DLL in English 4 Week 6 Quarter 4 The K To 12 Way
DLL in English 4 Week 6 Quarter 4 The K To 12 Way
DLL in English 4 Week 6 Quarter 4 The K To 12 Way
K to 12 Basic Education Program Teacher NOEMI G. MERCADO- MASTER TEACHER II Learning Area ENGLISH
Grades 1 to 12
Teaching Dates & Time WEEK 6 FEBRUARY 18– 22, 2019 IV – C 8:00- 8:50 Quarter FOURTH
A. CONTENT STANDARDS OL – The learner demonstrates V - The learner demonstrates an RC –The learner demonstrates SS – The learner G – The learner
understanding of verbal cues for understanding that word understanding of various demonstrates an demonstrates a command of
clear expression of ideas meaning can be derived from linguistics nodes to understanding of library
LC – the learner demonstrates an different sources
the conventions of standard
comprehend various texts skills to research on a variety English grammar and usage
understanding of the elements of The learner demonstrates an
ORF – The learner of topics
literary and informational texts understanding that words are when writing or speaking
for comprehension composed of different parts and demonstrates an
WC – the learner
their meaning changes understanding that English is
stress-timed language to demonstrates an
depending on context
A – The learner demonstrates an achieve accuracy and understanding of the
understanding of verbal and automaticity importance of using varied
nonverbal elements of sources of information to
communication to respond back support writing
B. PERFORMANCE OL – The learner efficiently V – The learner uses different RC – The learner uses SS – The learner uses library G – The learner speaks and
STANDARDS delivers oral presentations resources to find word knowledge of text types to skills to gather appropriate writes using good command
LC – The learner identifies meaning correctly distinguish literary and relevant information of the conventions of
story perspectives and text The learner uses strategies from informational text standard
elements to decode the meaning of
ORF- The learner reads WC- The learner uses varied
aloud text with accuracy, sources of information to
A – The learner uses
paralanguage and nonverbal automaticity, and prosody support writing
cues to respond appropriately
C. LEARNING LC – Give conclusions to V- Identify meaning of word RC- Give conclusions to SS- Interpret bar and line G – Use simple sentence:
COMPETENCIES/ realistic fiction listened to with suffixes –er and -or realistic fiction read graphs simple subject and simple
OBJECTIVES (Write the LC EN4LC-IVf-34 EN4V-IVf-44 EN4RC-IVf-45 EN4G-IVf-19 predicate
Code for each) OL – State conclusion to A-Express interest in text ORF- Read grade-level texts EN4G-IVf-22
realistic fiction listened to reading available print with 118 words correct words WC-Write 5 – 6 sentence
EN4OL-IVf-25 materials(informational) per minute EN4F-IVf-1.13 paragraph about a given topic
EN4A-IVf-34 (Editing)
- Giving Conclusions to Realistic -Identifying Meaning of Word With -Giving Conclusions to Realistic -Interpreting Bar and Line Graphs - Using simple Sentence
Fiction Listened to Suffixes –er and -or Fiction Read -Writing 5-6 Sentence Paragraph
-Stating Conclusion to Realistic -Expressing Interest in Text Reading -Reading Grade-Level Texts with 118 About a Given Topic (Editing)
Fiction Listened to Available Print materials Words Correct Words per Minute
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG pp. 390-392 TG p. 407 TG pp. 390 - 392 TG pp. 404 - 405 TG pp. 405 - 406
2. Learner’s Materials Pages LM pp. LM pp. 388 - 389 LM pp. LM p. 382 - 383 LM pp 385 - 387
3. Textbook Pages Reading for Meaning 4 tx pp.
4. Additional Materials from Learning http://www.poetry4kids.com/ http://www.poetry4kids.com/
Resource (LR) Portal classic-27html#.VSuq6fDRi4A classic-27html#.VSuq6fDRi4A
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables Pictures, Chart, PPT, task cards, Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables Pictures, Chart, PPTx, foldables Chart, PPTx, foldables
A. Reviewing the previous Dictation of sentences using Cite some situations wherein Words with suffixes –er or – Let the pupils read the passage Let the pupils interpret the bar
lesson or presenting the new prepositions. the pupils can draw or. and draw conclusion out of it. graph.
lesson conclusion. Operator healer etc. It was June 12. Ryann watched
the parade. His brother was
marching while carrying a flag.
After the parade, Ryann and his
family went to the children’s
playground. In the evening they
went to the Rizal Park to watch
the fireworks.
