or facilities):
With the addition of the pollinator garden, there will be interpretive signage added to educate the park goers on what
the pollinator garden is for and the animals it helps.

5. Describe where and how this project will promote the recreational use of Illinois' surface waters through acquisition or
This project will not promote recreational use of Illinois's surface waters.

6. Does the proposed project promote adaptive re-use/redevelopment of land for outdoor recreational use?

6A. How does the proposed project promote adaptive re-use/redevelopment of land for outdoor recreational use?
The renovations and development of the park amenities at Waiola Park will not expand or develop on any of the park
that isn’t already being maintained or used for recreation.

7. Describe how the project involves local planning and coordination by means of some tangible cooperative effort, and
list the agencies involved (any type of agreements, joint sponsorship, financing, coop, land use, etc.):
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There are no tangible cooperative efforts coordination for this project.

8. Does the project incorporate Resource Conservation?


8A. How does the project incorporate Resource Conservation?

Waiola Parks renovation will conserve the resources of the park by minimizing the disturbance of the site and also
saving a majority of the trees and soil that are present on site. Water will also be mostly kept onsite to infiltrate back
into the ground.

9. Does the project applicant allow hunting on the property that is the subject of the application?

10. Does the project provide linkage to existing long distance trail corridor or a water trail corridor?

11. Does the project site provide a convenient, central location to the population served?

11A. Describe how the project site provides a convenient, central location to the population served:
Waiola Park is located less than half a mile away from the main street that goes through the Village of La Grange, La
Grange Road. The park is also along 47 Street which provides easy access as well. Being surrounded by single family
housing also increase the likelihood that residents will walk to the site.

12. Does the project site provide easy and safe access to pedestrians and bicycles?

12A. Describe how the project site provides easy and safe access to pedestrians and bicycles:
Waiola Park is situated amongst single family housing and has public sidewalks along all the parks boundaries.
Pedestrians are able to easily access the site as well as cyclist safely and efficiently.

13. Describe the vehicular access the project site provides and parking available:
The park is encompassed by streets and both Waiola Avenue and Stone Avenue allow on street parking on both sides
of the street. There are no parking lots within the park boundary.

14. Is the adjacent land use compatible with the proposed project?

14A. Describe how the adjacent land use is compatible with the proposed project:
Waiola Park is surrounded by single family residential housing. This will allow the residents to have the park within
walking distance, or within a short drive. With the park having both active and passive recreation amenities the park
will be able to be used by the different age groups within the neighborhood.

15. Describe any potential safety hazards that exist overall, and/or any potential safety hazards regarding access to the
project site?
With being surrounded by streets, there are some concerns with crossing the streets to access the park if people walk
to the park within the neighborhood. Along 47th Street, there are crosswalks striped but lack a signal light to alert
drives. The Park District will be discussing with the Village and IDOT about adding in other crosswalks to increase site

16. Are the soils, topography, and drainage suitable for the proposed site use?

16A. Describe how the soils, topography, and drainage are suitable for the proposed site use:
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16A. Describe how the soils, topography, and drainage are suitable for the proposed site use:
The site is relatively flat making it an easy area to be developed, since there will be limited grading to occur on the site.
The park has a few low areas that hold water in heavy rain events, however the park is generally dry which indicates
that the soils have good infiltration rates and the site drains after rain events.

17. Describe whether adequate vegetation/shade currently exist at project site or if landscape material proposed for site
There are several large shade trees that exist throughout the park. The rest of the park is covered with turf grass that is
not pathway or part of a park amenity. Additional shade trees and a shelter will be provided to increase the amount of
shade on site.

18. Are there any major physical detractions present on the project site such as utility lines, visual impacts, noise, odor,
pollution, etc.?

18A. Provide a description for major physical detractions present on the project site such as utility lines, visual impacts,
noise, odor, pollution, etc.:
Being so close to the streets, there is a bit of traffic noise on the north side of the park where 47th street passes along
the park. It is a major through street and sees a lot of use. The other streets are neighborhood streets and traffic is not
as prominent on them.

