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How To Make Real, In-The Market Cash Dollars Profit Of

$86,020 Profit Per Month

These are the incredible-yet-proven results following the exact secrets you’ll discover in…

Oliver Velez’
2-Day Inner-Circle Workshop This invitation is not for everyone

t’s only for those who are willing to follow directions,
Oliver Velez’ Hugely Profitable work hard, take risks and want to be rich. If you qualify
you could be really wealthy!
Systems Let You Trade And not in six years, or ten years, but in just the next
For A Substantial Living 18 months.

O liver Velez regularly earns four and five-figure

profits daily! In 2 months of trading, Oliver’s
methods generated a phenomenal $277,030 in
You are hereby invited to attend this two-day, high-
intensity trading workshop that can send you home armed to
make HUGE profits… just as many others have already done!
actual profits. And one student just made $86,020
profit in a single month! This is the workshop you don’t want to miss – loaded with
We just asked Oliver to show us recent results a wealth of “inside” information and specifics about how you
– and he showed us an amazing six month record can realize amazing profits through trading the markets.
of over $1,200,000 in profits! (see page 2)
I absolutely guarantee the detailed instruction and
What would you do with over $200,000 steady
information you obtain in this intensive training session will
profit each month?
be more important than anything else you have ever heard or
His recent real-time trading seminars earned experienced before! I’m talking about bottom-line, “take-it-to-
him huge ovations from all those in attendance.
the-bank” facts that could earn you more cash than you ever
These were not hypothetical profits. They were dreamed possible!
made with real money and real trades!
If you want to really learn how to trade for a The markets present a huge opportunity. But don’t take
living, the “Trade For Life” Workshop is the only it from me – take it from those who have traded and are still
place you can get one-on-one teaching by Oliver pulling in the BIG MONEY trading the markets
Velez. Come and join Oliver for what will surely
be a profit-packed weekend of unparalleled • John in Toronto made $22,723.50 in his first two days
learning. There is absolutely nothing else like this • A Phoenix man started with $10,000 and made $378,819
in the world. in just 90 days
You’ll learn:
H An Automatic Program – to build a fortune in
• A Sherman Oaks, CA, skeptic found 181 winning trades
and only 15 losses (that’s 92.3% winners!).
the next 12-18 months
H The Best Major Moves – in the days, weeks and • A Utah businessman turned $400 into $500,000 and built
months ahead the house of his dreams.
H High Accuracy Trading – a surprisingly simple
program that has been 85% accurate for 10
• On January 22, a Missouri physician invested $3,500 – and
rode it up to … $201,443.75 by February 14 making
$197,943.75 in actual profits – in just three weeks!
H Virtually eliminate Losses – 10-year study
reveals an amazing, yet logical way to avoid • A former middle-management “suit” now dresses
nearly every loss. casually…and has over $280,000 in profits!
H 6 Scientific Market Insider Formulas – to
accurately pinpoint a profitable trading window
• Randy, a Vietnam vet and college dropout, turned $2,000
into $70,000 in his first seven months…and has now
H Plus Loads More… posted seven consecutive years with over 1 million dollars
See inside for full details … profit every year!

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Meet Master Stock Trader,
Oliver L. Velez
LIVER L. VELEZ has been an active trader for over 2 decades. He is the
founder and CEO of Velez Capital Management, LLC, one of the fastest
growing private trading firms in the country.
Mr. Velez has personally trained more than 60,000 traders, individual investors,
and institutional investors and has traveled the globe extolling the virtues of trading
for a living. He is the co-founder and former CEO of Pristine Capital Holdings, Inc.
which he grew into a global brand by serving more than 88,000 traders and investors
around the world. Barron’s, Forbes, and Stocks & Commodities have all at one time
rated his company the #1 educational trading firm.
Mr. Velez is the author of several popular books including Strategies for
Profiting on Every Trade and Swing
Trading with Oliver L. Velez, both from
Marketplace Books, and Tools and Oliver Velez Trader Account
Tactics from the Master Day Trader, Six Months = $1,200,557.03 Profits
published by McGraw-Hill. He has been $1,200,557.03 profit from Jan - June
the editor of several internationally 99 Winning Days
recognized newsletters with worldwide 9 Losing Days
readership in the tens of thousands. 91.6% Winning Days
“I graduated from the school of $11,116.27 Average Profit Every Day
hard knocks and earned an honorary
Ph.D. – poor, hungry, and driven,” says PROFITS PROFITS PROFITS PROFITS
3-Jan 6,649.76 14-Feb 0.72 28-Mar 17,797.57 4-May 6,633.77
Mr. Velez, who rose to the pinnacle of 4-Jan 9,432.89 15-Feb 16,024.18 29-Mar 19,251.32 7-May 15,130.74
success while still in his early 30s. 8-Jan 14,566.86 16-Feb 4,966.19 30-Mar -348.00 8-May 5,884.57
9-Jan 10,734.30 20-Feb 19,989.83 31-Mar 0.00 9-May 3,922.97
A successful author, speaker, trader, 10-Jan 11,504.19 21-Feb 17,779.18 1-Apr 0.00 10-May 7,615.23
and entrepreneur, Mr. Velez currently 11-Jan 11,146.54 22-Feb 22,342.69 2-Apr 48,912.83 11-May 5,754.15
runs Velez Capital Management, LLC 12-Jan 10,138.27 23-Feb 8,626.28 3-Apr 40,095.46 14-May 1,378.06
16-Jan 11,677.00 26-Feb 5,046.24 4-Apr 21,033.33 15-May 14,273.44
(VCM), one of the country’s fastest- 17-Jan 4,231.81 27-Feb 2,938.10 5-Apr 31,617.98 16-May 8,430.00
growing private equity firms. VCM 18-Jan 8,192.57 28-Feb 8,246.43 9-Apr 37,237.48 17-May 6,498.94
employs 900 professional traders who 19-Jan 12,279.77 1-Mar 10,348.28 10-Apr 25,318.35 18-May 8,558.43
22-Jan 12,480.17 2-Mar -2,346.26 11-Apr 2,213.49 21-May 6,257.76
have been personally trained by Mr. 23-Jan 8,352.89 5-Mar 5,037.13 12-Apr 12,842.58 22-May 11,831.05
Velez to trade his own accounts. 24-Jan 4,112.63 6-Mar 15,131.86 13-Apr 15,724.42 23-May 6,844.44
25-Jan -487.49 7-Mar 11,996.82 16-Apr 27,055.05 24-May 3,269.83
Oliver L. Velez has been featured 26-Jan 5,972.21 8-Mar 13,951.53 17-Apr 22,571.48 29-May 6,259.82
as a trading expert on CNBC, CBS, 29-Jan 9,532.05 9-Mar 22,124.76 18-Apr 26,342.58 30-May 7,636.36
Bloomberg, and FOX News and in 30-Jan 2,222.82 12-Mar 21,599.20 19-Apr 12,260.42 31-May 6,101.36
31-Jan 2,435.23 13-Mar -1,340.13 20-Apr 25,850.33 1-Jun 8,336.96
publications including the New York 1-Feb 7,739.46 14-Mar 7,634.52 23-Apr -1,964.53 4-Jun 7,275.61
Times, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, 2-Feb 2,909.53 15-Mar 6,524.87 24-Apr 32,502.42 5-Jun 1,855.65
Forbes, and Stocks & Commodities, to 5-Feb 8,563.06 19-Mar 10,603.33 25-Apr 20,032.58 6-Jun -7,254.06
6-Feb 6,297.12 20-Mar 14,332.68 26-Apr -3,142.38 7-Jun 4,806.14
name just a few. Dow Jones called him 7-Feb -2,065.59 21-Mar 9,373.44 27-Apr 1,114.62 8-Jun 7,195.93
“the messiah of day trading.” As a Wall 8-Feb 7,017.44 22-Mar 10,575.33 30-Apr 9,366.89 11-Jun 8,458.64
Street “insider,” Mr. Velez has personally 9-Feb 5,030.43 23-Mar 17,125.02 1-May 13,612.56 12-Jun 11,778.42
12-Feb 8,395.61 26-Mar 31,992.96 2-May 19,350.53
mentored some of the nation’s biggest 13-Feb 9,422.32 27-Mar 31,266.91 3-May -1,111.49 1,200.557.03
and most successful traders.

