(Mads) SC Test 1 Module 1
(Mads) SC Test 1 Module 1
(Mads) SC Test 1 Module 1
Pharmaceutical science and chemistry Which choice completes the text with
built on the _____foundations and the most logical and precise word or
perfected the extraction, phrase?
characterization, modification, and A) basic
testing of these natural products. Then, B) ancient
for a while, modern pharmaceutical C) fundamental
science moved its focus away from D) concentrated
nature and into the laboratory,
designing chemical compounds from
This text is adapted from Clay Shirky, Here Which choice most logically completes the
Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing text?
without Organizations. @2008. The author is A) fewer than two percent of
discussing websites such as Wikipedia and
Flickr to which users contribute content.
Wikipedia users ever contribute,
yet that is enough to create
There are two big surprises here in profound value for millions of
users’ content contribution. The first is users.
that the imbalance is the same shape B) bloggers, Wikipedia contributors,
across a huge number of different photographers, people conversing
kinds of behaviors. The second on mailing lists, and social
surprise is that the imbalance drives participation in many other large-
large social systems rather than scale systems all exhibit a similar
damaging them, which is supported in pattern.
a study by Sociologist Daniel Fireman C) the general form of a power law
when he stated that _________ distribution appears in a social
setting when some set of items is
ranked by frequency of occurrence.
D) the spontaneous division of labor
driving Wikipedia wouldn’t be
possible if there were a concern for
reducing equality.
Reading Writing Question 5
The contest of opinion, the election, Which choice best states the main
being now decided by the voice of the argument of the text?
nation, announced according to the
rules of the Constitution, all will, of A) An argument for the universal value
course, arrange themselves under the of democracy.
will of the law, and unite in common B) An argument for the adoption of
efforts for the common good. All, too, new Constitutional rights.
will bear in mind this sacred principle, C) An argument against the tyranny of
that though the will of the majority is the majority.
in all cases to prevail, that will to be D) An argument against the
rightful must be reasonable; that the abandonment of religious
minority possess their equal rights, principles.
which equal law must protect, and to
violate would be oppression.
Reading Writing Question 7
It took just an instant to spot three Which choice best states the function
people reading the paper, his paper, of the underlined portion as a whole?
and he thought that all three would
soon pass or had already passed their A) To imply that the newspaper’s
eyes over the letters of his name in editorial staff underestimates its
print and then his signature, that clear popularity with its readers.
uppercase letter that soon deteriorated B) To suggest that the newspaper’s
into a chaos of curves and ended up editorial section is prominent in the
disintegrating into a corner. Everyone national consciousness.
knew the space where his cartoon had C) To indicate that editorials in the
always been: it was the first thing newspaper are generally written
anyone’s eyes saw when they reached under assumed names.
those pages, in the very centre of the D) To emphasize that editorials in the
first page of opinion columns, that newspaper are more interesting
mythic place where Colombians go to than they used to be.
hate their public figures or find out
why they love them.
Reading Writing Question 10
Across two experiments, psychological According to the text, what is true about the
scientists M. Mahdi Roghanizad and experiment’s design?
Vanessa Bohns found that people tend
to overestimate the persuasiveness of A) It was to avoid the possibility that some
requests sent over by email while also requesters would be more comfortable
underestimating the effectiveness of working with strangers than other
requests made in person. In the first requesters would.
experiment, 45 college students were B) It was to avoid the possibility that some
each assigned to ask 10 strangers to fill requesters would be better able to assess
out a short personality survey. Half of the approachability of the strangers they
the requesters were assigned to a face- selected than other requesters would be.
to-face condition, approaching 10 C) It was to avoid the possibility that the
unknown students on a college requesters in one condition would be more
campus, while the other requesters socially diverse than the requesters in the
sent emails to strangers chosen out of other condition would be.
the university’s directory. Before they D) It was to avoid the possibility that the
got started, requesters were asked how requesters in one condition would be able
many people they thought they could to create a more convincing request than
get to fill out the survey. In both the requesters in the other condition
conditions, requesters used the same would.
script to make the request.
Reading Writing Question 11
Text 2
The applicant seems to be a woman of
superior character and intelligence,
obviously more than ordinarily desirable
as a citizen of the United States. The
views referred to are an extreme opinion
in favor of pacifism and a statement that
she would not bear arms to defend the
Constitution. So far as the adequacy of
her oath is concerned I hardly can see
how that is affected by the statement,
inasmuch as she is a woman over fifty
years of age, and would not be allowed to
bear arms if she wanted to.
Reading Writing Question 14
Eden Robinson is a novelist and a Which choice best states the main
member of the Haisla Nation in purpose of the text?
Western Canada. Critics and fellow
writers have praised her work for A) To discuss two writers who blend
combining traditional Haisla stories traditional Indigenous stories with
with popular genres of literature, such popular genres.
as fantasy and mystery fiction. But B) To urge younger Indigenous
Robinson is not the only Indigenous authors to avoid writing in popular
writer to blend traditional stories with genres.
popular literature. In the 2019 novel C) To argue that traditional
Empire of Wild, Cherie Dimaline Indigenous writers are more
successfully blended the oral memorable than most novels are.
storytelling tradition of her people, the D) To explain why one Indigenous
Metis, with horror fiction. author has achieved more success
than another has.