19. Does the project site present any negative impacts on quality vegetation or the environmnent (tree clearing, water
quality, etc.):

19A. Describe any negative impacts on quality vegetation or the environment (tree clearing, water quality, etc.):
There will be 5 trees removed during the construction of the park amenities. Trees will be replaced during the
construction of the park for all the ones that are removed.

20. Describe how the project provides diversity in the recreational opportunities available:
Waiola Park will be renovated to include amenities that will provide recreational opportunities to a wide range of park
users. There will be active recreational amenities that young children to adults, such as t-ball fields, soccer field, half
basketball courts, and a fitness station. There will also be passive recreation features like the playground, walking trail
and pollinator garden that the young children to senior citizens can enjoy at the park.

21. Describe how the project will provide or has adequate/necessary support facilities/amenities:
Being a neighborhood park, Waiola Park will have a shade structure added and already has lots of mature shade
trees onsite. There will be a portable toilet added to the park site as well.

22. Will the project serve a wide range of physical abilities and age groups?

22A. How will the project serve a wide range of physical abilities and age groups?
The parks loop path will be updated to meet all the ADA requirements to allow individuals with mobility disabilities
access to the parks amenities. The playground will also have accessible surfacing and be a structure that will allow
mobility impaired users to access.

23. Describe how the project will provide a diverse needed recreation of community-wide interest:
Waiola Park will include an outdoor fitness station within the community of La Grange, with only one other park
providing outdoor fitness stations as an amenity in the park. The playground will be updated to accommodate children
with disabilities and with the playground being 27 years old it is beyond its useful life.

24. Does the project design provide for multi-seasonal use?


24A. Describe how the project provides for multi-seasonal use:

The park will be open to the public to use throughout the year. The fields can be programmed to have local sports
teams to use the fields in the spring, summer, and fall. The playground, basketball courts, and trail can be used freely
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when the weather permits in every season of the year.

25. Does the project provide new, increased, or improved recreation in a high-density urban area?

25A. Explain how the project provides new, increased, or improved recreation in a high-density urban area:
The Village of La Grange is highly developed urban area in the Chicago suburbs. Within the Village of La Grange
boundary there are only 13 parks. By improving the amenities at Waiola Park the Park District will be able to increase
the amount of playgrounds, shelters, basketball courts, trails, sports fields and outdoor fitness stations for the entire
population of the Village.

26. Is this project part of a local economic revitalization program?


27. Does this project involve a land donation and/or any other tangible donation?

28. Describe the proposed project in terms of the facility and service area and the improvements that will be made.
Provide the distance to the closest similar park type:
Waiola Park is classified as a neighborhood park for the Park District. The only other neighborhood park that the Park
District has is Gilbert Park which is located in the northwest corner about 1.5 miles away from Waiola Park.

29. Has the local jurisdiction applying ever received LWCF/OSLAD assistance in the past?

30. Describe how the project provides improved recreation for special populations including minorities, less affluent, and
under-served areas.
With the park meeting the ADA standards for accessibility it will allow many people to have access to an area that they
can get outside safely and enjoy the space. The park is also open to the public and the sports fields can be used by the
community as long as the fields are not being used by a team.

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Park District of La Grange

OSLAD24 - Project Attachments

Swimming Facility Project Justification Addendum - Project Attachment 1
Does the project involve the renovation or new construction of a swimming facility/pool?

Site Location Map & Directions to the Project Site - Project Attachment 2

Site Location Map:

Type in the upper right-hand corner of the map:
Attachment A-2 Location Map
Local agency's name
Project Title

Upload Site Location Map:

5 - Location Map.pdf

Directions to project site:

Provide directions to a logical project entry point to the project location.
Please give the exact address of the project site.
These maps will be used by IDNR staff to locate the project area.
Please ensure the street/road names on the map are legible.