IMPORTANT NOTICE! Stock and option trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must
be aware of the risks and willing to accept them in order to invest in the equity or options markets. Don’t trade
with money you can’t afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell securities, interests or
listed options.
NOTICE: “Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual
performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually
executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as
lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the
benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses
similar to those shown.”

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Dear Friend, to 85% plus win rates is no accident.)
We all work hard to earn a living. These are not theories. These are tried and true
How well we apply our time and effort directly principles that are demonstrable, under both scientific
affects us financially…whether we earn $8 an hour at testing conditions and real life situations, to generate
McDonald’s, $100 an hour in a law office – or find a more winning trades, greater profits, more automatic
way to multiply our earnings to $5,000….$7,000… profits than any system or inside secret ever revealed
even $21,505 per week! before.

Imagine this…what if I told you that there was Imagine the impact on your trading, your bank
a set of techniques available, developed and used by account, and even your own self-confidence when you
professionals, which have literally proven to be the personally harness this power…to achieve results you
most powerful tools available for successfully buying previously thought impossible!
and selling stocks for astronomical profits?
Trade For Life is
SUCCESS Magazine recently reported that one of
these techniques was used to pile up over $4,000,000 The ONLY Way To Trade
in just 72 hours! THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
reported on another technique that was used to
amass over 200 million dollars!!!
O liver shows you how to trade safely – and very,
very profitably.
Have you noticed anyone with a Ph.D. getting
Meanwhile, a former real estate broker made over rich in the markets? I haven’t. There is a big
$800,000 in just three months – without a single difference between theories and discoveries about
loss! And a golf caddy borrowed a small grubstake how markets work – and actually succeeding in the
and has now made over $100,000 per month…for 70 markets.
consecutive months!! –continued on page 4

Discover Oliver Velez’ NOW AT LAST AN AMAZING

making Techniques
• Get Oliver’s Specific Market Trading Formulas U ntil today the “little guy” has almost always
been wiped out when he tried his luck at
– How to identify precisely where the market will
go … often within a window of two ticks and five But now, thanks to the amazingly reliable
minutes! So secret that he’ll only reveal this in trading system developed by Oliver Velez, you can
person! automatically overcome every investor’s biggest
problem-accurate timing-to get in and out with a
• Learn about Oliver’s “Trade For Life” Method…with profit almost every time you trade.
phenomenal profits. This method is perfect for You no longer need worry about external
beginners or traders with only 1-2 hours per week factors that affect market conditions…have to guess
to devote to trading. which stage of a move your market is in…or what
action to take now.
• Find out about Oliver’s High-Accuracy trading… Thanks to Oliver Velez’ eye-opening system,
which has been 85% accurate in all markets ever you can make fantastic percentage profits with
traded. almost guaranteed safety. Yes, you can make big
You can know when and where price will turn profits from tiny investments without tying up your
money, because you’ll win on almost every trade.
in every market. Short-term, long-term and even
intra-day moves and turning points can be pinpointed Oliver spent over twenty-six years of research
– absolutely! and trading before he perfected this remarkably
simple system that can bring you more profits,
Discover the natural forces which propel and even faster profits, safer profits than you ever dreamed
drive every market move. possible, by trading within the market’s own natural
These forces are nothing less than amazing. rhythm.
There are rhythmical, natural patterns that occur an Now you can have this priceless secret
astounding 85%-95% of the time in virtually every without risking a penny.
market’s movements.
Just call 1-888-233-1431
(In other words, 85% - 95% of the time we know to reserve your place TODAY!
where the market is going. Precisely. Trading with up

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Traders and investors Oliver is prepared to teach you how to succeed.
praise Oliver Velez How to really make money in the market. Knowing
EXACTLY where the market wants to go – and WHEN
After having read both of Oliver Velez’s books and – is the absolute best way to win.
taking his Trade for Life™ course, in my opinion they If you can control the thrill…if you can resist the
are the best training materials for anyone seriously
considering trading the stock market. greed that every one of us feels…you’re going to trade
– Isaiah Hempe better than you ever dreamed possible.
I have learned so much with Oliver. Not only did he
teach me how to get started, but he helped give me the
confidence to believe I could start trading for myself.
From Nothing to
– Javier Ruiz
$15,000 A Day!
Oliver makes trading instruction easy, exciting, and
energetic…he’s the best.
– J.R. Boud B y discovering what really determines when a
stock’s price is poised for a rise or fall (hint: it’s
NOT what you think), Oliver had in a sense found
I have always told other traders that you are the best
trainer by far, and you continue to prove it. the keys to unlocking Wall Street’s “hidden vault”
– Demetrius Wright – allowing him and his associates to pull money out
of the markets by the truckload.
Thank you for the knowledge obtained from each
presentation. I appreciate the passionate and caring He went from earning very mediocre returns on
manner in which you delivered them. his investments to – as a full-time trader – making
– Joyce Henderson profits as high as $15,000 a day…and over $200,000
I have no idea how anyone could trade without this per month for the past six months.
method. Thank you for one fantastic course.
– Carolyn Chebaro He went from living paycheck to paycheck,
to becoming one of the most respected and most
Unless you’re already trading profitably, the biggest
price you’ll ever pay is not joining the VCM trader
followed traders in the country…
program. The psychology, discipline and theory of He went from cramming his family into a tiny
trading are all covered in Oliver’s teachings to guide basement apartment in the Bronx, NY to owning
you throughout your growth as a trader. The program
doesn’t just teach and forget, but continually guides multiple homes, a fleet of exotic cars, and taking
your trading through the advancement program, for life. luxurious vacations across the globe – all thanks
I cannot put value to the way VCM has changed to the discovery of two simple, but very powerful
my entire trading style by removing bad habits, and trading signals.
increasing education in the markets. No matter your
age, nor experience, if trading is your life then make You don’t have to take my word for it. I’ve
VCM part of it. You have nothing more to lose and, reproduced copies of actual account statements on
hopefully, will never lose again. I certainly haven’t! pages 6 and 7. These figures tell the story of his
– Godwin Lee system’s success far better than I can.
First of all I want to thank Oliver for giving all of us the
opportunity to trade for life at whatever level we choose.
My experience thus far with all of the staff at VCM has YOU are hereby invited to attend this
been nothing put professional. You guys are great and
have been very patient with us “baby traders” especially
two-day, high-intensity trading workshop
with some of the “not so intelligent” questions each of us that can send you home armed to make
have asked. I was very nervous about taking the classes
online, but it went off beautifully. On a scale of 1-10 – I HUGE profits…just as many others
give you guys a 10 and I’m too old to suck up! Thanks for
all of your help.
have already done!
– Philip Carter
And to receive all the privileges and knowledge
NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based of Oliver Velez Inner-Circle of Traders.
on the representations of the persons providing
the testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials
have not been independently audited or verified.
Nor has there been any attempt to determine the
experiences of the persons giving the testimonials
This invitation is NOT for everyone. It’s only
after the testimonials were given. The average for those who are willing to follow directions, work
reader who purchases the system should not hard, take a small risk and who truly want to earn a
necessarily expect the same or similar results.
Testimonials may be based on Oliver’s previous
substantial living. If you qualify you could be really
publications, and are not necessarily based on the wealthy…not in 10 years, but in just the next 18
specific publications offered in this brochure. months!

Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-04 4 10/20/2008 3:26:34 PM

TAKE NOTICE: Oliver Velez is going on record, is so powerful and so profitable, that I cannot talk
starting Saturday at 9:01 a.m. with his personal, about it in this brochure…and Oliver will ONLY
hand-selected best-ever trades for 2008-2009. It all disclose it in person at his two-day, all-inclusive
takes place in an explosive two-day workshop. This workshop. Looking to turn a small investment into
is the workshop where people can start off average the profits of a lifetime?
and go home trading geniuses. This is the workshop
where newly enlightened traders can go off and Oliver tells all – but only to those who are in
actually make BIG MONEY! attendance!