Reading Writing Question 15
When students enroll into college, they Which choice most logically completes
are faced with the weighty decision to the text?
settle on a major that will thereafter
dictate the course of their education A) students who change majors are
and its curriculum. According to the significantly less likely to graduate
US Department of Education, about on time.
one third of students changed their B) students should not decide on a
majors within the first couple years of major until their junior year, since
enrollment. Specifically, 35% of they are likely to change degrees
students who pursued a STEM-related within the first couple of years.
major (Science, Technology, C) students obtaining a degree in
Engineering, or Mathematics) changed education are less likely to change
within three years, though this their major than those obtaining a
percentage increased to 52% of degree in science.
students if they specialized in Math. D) the majority of students change
Comparatively, 29% of students with a their major at least once before
non-STEM major switched within the starting their junior year.
first few years. These findings suggest
that ___________
Reading Writing Question 17
The student wants to introduce the Titanic (1997) film to an audience who is familiar
with the sinking of Titanic. Which choice best accomplishes the goal?
A) Titanic is a British luxury passenger liner that sank in 1912, which inspires The
Titanic (1997) film, performed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
B) The Titanic film, played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, inspired by
Titanic Sink in 1912, is a classic of the film disaster industry.
C) Titanic Disaster is one of the most famous tragedies in modern history, which
inspires The Titanic (1997) film.
D) Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were the main actor and actress in The
Titanic (1997).
Reading Writing Question 18
Interacting with animals, particularly dogs, is known to help people cope with ____
the prefrontal cortex helps individuals regulate and process social and emotional
interactions, neuroscientists believe that it might be particularly relevant to their
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) stress, because
B) stress: because
C) stress because
D) stress because –
In the future, companies may develop hybrid models, listing excess capacity
(whether vehicles, equipment, or office space) on peer-to-peer rental sites. In the past,
new ways of doing things online have not displaced the old ways entirely. However,
they have often changed _____. Just as internet shopping forced Walmart and Tesco
to adapt, so only sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) it
B) them
C) themselves
D) him
Reading Writing Question 20
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) Anatomist G.B. Duchenne,
B) Anatomist; G.B. Duchenne,
C) Anatomist G.B. Duchene,
D) Anatomist G.B. Duchenne
Sixty small paintings on boards were the centerpiece of the 2015 exhibit One Way
Ticket: Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series at New York’s Museum of Modern Art
(MoMA). Lawrence completed the paintings, which he called panels, in 1941. They
feature strong, bold lines; simple, somewhat abstract recurring _________ vibrant
primary colors.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) forms; and a limited palette’s of
B) form, and a limited palette of
C) form; and a limited palette of
D) form. And a limited palette of
Reading Writing Question 22
The Human Genome Project (HGP), an international scientific effort from 1990 to
2003, decoded the complete sequence of DNA base pairs and genes in the human
genome, and made this information available for further biological study. This new
knowledge has already produced significant medical breakthroughs, and further
applications are bounded only by ________imaginations.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) the limits’ of scientists’
B) the limits of scientist’s
C) the limits of scientists’
D) the limits of a scientists’
Given today’s competitive job market, many students in the United Sates worry that
they lack the skills needed to gain entry into a rewarding ________ the vast majority
of these young people already possess one attribute that is in demand around the
world: fluency in the English language. Millions, possibly even billions, people
around the world would like to learn English or improve their ability to speak, read,
or writing the language – and who better to teach this difficult subject than a native
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) profession, however,
B) profession; however,
C) prefession, however;
D) profession; however;
Reading Writing Question 24
Note the sharp drop-off in the number of photos between the top few contributors
and most of the participants. Notice too that because of the disproportionate
contributions of these few photographers, three-quarters of the photographers
contributed a below-average number of pictures. This pattern is general to social
media: on mailing lists with more than a couple dozen participants, the most active
writer is generally much more active than _______ in the number-two slot, and far
more active than average.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) people
B) that of the person
C) the person
D) the person’s
You just got assigned a new project at work and you need to wrangle some help from
the rest of your team. ______ it may be tempting to send out a mass email asking for
volunteers, new research suggests you’re much more likely to enlist help by actually
asking people face-to-face.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) While
B) Because
C) However,
D) Therefore,
Reading Writing Question 26
In 1904, the musician James Reese Europe moved from Washington, DC, where he
had studied under concert violinist Joseph Douglass, to New York City. Seeking
opportunities for himself and fellow jazz musicians to perform for a wider audience,
Europe helped found the Clef Club in 1910. This organization for African American
musicians provided rehearsal space, booked venues for concerts, and crucially
formed a jazz orchestra of more than one hundred members with Europe as ____
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) it’s
B) there
C) they’re
D) its
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
A) snows. Allowing
B) snows, allowing
C) snows, this allowed
D) snows; and allowing