Ryann’s family
B. Establishing a purpose for the Pre-Listening Activities Let the pupils read the Pre-Reading Activities Read the following
lesson Unlocking of difficulties sentences. paragraph and answer the
Unlocking of difficulties
Swallowed, catch, absurd The five foolish fisherman Swallowed, catch, questions that follow.
went to the sea to fish. absurd LM p. 381 Try and Learn
One fisher is missing.
The smart girl is a thinker.
The sailor sail in the sea to
What is the root word? What
syllable is added to the root
What does the syllable do to
the meaning of the word? Show pictures to pupils.
Make sentences out of the
pictures shown.
Call pupils to do the task.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Motivation Who has a work at home? Motivation Have you seen a bar graph? Study the following Sentences.
the new lesson What is it? In what subject we usually 1. The five foolish
What will happen if you What will happen if you
accidentally swallowed a Present the poem, WORK on accidentally swallowed a see bar graphs? fishermen went to the
fly? LM p. 388. Let the pupils read fly? Present a bar graph to sea to fish.
the poem. pupils. LM p. 382. 2. The girl is right.
Motive Question Motive Question
Pick out the words with the Study the bar graph and
What happened to the old What happened to the old
suffixes –er or –or. Write them answer the questions that
woman who swallowed a on a chart. woman who swallowed a follow. ( 1 – 5 )
fly? Show the chart on TG p. 407 fly? Explain to pupils where do
Let the pupils listen to Let the pupils read the we use a bar graph and a
the poem the teacher will poem, THERE WAS AN OLD line graph.
LADY WHO SWALLOWED A FLY on TG pp. 391-392 In the sentence, The teacher
teaches the pupils.
FLY on TG pp. 391-392 The teacher will provide a
Which is the subject?
copy for the pupils to read. Which is the predicate?
What do you call a sentence
with one subject and a simple
D. Discussing new concepts and What do you think will be the What do the suffixes –er/-or What do you think will be the The graph has two axes- the Which is the subject or the
practicing new skills #1 next animal the old woman do to a word? next animal the old woman vertical axis and the doer of the action?
will swallow? What meaning does the suffix will swallow? horizontal axis. Which is the predicate or the
What is the next after the cat? –er or –or bring to the word? What is the next after the cat? What are the parts of a bar receiver of the action?
Can you swallow a dog? What What does each newly formed Can you swallow a dog? What graph?/line graph? How many subjects are there is
do you think will be the next word mean? do you think will be the next What is on the x axis? sentence 1?
animal? animal? What is on the y axis? How many predicates are there
What do you think will What do you think will What is the title of the bar in sentence 2?
happen next? happen next? graph? What do you call a sentence
What happened at the end What happened at the end with one subject and a simple
of the story? of the story? predicate?
Why did the old woman die Why did the old woman die Pupils can write also
after she swallowed a horse? after she swallowed a horse? paragraphs using simple
Let the pupils know about Let the pupils know about sentences.
drawing conclusions. It is a drawing conclusions. It is a
reasonable judgement you reasonable judgement you
form based on details you form based on details you
listen or read. listen or read.
E. Discussing new concepts and Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice
practicing new skills #2 Listen to this informational Read the paragraph and
Let the group do Do and Let the pupils do Do and Work in groups. Read the story
text. answer the questions. The Tortoise that Wanted to Fly
Learn on LM p. 389 letter A Learn on LM p. 383 letter
Mrs. Samson went back to Ryann stepped on the edge by Nilda Anayo on LM p. 386.
( 1 – 10 ) A.
her desk and sat down. After of the board. He curled his Pick out simple sentences with
switching on the machine, she toes over the edge, as if for a simple subject and a simple
put her fingers on the safety. He wanted to hold his predicate.
keyboard. The menu flashed nose, but he knew he couldn’t. Write a 5-6 sentence
on the screen. She would He felt fear as he looked down paragraph about the picture.
finish the report now. in the water. He wasn’t sure
Where was Mrs. Samson? he could do it, but he’d try.
What was she doing? Where was Ryann? What
Story clues: was he going to do?
Story clues:
F. Developing mastery Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Let the pupils do Do and Learn Pupils’ Favorite Subject
Let the pupils listen to this. Read the passage. Then draw Look at the pictures on LM p.
Sarah waited nervously. She letter B on LM p. 389 conclusion or make inference 70 387. Construct a simple
knew the nurse would call her about the passage. 60 sentence for each picture.
50 The pupils can also write 5 -6
next. She looked at the Samuel woke up and
models of healthy teeth. She saw the sun shining in the sky. sentence paragraph using
hoped her own teeth would He packed his swimsuit, a simple sentences about each
be healthy. towel, a beach ball and his picture.