Oliver’s new workshop is more than just great In this workshop – just crackling with energy
picks – although the picks are worth many thousands and ideas – Oliver will reveal, unedited and raw, the
of dollars to those who pay attention! He also real inside “stuff ” about what moves the markets
explains in precise detail why he picked those trades. and how you can identify where and when those
He’ll show you how he knows – with almost absolute moves will occur. This key segment of Oliver’s
certainty...when and where those moves will occur. live workshop will give new insights and new
And he’ll teach you how to do the same by sharing all understanding of how the markets really work. But
his tricks and rules. pay close attention – take as many notes as you
can: these secrets will never be revealed outside the
But, maybe best of all… workshop walls.
You’ll also learn about his ultimate
trading secret that can forever change the way Be Prepared To Line Your
you look at any market move!
He’ll show you exactly how to get started
Pockets With Megabucks!
– literally on a shoestring – and become a millionaire.
Many traders now trade for a living – using Oliver’s B y the end of this intensive, exciting two-day
workshop, you’ll be filled with step-by-step,
“how-to” information. But best of all – you can be
money! And his seminars have created many, many
thousandaires – people just like you who have found energized to the point where you can be ready to line
a better way to get rich, really wealthy, without your pockets with MEGABUCKS! (I’m not kidding
working 9 to 5, without punching a clock, without here – attendees of similar trading sessions have gone
waiting thirty years to collect a crummy gold watch! on to collectively make over $100 million in profits!)
Of course, this seminar is not exactly a walk in
Here’s Your Chance To the park nor is it for the faint of heart. But make
Learn Secrets Never no mistake – the material is easy to learn, simple to
Revealed Before Be prepared: you are about to embark on a jam-
Y ou may have wondered about this: What will
Oliver teach at this workshop that’s not in his
trading course…or in any of the many books that
packed, two-day whirlwind course of knowledge
transfer that’s 100% devoted to teaching you the
art of making money! It’s the closest thing to a true
he’s published? This is a fair question. And the passport to riches you are ever likely to come across.
startling answer is: PLENTY!
You see, because the markets are a moving target
and constantly changing…Oliver cannot reveal
$86,020 In A Month…
market movement secrets in quickly outdated books Or Even More!!
or tapes. Only in a LIVE WORKSHOP setting can he
reveal his latest and greatest breakthrough techniques
– the very same ones he is using RIGHT NOW, to
harvest huge profits from today’s markets (and
O ver the past 14 years, Oliver and his traders
have made literally tens of thousands of trades.
And they’ve been right far more often than
tomorrow’s as well!) For example: they’ve been wrong: on average, 85 out of 100
trades made using this system make money. Only 15
He recently identified a system so powerful, so out of every 100 are typically losers.
dominating, that it replaces virtually everything
you’ve ever learned about trading. It lets you In a recent 30-day period, one of Oliver’s traders
attempt to trade exactly at the market turns for huge generated $86,020.83 in profits trading one of
profits. Oliver’s accounts, using nothing but the special buy
and sell signals he’ll teach you.
He reveals an amazing short-term system – that

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Oliver had $100,000 of his own money in the hours per day on average – about 20 hours a week.
account. Which means his profit was 86%, which he Of course, you can put as much or as little time into
shared with his trader (Oliver employs a large group this trading system as you wish.
of traders who trade his accounts, and I’ll show you
later how to apply for one of these lucrative positions And yet another account showed over
with his company, though I must warn you that $1,200,000 in six months. Over $200,000 steady
competition for these spots is fierce, with hundreds of profit each month!
resumes pouring in daily). Imagine what your life could be like after you
Most investors I know would be thrilled to make master the simple but powerful Trade for Life™
86% on their portfolio this year. But this took only trading system and can duplicate its results – either
30 days. as a trader working for Oliver…or as an independent
trader working from the comfort of your own home!
In another one of Oliver’s accounts, shown in
the table on page 7, another trader earned profits of You could literally decide to work just 2 months
$45,452.17 in just 18 days. That works out to about out of the year…taking 10 months off to travel,
$15,000 a week. pursue other business opportunities, go fishing, play
To earn this impressive sum, he worked only 3 ½ golf, or just plain loaf.

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And in those 2 months, you could earn as much Best of all, the key signals indicating whether
as a quarter of a million dollars or more like some of a stock is ready to rise or fall are incredibly simple,
these traders have done. Most people I know could obvious, and easy to read.
live quite nicely on 250 grand a year. But most of
Oliver’s traders decide to keep on trading, so they can You Are About To Embark
earn as much as they can!
On A Journey Of Wealth
By following this simple system, you can his is it – your chance for real trading success!
potentially earn thousands of extra dollars a Oliver intends to help you become fabulously rich
week… “working” at it only 30 minutes to several – and maybe even famous – as a market wizard and
hours a day. genuine trading millionaire. It is his willingness to
Or, you can quit your day job and become a openly and freely share all his trading secrets that has
full-time trader, trading your own account. And made him a favorite of virtually all attendees.
potentially earn an annual income any doctor, lawyer, Remember, I told you this workshop isn’t for
or airline pilot would envy. everyone – just for those who want to follow
Or, you can trade Oliver’s account… as one of directions, work hard, take risks – and be RICH!
his traders. These traders share in all the profits they Are you ready for huge mega success? Are you
make, but they don’t risk a dime of their own money. willing to attend a truly intensive training program?
I’ll tell you about this exciting opportunity to work
directly with Oliver at the end of this report. Are you ready to take control of your life
(and your wealth), and never worry about money
Whichever you choose – earning extra money again? Say “YES!” – and sign up for this workshop
with spare-time trading or becoming a full-time immediately!
trader – the system is basically the same.
People who have joined earlier workshops say
Now in this trading system – which Oliver calls that they have picked up so much inside knowledge
Trade for Life™, because it’s based on indicators and during their experience that they come away literally
repetitive events that will be accurate and valid for as dead tired and drained to the core. But, they have
long as you or I live – Oliver identifies the key chart learned so many wealth-building facts that it alters
patterns that can tell you precisely when to buy or their lives forever.
sell with uncanny accuracy.
–continued on page 9

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Truly A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity!
I honestly feel this personal training will deliver more value than any program
ever created on money-making.
Attendees of earlier workshops are living proof – by piling up huge profits right now!
The benefits are so enormous because you’ll spend two very full days getting
the “inside track” on everything Oliver actually uses.
Here’s what attendees of earlier workshops have said about the
enormous benefits they received:

Thank you for taking the time to educate us in Las I have attended several other training programs
Vegas. Of particular value to me was the sample for traders, and this one has by far been the best.
trading plan. I have often gone back to the Manual Most others deal with a lot of trimmings and not a
to refresh my memory. You never know where the lot of substance. Oliver and his team have shown
diamonds are going to be found, but I wish to thank how price is king and that charts are the only things
you for those. in the market that don’t lie. His approach makes
– Colin “Soup” Campbell learning how to read those “footprints of money”
My first day after the course was profitable. You guys an interesting and inspiring experience. There are
give great support to beginners. Thank you. others who allow students to trade in their account
– Cohen during class, but none seem to have confidence
enough in their methods to make those students
This has been an awesome experience. Love the part of their own team and support them to the same
trading room with Paul-very helpful. degree as VCM.
– Mitch Alguadich – Raymond S. Dreczko
This trading program is the best thing I’ve ever done. It has been a great week. I continue to be more
I can tell I am on my way to finally being a profitable and more impressed with both the dedication of all
trader. I have been searching for this ever elusive the people at VCM and your continually evolving
goal for 6 years, and now I can see it taking shape. program. I cannot imagine a better model for trader
Thank You, for this opportunity. I am surely blessed development and am truly thankful that I found your
to be here, thank you, thank you, thank you. organization.
– Donnie Mitchell – Craig Ibbotson
Your Trade Log is an awesome tool. Thank you for I retired fours year ago from IBM and have spent
taking the time to develop this tool for your traders! 10’s of thousands on training. Nothing comes close
I totally believe in the concept as it has become my to the value I received this week.
greatest ally in becoming consistently profitable – Bill Schwaner
over the past year. Logging and keeping track of
my trades opened a whole new world for me and I must let you know that I’ve attended almost
gave me the confidence needed to keep pulling the all the financial seminars that have come my way:
trigger when my data told me it was right to do so. Optionetics, Better Trades, Investtools, Wizetrade,
– Greg Thurman etc... but nothing really pulled at me the way VCM
did. VCM outshone them all. I’m exceedingly
Thank you Malcolm, Oliver and Paul for what you thrilled to join the team.
guys are doing for us common everyday folk. I have – Roy Ramkissoon
been involved in other training programs in the past
and didn’t really learn a thing. This is absolutely the
best I have ever seen. Again, Thank Y’all for what
you do.
– Terry Coble

NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the
testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor has there
been any attempt to compare the experiences of the persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials
were given. The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results because testimonials
are not indicative of future performance or results.

Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-08 8 10/20/2008 3:26:36 PM

1)  2-day seminar, in which I reveal every trading tactic I and my team of 900 plus traders
use every single day in the market;
2)  Free retakes of the 2-day seminar (in all formats…live online and live onsite) for LIFE
3)  Daily Trading Newsletter free for LIFE
4) Intra-day E-mail alert service free for LIFE
5) Membership to our Proprietary Trading Room (chat) free for LIFE
6) Stock Pick of the week every Monday
Market Analysis of the week every Friday
Trading Lesson of the week every Wednesday
7) Assigned VCM Trading Consultant

Seminar & Services Description

T r a i n i n g Mr. Velez has not only taught some • How to profit from the fact that 72% of
of the country’s most consistently all breakouts fail;
Trade for LifeTM profitable traders, he actually employs
• How to determine which breakouts
A Complete Guide to Trading for over 900 traders, many of whom are
net profitable nearly every single day. are likely to fail versus those that are
a Living 2-day Seminar likely to explode;
What many regard as astounding is
Course Instructor(s): the fact that it is not uncommon for a • How to profit from the fact that more
Oliver L. Velez, best-selling author, top-ranked Velez Capital Management, than 60% of all new highs fail;
international speaker, and one of the LLC (“VCM”) trader to have as few as
trading industry’s most recognized two to four losing days per quarter. That • How to profit from the fact that the
educators, has designed a brand new is largely due to the styles of trading second move in a stock is usually its
2-day course that specifically caters to Oliver teaches, which greatly focus on biggest;
traders who harbor the desire to earn accuracy and high consistency. • How Market Makers and NYSE
their entire livelihood from the markets. Specialists profit from retail traders
Let one of the best educators in the
Trade for LifeTM: A Complete Guide each day;
business teach you (over the course of 2
to Trading for a Living will walk the
full days) the same “high-octane” trading • How to turn 65% of your losing trades
trader through several very specific
styles used by many of his own VCM into winners with one simple strategy;
styles that are best suited for “high
consistency trading.” When the goal is • How and when to send the right
to earn a living from the markets, there Course Outline: orders for the fastest fills;
are only a small handful of styles that Over 2-days, you will learn:
are appropriate. The main ingredient • How to accurately pick tops and
• How to trade morning gaps at the bottoms with four powerful tactics;
for each tactic or style of trading is that open for near instantaneous profits
it must be “timeless,” which is what will each day; • How to benefit from the 3 most
allow the trader to Trade for LifeTM in powerful reversal times each day;
any market environment. • How to determine which gaps to fade
(trade against) and which ones to run • How to ride a stock for maximum prof-
Course Description: with; its with three incredible trailing stop
The investment mind-set must be methods;
• How to make the first 30-minutes of
put aside by the professional trader. the day your most profitable period; • How to increase profits with
The wealth mind-set as well must VCM's incremental sell approach;
be reserved for other areas of one’s • How to make the last 90-minutes of
financial life. The real professional trader the day your second most profitable • And much, much more.
understands that the name of the game period;
is smaller profits, but smaller profits And that’s not all:
• How to turn the mid-day doldrums
that are derived with extremely high into your most consistent income - Learn how to become eligible to trade
consistency. In a very real sense, the generating period of the day; with $50,000 in buying power or more,
talented income generating trader is while you learn his trading methods;
looking to become the personification of • How to make the biggest profits from
stocks that are declining; - Learn how Oliver will absorb all your
an ATM. He wants to be skillful at making
trading losses while you learn his trading
small, but very consistent withdrawals • How to make your profits and your method;
from the market, each and every day, if consistency soar in flat markets;
not each and every hour. - Learn why professional traders will
• How to trade against the prevailing always have an edge on retail traders;
trend, professionally;

Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-09 9 10/20/2008 3:26:37 PM

- Learn how to trade at VCM’s institution- Trade for Life TM
Market Analysis
al commission rate which is only $0.02
(two cents) per every 100 shares. Daily Letter of the Week
Every Tuesday
Let one of the most celebrated traders Lessons - There are many lessons that
and educators in the financial world are only learned by experience. The Over two-thirds of most traders’ losses
teach you all the tactics and strategies good thing is that it does not have to be are from being on the wrong side of
he and his elite team of traders use to at your cost. Learn from others experi- the market. There are some stocks that
pull consistent, day-to-day profits out of ence by collecting a series of lessons move on their own volition, but most are
the market. brought to you every day in the opening driven by the force of the broader mar-
paragraph of the Trade for LifeTM letter. ket. If traders do not understand what
Call us toll free today (1-888-233-1431) direction the market is currently moving,
to sign up for our next scheduled 2-day Stocks - Play ideas on individual stocks
or what direction it is likely to move next,
seminar, and let us help you Trade for will be provided as they occur in the
they are at a big disadvantage. This
TM market. The VCM Research department
. applies even when trading stocks. Since
scans hundreds of stocks, virtually all
many traders also trade the market di-
Trade for Life Intra- TM
of the ‘playable’ stocks in the market
rectly (QQQQ, SPY, DIA, QID, QLD, SDS,
to bring you the best swing and core
day E-mail Alert Service setups every day. The plays selections SSO, DDM, DXD, or any E-minis just to
While the Trade for LifeTM letter will pre- mention a few) the need to understand
could range from zero to four selections
pare you for the trading day each and the market movement is imperative.
based on market conditions. You will be
every day, many opportunities happen Also many traders fail to appreciate how
supplied with the rationale for the play,
after the market opens. Stocks that various time frames interact. Even short
as well as the proposed entry price,
gap up or down or stocks that have big term traders’ odds of success may be
stop-loss price, targeted exit areas, and
moves intraday often give wonderful op- influenced from larger time frames.
the proper management philosophy.
portunities that are not discovered until Every Tuesday the VCM Research
the market opens. The VCM Research ETFs - ETF is the acronym for “Ex- Department will bring you a free look at
department brings these opportunities change Traded Fund” which represents the current trend of the market and most
to you as they occur through our E-mail a new and very popular style of market likely future direction of the market. This
Alert Service. play for the core and swing trader. ETFs will help you stay focused, time your
give traders the ability to play a whole trades better, and give you an insight to
VCM Proprietary basket of stocks in a single sector by what we do every day in the VCM Propri-
purchasing one single tracking stock. etary Trading Room Service.
Trading Room Professional money often goes after
From before market open to after market all the stocks in a sector and when the
close you will be receiving market com- setups happen, ETFs let you play along Trading Lesson
mentary and discussions of possible without the fear of being in the ‘wrong of the Week
trade opportunities. These will include stock’ and with less risk because large Every Wednesday
everything from long term core trades overnight moves are not as likely as they
to short term day trades. There will be are with individual stocks. It is a fact that there is not any software
discussions on play selections pre-mar- or objective system that will consistently
E-minis - Every day the market will be make money in the markets. Education
ket based on gapping stocks, analysis
evaluated to arrive at a likely trend on the is the key to understanding the markets.
of stocks from daily and weekly watch
daily charts and develop a likely intraday VCM is dedicated to your education and
lists, and intraday set ups. There will
bias for day traders. The market will be we do so through our live Trade for LifeTM
be market analysis and determining a
looked at through the eyes of the E-mini Seminars, DVDs and on-line presenta-
trading bias every day by analyzing the
contracts. The E-minis are the smaller tions. In addition our VCM Proprietary
NASDAQ and S&P futures and vari-
sized futures contracts and will be used, Trading Room provides subscribers
ous market internals such as the TICK
as they are very popular trading vehicles with live plays, market commentary and
and TRIN. There will be discussions of
for those who want to play the market. education throughout the trading day.
management of all open plays and post
market commentary and educational Stock Pick of the Week We also have the Trade for LifeTM Daily
lectures. Every Monday letter, Intra-day/E-mail Alert service; and
the VCM Proprietary Trading Room ser-
One of the biggest issues for develop- Every Monday the VCM Research vice. In order to show you how we value
ing traders is how to follow up on the Department will share a possible trade education, we offer to our readers a
learning process. When a trader learns with explosive potential. The setup will free Trading Lesson of the Week. Every
strategies in a classroom type setting, be a short term trade that may last from Wednesday these lessons provide valu-
the issue quickly becomes how to know one to five days if the conditions for entry able commentary from the VCM Training
if they are being implemented properly are met. Also, you will receive the initial Department ranging from chart patterns
in the market place. After all, once you targets and the management concept to psychological topics. These lessons
leave the seminar or turn off the DVD, that will be used. In addition, you will will provide you with insight every week,
who is there to tell you if you did some- receive the rationale for the trade. The and give you a sample of the style of
thing wrong, or if you simply had a trade VCM research department scans over education we are committed to at VCM.
that didn’t work? Being in a real time 1500 stocks every night to find a handful
environment with a professional trader of patterns that are used by our in-house
guiding you will give you the opportunity traders and that make the final cut to go
to continue the learning process at the into our Trade For LifeTM Daily Trading
most critical time. Letter and for this Stock Pick of the Week
service. This is the VCM Trade for LifeTM
way to help you understand why a cer-
tain trade has better odds of success.