Upload Directions to Project Site:

6 - Directions to Project Site.pdf

Site Development Plan - Project Attachment 3

1. Type in the upper right corner of the illustration:
Attachment A-3 Development Plan
Local Agency's Name
Project Title
2. Submit a Development Plan which indicates the following:
All proposed development in the scope of the project
Existing facilities at the site to be retained
Pictures of all 4 sides of any existing building must be submitted for review
Future development at the site, including any indoor buildings (senior centers, community centers,
indoor walk parks, etc.)
Graphic scale
North Arrow
3. If the primary project use will be a natural area of retention of natural features, a detailed narrative noting
the ways in which the public will be assured of outdoor recreation opportunities must be prepared (i.e.,
interpretive programs, hiking-bicycle trails, etc.) Also a site plan is required noting all proposed access and

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parking areas, if any.

NOTE: The development plan submitted with the application is the "plan of record" for the project considered
a static document. Design it carefully. All proposed project development must be completed or grant
program compliance violations and/or grant disqualification may occur. The DNR must be contacted if there
is any change in the development plan.

Upload Site Development Plan:

7 - Concept Plan.pdf

Floor Plan, Elevation, & Playground Drawings - Project Attachment 4

Type in upper right corner of illustration:
Attachment A-3a Elevation/Floor Plans
(Local agency's name)
(Project Title)
The plans should be 8 ½" x 11", but in no case larger than 11" x 17".
Floor plans and elevations must be submitted for all structures proposed in the project, (i.e., restrooms,
pavilions, shelters, concession stands, interpretive centers, bath houses, fishing piers, etc.). The design
must comply with the standards published in the Illinois Capital Development Board's "Illinois
Accessibility Code" (April 1997) AND/OR accessibility guidelines of the "Americans with Disabilities Act"
(PL 101-336) whichever is more stringent.
Playground drawings must be submitted showing proposed components, playground surfacing and
location in park with appropriate routing. The latter should be shown on the site development plan.
Plans for outdoor ice skating areas must be submitted showing what type of facility will be constructed
Plans for a canoe launch area must show accessibility considerations.

Preliminary Floor Plans and Elevation Drawings (Development Only):

8 - Floorplans & Elevations.pdf

Playground Drawings:
9 - Playground.pdf

Premise Plat Map - Project Attachment 5

Type in upper right corner of map:
Attachment A-4 Premise Plat Map
(Local agency's name)
(Project Title)
Submit a plat map (should be 8 ½" x 11") that indicates the following:
Exterior boundaries and dimensions of each parcel to be acquired or developed.
Adjacent land uses, both public and private, roads, streets, highways, etc.
All utility lines (capacity noted), easements, and right-of-way. (Refer to title policy to ensure all easements
are shown.) If necessary, attach a separate sheet explaining, in detail, the types and duration of
easements, and mineral rights if not owned by the local agency.
All existing structures as coded in application attachments provided.
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A graphic scale and a north arrow.

Number each parcel with the corresponding numbers assigned on maps provided and indicate the
approximate acreage under each parcel number.

Upload Premise Plat Map:

10 - Plat Map.pdf

If necessary, attach additional documents here:

Commitment for Title, Insurance Deed, or Lease Agreement - Project Attachment 6

Project Type:

NOTE: An Attorney's Opinion of Title may be submitted in lieu of the deed(s) if such documentation is
voluminous AND the opinion lists and describes any easements, rights-of-way, liens or other encumbrances
on the property.
If property to be developed is leased by the local project sponsor, a copy of the lease must be submitted. The
lease cannot be revocable at will by the lessor and must include safeguards to ensure that the site is available
for public outdoor recreation use for the time period specified by OSLAD requirements). If the lease does not
contain such "public use safeguards", the applicant must provide assurance in the form of a duly adopted
resolution that comparable replacement land in accordance with OSLAD regulations will be provided should
the lease be terminated and the project site converted to non-public outdoor recreation use.
NOTE: If project has multiple parcels, code each parcel to correspond with the respective Deed, Title
Commitment, Lease, etc.