Where was Sarah? sandals in his bag. Then he Math Science Fil English
What does the story tell? went to the kitchen and made SUBJECTS
What I already know? sandwiches for lunch. How many pupils favored
Conclusion or inference_____ Samuel is likely going to _____ Math?____ Science?____
What is the most favored
What is the least favored
G. Finding practical application of Listen to this. Use the following in Analyze the situation. Below is the horizontal bar Write a 5-6 sentence paragraph
concepts and skills in daily living Lewis wanted to wear his sentences. If you were in this situation, graph. It shows the result of the using simple sentences about
new jeans but they were dirty. Provider what shall you do. Newspaper Fund Drive in the pictures.
He put all his dirty clothes in a Plumber Tony called Danny last SGMES for 2017. Choose based on your
Tuesday after school and told Newspaper Fund Drive
pile. Then he picked them up Operator experiences.
him that he would be available to IV
and put them in the machine. Moderator
work on his school project after V
He read the directions on the Facilitator IV
dinner. After dinner, Tony rode
box of soap, poured some into Runner III
his bike over to Danny’s house.
the machine, and pressed the server When Tony arrived he rang the II
start button. bell, but there was no answer. I
How did Lewis solve the Tony got back on his bike and K
problem? Cite evidences. went home. 100 200 300 400 500
What conclusion did Tony Amount in Pesos
make? What is the title of the graph?
Describe the data shown on the
vertical axis.
Describe the label shown on
the horizontal axis.
Which grade level collected the
biggest amount?
Which grade level collected the
least amount?
H. Making generalizations of Drawing conclusions is a reasonable A suffix is a word ending. It is Drawing conclusions is a reasonable Graphs are diagrams that A simple sentence is composed
concepts and skills in daily living judgment you form based on details a group of letters you can add judgment you form based on details show the relationships of of one subject and a simple
you listen/read. To draw conclusion you listen/read. To draw conclusion
from a selection, look for supporting to the end of a root word. from a selection, look for supporting information so that predicate.
details and combine details with Adding suffixes to words can details and combine details with information may be easily
what you know. change or add to their what you know. and quickly understood.
Ask yourself the following questions: meanings, but most Ask yourself the following questions: Graphs use lines, numbers,
-What is the selection about? -What is the selection about?
-What do you know about the
importantly, they show how a -What do you know about the
pictures, or bars to
selection based on your own word will be used in a selection based on your own represent information and
experience? sentence and what part of experience? to show the relationship
-What conclusion can you draw? speech the word is. -What conclusion can you draw? between sets of data. They
are mostly used to compare
numbers of data.
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Listen to the passage the Directions: Read the Directions: Read the passage. Directions: use this line Directions: Look at the
teacher will read. Answer the Then draw a conclusion or make graph to help you answer following pictures.
questions afterwards. paragraph. Add the suffix –
an inference about the passage. the questions that follow.
Jose Abad wants to lower city er or –or on the space 1.My sister and I went to the Jenny’s Math Scores Write simple sentences with
taxes and offer financial incentives to circus. We saw the funny clowns. 100 simple subject and simple
bring in new business. He also wants provided.
We watched the lion act. We ate 80 predicate.
to recognize city departments to Do LM p. 389 Letter C a lot of treats and popcorn. This 60
save money and to improve the 40
story is about___________
quality of services offered to Manila
a.eating treats of popcorn 20
citizens. Jose Abad would make a
b. clows Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fr
great mayor, and I think everyone
should vote for him. c. lions 1.What was Jenny’s highest
1.From this passage, you can infer d. going to the circus score?
that____________ 2.Mary is standing on the Her lowest score?
a.Jose Abad would be an awful sidewalk. Then she sees a 2. On which day did she get
mayor. _________________________
butterfly. She gets a net. She the highest score? The
b.He believes that city taxes are too chases a butterfly._________
low. lowest score?
a.Mary will try to catch a moth.
c.He will work to improve the city 3. On which day did she get
when he becomes a mayor. b. Mary will try to catch a spider.
c. Mary will try to catch a
the perfect score?
2. From the same passage, it is
butterfly. 4. What was her score on
impossible to conclude that
a. the city is doing well under the d. Mary will run and play. Tuesday?
current mayor. 5. What score did she get on
b. The city has been experiencing Friday?
financial crisis. _________________________
c. He believes that everyone will vote Etc.
for him.
J. Additional activities for application Words with suffixes –er or - or Bring action pictures.
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the