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-010 10 10/20/2008 3:26:37 PM

Oliver Velez’s Trade for Life Program TM

Are these your questions?

I’m not an where can I get the charts I’m supposed to
experienced trader. look at?
Will the Trade for A: Getting accurate, up-to-date stock charts today
Life™ system be too is easy as pie. Charting services abound on the
complicated and complex for me to learn? Internet, and many of them are free. Take a look at
A: Not at all. On the contrary, the trading signals Other charting services are
and chart patterns in the Trade for Life™ system are outlined in your course materials.
amazingly easy to identify and read.
The system consists of just 2 basic signals and 7 Q: Does the Velez Trade for Life™ system
different chart patterns of reliable market scenarios. work only with individual stocks?
You don’t even need to master all 7 chart patterns
to trade the system successfully. Many of our most A: No. It works equally well for any financial
successful students trade only two or three of the instrument you can trade on an exchange. These
patterns. include individual stocks, stock indices, bonds,
commodities, FOREX, e-mini futures, and any other
openly traded markets.
Q: You and your traders claim to have
You can use my Trade for Life™ system to trade
made a fortune trading your own system. any and all stock, e-mini, and futures markets –
How do I know you really make the trading including ETF’s like QQQQ, SPY, DIA, SMH,OIH, XLE,
profits you say you do? GLD, and index futures like the S&P 500, NASDAQ
A: I have reproduced actual trading statements in 100, Dow Jones, and Russell 2000.
this report. What’s more, we welcome and receive Do you trade commodity markets like gold,
people from all over the world who frequently visit crude oil, natural gas, sugar, silver, and copper?
our trading offices to witness our traders trading live. Trade for Life ™ can help you there, too. Same thing
And my 5-day “live trading” laboratories have been with the major Forex markets including the Euro
stunning students and the general public month after Dollar, British Pound, Australian Dollar, Japanese Yen,
month. Canadian Dollar, and Swiss Franc.
During these training sessions you can actually What’s more, the system works with a variety of
observe me trading in real-time. I do actual trades trading styles including day trading, swing/position
during the full week, and generate profits right before trading, and portfolio/position trading.
your eyes.
Q: I’ve always been a buy-and-hold
Q: I have a full-time job that keeps me investor, because you buy and sell shares
busy. Will I have enough time to trade with less frequently that way. Won’t commissions
your system? eat up most of my trading profits?
A: Many of our traders reach their daily profit goals A: No, because the unification of exchanges has
within the first hour of the trading day. We have caused commissions to drop to miniscule levels.
demonstrated that a trader can make a handsome On one of my first professional trades, it cost me
living trading my system just 30 minutes to 3 hours $1,100 to sell it. Now it costs you less than $5. In
per day. fact, my traders trade stocks for as little as 2 cents (2
So, if trading is a hobby or a source of extra pennies) per every 100 shares.
income, you can potentially make hundreds and Thanks to discount brokerages and online
sometimes thousands of dollars a week trading only trading, you can open an account and start trading
60 minutes or less each day. on the Internet literally within minutes. The barriers
to entry have vanished. The playing field is close to
level. Individual investors can use the same tools that
Q: I’m not technically sophisticated. Even
were once only available to the pros.
if you teach me how to read your charts,


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-011 11 10/20/2008 3:26:37 PM

About Velez Capital Management Get rich at
elez Capital Management, LLC (“VCM”) is a New York
City based private trading group that currently employs
900 professionals to trade its own account. VCM trains
its highly skilled traders via a very comprehensive Trade for
Investment gurus will tell you
that the market can move up,
move down, or trade flat.
LifeTM Training Program and recruits existing traders who have
a proven track record and several years of market experience. But that’s only over the long
VCM and its founder initially back each trained trader with term. In the short term, there’s no
$50,000 in buying power and absorb all losses suffered by the such thing as a truly flat market.
trader, until profitability is obtained. VCM’s top traders trade with
as much as $11,000,000 in buying power. Instead, we have volatility
every day: small fluctuations
Our Goals in the prices of hundreds – even
VCM is rapidly becoming a major force on Wall Street. Its monthly thousands – of publicly traded
volume has exceeded 500 million shares and it was one of the largest companies.
liquidity providers for NASDAQ on the NYSE when rebate trading was The Trade for Life™ system
in vogue. VCM is expanding its well-trained trading team to 1,000 takes advantage of this ongoing
worldwide over the next 2 years. The firm currently has four offices After
volatility – tracking the price
around the globe, with three more trading facilities opening soon back t
movements of thousands of stocks
in Sao Paulo, Singapore, and London. Growing a global nation of Mart
professional market players, all trading one account, has been the goal minute by minute. So you can
and aspiration of VCM’s pioneering CEO for well over a decade. trade as often or as seldom as you once t
like: monthly, weekly, or even daily.
Our Accomplishments Not all of Oliver’s students are
VCM’s trading ranks have more than quadrupled over the past 10 professional traders. Many are
months and its trading volume increased well over 400% last year. The traditional “buy and hold” stock
firm continues to be a top liquidity provider for NASDAQ and last year investors.
set an all-time new record for a firm its size by trading over 600 million
shares during the month of April 2007. As stock investors, they’re
used to longer holding periods. So
Our Future even when they take the leap from
Automated trading and robotics represent the most fascinating area of conventional stock investing to
the world’s financial arena today. In the near future, automated trading trading, they prefer longer-term
via algorithms, advanced neural networks and smart technology will trades. And the Trade for Life™
account for the vast majority of the world’s trading volume. VCM’s system spots hundreds of trades
Automation Division currently designs, develops and runs black and every year with holding periods
grey box systems that are designed to exploit market opportunities that last anywhere from a few
every second of the day, without any human intervention. This rapidly weeks to many months.
growing area of trading has become one of the major focuses of the
firm. Its numerous black and grey boxes are net profitable nearly every Some Trade for Life™ students
day and currently account for more than 20 million shares a month. It are experienced traders – even day
is our goal to merge the best human trader skills with top performing traders. They prefer lots of action
technology to create an unbeatable combination. and quick profits – and the Trade
for Life™ method can provide that
Our Humanitarian Mission too.
It has been the long standing belief of Oliver L.Velez, CEO of VCM that
micro trading has the potential to serve as a solution to many of the Wal-Mart (see chart) was one
world’s economic and social ills. By providing access to training, capital recent intra-day trade. After the
and a performance based trading model, improved economic and chart showed us our major “buy”
social development in many developing countries can be the result. As signal – we bought Wal-Mart
opposed to the all too popular top down solutions, VCM, in collaboration shares at $47.90.
with the Velez Family Foundation and several other major companies,
plans to be a torch bearer in the fight against global poverty by bringing As predicted by this
its training programs and trading facilities to global areas that lend itself proprietary signal, Wal-Mart
to attacking poverty from the ground up. VCM will accomplish this by moved aggressively higher. Then
offering to those with few resources or any form of collateral its formal the price broke a prior bar’s low
training and access to the firm’s trading account via well supervised – a clear “sell” signal for us. We
proprietary trading programs. This effort will be spearheaded in global liquidated our position 90 minutes
areas such as Latin America, China, India, and other growth regions of after our initial buy at $49.65 for
the world.
a quick 3.6% profit on the trade.


