Bony BZW - Gbs Feed BRD v1.0
Bony BZW - Gbs Feed BRD v1.0
Bony BZW - Gbs Feed BRD v1.0
Version 1.0.1
Ops Control Change Management
BONY BZW – GBS Feed Project
1. Document Control 3
1.1 Document History 3
1.2 Contributors 3
1.3 Approval List 3
2. Purpose 4
3. Overview 4
6. RAID Section 15
6.1 Risks 15
6.2 Issues 15
6.3 Assumptions 15
6.4 Dependencies 15
1. Document Control
1.2 Contributors
Analysis Group
Danny Lam Dawn Henry Ryan Lawrie Ana Aitken
Michael D’Amato Gabriella Sgroi-Seddon Sanjay Aggarwal Kavitha Solaraj
2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to specify the detailed requirements for the BONY BZW – GBS Feed
Project. This document will focus specifically to the changes required for bringing in the GBS Ledger
Feed and BONY Statement Feed.
3. Overview
A GBS sub-ledger account must be added to the BZW reconciliation to allow the Economic Funding
trades booked in Monet under the new trading entity BCLM to be paid out via BZW fed box on the
BCI entity. Set-up of the new GBS Ledger Feed and enhancements of the BONY Statement Feed to
include the GBS transaction will be progressed. The additional feed and detail will facilitate the
reconcilement of GBS activity with the activity at BONY within intelliMATCH.
In order to successfully set up the feed, analysis completed will establish the requirements for both
upstream sources on the Statement side (BONY) and Ledger side (GBS). The following areas will be
considered as part of the project:
The specification of GBS Feed requirements for BONY BZW Reconciliation was completed by the
Glasgow Ops Control Production Team. Further analysis on the business change was aided by the Cash
Collateral & Liquidity Team.
Reconciliation Set-up
The following section defines the detailed business requirements to set-up additional Source Files for the Reconciliation.
File Description: GBS Ledger Feed containing Transactional and Balance detail
02 Data Description of Source GBS Ledger Feed containing Transactional and Balance detail
03 Data Filtering on Import to The following details the data filtering that must be performed on the
intelliMATCH GBS Ledger file:
3. Extract GBS Balance detail from rows with Record Type ‘03’
04 Data Mapping of Source File The following details the mapping required for Transactions:
to intelliMATCH -
1. GBS Account ID must be mapped to the Account and
UserText9 fields
04.a Data Mapping of Source File The following details the mapping required for Balances:
to intelliMATCH - Balance
1. GBS Account ID must be mapped to the Account field
05 Data Enrichment on Import to The following formatting must be performed on Transactions: The SDS Reference is essentially the
intelliMATCH – SDS ID Customer Account Number missing the
1. Extract the SDS ID from the Transactions
first three digits (400) e.g. a SDS
2. A value of ‘400’ must be concatenated to the beginning of the Reference of 12345678 will be inserted
SDS ID (to create the Customer Account Number ) into the CustAccNum field as
06 Data Formatting on Import to The following formatting must be performed on Balances: A DR Balance must be represented as a
intelliMATCH – Balance positive figure(e.g. 100,000) and a CR
1. Where Debit/Credit column is DR, the Book Balance must be
Debit/Credit Balance must be represented as a
mapped as a Debit. E.g. 100,000 DR = -100,000
negative figure (e.g. -100,000)
2. Where Debit/Credit column is CR, the Book Balance must be
mapped as a Credit. E.g. 100,000 CR = -100,000
07 Data Enrichment on Import to All Transactions extracted from the GBS File must be specified as ‘L’
intelliMATCH – GBS to map into the L/S field
08 Data Enrichment on Import to All Transactions extracted from the GBS File must be specified as
intelliMATCH – GBS ‘GBS’ to map into the Source field
The following table specifies the Assignment Rules for implementation to the BONY BZW Reconciliation:
Assignment Rules for Implementation
Ref Name Requirement Specification
Assignment Rule Feed Account Comparison Assign Dept Assign Code
STUSD000NY US Finance US Finance
Additional Requirements:
02 Current Assignment Rules 1. The new Assignment Rule specified above must be included in the current Auto-Assignment Rules process
within the BZW Reconciliation
2. The existing Assignment Rules must be unaffected by the additional Assignment Rules.
The following defines implementation detail for setting-up the CPP look-up within the reconciliation:
Reconciliation Implementation
01 The current Dashboard Report ‘Balance Pool in Proof by Balance Pool’ The Dashboard will remain unchanged
Population Control Checks for the BZW Reconciliation must be unaffected by the changes to bring as the Balance Pool will include the
in the GBS source feeds. new GBS Accounts
02 GSB Transactions must be included in the Feed to Breaks DB for Current set up of the Breaks DB Feed
MI & Reporting
reporting in the Consolidated MIS Report. remains unchanged.
03 N/AA Scheduled Job must be created to import the new GBS Ledger
Schedule Job Requirements
The current set of scheduled jobs for the BZW Reconciliation must remain unaffected by the changes
specified in this document.
The current Security and Permissions set up within the INTMATCHNOSTRO environment will fulfil
this requirement
The current Archive set up within BCIN – Barclays Capital International will fulfil the archiving
Ops Control Change will perform a control check to ensure all defect updates are accurately
reflected within BRD and passed to intelliMATCH IT
Any defects identified will be escalated to intelliMATCH IT via Ops Control Change
Auto Matching must be paused pending confirmation of successful business checks (a sign-off
email will be provided to advise)
It is anticipated that the Ops Control Production Team will amend their procedures accordingly to take
into account the changes applied in this initiative. There are no known impacts to upstream platforms.
6. RAID Section
6.1 Risks
R01 There is a Risk that the project delivery Definition timelines brought in to DL, AA, DH
timelines may be subject to delay due to the allow more time for the Delivery
large number of regression testing required phase.
for BZW reconciliation.
Engagement with Ops Control to
secure dedicated resource for
UAT testing.
R02 There is a Risk that due to a number of Key Analysis for validating the Key DL, GS, KR
Assumptions requiring validation (see Assumptions currently under
below), the project delivery may be subject way.
to delay.
6.2 Issues
None identified
6.3 Assumptions
A03 GBS Balances will be included in the current Swift MT950 N DL, SA
Statement file
6.4 Dependencies