Development Projects - Attach a copy of the deed(s) for the property being developed and HIGHLIGHT the existence of
any easements/encumbrances, etc. on the property that may affect/impact recreational use of the site in any manner. The
deed(s) must, at a minimum, encompass the park area delineated on the project Plat Map submitted with the grant
application. If the deed is less than "Warranty" or “Trustee”, title insurance or an attorney’s Opinion of Title is also
11 - Deed, Title, Lease.pdf

FEMA Flood MAP - Project Attachment 7

Contact the Flood Map Distribution Center, FEMA, 6730 Santa Barbara Court, Elkridge, Maryland 21075,
(800/358-9616), to request a copy of the map.
Cost of a map is $4 plus shipping costs.
Web site address for the FEMA map center is

Attach a copy of the FEMA Flood Map with the project boundaries delineated:
12 - FEMA Map.pdf

Project Justification by Local Plan - Project Attachment 8

Was a public hearing/meeting held regarding the proposed project to solicit public input?

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Date the hearing was advertised in a local newspaper:


Date of the public hearing:


Submit a copy of the advertisement notice, sign-in sheet(s), and any relevant minutes or notes. This also pertains to a
regular board meeting that listed the project proposal as a discussion item before or after the regular board’s agenda.
13 - Community Input Meeting.pdf

Provide documentation from the plan(s) or other sources that describes or verifies the level of public input/involvement in
the preparation of the plan(s) AND/OR the application project proposal.
14 - Level of Public Input.pdf

Please reference and submit appropriate pages, as well as the front cover/title page from a local Outdoor
Recreation/Open Space Plan, Community Comprehensive Plan, Capital Development Plan, etc. that shows the
proposed project is justified and consistent with priorities outlined in such plan(s). Be sure the date of the plan(s) is
indicated on the material submitted. DO NOT SUBMIT THE ENTIRE PLAN(S).
15 - Comp Plan Excerpts.pdf

Provide any documentation that identifies the proposed project as a priority (letters of support, excerpts, referendum, site
specific or general survey, support through social media, special committee, focus group, petition, fundraiser, etc:
16 - Letters of Support.pdf

NOTE: If local applicant has adopted a specific recreation acreage standard or goal, please submit
appropriate reference from planning document(s) indicating the adopted standard or goal.

NOTE: The file name for all uploaded documents MUST be below
28 characters in length.

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information at a later time.
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OSLAD24 - Environmental Assessment Statement & CERP Form

Project Description
Provide a concise description of the project, which states the planned scope and details exactly what will be
accomplished through this grant project.
Waiola Park is a 3.6 acre neighborhood park that has 2 t-ball fields, a small soccer field, playground, walking loop trail
and two half basketball courts. With the award of the grant the Park District of La Grange would be able to make
improvements to the park that would include a replacing the playground that is 27 years old, renovating the existing
basketball courts that are 20 years old, renovating and relocating the t-ball fields, and renovating the loop path onsite.
Additional amenities added to the park include a shelter, pollinator gardens with educational signage and a fitness

Provide a concise description of the project site including dimensions (size) and location.
Waiola Park is located at 545 S. Waiola Avenue, La Grange Illinois, 60525. The park is 3.6 acres in size and is
surrounded by streets.

Provide a concise description of the physical characteristics of the project site (pay particular attention to unique
features) and detail any existing improvements on the property.
Waiola Park has well established turf grass that is maintained by the Park District. There is also a variety of trees
ranging in species and size that provide adequate shade around the edge of the park boundary. Asphalt and concrete
pathways loop around and through the park that provide access for the public. The interior of the park sits a little lower
than the edges of the park but there are no long term wet spots that occur in the park after rain events.