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-012 12 10/20/2008 3:26:38 PM

made. Not only will Oliver teach you what those
markets are – he’ll also teach you exactly how
to trade them. No questions. No guessing. No
He’ll show you how to know precisely when to
get aboard – long or short – for major trends which
produce incredible profits.
He’ll also give you the precise buy and sell rules
… the best time to take advantage of them …even
when to take your mega-profits and move on.
Better yet, this year…and for the rest of your
life… you’ll be able to spot these trades as well!

The life-changing
trading seminar you can
After the chart showed a clear signal, indicating a decline take at home
back to the stock’s major moving average, we bought Wal-
t Velez Capital management, LLC (VCM), Oliver
Mart at $47.90. As predicted by the trade signal, Wal-Mart
moved sharply higher. We sold 90 minutes later at $49.65 currently employs over 900 professional traders.
once the price broke a prior bar’s low. With 4 offices around the globe, he intends to
hire an additional 350 traders over the next 2 years.
Success NOW – And Years Oliver literally get hundreds of resumes every week
From Now! from both new and experienced traders wanting to
work for VCM. These ambitious men and women

O liver reveals the monster moves that could make

you a fortune in the next 18 months. Along
with short-term trades to make you thousands in the
have heard about the large sums of money traders
are making with the Trade for Life™ system…and they
want to grab their share.
first few days after your workshop. These alone may
Oliver’s objective is to grow VCM into a major
make you 10 to 100 times the cost of your training.
force in the equity trading market. VCM trades, on
But most important, you’ll learn techniques, systems
average, close to 300 million shares a month.
and trading skills to help you make huge profits for
years and years to come…just as traders are doing VCM profits and trading volume increased 700%
right now! You’ll discover: this year so far. And they’ve been a top 10 NYSE
liquidity provider for NASDAQ.
• How to identify precisely where the market will go
– sometimes within 2 ticks and 5 minutes. But the traders now working at VCM didn’t come
as expert traders. Oliver personally trained each and
• The sure-thing trades with a 12-year record of
every one of them in his Trade for Life™ system.
accuracy – trades you won’t see anywhere else.
There’s a reason why Oliver is practically giving
• Opening Gaps – how to trade them and take piles
away his secrets in a $5,000 Trade for Life™ seminar.
of money from the 95% of traders who believe the
conventional theories. The professional traders hired at VCM all trade
Oliver’s accounts. When they make profits, Oliver
• The significance of precise Zone Patterns that reveal
does too. But they take zero risk, as Oliver absorbs all
intra-day, short-term, and intermediate price
losses. They never have to put up their own money.
Naturally, traders who have mastered the Trade
• Most Important – how to handle confusing data.
for Life™ system make money – for themselves and
The ability to translate mixed market signals into a
…if they work for VCM…for Oliver.
real-world, profitable way to trade for life!
That’s why he only hires traders who have taken
And that’s just for starters! You’ll discover tons
his training. And why he wants to hire more traders
more in this ground-breaking program!
who use his system. In fact, he has positions for over
a hundred new traders opening up this year!
Mega-Moves Right Now By getting his Trade for Life™ secrets into the
– And Into Year 2010 hands of as many traders, investors, and aspiring

Y ou can now – immediately – learn how to trade traders as possible, he creates a bigger pool of traders
the markets where the mega-fortunes should be who know the Trade for Life™ system…and a bigger

Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-013 13 10/20/2008 3:26:38 PM

pool of potential employees who can go to work and Why? Because instead of paying the rent, he
make themselves – and Oliver – even more money! would keep putting new funds into his trading
account to make up for losses. He was determined to
Once you complete the Trade for Life™ course, you make trading work – no matter what it took. Unlike
qualify for more advanced, live, in-person training at you, however, Oliver had no teacher to guide him – he
VCM. had to learn trading through costly trial and error.
Should you be selected, Oliver may be offering But now all that has changed….
YOU a job as his newest trader – as early as this year! I can tell you that mastery of this business we call
trading makes an incredible difference. Trading is one
Who else wants to become of the last bastions of total independence.
a successful, financially Think about it: with just a laptop computer and
an Internet connection, you can be in business from
independent trader? anywhere in the world. No overhead, no rent, no

C an you imagine how much easier and less

stressful your life would be if you had the
freedom and financial independence that this Trade for
employees, no anything. Just you, your favorite
location, and the markets. Amazing!
When done correctly, the money comes more
Life™ system has already delivered to thousands of quickly in trading than any other activity. At a
investors nationwide? certain point, you know that, unless you want to,
Oliver knows first-hand, because many of his you never have to work at a job another day in your
traders have been poor, and many are now rich. And life, no matter what your age.
believe me, they all tell us, “Rich is better!” The money that can come from successful
trading also gives you power: the power to be
He personally started his professional career mired
incredibly generous with others. Your spouse. Your
in debt. His credit was in shambles. His car was
children. Other people you care about. And through
repossessed. He was evicted from various apartments
philanthropy, people you don’t know – and may
numerous times.
never meet – but want to help just the same. Many
of Oliver’s students have earned the resources to do
Can you spot this powerful just that.
Money can also help boost your self-esteem
buy signal on a stock chart? and confidence. Money isn’t everything. But it is
one of the ways we keep score of success. And any
The graph below shows a form of support known as
successful trader will tell you, when you’ve made the
the 33% retracement level: it occurs when a stock
first million or two trading, you feel like you’ve come
that’s been trending up gives back only a third of its
out well on that success scorecard.
recent gain, and then stabilizes to show a bottoming
signal. When you see a stock that refuses to drop Least important, but perhaps the most fun, is all
below the 33% retracement level, it means there is the material possessions – both the necessities and the
very strong demand for the shares – and your odds toys – that you and your family can enjoy, thanks to
of success on a long trade are extremely high. You’ll your trading profits.
master the simple and well-known 33% retracement Sure, Oliver has his share of toys. At one point,
level in my Trade for Life™ program. Along with many he owned 18 different cars including a Ferrari, a
amazing and accurate rules you’ve probably never Maserati, and a Rolls Royce.
seen before!
Oliver also owned seven homes. One is a beach
house on the ocean in Cape Charles, Virginia. And
his 3,500-square-foot Miami penthouse has views of
both the ocean and the city skyline.
Oliver and his wife love art, and have an art
collection worth more than some people earn in a
lifetime. Travel is another passion. Asia, Europe,
Latin America, the Islands…they’ve literally done it
all. He even threw a big birthday party bash for his
8-year-old daughter in Paris, and now she’s hooked
on traveling, too.
But these things are not really important. What


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-014 14 10/20/2008 3:26:39 PM

we all value most from trading – and what mastery – but they never prove their trading ability. They will
of a proven trading system can do for you – is give not and can not show you brokerage firm statements
you total freedom. Freedom from a boss…from a proving they walk their walk. Oliver Velez can, and
job…from ever having to take orders from someone he does!
else, or do things you don’t want to do – ever again. Frankly, these guys tick me off. Many people
attend conferences and courses and they have yet to
Questions After The Workshop? make their first $1,000 of real profit!! They’re still
You Get Oliver and confused as to which step to do first…second…third...
and so on. Truth in fact: these other lecturers are
His Trained Assistants simply not for real – yet people flock to their mumbo-

