Proximate Composition of Some Commercial Fish Feeds Sold in Nigeria

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FSN-NU 0014
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University Of Agriculture Makurdi Nigeria

Copyright 2010, Fisheries Society of Nigeria.

and body composition of fish (Lovell,
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 25 th Annual International
Conference and Exhibition in Administrative Staff College of Nigeria 1989). Improper protein and energy levels
(ASCON), Topo-Badagry, Lagos, Nigeria, 25th – 29th October, 2010.
in feed increases fish production cost and
This paper was selected for presentation by an FISON Program Committee
following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the deteriorates water quality. Insufficient
author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by
the Fisheries Society of Nigeria and are subject to correction by the author(s). energy in diets causes protein waste due to
The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the
Fisheries Society of Nigeria, its officers, or members. Papers presented at the increase proportion of dietary protein
FISON meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of
the Fisheries Society of Nigeria. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or used for energy and the produced
storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written
consent of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria is prohibited. Permission to ammonia can reduce the water quality
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words;
illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous (Phillips, 1972; Prather and Lovell, 1973
acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write
Librarian, Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON), P. O. Box 2607 Apapa, and Shyong et al., 1998). On the contrary,
excessive energy in diets can lead to
increased body lipid deposition and growth
ABSTRACT reduction because of lack of necessary
A study was undertaken to analyse and nutrient for growth (Daniels and Robinson
compare with manufacturers’ declaration 1986, Van der Meer et al, 1997). From the
the nutrient content of some feeds economic point of view, feed cost appears
available in Nigeria through proximate to be one of the major constraints against
analysis. The commercial fish feeds the greater expansion of aquaculture.
collected from the markets were Adolf There is a paucity of information on the
Calyx, Coppens, Dizengoff and Durante. nutrient content of fish feed produced by
Proximate composition such as moisture, different feed companies in Nigeria. There
crude protein, crude lipid, ash, fibre and are also no reliable published information
NFE (nitrogen free extract) were analysed. on chemical composition of commercial
In general, there was variation between fish feed and feed ingredients in Nigeria.
analysed and company declared nutrient The farmers have to depend only on the
contents of different feeds especially the existing information about the feed
protein and lipid content of the feeds. composition and growth performance that
Apart from Adolf Calyx, all the analysed is given by the feed company. The
feeds had protein contents of above 40% government has no legal legislation and
which is good for catfish production as control over the feed components and feed
recommended by the manufacturer. quality. Also, there are no guidelines for
Keywords: Proximate composition, the establishment of a new feed company.
Commercial fishfeeds, Adolf Calyx, So there is a great possibility that the
Coppens, Dizengoff, Durante. farmers will be deceived by the feed
manufacturers. There is no monitoring by
INTRODUCTION the government on the quality and nutrient
The nutrient balance of feed influences content of the feeds produced by different
feed utilization and growth of fish. It is feed manufacturers, even if there is a
very essential to know the nutritional possibility to use unauthorized feed
requirements particularly for protein, lipid ingredients. So far, there has been dearth
and energy for optimum growth of a fish of information on evaluation of the
species as well as in formulating a nutrient content of feeds produced by
balanced diet. Dietary protein and energy commercial industries. Therefore, the
levels are known to influence the growth
569 Proximate Composition Of Some Commercial Fish Feeds Sold In Nigeria FISON EKO 2010