General Project Data

Application Type:
New Project Application (not previously reviewed/considered by IDNR)
Application Resubmittal

If this is a development project, was the property acquired with IDNR funds?

Map Attachments

Topographic Map:
Only provide the portion of the Topographic Map where the project site is located.
Clearly delineate and identify the project site/park boundary on the map with a dashed black line.
Topographic maps may be obtained from:
Illinois State Geological Society Champaign, IL (217) 244-2414.
Topographical maps may also be available from local and/or regional planning commissions.

Upload Topographic Map:

18 - Topo Map.pdf

Color Aerial Map:

Provide an aerial map that clearly delineates all project areas

Upload Color Aerial Map:

19 - Colored Aerial.pdf


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1. For each of the following environmental and social factors, indicate to the best of your knowledge whether
the proposed project will have a Beneficial, Neutral, or Adverse impact or is Not Applicable. Consider both
temporary (during construction) and long-term impacts.
2. For Adverse impacts, explain in the Comment Section of this EAS the nature of the impact and whether 1) it
can be minimized by mitigation measures OR 2) is unavoidable and cannot be positively addressed/mitigated.

Key to impacts: Beneficial, Neutral, Adverse, N/A

Environmental Assessment Statement

Socio-Economic Factors

1. Adjacent Land Use (describe):


Describe Adjacent Land Use:

Waiola Park is surrounded by Single Family Residential (R4)

2. Disruption of Neighborhood/Community Cohesion:


3. Impact on churches/cemeteries/schools/healthcare facilities/elderly housing:


4. Local economic/business impacts:


5. Displacement/Relocation of residence(s) or business:


6. Local Tax Base (i.e., property tax loss):


7. Land Use Change/Zoning:


Current zoning classification:

Open Space (OS)

8. Agricultural Activities/Prime Farmland Conversion:


In compliance with the 1982 Illinois Farmland Preservation Act, it is MANDATORY that notification be sent to
the IL Dept. of Agriculture (IDOA), Bureau of Land Water Resources, State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL 62794-
9281 (tele: 217/785-4458) regarding all land acquisition projects located outside municipal corporate limits
regardless of the land's current use. Application material to be provided includes "copies" of: 1) project
location map with project boundary clearly delineated, 2) project plat map with current zoning and adjacent
land uses identified on the map, 3) county soil survey map with the project site boundary delineated (soil
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maps can be obtained from the County Soil and Water Conservation District office), and 4) completed
application Narrative Statement. Comments provided by the IDOA to the project sponsor must be submitted to
the DNR as part of the project application review process.

Project requires IDOA review.


Physical Resource Factors

9. Wildlife/Wildlife Habitat. Game Species/Non-Game Species:


10. Fisheries:

11. Soils (erosion, removal, contamination):


12. Air Quality:


13. Noise:

14. Energy Usage:


15. Water Usage:


16. Mineral Resources:


17. Tree Removal:


18. Surface Waters (lakes, streams, drainageways, etc.):


19. Groundwater:

20. Floodplains:

NOTE - For fields on this form where the required value entered is a percent:
If 1 is enterd in this field = 100%
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Park District of La Grange

If 0.25 is entered in this field = 25%

If 0.07 is entered in this field = 7%

Percent of project area within 100-year floodplain:

0.00 %

21. Wetlands (*):


22. Threatened and Endangered species (*):


23. Archaeological Resources and Historic Sites/Districts (*):


(21-23*) See required "Cultural Resource, Endangered Species and Wetlands Review Report" form located at
the end of this EAS report that must be completed (with the requested map attachments and photos, if
applicable) and attached in duplicate (3 copies) to the EAS as part of the project application submitted to the
DNR. As part of the cultural resource review, an on-site archaeological reconnaissance survey may be
required to determine the existence and/or significance of such resources and potential impacts to them. The
cost of such a survey is the responsibility of the local applicant and is eligible for grant assistance IF included
in the application project budget. You will be notified if such a survey is required. PLEASE NOTE that the
survey, if required, does not need to be conducted until after DNR grant approval.