O liver himself will take calls, deal with your jumbo meetings. I just don’t get it!
questions, and help as much as possible. Remember – for those two intensive days – Oliver
And expert assistants are here to answer all your Velez is the ONLY instructor you’ll see. That’s two
questions. Who are the “Inner Circle Members?” full days of Oliver and his hugely profitable trading
These are special investors just like yourself – who techniques. Not someone else; not some stand-in just
have joined the journey to wealth and financial spouting theories…You get Oliver only!
independence. They have earned the right to get Oliver Velez is for real! He’s been actively trading
the best, most profitable information anyone can for over 20 years, with a record that’s documentable
give – and will give – every time. They are the and hugely profitable. He will give you step-by-
select few – members of Oliver Velez “Trade for step instructions on how to achieve the same huge
Life™” Inner Circle. successes that past attendees have thoroughly enjoyed
He’s even installed a special phone for exclusive and then work with you for life.
use by Inner Circle Members like you. Confused?
Oliver and his staff are there. Questions about
Feel The Electricity In The Air
anything you’ve been taught? Oliver and his staff – It’s The Feeling Of Success!
will answer them – and there’s never any charge. All nd there’s something else…something hard to
he asks is that you respect their time. put your finger on. It’s an energy – a pulse of
In addition, he’ll write a special new report every confidence and power that builds throughout the
week for Trade for Life™ workshop attendees. E-mailed entire workshop. People attending seem to transform
to you each week. Free of charge, of course! in their energy and confidence…they revitalize and
build their own success. I’ve seen it dozens of times;
My Personal Promise: the new, vital, alive look within you reveals that
you’ve grown into a huge trading success!
You’ll Go Home Fully One older gentleman put it this way, “I felt as
Prepared To Become A though a whole new door had opened in my life. I
hadn’t felt that way in over 40 years. I knew the first
Super-Successful Trader hour that my life would never be the same!”
Within The Year! A Wealth Of Information And
A ren’t you tired of buying courses or attending
seminars and conferences that leave your head A Unified Strategy Are Just
whirling with all that scattered information? I know
I am. In fact, it seems that everyday I see someone
Waiting For You To Learn!
giving a seminar or selling a system for $3,000 to
$85,000. These people will tell you all kinds of things T here is so much jam-packed into this explosive
two-day event, that even when I try to list it

1 Week – Over $33,000 Profit!

Date Orders Fills Qty Gross Comm Fees SEC TAF Net
Realized Fee Realized
5/1/2008 264   1,019 180,800   8,327.61 1,446.40 0 31.3   6.78   6,843.13
5/2/2008 217 655 137,000 10,493.91    1,096 0 18.2   5.14   9,374.57
5/5/2008 144 451   88,400 45.4     707.2 0    13.12   3.32    -678.24
5/6/2008 132 524 105,000 18,579.80 840 0    43.96   3.94 17,691.37
757   2,649 511,200 37,446.72 4,089.60 0   106.58 19.17 33,231.37


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-015 15 10/20/2008 3:26:39 PM

Traders and investors
praise Oliver Velez all – I leave something out! Here is just another
sampling of all that you’ll learn here.
I think you guys have put together a truly remarkable • Countless Major Moves For October 2008
program to allow a person like myself the ability to seriously through 2010 – all with the potential to make
become a professional trader. All of you continue to support you a millionaire!
all of us with not only great education but the ability to
gain the much needed experience that is required to be • Swing Moves – how to precisely identify, then
successful. The ongoing education is great and you keep profit on the swings up and down with low risk.
developing more tools to help us all win together. This new
support room is another step you are taking to make this • Trade Secrets For An Unpredictable Market
program even better. – how to insure 85% Winners.
– John Dyer
• Spotting Market Symmetry – find the incredible
The sincerity, attitude and helpfulness of Oliver and pattern in the market and use it to make some
assistants is as good as it gets. The opportunity to trade
with Oliver was a highlight. Oliver and Malcolm are great staggering profits.
educators! Assistants are key! • HOT MARKETS FOR TOMORROW – Oliver will
This is an opportunity to have all the tools to make
a dream come true for a would-be trader. I evaluated this carefully analyze all the current markets as of
before signing up, and it was the people who are a part of the day of the workshop, and give you his dead-
VCM that gave me the confidence to sign up, and they keep on views of what the current markets will be
impressing me with their professionalism. doing.
– Kevin McKinney
• Oliver Velez’s Personal Trade Rules – his six rules
Everything was excellent! Malcolm was great. He was very
well organized, helpful, patient and knowledgeable. The of market entry, plus powerful guidelines for
pace at which he worked for us beginners was excellent. He closing each trade and taking profits!
was empathetic to our needs and explained everything very
• Numerous mechanical trading patterns and
Oliver’s 2 day presentation was fabulous! Found him systems with highly impressive results.
to be well organized, calm, having a superior knowledge
level, empathetic with new traders, very honest about the
All-New, Powerful and Profitable! This
trading world (didn’t sugar coat anything), and sincere. I ultimate trade plan goes way beyond the basics
would recommend this course to anyone. It’s the best I’ve … you’ll step up to a whole new focused level of
seen. The ability to take this online monthly was one of the insight and trading success.
deciding factors for me.
– Jeanne Schroeder In short: Oliver wants you to be RICH! Enjoy
VCM is the best trading training that I ever took, and I have a lifestyle others only dream about. Live where
taken more seminars than most! What I learned just blew you wish. Work where and whenever you choose.
my mind for providing successful trading. Thanks, Oliver, for Do whatever you desire. Have more time to spend
all you have done to make me successful!
– Roger Humbarger with your friends and family. Earn as much
money as you sincerely want. It is possible and
I highly recommend this service. I am poor living on a
budget. I was able to come up with the money and was very real!
scared to give it up. I had a fear of the unknown. Also, I had
never traded short and probably only 1000 shares total.
During class, I traded over 21,000 shares and it opened
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get:
my eyes to a whole new world that I did not know existed • 2 Information-Packed Days Of Learning.
for people of low income like myself. I feel that issue will be Direct hands-on instruction from Oliver Velez.
behind me now because VCM is my backer. So take the
leap and you will not regret it. Two high intensity days of discovery and actual
– Tracy Raisor trade examples.
I have to say, your program, without question, is the best • A Detailed Comprehensive Workshop
I’ve ever encountered and sadly, I’ve tried quite a few. I Manual. This provides a detailed description of
hope to keep trading with what I’m learning from VCM for
many years to come. everything so you can review all the material,
– David Nordin strategies and systems as often as you wish.

NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based

• Real-Time, Hands-On Trading Experience.
on the representations of the persons providing the Learn how to trade in the real world, on actual
testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not market case studies.
been independently audited or verified. Nor has there
been any attempt to determine the experiences of the • Complete Rules And Logic For Every One Of
persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials Oliver’s Strategies. Specific and easy to use.
were given. The average reader who purchases the system
should not necessarily expect the same or similar results. • The “Trade for Life ™ ” Trading Guide. A
Testimonials may be based on Oliver’s previous publications,
and are not necessarily based on the specific publications
complete “package” of the strategies in an easy-
offered in this brochure. to-apply format.