present study investigates the nutrient Ash

composition of some commercial fish Ash content was determined by igniting
feeds available in Nigerian market and feed samples in a muffle furnace at 450oC
compares these values with those declared overnight.
by the manufacturers. Crude fibre
Samples (2 g) were digested with 0.128 M
MATERIALS AND METHODS H2S4 with a few drops of octanol in
Collection and preparation of samples digestion unit (Hot Extractor, Model-1017)
for analysis for 30minutes. Filtering and washing with
Samples of four commercially available boiling water removed acid. Residue was
feeds (2mm diameter) namely Adolf boiled with 0.223 M KOH for 30 minutes,
Calyx, Coppens, Dizengoff and Durante then washed in boiling water and acetone.
were collected from fish feed shops in The residue was dried in an oven at 130oC
Makurdi, Nigeria. The required amount of for 2hours and ignited in muffle furnace at
samples were finely ground by a 500oC for 3 hours. The loss of weight
laboratory grinding machine in University represented the crude fibre.
of Agriculture Makurdi Nigeria and kept Nitrogen free extracts (NFE)
in an airtight container for subsequent NFE was calculated by subtracting the
chemical analysis. sum of moisture, crude protein, crude
Analytical methods lipid, ash and crude fibre from 100 (Castell
The proximate composition of different and Tiews, 1980).
commercial fish feeds were analyzed Results obtained were subjected to
according to standard procedures given in statistical analysis using analysis of
Association of Official Analytical variance (ANOVA)
Chemists (AOAC, 1980). Triplicate
samples of each commercial fish type were RESULTS
used to determine the following chemical The results of proximate composition of
compositions: different feeds analysed and
Moisture manufacturers’ declaration are shown in
Moisture was determined by keeping 2g of Tables 1 and 2 respectively.
the commercial fish feed samples in a Moisture
thermostat oven at 105oC for 24 hours. The analysed moisture contents varied
The difference between the initial weight between 6.87 to 8.10 %. Most of the
and the final weight gave the moisture collected feed samples contained lower
content. moisture than the company declared
Crude protein moisture content.
Samples (2 g) were digested in digestion Crude protein
unit (Digestor, model 2020) for 45 The analysed crude protein contents were
minutes. The digester was then distilled in highest in Dizengoff (52.65%) and lowest
distillation unit (Khjeltdah System, in Adolf Calyx (25.89%). Coppens and
Distilling unit, model 1026). Finally, it Durante had crude protein contents of
was titrated with0.2 N HCL and crude 43.75% each (Table 1) as compared to
protein was obtained by multiplying the company’s declarations of42%, 45%, 53%,
total nitrogen by a conversion factor of 45% and 45%. for Adolf Calyx, Coppens,
6.25. Dizengoff and Durante . Even though there
Crude lipid were differences between the analysed and
Crude lipid was determined by extracting a company declared protein values they
weighed quantity of sample with acetone were not significantly different except for
in Soxhlet Extraction Unit (model 1045). Adolf calyx feed (P>0.05).

570 Ayuba V. O. & Iorkohol E. K. FISON EKO 2010

Crude lipid proximate composition and compare with

The analysed crude lipid contents of the nutrient content declared by the
different fish feeds varied considerably different companies in Nigeria. From the
among the feed. The mean range of crude chemical analysis, it was observed that
lipid was recorded as 10.78 (Durante) most of the analysed data on crude protein
to14.77% (Dizengoff) as shown in were more or less similar to the company
Table1.Similarly there were differences declared values. The crude protein content
between the analysed and company of most of the feeds of different
declared crude lipid values even though commercial fish industries analysed was
they were not significantly different within the acceptable range recommended
(except for Dizengoff ) from the company for commercial fish (NRC, 1983). Wilson
mentioned values (P>0.05). (2000) reported that most of the
Ash commercial fish channel catfish feeds
The analysed ash contents of the collected contain 32% crude protein. Boonyaratpalin
commercial fish samples were in the range (1988) estimated the protein requirement
of 5.33% -9.45% while the manufacturer’s for tropical catfish to be 35-40%, 25-35%
declaration range was 5.1 % -8.4%. and 28-32% for fry, grow-out and
Crude fibre broodstock.. Watanabe et al. (1990)
The analysed crude fibre contents of Adolf observed that catfish production was
Calyx, Coppens, Dizengoff and Durantee increased through the use of high amounts
were 12.73%, 7.43%, 3.20% and 5.27% of protein (35% or more) in their diet and
(Table 1). Fibre contents of different feeds phase feeding may be more profitable.
from all companies under study were Lipids are primarily included in
significantly higher than the company formulated diet to maximize their protein
declared maximum values (P>0.05). sparing effect (Hasan, 2001) by being a
source of energy. The observed lipid
DISCUSSION values were in line with that of Cowey and
Growth, health and reproduction of Sargent (1979) who reported that in
commercial fish and other aquatic animals general, 10-20% of lipid in most
are primarily dependent upon an adequate freshwater fish diets gives optimal growth
supply of nutrient, both in terms of rates without producing an excessively
quantity and quality, irrespective of the fatty carcass. On the other hand, Wilson
culture system in which they are grown. (2000) reported that lipid level in catfish
Therefore, supply of inputs (feeds, feeds should be 5 to 6%. Luquet (2000)
fertilizers etc) has to be ensured so that the also stated that dietary lipid levels of 5 to
nutrients and energy requirements of the 6% are often used in tilapia diet.
species under cultivation are met and the All plant ingredients contain a certain
production goals of the system are amount of fibre. Fibre provides physical
achieved (Hasan, 2001). Nowadays, bulk to the feeds. A certain amount of fibre
commercial fish feeds are widely used to in feed permits better binding and
get more aquacultural production. Protein moderates the passage of feed through the
is the major growth promoting factor in alimentary canal. However, it is not
feed. The protein requirement of desirable to have a fibre content exceeding
commercial fish are influenced by various 8-12% in diets for fish, as the increase in
factors such as commercial fish size, water fibre content would consequently result in
temperature, feeding rate, availability and the decrease of the quality of an unusable
quality of natural foods and overall nutrient in the diet (De Silva and Anderson
digestible energy content of diet (Satoh, 1995). When the fibre content is excessive,
2000; Wilson, 2000). The present study it results to lower digestibility of nutrients.
was undertaken to know the actual The analysed crude fibre content of all the