Other Factors

24. Public Roadway/Traffic/Public Transit/Railroad Impacts:


25. Public Utilities/Transmission Facilities:


26. Visual Impacts:


27. Hazardous Waste/Materials:


28. Consistency with Local Plans?


29. Known Project Controversy?


30. Identify any Other Adverse Impact(s):


COMMENT SECTION for Adverse Impacts

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Describe each adverse impact in an objective and quantified manner and describe specifically HOW
MITIGATION will be accomplished to minimize the adverse impact OR which impacts are unavoidable and
cannot be positively addressed through mitigation measures.

Factor #:

4 trees will need to be removed or transplanted onsite to accommodate the expansion of the park. New Trees will be
added to replace the amount of trees that are removed. If the tree is determined to be at an appropriate size to
relocate, it will be relocated within the boundary of Waiola Park.

Factor #:


Additional Adverse Impacts, if necessary:


Section 10 Navigational Permits (COE):

Section 404 Permit (COE):


Illinois Rivers, Lakes and Streams Permit (IL DNR):






USGS Numeric Location Designation - Township:


USGS Numeric Location Designation - Range:


USGS Numeric Location Designation - Section:


Size of Project Site (acres):


Provide architectural plans/specifications or state when they will be available:

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Park District of La Grange

20 - Plans & Specs.pdf

Does the project include tree removal?


Anticipated number of trees to be removed:


Concise Project Description (including equipment and all modifications made to each building/structure):
With the assistance of the IDNR OSLAD Grant Waiola Park will undergo renovations to many of the park amenities
and introduce new amenities to the park, which include renovations to the asphalt path to improve circulation and to
meet ADA requirements, renovation of the two half basketball courts, a ADA accessible playground with shade sails
over the playground, renovations to the t-ball fields and soccer field. New amenities that will be added to the park
include a shelter with seating, fitness station, pollinator garden, and an area for a portable toilet to be installed.

Are there any existing buildings/structures on the project site?


Provide color photos of any existing buildings/structures on the project site (please provide quality photos that show each
of the 4 sides of all buildings/structures):
21 - Building Photos.pdf

Are any of the existing buildings/structures over 40 years old?


Provide the date of construction for each building/structure over 40 years old:
22 - Building Construction.pdf

Have any projects at this location been reviewed by the Illinois Historic Preservation Division?



By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications* and (2) that the statements
herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances* and agree to
comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims
may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001) (*)The list of certification
and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list is contained in the Notice of Funding Opportunity. If a
NOFO was not required for the award, the state agency will specify required assurances and certifications as an
addendum to the application.
I agree

NOTE: The file name for all uploaded documents MUST be below
28 characters in length.

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Park District of La Grange


Proposed Budget Summary

Expense Budget

Grant Funded Non-Grant Funded Total Budgeted

7. Consultant Services and Expenses (2 CFR 200.459)
A/E Design and Construction Services Fees $46,700.00 $0.00 $46,700.00
A/E Design and Construction Services Fees $0.00 $46,700.00 $46,700.00
CPA Review $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00
Subtotal $46,700.00 $48,200.00 $94,900.00
8. Construction
Construction of All Built Amenities $553,300.00 $0.00 $553,300.00
Construction of All Built Amenities $0.00 $611,800.00 $611,800.00
Subtotal $553,300.00 $611,800.00 $1,165,100.00

Total Proposed Cost $600,000.00 $660,000.00 $1,260,000.00

Revenue Budget

Grant Funded Non-Grant Funded Total Budgeted

Grant Funding
Award Requested $600,000.00 $600,000.00
Subtotal $600,000.00 $600,000.00
Non-Grant Funding
Cash Match $0.00 $0.00
In-Kind Match $0.00 $0.00
Other Funding and Contributions $660,000.00 $660,000.00
Subtotal $660,000.00 $660,000.00

Total Proposed Revenue $600,000.00 $660,000.00 $1,260,000.00

Proposed Budget Detail

See attached spreadsheet.