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-016 16 10/20/2008 3:26:39 PM

• All Updates And New Rules For Life After The So you’re protected with an on-the-spot
Workshop. If any new developments are found, guarantee and a long-term performance guarantee.
they’ll be sent to you absolutely free. Naturally, Oliver also promises to personally work
with you and make sure you understand everything
• Personal Attention. Personal hands-on training,
direct from Oliver Velez and his staff … one-on-one
if necessary for you to learn everything.
• Unlimited Follow-Up After The Workshop.
Your Part Of The Deal
Plus, if you have any trading questions after you
leave – just call. Oliver and his staff are here to I t’s with some reservations that Oliver decided to
share all these secrets. After all, he is currently
using these exact techniques in the market. That’s
train you and work with you during the workshop
and beyond. why he’s carefully controlling how many people will
be trading with this.
• Absolutely Guaranteed. Everything is guaranteed
as I’m about to describe. You must agree not to reveal these systems,
strategies and ideas to anyone without Oliver Velez’s
Here’s Your Unprecedented permission.
And you must agree to trade it only for your own
Double Guarantee – personal account.
YOU CAN’T LOSE You will be licensed with a registered, unique

L isten. I know it’s a big step to travel to a workshop

and give up a couple of days. But you won’t regret
it. I’m convinced you’re going to learn more even in
workshop manual. Anyone revealing these secrets
will be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law. This protects both you and Oliver from
the first morning then you ever thought possible. having too many people trading these strategies.
That’s why I’m offering a Double-Barreled,
unprecedented guarantee on this whole thing. How Much Would You Pay
Part One is an “On The Spot” no-questions- For The Keys To Complete
asked refund. You heard right. If you are not 100%
satisfied, simply speak to Oliver by the first day’s
Financial Independence?
lunch break. He will immediately give you an on-the- I believe that using the systems and methods that
spot refund. Absolutely no questions asked and no Oliver shares in this workshop could easily net
hard feelings. you at least HALF A Million dollars in the next 18
Part Two is a performance guarantee with months. If there are any decent markets out there at
no loopholes. Simply follow the “Trade for Life” all – who knows? Your profits may be substantially
trading methods. If after one year of trading, more than that! Just think … this may be the year
this program has not made profits at least Double that you take your place in the millionaire’s circle!
our workshop fees, just show Oliver and he will
immediately give you back every penny of your Is This Your Best Chance To
workshop fee.
He will have a full analysis of the 12 months of
Become A Millionaire?
trading. If this record does not show profits at least
double your workshop fee, you’ll be due a full, no C hoose the date and location most convenient for
you. Seating is strictly on a first-come, first-serve
basis! DON’T WAIT – reserve your place today!
questions-asked refund.

6 Days – $39,720.72 Profit!

Date Orders Fills Qty Gross Comm Fees SEC TAF Net
Realized Fee Realized
3/4/2008 322   1,166 251,600 18,271.96 2,012.80 0 56.1   9.44 16,193.63
3/5/2008 243  1,264 249,200 5,551.35 1,993.60 0    51.53   9.35   3,496.88
3/6/2008 207 560 103,200 -1,525.00    825.60 0     24.44   3.87   -2,378.91
3/7/2008 323   1,126 236,600 18,998.00 1,892.80 0     58.03   8.87 17,038.30
3/10/2008   98    290   52,800  4,741.00 422.4 0    0  15.8  1.98  4,300.82
3/11/2008 209    595 108,200  1,981.98   865.60    0     42.32  4.06  1,070.00
      1,402    5,001 765,000 48,019.29 8,012.80 0    248.22 37.57 39,720.72


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-017 17 10/20/2008 3:26:40 PM

The cost for this “Trade for Life™” Inner Circle
Workshop is a flat out bargain!!
You Really Can’t Afford
All you’ll pay for this intensive, one-on-one, two-
Not To Invest In This
day workshop – including lunch on both days – is Workshop!
$6000. But reserve your space right now, within the
next three weeks, and you’ll be able to come in at the
special “Inner Circle” rate of just $5000.
D on’t you think you owe it to yourself to move
on this incredible opportunity? Take action now,
while it’s fresh on your mind and a few seats are still
available. Discover the powerful cash-generating
It includes a voluminous workshop manual with
skills you need to rocket your accuracy and profits
all the examples, rules and systems in black and
through the roof-forever!
white, plus ample room for you to take notes. And
follow-up assistance direct from Oliver and his staff. Oliver very often makes more in one day than
you’ll invest to use these methods forever. And
Is it cheap? No – the best things in life rarely are. remember, it’s totally guaranteed so your biggest
But it is a great bargain. Frankly, I wouldn’t be at risk is a couple of days spent attending an exciting
all surprised if you made 10 times the workshop cost workshop with a handful of other sharp trading
in the very first month or two! For past workshops, enthusiasts, for free.
we needed to create a waiting list and actually turned
away some people. I don’t want this to happen to you.
Confirm your reservation NOW – while you still can!
Truly – The Opportunity Of
A Lifetime, And Then Some!
A Real-Life Skill To Make
Money Forever!
V ery rarely does an opportunity like this present
itself. This workshop can – without a doubt
– change your life. You’ve never seen anything so

T he “Trade for Life” workshop will put an end to exciting … so powerful…or so valuable…presented
poor trades and start increasing your accuracy all at one time, over a scant two days. Learn the
and profits right away! We’re talking a real-life, methods that have made millions trading. With a
nuts-and-bolts, down-to-earth, step-by-step system little time and effort, you are definitely capable of
for pumping out trades that make you money… time doing the same thing. But – ONLY if you know how.
and time again. It’s worked for other traders; now let Let Oliver Velez guide you to a life of wealth and
it work for you. continual prosperity …sign up for your preferred
workshop at the “Inner Circle” discount rate –
What’s more, you’ll gain a brand new skill – the TODAY!
skill of pinpointing trades that will put money in Sincerely,
your pocket time after time! A skill you can use to
multiply your profits 1,000 … 10,000 …. 100,000
times – every time you place a trade!

Think about it, what knowledge could be more Terry Walker
valuable? Would reading the Wall Street Journal Associate Publisher
every day be more valuable? Sure, you can go ahead
and try your same old trading methods and systems P.S. The ability to make over One Million Dollars can
again. And you can hope and pray that your next be taught. Oliver will prove it to you by teaching you
trade works out. personally. Don’t miss the unbelievable opportunities
But why put yourself through it all? Why not developing right now. Who knows? You may be the
invest in your ability to take control of your profits, next one to make over $33,000 in a week, or $86,000
increase your lifestyle, and make more money by in a month… or $1,200,000 in 6 months… but ONLY
learning how to trade for a living? You’ll discover the if you give yourself the chance.
real secrets of pinpointing profitable trades quickly… P.P.S. This seminar will sell out – and it will sell
like magic! out very quickly. Don’t wait and wish you’d acted
sooner. Call 1-888-233-1431 and reserve your place
These techniques could be worth millions to
at the table of soon-to-be-millionaires.
anyone investing in the markets!

Questions? Call 1-888-233-1431


Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-018 18 10/20/2008 3:26:40 PM

TODAY’S Amazing Profit Potential!
Huge swings up and down have become the norm in today’s markets.
Swings of 100, 200 and over 300 points in a single day are more and more common.
That’s why right now is the BEST time ever for swing traders!
Take a look at the Industrial Average for the past 6 months.
After the 1545 point plunge in August and the 1573 point decline in November,
the average is virtually unchanged over the past six months.
During this period we’ve tracked 14 swings with a potential gain of 10,660 points!
Score: Buy and Hold Traders = 0
Swing Traders = A Fortune!

Roller Coaster Ride of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Over the Past Six Months
Net Result: DJIA Virtually Unchanged
Swing Trading Net Result: 10,660 points of profit potential
Price History – Dow Jones Industrial Average 6/5/2007 - 12/7/2007
14,200 Swing Swing Values Potential
14,100 Point Gain
14,000 1 13,660 to 13,330 +360
13,900 2 13,330 to 13,700 +400
13,800 3 13,700 to 13,290 +410
4 11 4 13,290 to 14,010 +720
1 6 5 14,010 to 13,150 +860
2 5 12
13,500 10 13 6 13,150 to 13,700 +550
13,400 3 7 13.700 to 12,510 +1190
13,300 8 12,510 to 13,500 +990
9 9 13,500 to 13,010 +490
14 10 13,010 to 14,200 +1190
12,900 7 11 14,200 to 13,410 +790
8 12 13,410 to 13,950 +540
12,700 13 13,950 to 12,700 +1250
12,600 14 12,700 to 13,620 +920
12,500 DJIA Swings +10,660 pts.!!
6/5/2007 7/2/2007 8/1/2007 9/3/2007 10/1/2007 11/1/2007 12/7/2007
in 6 months!

Oliver Velez Presorted Std

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Velez-T for L seminar-rev10-20-020 20 10/20/2008 3:26:41 PM

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