571 Proximate Composition Of Some Commercial Fish Feeds Sold In Nigeria FISON EKO 2010

diets under study were within the safe NACA, Bangkok and FAO, Rome.
dietary limit for fish except for Adolf pp 193-219.
Calyx. Lovell, R.T. (1989). Nutrition and feeding
The research has revealed that even though of fish.Van Nostrand Reinhold,
there were variations between New York.114p.
manufacturers’ declaration and results Luquet, P. (2000). Tilapia, Oreochromis
obtained from the present study, the spp. In: R.P. Wilson (ed.),
Crude protein contents of all the feeds, Handbook of nutrient requirement
except Adolf Calyx, was above 40% and of finfish. pp. 169-180. CRC Press,
therefore suitable for catfish culture. Boca Raton Ann Arbor, Boston,
London. 196p
REFERENCES NRC (National Research Council). (1983).
AOAC. (1980). Official methods of Nutrients requirements of warm
analysis. Association of official water fishes and shell-fishes.
analytical chemists, (ed. W. National Academy Press,
Horwitz) 13th edition, Washington Washington, DC, 102 pp.
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Boonyaratpalin, M. (1988). Catfish feed requirements. In: J.E. Halver (Ed.)
National Inland Fisheries Institute. Fish Nutrition. pp. 2-29. Academic
Extension paper No. 528 (in Press, New York, NY.
Thai). Department of Fisheries, Prather, E.E. and R.T. Lovell (1973).
Bangkok, Thailand. 17 pp. Response of intensively fed
Castell, J.D. and K. Tiews. (eds.) (1980). channel catfish to diets containing
Report on the EIFAC, IUNS and various protein energy ratio.
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standardization in fish nutrition South-Eastern Association of
Research. Hamburg, Federal Game and Fish Commissioner 27,
Republic of Germany, 21- 455-459.
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S.E. McGladdery and J.R.Arthur proximate composition of body
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572 Ayuba V. O. & Iorkohol E. K. FISON EKO 2010

requirement of finfish. CRC Press, London. pp. 35-53.

Boca Raton Ann Arbor, Boston,

Table 1: Mean Proximate Composition of Analysed Feeds

Proximate Coppens % Dizengoff % Durante % Adolf Calyx %
Moisture 8.10(0.27) 8.62(0.087) 7.20(0.06) 6.87(0.11)
Ash 9.44(0.12) 5.33(0.02) 7.23(0.17) 7.45()0.15
Crude protein 43.75(0.00) 52.65(0.10) 43.75(0.00) 25.89(0.51)
Crude lipid 11.93(0.13) 14.77(0.05) 10.75(0.06) 12.50(0.04)
Crude fibre 7.42(0.62) 3.20(0.04) 5.27()0.05 12.73(0.10)
(Ayuba, V. O.and Iorkohol, E.K. laboratory analysis 2009)

Table 2: Manufacturers’ Proximate Composition of Feeds

Proximate Coppens % Dizengoff % Durante % Adolf Calyx %
Ash 9.5 8.4 8.0 5.1
Crude protein 45 53 45 42
Crude lipid 12 14 11 13
Crude fibre 1.5 1.6 2.6 1.7


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