Proposed Budget Narrative

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Performance Plan

Proposed Performance Plan

Periodic Performance Report (PPR)

Goal Name Goal Type Goal Details

1st Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


2nd Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


2nd Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


3rd Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


4th Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


4th Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


1st Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


1st Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


1st Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


1st Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


2nd Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


2nd Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


3rd Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


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Waiola Park Renovations
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Goal Name Goal Type Goal Details

4th Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


4th Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


4th Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


1st Quarter 2026 Milestone Due Date


1st Quarter 2026 Milestone Due Date


2nd Quarter 2026 Milestone Due Date


Periodic Financial Report (PFR)

Goal Name Goal Type Goal Details

2nd Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


3rd Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


4th Quarter 2024 Milestone Due Date


1st Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


2nd Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


3rd Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


4th Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date


4th Quarter 2025 Milestone Due Date

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Waiola Park Renovations
Park District of La Grange

Goal Name Goal Type Goal Details

1st Quarter 2026 Milestone Due Date


Proposed Performance Narrative

Periodic Performance Report (PPR)

The Periodic Performance Report (PPR) is a standard, uniform statewide performance progress reporting format used
by all state agencies to collect performance information from recipients of state grant awards. Reports are submitted

1st Quarter 2024

Grant winners announced.

2nd Quarter 2024

Contract finalized with Park District of La Grange and IDNR.

2nd Quarter 2024

Park District to have signed contract with A/E Design Firm for Construction Plan and Specification Development

3rd Quarter 2024

Construction Plans and Specifications to be 75% complete and reviewed with Park District

4th Quarter 2024

Construction Plans and Specifications are complete and have been sent out for permit review to required agencies.

4th Quarter 2024

All required permits are to be completed for the project.

1st Quarter 2025

Project is sent out for public bidding process

1st Quarter 2025

Bid Opening for project.

1st Quarter 2025

Bids to be reviewed and recommendation letter to be sent to Park District for Contract Award

1st Quarter 2025

Contract is awarded to General Contractor

2nd Quarter 2025

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Waiola Park Renovations
Park District of La Grange

Start construction of park amenities

2nd Quarter 2025

Construction is 25% complete

3rd Quarter 2025

Construction of park amenities to be 75% complete

4th Quarter 2025

Project to be at substantial completion.

4th Quarter 2025

Project to have punch walk with GC, Park District, IDNR and A/E Design company representatives.

4th Quarter 2025

Punch walk items are to be completed. GC to submit final pay application to Park District.

1st Quarter 2026

Park District to have CPA review all grant paperwork

1st Quarter 2026

Park District to request final reimbursement from IDNR

2nd Quarter 2026

Project is complete. No work.

Periodic Financial Report (PFR)

The Periodic Financial Report (PFR) is a standard, uniform statewide financial reporting format used by all state
agencies to collect financial information from recipients of state grant awards. The Category / Program Expenses or line
items of the PFR template should correspond to the current, approved grant budget. All program-specific line items
included in the approved budget should be included in the PFR.

2nd Quarter 2024

A/E Design & Permitting Fees: $10,000.00

3rd Quarter 2024

A/E Design & Permitting Fees: $65,000.00

4th Quarter 2024

A/E Design & Permitting Fees: $15,000.00

1st Quarter 2025

A/E Design & Permitting Fees: $3,400.00

2nd Quarter 2025

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Waiola Park Renovations
Park District of La Grange

2nd Quarter 2025

Construction of All Built Amenities: $291,200.00

3rd Quarter 2025

Construction of All Built Amenities: $582,600.00

4th Quarter 2025

Construction of All Built Amenities: $174,800.00

4th Quarter 2025

Construction of All Built Amenities: $116,500.00

1st Quarter 2026

CPA Review: $1,500.00

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